

Living well and enjoying my retirement
Now that Donald Trump has signed the republican party's pledge is there any doubt that he is bought and paid for by the same money interests controlling our American election ? In other words isn't he just as full of shit as ant politician


  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Not at all. I'm starting to think Trump is smarter than appears. He signs the paper, and then bucks the GOP trend by saying the KY clerk should follow the law, and also he's in favor of keeping Obama's Iran deal. I find this VERY funny...it's like he wants the GOP to beg him to leave the party now that he said he wouldn't!
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Rockstar, I think you say wrong things on purpose. Trump thinks the Iran deal was made by idiots. Iran is not our friend. I don't think anybody is buying Trump outright. He did not sign a legal contract. And so far he has not blatantly lied like Hillary
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    You might want to check yourself. Trump is naturally going to say it's bad since for the GOP, everything Obama does is bad. But if it's so bad, why keep it? Trump sees the wisdom of the deal; if he didn't he'd also say he'd scrap it. That would be the easier path for him anyway. I respect that he's going with Obama on this issue.
  • Meursault
    9 years ago
    Detesting Trump is one of the few political things I can talk to my liberal friends about.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    You did it again. Trump was on Instagram 2 days ago blasting Obama and every one involved on making such a crappy deal.

    And to be provocative, You and I would be lucky to play as good as the great SRV...:)
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Of COURSE Trump is going to blast Obama; it's politics. He's trying to have his cake and eat it too. If the deal was as bad as he says, he'd say he'd scrap it. He's said he would keep it. I'm no Trump apologist but I like on this issue at least, policy trumps politics.
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    There was some blurb on the news this morning where he was talking about the Iran deal. His claim was that it was a contract, and like all legally enacted contracts, must be held. By *both* parties. His position was that he was gonna come down hard on Iran if they broke it.

    Whether he is to be believed, and would follow through, is a separate question, but that position is a sound one.

    Hey, at least he's not a religious nut job like the rest of the Republicrats. Just a regular every day nut job.
  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    Well, you can't bash bad policy without bashing the ones who made it. The American hostages should have been returned at the least. Point, blank, period
  • Experimental
    9 years ago
    The contract isn't binding and Trump did have a condition or two to sign it. All he has to do is claim he wasn't treated fairly and boom, he can nullify the contract. Or maybe he'll find an even more creative means. The dude is a jedi master of enforcing and breaking contracts.

    I don't support him as a candidate but I do like what he's doing. Making real politicians sweat and getting PC nazis everywhere in a tizzy is hilarious.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    But here's the thing even if he breaks his commitment to support the eventual Republican nominee he has agreed to abide by the same rules as all of the other candidates in the Republican party and the rules are made by the money that's just a sad fact of American politics. I never believed that he was serious and by signing that pledge he proves beyond a doubt that he is full of shit and has some other purpose behind his attention grabbing statements. My own personal opinion is that he is mad at Jeb Bush for not supporting his casino bid in Florida when Jeb was governor but I have no personal knowledge so that is just a guess on my part. More to the point he has plenty of money but I doubt he has 10 billion, so I also think he would prefer not to spend as much money as a third party would cost knowing that as a third party candidate he would never recoup the amount of money he would need to spend Like I said this is just my opinion maybe somebody see this differently time will tell.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    What's with "reverse" raccoon eyes?

    Chuck Todd needs to tackle the important issue.
  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Trump is about as credible as that really bad rug of his.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    I still don't think he really wants to be President.
  • sharkhunter
    9 years ago
    one of my relatives thinks he will drop out. I'm starting to wonder if Bill Clinton asked him to run just to screw up the republcan primary process but now he might start thinking he can win. He's alienated a lot of voters already.
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    He may be leading the polls but he ain't gonna win. Too polarizing. I saw a poll where people were asked who you would NEVER vote for. He led that poll too. With a higher percentage of haters than followers.
  • lopaw
    9 years ago
    Isn't a "Trump" that piece of skin between your balls/vagina & asshole?
    Oh wait.....I think that's a "taint".

