
Political Crackpots on TUSCL

I am normal not that interested in politics. What I am very interested in, however, is the markets. The political day to day normally doesn't have much impact on the markets, and certainly, in the long term there are bigger factors at play. Sometimes, however, politics does make a difference so I am forced to dig into what is going on. With Trump in office this time, unfortunately, looks like it's going to be the case for a while.

So since I'm just starting to dive into the political discussions here, I want to know who people think arethe biggest crackpots politically on TUSCL? SJG is an obvious one "on the left", but on the right the situation is only slightly better. I say "only slightly" because at least they aren't advocating violence. So far it looks like dallas702 and skifag609 are the most off their rockers. Who is else am I going to learn is just a crackpot politically here?


  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    Dougster, I'm never sure how much of the the politics on here is just posturing and blowing off steam. Sort of like the other battles that go on.

    I'm a bit mixed about responding and I've probably responded too much. I don't like conspiracy theories. The simplest explanation is usually the correct one. Too many of the political threads on here involve crazy assumptions (like the birther nonsense).

    Right now I expect the worst and hope for the best. Anything else is non-brilliant! ;)
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    * Sort of like other battles that go on here at TUSCL.
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    Crackpots or not, they are often entertaining reads
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    You are probably right @Dougster politics is probably going to drive the markets at least for Q1 of this year. Plenty of crackpots to go around especially the hyperpartisian folks.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    You gotta throw Gammanu95 in there.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Guys on TUSCL trying to play it both ways, pretending that they are above supporting the far right, while in fact doing everything in their power to advance it:



    Brian Eno



    TJ School Girls
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    The Truth About Dougster:

  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    That's what happens when you support a mixed economy and political you're in the center. You end up criticism the left sometimes and the right sometimes. And praising the left sometimes and the right sometimes. If I ever become I'll know something's gone terrible wrong with me.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    "become partisan"
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    If only we could have had candidates like these on the ballot. And we also need this quality of activists working on behalf of the poor and marginalized, those shut out of our economy, and those being targeted by Eugenics and Social Darwinism.

    "Over the next months and years, we will be called upon to intensify our demands for social justice, to become more militant in our defense of vulnerable populations. Those who still defend the supremacy of white, male, hetero patriarchy had better watch out. The next 1,459 days of the Trump administration will be 1,459 days of resistance—resistance on the ground, resistance in the classrooms, resistance on the job, resistance in our art and in our music. This is just the beginning. And in the words of the inimitable Ella Baker, we who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes."

    Angela Davis, at the Women’s March on Washington, Saturday Jan 21st, 2017, drawing 3 times as many people as the Trump inauguration.


    "Today is not a concert. It is not a parade, and it is not a party. Today is an act of resistance. Now, some of you came here to protest one man. I didn’t come here for that. I came here to address those of you who say you are of good conscience. To those of you who experience a feeling of being powerless, disparaged, victimized, antagonized, threatened and abused, to those of you who for the first time felt the pain that my people have felt since they were brought here with chains shackled on our legs, today I say to you, welcome to my world. Welcome to our world. I stand here as a black woman, the descendent of slaves. My ancestors literally nursed our slave masters. Through the blood and tears of my people, we built this country. America cannot be great without me, you and all of us who are here today. Today you may be feeling aggrieved, but know that this country has been hostile to its people for a long time. For some of you, it is new. For some of us, it is not so new at all. Today I am marching for black and brown lives, for Sandra Bland, for Philando Castile, for Tamir Rice, for Aiyana Stanley-Jones, for Eric Garner, for Michael Brown, for Trayvon Martin and for those nine people who were shot at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church. We have a chance, brothers and sisters, to get this thing right. We can do it, if women rise up and take this nation back!"

    Tamika Mallory

    "Hello, future. I am so proud to stand here as a woman, an African-American woman. My grandmother was a sharecropper. She picked cotton in Aberdeen, Mississippi. My mother was a janitor. And I am a descendant of them, and I am here in their honor to help us move forward and fem the future. I just want to say—I want to remind you that it was woman that gave you Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. It was woman that gave you Malcolm X. And according to the Bible, it was a woman that gave you Jesus. Don’t you ever forget it. And we must remind them, those who are abusing their power. That is what I am here today to march against: the abuse of power. I want to say to the LGBTQ community, my fellow brothers and sisters; to immigrants, my fellow brothers and sisters; to women: Continue to embrace the things that make you unique, even if it makes others uncomfortable. You are enough. And whenever you feel in doubt, whenever you want to give up, you must always remember to choose freedom over fear."

