Just another night in the titty bar, where the fucked up becomes ordinary.
You reconnect with a girl who fits every cliche you could imagine. She's never been married yet has kids from 2 different baby daddies, lives in a modified trailer home with lots of family, her Dad is about to go back to prison, her "fiance" is so fucked up from drug withdrawals that his penis won't even work, she doesn't have a working car and she's the primary breadwinner for this entire shit show.
But do you care about any of that? Of course not because she's hot as hell and you know from previous experience that she give a bow job like a true artist.
But of course before you can take her OTC to enjoy everything that she has to offer, she checks to see if another regular wants a dance before she leaves. It's a creepy motherfucker in his late 40s or early 50s wearing a Micky Mouse t-shirt, but it's not like you're a spring chicken either. She returns to say that he wanted her to play out a Daddy/Daughter fetish in the back, but she refused. No doubt this creep wears that Mickey mouse t-shirt to be more relatable to children.
In almost any other social or work setting any one of these circumstances would raise eyebrows. But in the strip club it's all par for the course.
Now I just have to find a way to fuck up the creepy dude on a night where I don't have a dancer waiting on me to leave and without getting caught, but that's a separate topic for another thread.
A fool there was and he made his prayer (Even as you or I!) To a rag and a bone and a hank of hair, (We called her the woman who did not care), But the fool he called her his lady fair— (Even as you or I!)
Oh, the years we waste and the tears we waste, And the work of our head and hand Belong to the woman who did not know (And now we know that she never could know) And did not understand!
A fool there was and his goods he spent, (Even as you or I!) Honour and faith and a sure intent (And it wasn't the least what the lady meant), But a fool must follow his natural bent (Even as you or I!)
Oh, the toil we lost and the spoil we lost And the excellent things we planned Belong to the woman who didn't know why (And now we know that she never knew why) And did not understand!
The fool was stripped to his foolish hide, (Even as you or I!) Which she might have seen when she threw him aside— (But it isn't on record the lady tried) So some of him lived but the most of him died— (Even as you or I!)
And it isn't the shame and it isn't the blame That stings like a white-hot brand— It's coming to know that she never knew why (Seeing, at last, she could never know why) And never could understand!
My most stereotypical stripper regular had a "fiance" in prison and a dad with a drug problem. She had daddy issues, as a lot of them do. He had deserted her mother because of his drug addiction so this girl had to drop out of high school to get a job and help her mother support the family. Some of these strippers never finished their schooling because of chaotic home backgrounds but are smart enough they could have finished school and gone on to a normal job otherwise. She was one of them.
What is wrong with my GiJoe shirt Ricky? Why do you have to go try and fuck that dude because he has a Mickie Mouse shirt? We can get out guns off without the help of a mouse😉
Met a dancer in Tampa, who was fresh-in from bumble fudge Ohio. Her mom stole all her money the day before she drove down with a friend. She hadn't secured a solid apartment yet and her plan was to crash with people in town for spring break.
‘tis true that you damn dirty apes have fucked up lives rick my bud.
But what are you going to do about it? As you know I’ve tried to convince the other cats to rise up against the apes and whip ‘em into shape, but I just can get the buy in. Most cats just don’t have enough rick in ‘en. C’est la vie...
So you just gotta enjoy the fruits of the fucked up. Maybe I should journey down to Florida so I can find Mr. Mickey Mouse daddy/daughter fetish and put the fear of rick into him. Then we can gangbang the sexy girl ricky style with no daddy/daughter overtones. We’ll like it, she’ll like it, and Mr. Mickey Mouse will have some brown stuff in his trousers. Win win win! ROAR!!!
My previous post got swallowed up by an unannounced TUSCL database update, and I don't feel like typing the whole thing again. Lone_Wolf made a good point before poking Dugan in the eye. Mickey Mouse guy sounds like a real gem, but if his kink is done with consenting adults it's none of our business how he gets his rocks off. And otherwise people who aren't me have jobs to deal with the excessively depraved.
how is it that she's hot as hell, and broke. Usually hot women who are willing to fuck either lose their attractiveness quick or learn to use it to elevate their life. THey don't usually stay stagnant.
