Wife Not Sexualized Enough

avatar for san_jose_guy
There are many of us here who have gone through bad marriages. Some of us are out of them. But some of us are still dealing with the ramifications. And then there are some who are still in bad marriages.

Is or was a big part of the problem just that the wife was not sexualized enough?

In my case, the wife did not want sex to be too big of a part of the marriage. Before marriage, maybe okay. But after, no. She wanted to minimize the amount of sex, and its quality. She did not ever want to treat it as a fine art, something which should be further developed, ritualized, and cultivated. She wanted it to be as basic as possible, and minimized.

This was just the background she was coming from.

One result was that she was always sexually faithful. Sexual infidelity would never be a way she would try to strike back at me. But her lack of sexualization was a big reason that the marriage was not salvageable.

She really wasted her youth, and a large part of mine.

But it was also my own fault for being involved with such a person. I was short sighted and naïve.

Anyone else experience anything like this?


"To separate the deserving from the undeserving... and to do so by creating a stigma attached to those they consider undeserving. It is very similar to Psychiatry. The moment you introduce Psychiatry, remember Michel Foucault, and the story about the madhouse, you create a narrative of reason and unreason, you create a power structure. The person who has the certificate to be the Psychiatrist decides who is sane and who has the right to be a free citizen."

Yanis Varoufakis: Basic Income is a Necessity

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last comment
avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
Your wife left you because you're a controlling psycho night saint! She got smart and left you, she's gone! Get over it creeP!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Fuck yourself TheeOSU!

avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
Go fuck your boyfriend, creep!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Go back to your lamp post Night Saint TheeOSU

avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
WTF is a night saint anyway besides some stupid term your psycho mind dreamed up?

Go get your ass stuffed at the bathhouse so you can think straight!
avatar for ClearHeelsHotAssCantLose
With women, it's as much mental as physical. Once you two were fighting and not getting along, your connection was tainted. The tension and distance between you had two results: 1. You starting going to AMP's. 2. She stopped wanting to have sex with you, so she did it as minimally as possible.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Not quite. She never knew I was going to AMPs. There was also marriage counseling going on too. That marriage counseling failed, made a bad situation worse.

During the years when I was trying to make it work, I was 100% faithful. Zero going to even our local no touching and no private dance clubs.

She just did not want to allow the sex to be good. This was talked about with the first marriage councilor, and she got chastised for a kind of bait and switch. It was just her personal and cultural background.

avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
Trying to get psychiatric help on a strip club forum are we Lloyd?

Your wife left you because you're a controlling psycho night saint! She got smart and left you, she's gone! Get over it creep!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
TheeOSU, find someplace else to dump your shit, because I'm not intimidated by it, because it is non-sense.


Saving Capitalism with Robert Reich
avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
Good, because i'm not trying to intimidate you. Just lay back and relax and the TUSCL experts will explain your abundant shortcomings and help calm your psyche. LOL
avatar for ClearHeelsHotAssCantLose
The AMP thing is irrelevant really. Before you got married, you two got along well and you had a lot of sex.

After marriage, living together a while, abd being together a long time, you started fighting and not getting along. Once that happened, the connection between you two was bad, so sex with you no longer interested her.

That's the bottom line. Happens in a lot of marriages. Don't take it personally. That's just the reality. Find someone new and start fresh.
avatar for ClearHeelsHotAssCantLose
It's not some bait and switch she pulled on you just to get married. You two just drifted apart.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
He can't find anyone new or start fresh because all he knows is reliving the same thing over and over again. The proof is in his asinine posts. That's why he comes to TUSCL, it's cheaper than a shrink.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
I have things to do. Someone else please walk the creep through his crisis.
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
Q. What food reduces a woman's desire for sex by 90%?
A. Wedding cake.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
^^^ Q) Why does the bride always smile when she walks down the aisle ?
A) She knows that she has given her last blowjob !
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
I gave up on the original osteoporosis after one sentence, but the responses have been a fun read.
avatar for flagooner
8 years ago
Original post. Not original osteoporosis
avatar for ime
8 years ago
Not sure what he wrote, but SJG you fucktard this is not a psychology website, go get some help You are not a PL just a fucking sorry excuse for a man and a weak fucking person.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Clear wrote,

"The AMP thing is irrelevant really. Before you got married, you two got along well and you had a lot of sex."