    Janelle Monáe


    Led Zeppelin, Stairway To Heaven, live
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    "support a mixed economy and political you're in the center"

    But that's my point about you. You are full of it. Our most left leaning candidates have been centrists wanting a mixed economy, and not state ownership of everything beyond a rake or a shovel. Your political talk is meaning less, because you are going along with the extreme right, and in fact you know exactly where it goes.

    It won't just be calling people homo, faggot, or psycho, it will be interning them and then euthanizing them, and you know it!


  • ime
    8 years ago
    how come Lloyd thinks his posts are so important that he posts the same thing in like 5 threads. I don't read them but you can tell its the same drivel. Guy needs to lay off the crack.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    @SJG: I disagree with you about "where it's going". Beyond that I don't think there is a conspiracy to go there, except in your imagination.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    To call it a conspiracy is just a way of trying to trivialize it. What we have now is just a more extreme form of what developed during the Gilded Age. We have people, with lots of money, who are looking after their interests. So they don't need to conspire together, all they need to do is continue to fund think tanks which will continue to convince people that their interests are everybody's interests.

    And this is what you are always trying to do Dougster. So we have parasites and brown nosers, like yourself, who believe that it is in their own interest to align themselves with the very wealthy.

    So as it has been now for 200 years, we need to ask, how is humanity to benefit from industrial technology. Is it only to be used to make wars and to increase economic stratification?

    And this is indeed how it has gone, WWI, and then the greatest extremes of the political right, WWII.

    And today, clearly in the information age, there is still a huge international contingent which is actively working to do via finacialization what Hitler's armies failed to do.

    Capitalism has always depended upon having scapegoats, as symbols of what happens if you don't cooperate. So we used to get these scapegoats in the immigrants and racial minorities who did low wage labor, and slave labor.

    But today this no longer works, because there is far less need for labor of any type. And actually most labor requires either a high skill level, a high level of people skills, or a high level of physical skill as in construction work.

    So instead, we look to the middle-class family itself, and to its own designated scapegoats. And middle-class child abuse usually depends upon doctors. Being able to hire its own doctors is one of the ways that the middle-class family has always distinguished itself. So there is an immense industry of doctors who will help parents stigmatize and problematize a child. And this can include drugging. So they use such concepts as Autism, Aspergers, ADHD, and Eating Disorders, along with such mental illness concepts as Bipolar and Schizophrenia. And every single one of these concepts is completely bogus. But no matter, as today's scapegoats aren't supposed to be low wage laborers. They are simply supposed to be basket cases.

    But it is very similar to how the Nazi's started their interment camps and euthanizing campaign against those labeled as mentally ill, and against homosexuals, and also of course against communists.

    So we have today in all of America's cities, a huge contingent of homeless persons, many also being victims of the mental health system. And we have here where I am, plans to build sub-code residences with on site mental health services, in order to remove people from parks and streets, in order to help extend the real estate bubble.

    It is always either a mental health or an evangelical interpretation that these programs are pushing, never wanting people to see the ways in which they were made the scapegoats of the middle class family. It is a resurgence of the bogus sciences of eugenics and social Darwinism.

    Financialization, Mental Health, Evangelical Christianity, and the political interests of the very wealthy are all working together, and there are connecting linkages back to the 1930's eugenics and to the Nazi Party. This is what I am calling the Bayreuth contingent, because of Wagner.

    But the one who really seems to be rising to the occasion to deal with this is:

    And oh yeah, Dougster says that stocks are undervalued, buy, buy, buy!


    Gustav Holtz, Planets, for organ








    • The Chapel contains the fourth-largest pipe
    organ in the city (after Wannamaker, The
    University of Pennsylvania and The Kimmel
    Center), a 6,700-pipe Aeolian-Skinner organ.
    • The odd shape of Chapel roof is due to the fact
    that all the organ pipes are housed above the
    auditorium in the ceiling.

    has 3x 32' ranks, but of course not a 64' rank.

    Pipes in the ceiling? Never heard of that before.

