
ROI On SC Frequency

Wednesday, January 20, 2016 2:08 PM
I know the conventional wisdom is that the more often you go to a particular club / see a particular dancer the more likely you are to get good service. And I have definitely experienced that. However, sometimes I find after a while a dancer can start to take me for granted and the amount of time each dance lasts becomes shorter or the overall quality of the dance starts to suffer. Anyone ever find allowing a little (or a lot) of extra time between a visit gets the dancer motivated to provide quality service again?


  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    If you want the dancer to take you seriously, it is just like with girls in any other situation, you have to disclose real identity and the kinds of information she will want to know, and then quickly try to set up outside contact with her. This outside contact might be civilian or P4P, but the guy has got to try. Otherwise he is just leading her on, or likely hiding something about his real life, like perhaps his marital status. Most of the time if a girl talks to you and likes you, what she will really want is to end up making your breakfast by next morning. So if the guy does not try to close, then he is hurting her feelings, and she will bite back. Been There! SJG
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    That sounds about-right. IMO being a dancer is not all easy – having to have a cheerful look/demeanor/attitude every-time she's w/ a custy; be looking-good; pretending to be attracted to the custy (aka making him feel he's the greatest thing since sliced-bread); all takes effort and energy and I can see a dancer slacking off on the job (as even non-dancers do) – plus not to mention they have their bad-days and often drama in their personal-lives – so yeah; taking a break from them often times “re-motivates them”.
  • impala
    8 years ago
    I agree, if your a regular you do sometimes taken for granted. I've seen dancers go right to someone new in the bar, and then come to you later. Almost seems like they want to see if the new customer is willing to throw more money, and know your there for backup.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Classic case of "grass is greener on the other side," even stripper are not immune to this!
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    I wonder to what extent this reduction in service -- M's reduction in time, impala's dancer choosing a newbie over a regular -- is also to some extent a passive aggressive way for the dancer to tell her regular, "I'm bored or tired of your demands like texting or entitlement, or otherwise just can't stand your face anymore, but don't want to just give up your money, so I'll either make you up your game or take a break." Not sure it's as simple as being taken for granted, at least not all the time. I once had an ATF who who go into this mode from time to time, but she was incredibly easy to manipulate -- I'd just go with another girl a couple of times, and she would snap right back to attention. I almost felt like she WANTED the competition to make things interesting for her and motivate her to compete for my business again. Playing these kinds of games isn't something I'm interested in anymore, I'd just fire hire, but back then I think I enjoyed the game.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    I think sometimes it is also the PLs' neediness that gets to them. Or as one dancer wrote:"It's the damn neediness: Angry men scowling at me like they can buy me for a dollar, lonely men professing love after a ten minute chat, confused and desperate men convinced that if only they could get a girl to do they ask, however outlandish, things will somehow be better." That and what Papi and Subramen both said. You don't want them to slack on their hustle. You want them to be hungry for the $$ you have to spend. No one wants to be stuck in a rut. It gets boring. Aren't most of the dancers interchangeable with each other, anyway?
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    8 years ago
    It can't hurt to change up the schedule and either come in for different nights/days, or visit another club for a while. You never know what you'll find if you broaden your horizons a bit. Another solution might be to come in and immediately go to another dancer. When your CF asks why, let her know that your interactions have felt a bit stale and low energy lately. If she wants access to your wallet, then she'll reset her energy levels and attitude. I agree with what was said above. It can't be easy for a dancer to be "on" continuously for every customer. A degree of stripper malaise is to be expected. But, it is up to the customer to (gently and politely) let the dancer know that you expect a certain level of service for your money. It's just business ... but with a boner. Regards, Ishmael
    8 years ago
    When I started working at my current company I was early to work every day. Now I'm 30 minutes or more late most of the time.
  • lopaw
    8 years ago
    I stopped searching for ATF's for several reasons, one of which is the inevitable "taking for granted" that comes after she knows that you are a sure thing. Nowadays I prefer to always try out new girls, and keep them in my stable for a short time before moving on to someone else. The only trouble with that plan is that some of them don't want to be cut loose and think that you are their new regular, which can make it very awkward and uncomfortable when you go back to the club and show no interest in them.
  • azdd
    8 years ago
    Getting taken for granted isn't always with just one dancer. The problem I have is that I usually get dances from several favorites when I go in, so they all expect to get a turn on my lap. I could turn one or more of them down once in awhile, but they ARE my go-to girls so I just go with the flow most of the time. There have been times when I choose to go to another club to get a change of pace.
  • mjx01
    8 years ago
    IME, you have to be enough of a regular to be a known quantity in a club, to get the inside track to better service. I totally agree with the "taking for granted" aspect. However, assuming you're frequenting a large enough club, the "taking for granted" part can be managed but inciting a bit of competition by having more than one CF. IMO, that doesn't imply a time limit, just don't be wipped with one dancer.
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