
Comments by MASCULINIST100

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What made you turn from long-term relationships to strip clubs?
    Actually, the way I look at is long term the SC is what I need to stick it out with an aging woman. She’s my best friend. But she doesn’t give Mr. happy what he needs. I mean she tries. It's just the reality of getting older.
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    8 years ago
    What I love the most about strippers
    God bless strippers if you’re married and want a little variety. It’s pretty convenient. Don’t know how married guys go through the hassle of full on affairs with civies.
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    8 years ago
    Not trying to get robbed in OTC
    @ desertscrub. I wasn’t married at the time. Apparently reading retention isn’t your strong point. Some people might pick up on clues like “10 years ago”. Another way to say it would be, “fuck you”.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Not trying to get robbed in OTC
    Thanks guys for the comments. I didn’t mean to insult anyone with the dirty whore comment. I like strippers. Otherwise I wouldn’t be on this site. I don’t have a problem with whores either. I just think it’s a fine distinction between a stripper and a whore. They’re both providing sexual services for money. It’s really just a matter of degrees. The dirty adjective probably wasn’t necessary.
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    8 years ago
    Proper etiquette for LDK'ing
    Just go for it. Don't make a big thing of it and if you think it's enough that she's going to notice just say "That's good baby". I've LDKed hundreds of times and no one has ever said anything to me about having a problem. I think the dancers that would have a problem with it wouldn't help you get to that point. Keep in mind some dancers figure you'll be a repeat customer if you LDK.
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    8 years ago
    Spinoff on one of ldk's polls.
    A. What's the point of even going? At least B - D have a benefit.
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    8 years ago
    The already lean SE states scene is drying up....
    I'm afraid the same thing is happening in the Northeast. My ATF works at a bikin bar that used to offer high mileage in the back told me some girl got caught showing a nipple at the bar by a government asshole. Now the place sucks.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    ROI On SC Frequency
    When I started working at my current company I was early to work every day. Now I'm 30 minutes or more late most of the time.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Not a Sex Worker, Why Not?
    I remember one time a stripper asked me what I did and I told her about my professional title and the fortune 500 company I worked for. She said something to the effect of “I wish I did something like that”. I said, “I bet you make a lot more people happy than I do” We both smiled and knew this was true. In my mind then and now, I genuinely think on the whole a stripper is morally superior to me as a professional. If you work in the corporate world, you’re helping to destroy the planet and probably doing some other evil. As far as I can tell, on the immediate level strippers just spread joy. I usually stop by the SC on the way home from work if work has stressed me out. Strippers consistently help me feel normal so I can go enjoy a couple of hours with my wife and get a decent night’s sleep. If I had to stop going to the doctor or the SC with the goal being to be as physically healthy as possible I’d fire my doctor without hesitation. The downstream effects of strippers work is more complicated. I used to have only good feelings because of them. Now I also feel guilty and a little bit sad. But I’m beginning to think those feelings are the inevitable effect of being a slave to capitalism. I’m by no means wealthy but I have more money than most people and yet I feel absolutely no freedom to do what I want with my career which is a bigger and bigger part of my life every day; everything is about managing cash flow; everything is about making sure I have the life I’m supposed to have as an upper middle class well educated tool. And that’s not the strippers fault. In fact the stripper might be the thing that stands between me and a nervous breakdown. It’s been a while since I read it, but I don’t remember Holden Caufield as some sort of abused dysfunctional social reject. I remember him as someone who had real feelings. I don’t think catching children in a rye field would have much status in our society, but I think Holden wanted to be a catcher in the Rye because he wanted to help people be happy. And that’s what strippers do. Maybe the people who are marginalized or are living on the margins are there more because they have better taste than the rest of us. They spit out the shit that we gobble up.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Thanks to everyone for your comments. There was some good stuff to reflect on.
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    8 years ago
    Latin Gold
    Is this the right club? There's no upstairs nor is there a bouncer. And none of this sounds like Clancy's.