    " The organ chamber in the Girard College Chapel is certainly unique. Located in the ceiling at a height of 100' above the floor, the chamber is 60' feet long, 40' feet wide at one end and 22' at the other end, with a height inside the chamber of 40'. Because of the hard surfaces of the chamber and the room below, as well as the open grill permitting the sound to travel unhindered to the 2500-seat room below, the sound of the organ is tremendous. It is one of the most exciting organs in the country."


    Between the Schuylkill and Delaware Rivers, and close to highway 95.

    Winnemucca NV, now seems in ownership transition:



    Club Lacey, Foreplay Urban Women Show, sharing the building with the Palamino N Las Vegas.

    "...featuring the sexiest, thickest strippers in the game!"

    "No need to sit down on your hands during private dances."


    They have a privacy policy and talk about collecting personal information, meaning that this may be a memberships club. :) In such places things may often go further and easier.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Sorry, SJG. I'm still stuck at the part where you don't know what my job is and some in finance are not parasitic but you are convinced that mine is one that is. There's no our group could be considered parasitic with the revenue per employee we generate. Much higher than Google even.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    You've spoken before about how the stock market lets people own the "means of production". Well, this is total bullshit. Owning the means of production means being able to control them, and use them, as you see when someone owns their own business.

    Just getting people to put their money into a Wall Street Ponzi Scheme is just promoting financialization, and this is yet another layer of marginalization of working people, designed to take their power away.

    Yes, you, Dougster, and all of your colleagues are parasites. And unless you are using green ink to print on paper, you don't generate anything good for anybody. You just take and control, but without producing any of the things which our society needs.

    You and your people are turning out country into a farm, where the rest of us are your draft animals. And then that only lasts as long as you continue to need it. Then it will be more Eugenics and Social Darwinism.


    Hot girl in white mini-dress and high heels

    Yanis Varoufakis at the Hay Festival 2016
  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    SJG gets the flack for his views (once you wade through verbose posts), but I'm also a resident liberal even though my friends say I'm terrible at it since I don't toe the liberal line in several significant ways. But I do hope the more conservative elements of TUSCL don't consider me a 'crackpot'.

    However, if any do, I say it's more a reflection on them than on me.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    The reason the right doesn't advocate violence it probably due to the Maslow's hierarchy of needs. I think pent up frustration from unmet needs can be a powerful thing (good or bad). If one is already content -- spiritually or resources -- then one probably doesn't feel frustrated enough to resort to violence. I think it all goes back to Maslow's hierarchy of needs.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    @Dominic plenty on the right advocate violence from the Alt.Rightist groups like The one Dylan Root belonged to, all the way through to the idiots that posted online photos of President Obama with a bulls-eye pasted onto his image, to the dog whistles to Neo-Nazi and KKK groups the left has no monopoly on dumb-ass jerks.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Twenetyfive, I forgot about the Alt-Right. You are correct. I was mistaken.

    Also there are groups that blow up abortion clinics and abortion doctors. I forgot about them, too.

    The right is pretty violent at times.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I think I have been letting the right convince me a little too much lately. They do have some convincing arguments at times. :) I just haven't been able to crack the success nut yet.
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    Dominic you have a good head on your shoulders, just remember the middle is where this country runs, sometimes a little left of center, sometimes a little right, neither side has a monopoly on bad ideas, just don't overreact to either and you will find the issues tend to sort themselves out in the long run. The hyper-partisans traffic in demagoguery and demonize anyone who uses logic on both sides. Just don't fall for it remember the old adage attributed to P.T. Barnum "You can fool all of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time but you cant fool all of the people all of the time."
  • flagooner
    8 years ago
    I was hoping to make the crackpot membership.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    What it really is, is that the Right runs on social conformity. So they can screw people over all day long, but not in ways which would get them into trouble.








    The above materials are saturated with the ideas of Aleister Crowley. Not sure how much she is also drawing upon his successors.



    Letitia James

    If only everyone thought like her. We all have so much to learn.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    @SJG: It's the trade off people get to make in this country. They need to weigh what's important to them. For me I worked for a couple of startups when I first entered the labor force. Yes, you have more control in a startup and greater ownership but there are disadvantages: the chance of the startup going belly up is higher than a large company. Typically salaries aren't as good: you are waiting for your stock or options to be worth something that may never happen. Also the owners themselves are also more powerful so if they have "personality damage" there is less to keep them in check. After the two startups I decided large companies were more my thing, and have much preferred them since then.

