
Comments by Cashman1234 (page 79)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: You gotta watch out with some of these crazy hos
    She’s kinda hot in her mugshot! I didn’t expect her to look so good after reading the story. The mix of drugs - a predisposition to being bat shit crazy - and adrenaline - can make for bizarre sexual encounters. I kept thinking that can’t be her real last name! Detective: What’s your name? Crazy hoe: It’s none of shobusiness! Detective writes down perps last name is Shabusiness…
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    BDSM in the club, what the what?!?
    I’m very careful to not go too far ITC - with any BD/SM activities. I understand the dancers are there as entertainers, and not as sex slaves (to recruit for an organization). I’ve had several civilian women who love the real rough stuff. It’s important to agree to things in advance of any meet up. Chatting about real S&M stuff online is a huge difference than engaging in it. That being said, I’ve only once had a dancer try something to dominate me ITC. I had to stop her immediately. Luckily we were in a VIP room so there was time to correct things and enjoy the rest of the session.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    The stripper / beef jerky nexus
    If this is true - then do real Florida strippers eat gator jerky? There’s a guy who sells it out of his pickup on one of those central Florida highways. I thought he was legit, until I saw that he takes credit cards.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Stripping on TV
    There are a few that I remember. The Wrestler has great strip club scenes. Marisa Tomei is great as the unrequited love interest of Mickey Rourke. There is an odd - but intense - strip club scene in Leaving Las Vegas. I liked the strip club as a subplot in the Sopranos. That club (Satin Dolls) likely still gets some tourist traffic from the show. I still find it funny the sign for Satin Dolls is right near the party store next to it - Party Box. There were interesting strip club scenes in the mainstream TV show NYPD Blue. One of the girls was pretty hot - before she got knocked off (and I think the young detective got knocked off too). Striptease was fun. Demi Moore looked good in that film. Burt Reynolds was very funny too.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Jobs you would never ever do
    I forgot one - Librarian in the San Jose library. I’ve heard the keyboard on the free internet access computer is very sticky - and the internet cookies are all goat porn sites.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    NBA stars would rather spend money at a strip club than feed hungry people
    Maybe then we can declare our strip club dance money as charitable contributions on our taxes? I will see if Bubbles at the Sticky Wicket Club will sign a receipt that is acceptable for my accountant.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Playboy model claims she was kicked out of Airbnb for being too hot
    Thanks Longball300. I agree, she’s not my type. I am still unsure if I would kick her out of my Airbnb. I don’t actually have an Airbnb - but if I did…
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Playboy model claims she was kicked out of Airbnb for being too hot
    I’m taking a wild guess and thinking the host has a very different story of what happened. This sounds like a girl who is very self absorbed and who thinks the world revolves around her - and her perceived hotness. She’s very muscular and her face is a bit rough, but she’s definitely hot.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Jobs you would never ever do
    I’d never be a maintenance worker at McDonalds after CrazyJoe uses the shitter. I’d never get into politics either.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    In the wind
    Sex Work: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
    Shailynn - maybe that’s the answer? Change the transaction so it’s considered a short term lease - with the owner of the punanny retaining ownership and the residual risks. It would no longer be a sex transaction, but rather a short (or very short) term lease. The laws are so old and bizarre - it’s likely they didn’t think to exclude leases on punanny!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    In the wind
    Sex Work: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
    There is a lot of wisdom in that clip. The use of humor and insight helps to make a somewhat uncomfortable topic more palatable. I agree that sex work should be legal throughout the USA. Sadly, the folks against legal sex work have taken their old morality argument, and reframed it to make all sex work align with human trafficking. That’s basically a last ditch effort to bring everyone on board with keeping sex work illegal. That is wrong, and as Oliver mentioned, it likely harms sex workers more than it helps them.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    from that Adam Westsiiiide of Gotham
    IYO, what celeb doppelgangers you seen at an SC?
    I’ve got nothing to add to this discussion. I rarely remember a dancer’s face, and it’s more rare that I think a dancer resembles a celebrity. I am still searching for a dancer to resemble Salma Hayek in from Dusk Till Dawn.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    State of the Union
    If that mumbling feeble old suit is making the decisions to stand up to Russia - then we are doomed! That speech was like watching Weekend at Bernie’s! Why wasn’t Hunter in the gallery? Joe keeps mentioning Bo - but he doesn’t mention using Hunter’s experience in Ukraine? I know he was paid a lot for his influence a few years ago!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Fuck Snow, Moving to SoFlo - Any suggestions?
    There are several long time members who are living in Florida now. I’m thinking of making the move in a couple of years as well. I’ve only vacationed there, so I can’t offer advice on specific communities. There are some very nice east coast areas - as Cocoa is nice and not too far south - Vero Beach is beautiful and a decent location - Palm Beach is also a nice location. Beachfront in Vero Beach can be very expensive! I’ve only recently started checking the west coast, but there are some beautiful spots there too. St Pete is nice - and so is Ft Meyers. The water is warm and the sunsets are great. Jacksonville is far north - and I’ve not been to the beach there. But, there is a good amount of business - and banks - so that is good for work. It’s likely cooler in the winter up there (and possibly not as brutal in the summer?)
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Brutal honesty in strip clubs
    Rod and RickDugan make good points. We know how clubs work, as it’s a simple exchange, so there can be less pretense when chatting with dancers.