We had regular sex. At first I was only seeing her on the weekends. But then in the last year before marriage I felt that I needed to make more of a claim to her. She had set it up so she and her GF room mate each had their own rooms. So I would just go from working late to her, and so I would fuck her each night. Seemed like she needed that to make her feel happy.

IT was good, to a point. I was not as sexualized yet as I would need to be. That would come later, when I met the ones I call "The Beloved Latina Escorts", they really are a trip. And some of the SF AMP girls really are good too.

My ex-wife never wanted sex to be made theatrical, or ritualized, or intensified.

Clear wrote,
"After marriage, living together a while, and being together a long time, you started fighting and not getting along. Once that happened, the connection between you two was bad, so sex with you no longer interested her.

That's the bottom line. Happens in a lot of marriages. Don't take it personally. That's just the reality. Find someone new and start fresh.

Yes, there were huge tensions which developed and the sex was sabotaged. But none of this occurs in a vacuum, and the past is never over. It is never even past. Statements to the contrary are denial systems, a kind of a tune out, or even a drug. No one can actually live well if they listen to such stuff.

Clear also wrote, " It's not some bait and switch she pulled on you just to get married. You two just drifted apart."

No, it is bait and switch, and she has admitted to such, and she was directly chastened by our first marriage councilor. What it really was is just that she was not dealing with her own stuff. And part of this is that she was not sexualized enough. If she were, she would have been forced to deal with her stuff. Sex is about power, and people who don't realize that will use it in very toxic ways.

What Jackslash and twentyfive are saying is entirely correct!

I am not against her, but she crossed some extremely destructive lines. I don't see how there could ever be open communications between us. As it is now, I get very manipulative vibes from her emails, and so I apply some very strong restrictions. I'm not seeing this changing anytime soon.

What really puts her in a category different from other women I might meet, is just the non-sexual ways in which she made life into a death trap.

How many other people here have been married to women whom they feel were not sexualized enough, and what was it like?


Lecture 4. Rhythm: Jazz, Pop and Classical
avatar for ClearHeelsHotAssCantLose
Sex isn't about power. It's about gratification.
avatar for stripfighter
8 years ago
sex is just as much about you turning her on as much as how you think she feels about it. the question is what did you do to make her interested?

Don't know your situation, but have seen guys complain their exes not wanting enough sex only to break up and doing it all the time with her new partner. So it's not wanting sex, but not wanting sex with the original guy and he never knows why and telling himself she's now a slut/skank etc w/o seeing it was always about him.


avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
I was married to a girl who was t quite sexualized enough for me, 5 times. Each time was when she was in her 3rd trimester with our soon to be born children, and she was also not sexualized for about 6 months after she bore our children. That was probably the only time Jeannie hasn't been sexualized.

She was extremely sexualized while pregnant for the first 6 months, and always before she got pregnant. Somehow I have to dress her down whenever we go out in public. I keep telling her to stay out of her heels and showing her legs in her skirts but she insists saying she likes to look nice after watching our kids all day. I get tired of her always thinking about herself, as it gets annoying hearing all of this cat calls from guys out on the streets when we walk together. I sometimes tell her she should walk on the other sidewalk to stop from rubbing it in my face. Yeah, Jeannie is too sexualized that I'm thinking of getting her pregnant again just to keep her locked down.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
No, that is romanticization. It is about power.

avatar for ClearHeelsHotAssCantLose
stripfighter nailed it
avatar for larryfisherman
8 years ago
From what I hear from my married friends, a year or so into marriage the wife's sex drive starts decreasing gradually.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Clear and Stripfighter, she used the marriage as a weapon, as a way of waging war. What that happens, sex has to stop.

avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Larry, what you are hearing is a best case.