    The point is. People in our FREE country get to decide. Big companies are best for me. Smaller companies for other people. Owning their business for others. Nobody should be making that decisions except each person for themselves.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    And, again, SJG. Our group makes more revenue per employee than Google. Much more. There is no way people would be paying that much for our services if we were just "parasites".
  • Estafador
    8 years ago
    "Guys on TUSCL trying to play it both ways, pretending that they are above supporting the far right, while in fact doing everything in their power to advance it"

    When sjg finally says something intelligible
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Yes Dominic, it's good to have independent thought, and I've always advocated full on bs calling out of faggits that are on either side, right or left. Yet the left is usually the least to grow up pulling the victim card any chance they get. They also claim to be more progressive and educated, yet lack the common sense it takes to justify some of their movements. If I look at some proclaimed liberals on TUSCL the list is dauntingly ugly.....

    HughGRection or Who?

    All who may or may not be good people, but all who definitely have some sort of personality disorder causing them to feel their righteous thinks ing is superior to others. I think anyone who talks ad hominem about politics as they do shows total ignorance in favor of their stances. Dougster is the only one who claims he is apolitical yet can intellectually bash the left and see the good in the left. These guys above can't see the good in anything, proving the most Neanderthalic mind is one that is always pessimistic. "Don't go outside that cave! You might get eaten by a bear or tiger."
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dougster, you are still full of it. Working for a start up is not the same as running one. And if you have a team, and are running a number of them, the chances of serious failure are probably less than for a large company. And if it happens, you just try again. :)

    Yes salaries usually are lower, but it is not just stock options. If you are one of the key founders the upside potential is monumental. But more than that, you actually get to use your abilities for things you believe in. Not every start up is like the things run by Kleiner Perkins. Their stuff is a complete waste talent and ability.

    And yes people get to decide. And you have decided to be a parasite. Sure, your group, whatever it does, takes in more money per person than Google. But all that proves is the same thing you prove her in your posts. You have found a way of presenting a conservative political view which goes under people's radar. So they will listen to you, whereas probably someone like the Ayn Randian Paul Ryan they would dismiss. But your positions still go to the same place, to a society run by parasites like yourself. So the more of you that we can put out of action, the better. I am active in trying to remove some from local government, or at least to neutralize their effects, right now.

    And tixtittyfag, this is the world we live in and stakes could not possibly be higher. We are witnessing the resurgence of Eugenics and Social Darwinims. Dougster presents himself as a moderate, but his actions always move us closer to the human race formally splitting into two tiers.

  • rockstar666
    8 years ago
    Meat, you're describing yourself when it comes to a "righteous superiority". A personality disorder perhaps?Half the country is liberal and 2/3 moderate left to moderate right. Typical of far right conservatives to use personal insults with a broad brush; all you have to do is look at the White House today and you see my proof. ; surely you don't think Trump is a well adjusted person while Obama was unbalanced?

    Meat, we may disagree on abortion, women's rights, the role of government in what it provides for its citizens, but that doesn't make ME unbalanced. Apparently your mileage has varied.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    So, SJG, what's the largest company you've ever worked? Just order of magnitude number of employees. You don't have to tell the exact name, we do want you to be able to maintain your anonymity here after all. :-)

    And keep pretending you know what my job is one sentence and then admitting you don't in the next. I'm sure that contradiction in what you say is going to get past everyone.
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    Is say SJG is the biggest example of personality damaged disorder, and his use of confirmation bias is as high as Rickyboy Dugan. SJG's system is to downplay anyone against his agenda and claim he is intelligent and superior, much like how Nazi Germany got its start. He really wishes he had a claque to rally around his comments, much like how Bill Maher has the cue card telling his audience to hoot and holler after every political punchline.