    "Trump" would be a better term.
  • grinddawg
    9 years ago
    Donald Trump is a hero and man of honor. He's the man best qualified to bring this country back to greatness. I remember years ago when he bitch slapped that obnoxious lesbo Rosie O'Donnell and the liberal scum media tried to demonize him but it didn't work because he kept cashing checks and cashing checks and cashing checks. Who would you rather have running the USA? The Donald or that old bag Hillary? Who the fuck wants a women president, fuck that shit.

  • sclvr5005
    9 years ago
    Q: What did a 10 year old grinddouche say after the first time that he had sex?

    A: "Get off of me Daddy"
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    Last night on the debate it seems that Jeb Bush feels the same way that I do about Donald Trump running for president just to get even with Jeb for not supporting his attempt to get casinos into the state of Florida in the 1990s. It appears that other people with more money to pay off politicians got here first. My guess is that the Seminole or Miccosukee Indian tribe or both, didn't want the competition to siphon profits from the casinos that they now own, on tribal land by opening casinos in Miami Beach or Orlando . Fellas its all about the money always.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    25: I agree, it's all about money, especially to Trump. If he were president he'd actually ask how much a war would cost before starting one.

    I can't understand the conservative's appeal for him. If Trump actually won, he'd spend more money than any Republican would. He talks about programs that are prohibitively expensive like the wall and deporting 13 million people. What's he REALLY going to do?

    Plus he was pro abortion and for national health care. He says he's against them now, but I suspect he's lying. Do conservatives think he actually changed his moral compass? If so, isn't that kind of dangerous?
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago

    One quick point that all seem to overlook. You said "deporting 13 million people." as "prohibitively expensive". OK, but what is the cost to allow them to stay? Also prohibitively expensive AND it doesn't stop. Deporting, a one time expense and if the one time expense of the wall is there, no more pouring across the border.

    Seems like Trump thought it through better than you.

    We should run one of those scam to get the illegals to come for something "free". Like the police run on criminals.Once they walk in, through the door is a bus and off they go! At the border, say walk!
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I personally don't care if the illegals stay or not. What I care about is the tax money going to support them when they aren't paying taxes. Stop the support, and the problem will solve itself.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    to Mr_O
    I'm not a liberal and certainly not a fan of illegal entry to our country, but get real more than half of the illegals are not from Mexico and I doubt that there are any from Canada some sanity has to be used with the people already here. I'm not sure what the solution is, but your bus idea doesn't sound very well thought out.
  • Mr_O
    9 years ago

    What other illegal activity are millions known to commit and we actually reward them? THAT'S well thought out????
  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    Trump is a political Kardashian in a country currently fascinated with Kardashians. He is Honey Boo Boo -- we watch for the same reason we watch car accidents and fires. While surely capable of steering the republican party into some icebergs and sinking the prospects of fellow republican hopefuls, at the end of the day he cannot win He will ultimately do more to help the democrats than they are able to do to help themselves. We should be careful not to confuse fascination with support. Right now, Trump has brand name recognition and that is why he is leading. When the field narrows significantly and he is forced to compete in terms beyond 5-second clever sound bites, he will crash and burn (but the damage will be done).

    Just MHO.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    Mr_O: I see the illegals as an asset to our country, not a liability. If I were in charge, I'd make all of them (without a criminal record) citizens immediately. Why not? Then they're on the grid, can get better jobs than picking fruit and pay taxes. Having an underground economy has actually worked quite well for America but if we as a country are uncomfortable with it, let's just make them legal.
  • twentyfive
    9 years ago
    To Mr_O
    The question was how are you going to get non Hispanic and non Canadiens from the bus to their border by dropping them off in the no mans land between US & Mexico or Canada just seems kind of silly there are just as many Asians , Eastern Europeans & Africans here illegally that came in on various visas and just overstayed their visa expiration date
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