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avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
Well I can tell your from experience I would never get a divorce from my wife because I don't want to lose any money.

It's the same when I go to Burger King and see that Whopper Jr.'s are only a $1/each. I order 80 whopper Jr.'s, and the register lady looks at me funny, and I say "What? I don't want to lose money!"

Smh, some people are really on their high horse of righteousness.
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
So I forget the moral of this story, if you're wife is not sexualized enough for you, how does a guy like me get her to that point? Do you try to rape her in her sleep, so she has little self respect for either of you while you cheat on her by going to the local AMPs visiting Asian women? If that is how she gets less sexualized, then that's too much work for me, I'll just stay home and take a nap.
avatar for PurpleDressDonna
8 years ago
U r being very very mean to Lloyd. Be niice to him. He tell me his wife no likey fucky sucky so he come see me. I no like it much either but my boss say i have to or he send me back to Asia. It was very tough decision. I chose fucky sucky with Lloyd but retired after that. Too gross!
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
Where do you work ^^^ Purple Dress Donna? I may have a few connections for you in the organization I am building, so only the privileged few with the same political leanings as I have will benefit. I consider myself liberal, but of course being white, with a slender hot wife who bred 5 beautiful children and preaching the virtues of Christianity has me a little bit displaced. The liberals won't accept me for who I am, and some say I'm racist because of my standing in life. Oh, the first world problems we have to deal with, right? Stay away from Asia, we have good need for you in my organization.
avatar for PurpleDressDonna
8 years ago
I wiv in Chinatown in san Francisco. Paaarking is vewy expensive for my Nissan. If I join your organization will u pay for my paarking and have my purple dress drycleaned? If so, i fucky sucky.
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
Well I'm married Donna so I can't go around cheating on her, but if I can recruit a star liberal from the Democratic Party named SJG, I will give you free room and board as long as you bed with him and let him grab your wrists and wake you up by entering coitus non-interruptus. With the contract in my organization of pussy saturation 24/7, my johns will all have to pay for heels, dresses, and the maintenance of those accessories. Let me get back to you when I have secured membership in my organization of one SJG. It seems like a good fit since he lives in your area.
avatar for PurpleDressDonna
8 years ago
No i can not do this. No more lloyd! His breath smell like gravy and he talk too much nonsense. No more fucky sucky lloyd. Gross!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
FWIW, Purple Dress Donna was always maximum GFE with me, arms around me and letting us melt together, and looking straight into my eyes up close. Hard to beat that. The reason I introduced discussion of her about 2 years back was to explain that the selection process is everything when P4P FS is on the table. I selected Donna when she was out a side door washing her car. I had to turn down 4 other girls before someone understood what I was saying and went and got Donna. So when the selection works that way, the GFE and accompanying FS will be awesome.

If people think it through a bit, they will see that you want to break out of the designed selection boxes. In a strip club, you do not want to let girls sell you dances. Rather, you select the girl yourself and let front room GFE happen. People have explained that this is how it works in the best of the US dives, and in TJ.

Regrettably, Purple Dress Donna has died of leukemia.

As far as my ex-wife, I would not want to know someone like that today, not sexualized enough. In the end, not willing or able to satisfy. A prescription for problems. So I over look young women who come across in a similar way. Don't need to deal with them. It would never work.

Real issue is what relations of any type will I continue to have with my ex-wife. I would like to think that there will be some kinds of communications and support. But even at this juncture that seems very difficult.


Brian Eno

TJ School Girls

I like the looks of them, but I prefer them in higher heels and overall a more slutty look.
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
Lmfao! Tears of laughter.
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
I haven't been around long enough to know who Donna in the Purple dress is referring to. Is she a hooker that turned civilian date sessions with SJG?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Donna was a Vietnamese AMP girl. What was significant about my experience with her, and the reason I mentioned her about 2 years ago was to talk about how one breaks out of the selection box.