    I heard Howard Stern Today call Bill Maher a retard, shades of the same intellect as our very own SJG. Stern also went on to say Maher has no viewers, another thing that SJG has in common with Maher, besides being a raging hypocritical liberal mouthpiece who knows very little about common sense and the average American who works for a living. Bill Maher pays for prostitutes openly, and so does SJG. Neither of them can have a woman stand their presence for more than the time they've paid for their companionship. "Donna with the Purple Dress" even stated on TUSCL earlier this week that she can't stand SJG's gravy breath, and Bill Maher is so old that he is certain to have stank breath. The only thing different about SJG and Bill Maher, is that one of them has a little fame with his organization in the media, and SJG has nobody that knows of his organization. Sad face....
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    I shouldn't even bother acknowledging this with a comment, but I've made it clear I have non political stance other than to bash those who are adamantly biased towards being either liberal or conservative, and it just happens to be that we are in a time when the left has outrun the rest of the pack with its ridiculous ideology and blindly pushing that agenda. Proof again by self proclaimed liberal "Rockstar".

    I've never taken any stance on abortion or women's rights so how come Rockstar you e stated we disagree on those issues? The role in government and what it plays for us will differ depending on a person's choice in their locale. Of course if i lived in an urban area with many amenities provided by governments with their taxing authority I would be liberal/democrat, however most of our lands are not controlled by urban areas and much of our land is controlled by independent/non liberals who maintain control without much government assistance. This is our founding fathers genius in not allowing one particular group to have rooming power, otherwise all of the lazy people living on welfare in an efficiency apartment would have the same voting powers as a rancher/farmer/entrepreneur holding the responsibility of thousands of acres of land. This is where the coastal elites fail to see how management of our nation is more than just their righteous socialistic agenda at play. They blindly look at their selfish petty needs instead of the big picture. Most liberals can't survive without government subsidies with their cushy "progressive" lifestyle. If political and economical strife where to hit our country of apocalyptic proportions the weak would not survive, and that is the liberal base.

    Get out of Chicago once in a while and do some physical work before your wrwctikns go away due to your sedentary rockstar, whore mongering, city slicker lifestyle has you rolling closer to a geriatric style of life. Liberalism is a disease that wants us to believe socialism is the path to prosperity when we all know personal independence with personals choice is that pathway. Europe countries and Canada are prime examples of once great countries drowned in mediocrity where you find the most examples of the "have or have nots!" If you don't have money you will never prosper in Europe because only the rich can compete. In the US with capitalism as the rule any individual with enough gumption can get ahead and not rely on government to direct their livelihood. Abortion and women's rights are a social and humanitarian aspect, a much closer smaller segment on the scale of politics and government's role, yet somehow liberals always want to validate their existence without seeing the bigger picture, securing our basic rights first. We already have equality yet the "progressives" are stuck back in the pre-1960's style of protesting instead of moving forward with allowing people to control their prosperity with less governmental control. This isn't a conservative view, it's how the USA got its start revolting from socialistic policies of European fascists.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Is Txtittyfag. Actually a SJG alias? Or maybe he is Bill Maher in disguise as JimG refers to as the biggest political crackpot on or off TUSCL. Lmfao! What a silly attendant at a male bath house.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dougster, I started with big big companies, and then have gone smaller and smaller ever since. But now we are starting our own, a number of them, and the whole thing will be very big. ( No way I could do this while I was married, without my 14th Amendment Equal Citizenship. ) But it will be nothing like anything you have ever seen before. And never any exploited labor. Much of this just comes down to getting our own lawyers and accountants onboard, so that we can do it the way we want. This need for expert lawyers and accounants is what prevents more people from staring their own corporations. It isn't really limited by money. And the type of talent needed is the kind money cannot buy anyway. Most things involve money, but they only look like they are limited by money, because people have been taught to think what way.

    And why would I ever want money of mine doing nothing except inflating the stock market. That would be a complete waste. I put my money into myself and into my team. That way I get to use my talents and abilities, and there never really is any reason anything we do should ever completely fail.

    And Dougster, what exactly were you offered, besides unlimited hookers, in exchange for your soul?



    Capitalism will eat democracy -- unless we speak up | Yanis Varoufakis

    If Europe is bankrupt, then that's not the only place which is bankrupt.

    Are Dougster and his friends driving us towards a utopia, like implied in "Star Trek", or towards a dystopia, as detailed in "The Matrix"?

    $5.2 Trillion, used completely unproductively.

