
Comments by samella2 (page 4)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Spent A Lot But Got What I Wanted
    sounds like you actually got hosed worse than the stripper. For six bills, I've banged playboy playmates BBFS.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Better than recent reviews
    Guy who said anything under $200 is exactly what is wrong with America right now. If the going rate is $60, NO $200 is NOT a win by any measure. There are a lot of medical terms used to describe that kind of behavior, none of which is fit to write here.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    But not too old!
    Who Googled the Mighty Mouse theme?
    this is hilarious. desertscrub calls every legit review a "club ad" and is calling this one "fake", yet this one, along with all the poster's "reviews" are classic CLUB ADs. Proves the guy is a clueless douche. As far as the poster, clearly he/she either works for the club or promotes it. I doubt even the owner of the club has this much detail on the dancers. It is unlikely he/she is a patron because I know for a fact a couple of these dancers are RIP OFF artists, yet he doesn't make any mention of what they do or don't do in the back. If he were an actual patron with this much detail on them, he would be able to tell you in great detail. "useless of men as a species"? that comments suggest the poster is either a female lesbian, or someone who actually knows/works with the owner.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    BAD experience all around! Go elsewhere!
    Surprised Desertscrub didn't think this was a "Club Ad of the Day" My experiences here have been very good, however, it seems the club is gaining popularity and as such, attracting some ROB artists. I've seen this pattern before at lower end clubs like Atlantis.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    New England
    River of Dreams
    Really, you think New England clubs are more high mileage than FL clubs? That's absolutely the funniest thing I've ever heard. You base this on what, an experience with one dancer? I fly down several times per year to Florida from Massachusetts just for the mileage & extras at Florida clubs. Even considering airfare & car rental, it is still a better value. Ybor Strip is not what it used to be, I will say that. Seems like Gold Club has taken all the quality dancers and jacked up the prices in the process. Across the Bay, however, there are still a few good clubs left where you can get high mileage, unlimited extras (BBFSCIP, greek, etc) at still reasonable prices. In New England, a busted girl tried to charge my $300 for a HJ, and that is at Desire which is supposedly the best club in New England
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Parts Unknown
    Not a Bad Place but Seriously Overpriced
    Not sure why guys are terrified of negotiating the price. This is the oldest profession in the world, or at least adjacent to it. There are way more girls here than guys, so it is the buyer with all the leverage. Go around and talk to the other guys in the club--not the ones by themselves but the ones that came in groups. Suggest to them that the prices are out of control and let them know how you negotiate successfully. The girls can go make money or go home. Guess what they will choose?
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    March Madness at Desire
    Just like a broken clock is necessarily right two times a day, Desert Douche actually got this one right on the money. I've been to this club multiple times the past 7-8 years and each time it sucked worse than the time before. The poster says he spent around $1000! Do you know what I could get in Florida for $1000? BBFS with two of perfect 10 latinas and still have $200 left over. No, no self-respecting person would spend that much and get so little, but this is New England we're talking about, so what really are your options? I'm probably going to leave my high six figure job within two years just to move back to Florida, taking about a 50% hit in income. Infinitely better weather, more fun, and better women, both inside and outside the club will be worth it, even if it's a red state packed with the poorly educated.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Fun, but expensive as hell.
    Should actually be called Trumpflation since he was too busy banging skanks in Mar-a-lago rather than planning for a coming pandemic (not that he was qualified enough to plan, just so stupid he ripped up the plans already in place)... in any case, how is a $15/hr minimum wage law that DOESN'T exist yet contributing to inflation? Even if it passed, it would lead to job losses as a result of rising input costs, not wage inflation. Ignorance reins supreme I guess when you're an inbred Faux News zombie. In any case, Gold's seems to have taken over as the dominant non-Dale Mabry club in Tampa. I've witnessed its rise in popularity the past few years, and it reminds me of the old Pink Pony... so I'm guessing a major bust is just around the corner.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    I Desire this strip club to stay open past 1am
    Sounds like someone had a personal reckoning at the end of the night, what a time to come out of the closet. Actually, I can't blame you. Based on my experiences at this club from 2018-2019, which is supposedly the "best" in all of New England, I think it could turn any red-blooded man gay after enough visits--at the very least you will dislike women the rest of your life if you judge them by how the girls here act/look. The only thing I can figure is that it is a "regulars" only club, and there are a TON of very desperate fools who have spent years burning their money on lukewarm 6s and 7s around here. Go to Florida, get model quality girls who go infinitely further in terms of "extras", and pay less than a third as much doing so. It's a no-brainer to me. I fly down there several times a year now for "fun" as I will NEVER step foot in any New England club as long as this stuff is still going on (referring to the review above).
