Every mornang I getteth up and here the voice of the LORD mane in my hed. It is lik being next too the amplifyers at a Gunes N Roses concet butt the words are of luv
@warhawks, I don't think TheProphetJuice is the original juicebox69. I suspect it is mikeya02. That is probably why he is spending time accusing me of being zipperhead.
Doesn't really matter. mikeya02 is a retard. Original juicebox69 is a retard. ProphetJuice is a retard. Zipperhead is a retard. If you like any of them that makes you a retard.
Thou art truelee a gentil sole Douglass an I thankest thou four thy support butt I am now preying too find a better waye too reach my flack. I have not given upp so sayeth the final prophet off the LORD mane
last commentWe need a tote board to keep track of all these different names.
Sure seems like it would be easier to just use one all the time.
Like...... Juice.
"They call me JUICE! The JUICE!! (In OJ Simpson's voice).
Doesn't really matter. mikeya02 is a retard. Original juicebox69 is a retard. ProphetJuice is a retard. Zipperhead is a retard. If you like any of them that makes you a retard.
Don't be a retard.