    And could Athenian Democracy ever actually be a solution?
  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Hey SJG you e not made it clear if you're in favor of Athenian Democracy or against it, however if you're against it then you should be the biggest fan of Donald Trump as he is following through on his promise to drain the swamp and give the power back to the people. If you are in favor of Athenian style politics, then you yourself are the biggest hypocrite in stances supporting the poor and marginalized as that is how the socialistic elites keep their money and power. You should try to explain yourself a little better without contradicting yourself so much. You make nonsense, and you're alter ego San Jose Gay loves the butt plugs you make for yourself. Lmfao!!!
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    So how big we talking, SJG? >1,000? >10,000? >100,000? Alot of the stuff you say here is not matching that LinkedIn profile that people say is you.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    SJG is full of more shit than anyone, he should give up the no one knows who I am BS since everyone knows.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    I need to maintain a wall between my online life and my f2f life, because I am involved in publically contentious political matters. All I will say is that I have a long and diverse history, and that it basically follows what I have laid out. Otherwise I am not going to confirm or deny people's ideas.

    And why now would I ever want to work for or have money in anything that is not controlled by myself and my associates?

    Very little of the money in the public stock markets goes to expanding plants or starting new companies. All it amounts to is a claim on our nations productive capacity. And then Dougster, there are parasites like yourself who promote it. And you guys got a huge boost from Reagan, with the IRA and 401K attempt to dismantle the New Deal. And you get more boosts every time someone talks about privatizing social security.

    The people in my organization will have no need for such, but will be taken care of much better. But we will still fiercely defend the programs and objectives of the New Deal, Great Society, Hillary's 1993 Health Care, Obama Care, Citizenship Pay, Social Democracy, and Athenian Democracy.

    And I would be in favor of Dougster's endorsement of Athenian Democracy, were it not just a ruse. It will never work in a large post industrial nation. When Dougster talks about it, it is just his way of getting people to listen to him, as he leads into a Matrix like dystopia.

    Capitalism will eat democracy -- unless we speak up | Yanis Varoufakis

    If the EU is bankrupt, then it is not just the EU.

  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Any human who voted for Trump is a political crackpot.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Lots of people decide to work for a company they have less ownership than one they would have more ownership for the security. Also it's a question of the competence of the people around you. These it's very hard to hire talented people as quick as they are needed. You talk about labor surpluses but all I can see it great shortages. Ultimately it's all about risk vs reward. (And these days with talented labor being in such short supply, those who are talented can demand higher salaries and perks.)

    Ultimately every needs to weigh what's important to them and the risk versus reward and then decide what they want to do. That's the great thing about our FREE country.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago

    I read on a conspiracy web site that the government altered our timeline due to Hillary winning the election and we had a nuclear war with Russia. something changed so that Hillary lost. The guy suggested the US has time travel tech and altered the election so that we don't have a nuclear war with Russia. Now that is a conspiracy no one could prove.

    With Trump though, we may have a conventional war with China. China will expect to annihilate our naval fleets in the Pacific but our navy's will have a surprise weapon that will shred all Chinese forces and their super fast missle systems. Their missiles are really fast. I heard if the missile system was located in New York, it could take out an undefended air craft carrier in Miami in only 12 minutes. Fortunately we have a super weapon defense system already getting deployed.

    China wants control of about a trillion cubic feet of natural gas and a lot of oil in the South China Sea area all to themselves instead of sharing with all the countries surrounding that sea. Of course the US has alliances with all these other countries. Hence China is militarizing coral reefs and bases in the area getting ready for war with the US. They probably won't go to war unless they feel 100 percent sure they will win. I just hope the US has deployed this super defense weapon on our navies in the Pacific.

    China is working on or has electromagnetic pulse weapons too I heard so if they wanted to cripple the US, they could kill most Americans if our power was out for a whole year. People here would go crazy if power was out all over for just a month. No water, no gas, no power, no food, cash becoming useless. It'd be a riot.

    Hopefully everything stays peaceful.
  • 4got2wipe
    8 years ago
    Hillary won but we used time travel to avert a nuclear war! ;)

    That is a brilliant theory sharkhunter! Totally bonkers, but it might make a lot of money as a summer movie.

    I'm not sure why the time travelers didn't go back further and have Sanders win the Democratic primary. And Bush or Rubio win the Republican primary.