===> "how is it that she's hot as hell, and broke. Usually hot women who are willing to fuck either lose their attractiveness quick or learn to use it to elevate their life. THey don't usually stay stagnant."
Esta, I'm sure that sounded great in your head, but here in the real world many of us have seen this phenomenon over and over. Fast money spends fast. In this girl's case she has a whole household full of people on her tit (so to speak), including her kids, the loser fiance and other relatives.
I spent the afternoon yesterday at desires and ran into no dancers like people here describe. It was fun and I got home in time for pizza. Winner, winner, pizza dinner.
Kinda crazy how SJG used to pretty much idolize Dugan for his ability to walk out the front door with a dancer after coming to an agreement. However since he's returned from the COVID induced break he's done nothing but down talk Dugan. I wonder what happened to him during those 16 months to give him a change of heart?
^^ phil happens to know that mr san jose went on a quest to meet mr dugan
mr san jose an mr dugan exchanged pms and agree to meet in the club so mr dugan can teach mr san jose his dugany ways
but then mr san jose was disillusioned when he discovered that mr dugan wears mickie mouse t shirts and drives a 1975 mercury bobcat and isnt actually allowed into strip clubs because he gives off a weirdo vibe that is “just too much” for the bouncers
Can't say that I've ever knowingly encountered that many issues in one person, but I've probably encountered every single one of those issues in *somebody*.
last comment(Even as you or I!)
To a rag and a bone and a hank of hair,
(We called her the woman who did not care),
But the fool he called her his lady fair—
(Even as you or I!)
Oh, the years we waste and the tears we waste,
And the work of our head and hand
Belong to the woman who did not know
(And now we know that she never could know)
And did not understand!
A fool there was and his goods he spent,
(Even as you or I!)
Honour and faith and a sure intent
(And it wasn't the least what the lady meant),
But a fool must follow his natural bent
(Even as you or I!)
Oh, the toil we lost and the spoil we lost
And the excellent things we planned
Belong to the woman who didn't know why
(And now we know that she never knew why)
And did not understand!
The fool was stripped to his foolish hide,
(Even as you or I!)
Which she might have seen when she threw him aside—
(But it isn't on record the lady tried)
So some of him lived but the most of him died—
(Even as you or I!)
And it isn't the shame and it isn't the blame
That stings like a white-hot brand—
It's coming to know that she never knew why
(Seeing, at last, she could never know why)
And never could understand!
This is what the world is coming to. It may be time to revamp The System ™
As I remember her cock sucking skills were top notch!
But what are you going to do about it? As you know I’ve tried to convince the other cats to rise up against the apes and whip ‘em into shape, but I just can get the buy in. Most cats just don’t have enough rick in ‘en. C’est la vie...
So you just gotta enjoy the fruits of the fucked up. Maybe I should journey down to Florida so I can find Mr. Mickey Mouse daddy/daughter fetish and put the fear of rick into him. Then we can gangbang the sexy girl ricky style with no daddy/daughter overtones. We’ll like it, she’ll like it, and Mr. Mickey Mouse will have some brown stuff in his trousers. Win win win! ROAR!!!
Esta, I'm sure that sounded great in your head, but here in the real world many of us have seen this phenomenon over and over. Fast money spends fast. In this girl's case she has a whole household full of people on her tit (so to speak), including her kids, the loser fiance and other relatives.
phil happens to know that mr san jose went on a quest to meet mr dugan
mr san jose an mr dugan exchanged pms and agree to meet in the club so mr dugan can teach mr san jose his dugany ways
but then mr san jose was disillusioned when he discovered that mr dugan wears mickie mouse t shirts and drives a 1975 mercury bobcat and isnt actually allowed into strip clubs because he gives off a weirdo vibe that is “just too much” for the bouncers
your welcome