Just like you don't let girls sell you dances at a strip club, you don't accept the type of serial line up they usually offer at AMPs. You find ways around it, to make the girl see that you are selection her and of getting her softened up before committing.

So anyway, I came over after work and was not sure if I was going to session. Then I spotted Donna, out a side door washing her car. So I went in and asked about her.

But they did not understand me. So they showed me 4 girls and I had to turn them down. Finally someone understood and went and got Donna.

Well that breaking the selection process. Once we got into the room, she had her arms around my neck and was pressing her entire body against me, and then soon we were DFKing intently. And what followed was sublime.

Well this is way way beyond what AMP's offer.

And then in the long years which followed, Donna would go to other shops in other counties, as LE was closing places down. And she would always select a new name.

But all I had to do was start calling other shops and tell the story about the car washing, and then the girl on the other end of the line would fill in about the Purple Dress. So they all knew the story. And then they would tell me Donna's new name and I could come and see her.

Now JS69 took it upon himself to start trolling me over getting so involved with Donna and saying that I washed her car. Well I did not ever wash her car. And he is 1000x more involved with his DS1 than I ever was with Donna.

But my point is, you must find ways to break the selections process, in all these venues, as that is the key to getting the girl softened up and getting great GFE, followed by mind blowing FS.

Most of these guys still don't understand this, but the one who does and who practices it continually is Jestrite50.

Because I was married, I felt that I could not start seeing Donna or any others offsite. I knew that if I did that, then I would be making the girl into my mistress, and that this always eventually results in hurt feelings.

Regrettably Donna has since dies of leukemia.


Brian Eno - Thursday Afternoon (61 Minute Version)


avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago
What? After all this time nobody stepped up and provided our resident creep with the psychoanalysis he's been begging for?

OK here you go, your wife left you because you're a controlling psycho night saint! She got smart and walked away because you're an obvious mess of a man. She's gone and all the posting and hand wringing won't change that fact or bring her back! Get over it creep!
avatar for Hugh_G_Rection
8 years ago
This pains me to agree with TheeOSU or Gassagin on anything- but there are two kinds of guys who pay for sex, those who do so for anonymity and convenience like most guys on here and then there are self-centered jerkoffs who cannot score any other way because of their lack of any social skills needed to attract and keep a woman.

My read is that Lloyd personifies the latter category. I think the clues are there in EVERYTHING he posts on this board.

I'm certain he is so enamored with the opinions he spews that he has no time to listen to a partner. Sad. Truly sad.
avatar for TheeOSU
8 years ago

It pains me even more that Huge Jackass agrees with me and this time i agree with him.
What's this world coming to? :D
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
Hmmmm SJG that Donna seems like a dream girl. If I ever decide to cheat on my wife I shall go looking for an AAMP girlfriend like what you had. Sorry for your loss. Did you guys go through a bad break up, or was their an amicable split before her passing?
avatar for Mate27
8 years ago
That's Huggghhhh J.!
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Well, I didn't read SJG's whole question but the answer is "yes". My wife is a demon from hell but she's still hot.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
HGR and TheeOSU, why don't you each go and fuck yourselves.

Gaffigan, you don't consider your own going to strip clubs as cheating on your wife? Is your cerebral cortex dead?

rockstar, Not sure if I understand you. So your wife or ex-wife is sufficiently sexualized, and so that never by itself turned into a problem?


Hot girl in white mini-dress and high heels

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avatar for san_jose_guy
7 years ago
Yes, my wife never in her life related to sex in the way that I would have needed her too. It was just not that important to her, and not used to the idea of it being a visual event.

I was not developed enough myself. It has taken years, and secret things while married, and really just building a completely different kind of a life.

She was just going to control in the ways which she knew and had grown up with, and I was alive because I had fought back against those ways. I survived, but I did not thrive because I did not go far enough and was not ready to to far enough.

And thank you thank you thank you founder for reopening our old threads.

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