    Of course, I'm not the guy that makes the big-budget summer sci-if movies! If I was I could probably Coe up with an ace but crazy plot reason why it had to be Trump. ;)
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    Well if you reread my post, you might see where I said I read that theory. I did not think of it.
    I thought it was entertaining though.

    It's not the first time I read something about supposed time travelers. The first time I think Bush was president and some nut case said the future was terrible. The story I heard at the time was that President Chelsy Clinton was when things went horribly wrong but supposedly things went downhill after Hillary won. This nut case was trying to change the future but didn't know if he could succeed. I thought at the time even suggesting Hillary would be president made the guy a nut case. President Bush just got in office and everything seemed ok in his early years. I didn't talk to the guy. I just heard snippets through the grapevine.
  • sharkhunter
    8 years ago
    PS, that wasn't the craziest story I read on a conspiracy web site.
    I think one of the top craziest stories is that the sky is made of glass and that the stars are just light bulbs.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Labor surpluses have been here since the first of these world wide recessions, in the 1870's. When production exceeds consumption, then eventually there is a crash.

    So wars soak up the excess production, and the excess population. Germany's Nazi Party and its militarism were as response to this. People were trying to make the US go the same way. This is what Dougster is trying to do today.

    People who use their skills can put together their own teams, and have a great deal more control, and effective security, than people who sell themselves to publicly traded firms ever do, or than people who become stock market speculators ever do.

    And I am not in any way endorsing Kliener Perkins either. Their stuff is a complete waste of technical talent.

    And welcome back Nina!


    Secrets of Hermes Trismegistus: Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio, Gary Lachman
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    Starting your own business is definitely higher risk, but also higher reward. If it was higher reward and lower risk everyone would do it.

    Also many of the established companies have very high talent levels (e.g. Google). Smaller companies can have difficulty achieving that talent level. Especially when you get past the first handful of people. My experience with small versus larger companies is consistent with this. Which is not say that there aren't larger companies out that that other companies would be reluctant to hire from.
  • ime
    8 years ago
    well small business and new companies almost never fail, SJlloyd knows all
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    Thanks SJG.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    I was not too worried about China's military vs US military - yes, China has one of the strongest in the world and one I would not want to go up against but the US is #1. The other country with a top 3 military is Russia, and I was worried about what seemed to be a "relatively" positive China-Russia relationship. I wouldn't want WW3 to erupt and be fighting both the 2nd and 3rd strongest militaries in the world if they allied with each other. But I guess now with Trump and Putin sleeping together, I don't have to worry as much about a potential Russia/China wartime alliance. I guess Pakistan is China's front running ally right now? North Korea would be on China's side. And probably Iran. The US would have the UK, France, Germany, and the rest of NATO, Australia, Israel, Phillipines, Japan, South Korea. Would Russia try to stay neutral and just quietly take over Eastern Europe? And India would be left in a pickle, maybe they'd try to stay neutral at first.

    This is all hypothetical, I just smoked a blunt of Gorillla Glue. I know WW3 is extremely unlikely, as that is mutually assured destruction, but I didn't think a man like Trump would be in the Oval Office, either.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Dougster wrote, "Starting your own business is definitely higher risk, but also higher reward. If it was higher reward and lower risk everyone would do it.

    Also many of the established companies have very high talent levels (e.g. Google). Smaller companies can have difficulty achieving that talent level. Especially when you get past the first handful of people. My experience with small versus larger companies is consistent with this. Which is not say that there aren't larger companies out that that other companies would be reluctant to hire from. "

    Dude, I disagree with everything you are saying. Though I understand that from your vantage point, way up in a Manhattan high rise, and only concerned about the money dimension, that you would see things as you do.

    Your argument that the risks are higher, otherwise everyone would do it, is a standard micro economics rationalization. But in fact, access to lawyers and accountants is one reason. The risks of working for a large company are substantial. And it is different if you talk about the risks of business failure, or what I think would be more consequentialal, the risks of being without income for a long time, or the risks of losing one's career. Small business people are more adaptable.

    And then those in the organization I am building will be 100% protected from day one.

    Most venture capital funded things have a much higher risk rate because they are over capitalized. They are so because VC's don't want to build a long term business, they want a quick payout. And so this greatly skews the kinds of things they fund. So many of their things are simply gambits for the control of technical compatibility standards. And herein lies the major risk. They don't want to provide honest goods or services, they want control a market sector. And they know that this is risky, but they don't care.

    Whereas a self funded business will be done so that it's overhead is very low, and the proprietor will be slower to add to this overhead and burn rate, as they are not so concerned about catching a market window, but rather want to build something which is durable.

    VC's want things with huge upsides. Whereas those wanting a long term business simply want a chance to earn an honest living. So these latter are more flexible and adaptable.

    And then to use something like Google as an example of a high talent level, my goodness. An army of new grads and brown nosers, such non-sense. Most highly talented people would never have anything to do with google. And likewise, Google would never let a non-conformist get past their personnel department.

    Dougster, your view is warped by the financial sector, and you are trying to pedal that view.

    Everybody, hold on to your skills and develop them further, otherwise you will just get plowed under by the financial sector, as that considers you to be worthless already. And don't listen to Dougster


    Winnemucca NV

    Sounds like all the strip clubs in Reno, and also in Carson, are topless only.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    One thing to note here, 40 years ago computers were expensive. And so consumer and industrial electronic were more simple.

    Today computers are cheap, and so most electronic products use digital signal processing and are designed by using advanced mathematical algorithms. And likewise, cheap computers are used to run simulations and to implement complex algorithms and solve advanced mathematical problems.

    So it no longer costs lots of money to do very sophisticated things.

    Google on the other hand is just consumer media, today's version of television. There is some required technical competence, but that is not what drives it. All marketing strategies.

    But don't make any mistake about me either, I am not trying to help anyone from the financial sector. With them, I'll do anything I can to get in their way. :)

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    ^^^ Politicsl crackpot characteristics are long drawn out posts that have little in correlation to the original topic. Proof SJG is the biggest political crackpot along with Bill Maher. Both are a bag of wind.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    SJG: "So it no longer costs lots of money to do very sophisticated things."

    In some sense that's true. If you a unique idea and nobody else knows about it that's true. But it's always been like that. You say things are different now that everyone has access to cheap computers. Also partially true. But if you want to compete with the real big players (like Google) better realize they have a ton of computational resources and brain power that you'll be up against.

    But yes, the dive in computer price did mean that it is far easier to get access to necessary capital now then it was before computers. And here I mean "capital" in the original meaning of the term: something used to create something else, not the colloquial meaning of "money".

    Now you're arguments about small businesses being lower risk and higher reward but for some reason people choose not to go that route are just silly.
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    SJG trashing talking Google and the quality of its employees. Maybe because they would be too smart to hire a PSYCHO like him?
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    No Dougster, what I mean is that because of cheap computers, there is much more mathematical sophistication in both the products designed, and in the designing process itself. Used to be a big difference between the Defense Aerospace Sector, and more common stuff. Much less so now.

    Most electronic products today use digital signal processing, something previously reserved for gov't work.

    And about stuff like Google, that is bullshit technology. This is what happened during the dot com boom. Technology moved out of Silicon Valley, off to places like AZ and OR. And what came in was consumer media. Requires basic technical competence, but it is not really about technology. It is about consumer marketing. It is today's version of television.

    Anyway, I'm not trying to help you, so forget what I said. Just keep boosting for your stock market Ponzi schemes. There's another sucker born every minute, and I am sure you know how to find 'em.

    And Gaffigan, why don't you get Bill Maher and go on a hooker binge.

  • JimGassagain
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ SJG, why is it that you yearn for Dougster's approval so much? You argue ad nauseum about topics that oppose each other's views in hopes that he will see things your way, and all it amounts to is a waste of time that you could be using to grow your organization.

    How successful has your organization been lately? Is it off the ground yet?
  • Dougster
    8 years ago
    See you sort have the pieces there to understand why the stock market is not overvalued, SJG. Because computers and AI are shortening the product cycle, but you just can't put it together. Because your need to charge your windmills and think you are a revolutionary hero is so much greater.
  • Mate27
    8 years ago
    Markets are fairly valued. Keep buying and any significant pullback won't happen until 2018.
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Gaffigan, no matter what I have tried, your butt plug pops out. I think this is the answer, one which will cut its own threads:

    Dougster, you are the one who is full of it. You are positing about this AI revolution, just to set the stage for humanity being divided into two tiers, as you continue to promote your stock market Ponzi scheme.

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