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Why do most strippers consider kissing more intimate than sex?
    This is a really easy question to answer. Strippers have learned to separate their vaginas from their hearts. It is nothing more than a tool that is used for generating cash. Much like a boxer uses his hands. It is not so easy to do that with lips, there is a very direct connection to the heart, so the brain cannot step in redirect the message.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Not bad
    if he thinks the reviews are shill, I hope he stops coming. In fact, I hope all of you reading this STOP coming. That's just more for the rest of me.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    $100 for 7 minutes
    Thanks for the info. The average wage in Tampa is about $18/hr, and the average guy probably can't save more than $100/wk... who is paying $50 for a 7 minute "air" dance? Especially with all the options between strip clubs, massage parlors, and escorts? This is your classic tourist trap.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Swingers Club
    ignore DesertDouche--he posts virtually the exact same comment for every post on the entire site. He/she/it has no life apparently and harassing random people on the internet seems to be his thing.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Amazing time much to my surprise !!!
    A country we're not on good terms with? After Trump, that narrows the list down to about 155.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    When money talks strippers swallow. No such thing as luck just dollar signs
    No way this is a club ad, too much dirty detail. A club ad would talk about the niceties of the club, the music, the ambiance--none of that here. A club ad would name individual dancers and describe how desirable they are in detail, but give little details about services provided even in ambiguous or coded terms. Again, negative. It's amazing that after a decade or so, DesertDouche still can't tell a club ad from a non-club ad to save his life.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    My lap is open to you
    Rudest Dancer Ever
    Sounds like you can have a better time at a strip club in some Middle Eastern desert run by ISIS.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Tons of fun upstairs
    Really overpaid! For $400 you can get a very hot escort for a full hour. That's your business though.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Atlantis lost a regular tonight
    The only times I have ever been ripped off is when I give the money up front. Never EVER pay a girl up front. Even if it is a girl you have been with before!! If she insists, you can show her you have the money, but never actually give it to her until she's fulfilled her end of the agreement. She has all the leverage if you pay upfront--it is really not much different than a phone or email scam. Once they have your money, you will never get it back!
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    First time at OZ on a Thursday evening.
    DesertDouche posts the same thing "club ad of the day" everyday for multiple different club ads, which is by itself a contradiction. He must work for this website because they haven't banned him yet for abusive behavior, and it's going on like what 10 years now?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    A view from the barstool by a weekday regular
    You must spend quite a bit of your life at this club to know so much about each and every dancer. Glowing reviews in every case, and anyone who has ever been to any club knows the majority of dancers aren't prizes. I've been to this club several times, and I agree that unless you are a regular they have as much respect for you as a toilet seat. It's for this reason I AVOID Desires and virtually every other club in New England. I can just fly down to Florida, and be attacked by random gorgeous models who are ready to have unlimited fun for very reasonable prices (I have even had some free of charge after I get to know them). It is more than worth it. The girls in New England all suffer from Gold Pussy Delusions--and it is the fault of those of you who continue to feed their egos. If you stop paying for garbage, they will be forced to get off their high horses and at least TRY to pretend they don't hate men. You will get better service, better talent, and lower prices.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Veteran's day hjinks
    the world would be a better place with no desertscrubs
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    just looking for a little human contact along the way
    Not bad for a Monday night
    Thanks for the review, but after what I experienced in Florida, I will never even think about visiting a New England club. I'd much rather pay to fly to Florida for "lap dances" than drive a single block to any New England club.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Nice club overall
    sure electronman, your boolean is correct if what I wrote was the complete story, but I left out some details for sake of brevity. From the sounds of it, Layla has no problem with older men, and I didn't mean to suggest as much.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Maybe my new fave to get a load off
    thanks for the tip, now how do I go back and edit my review?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Aggressive dancers
    My experience is, if she asks for the money first, LEAVE. In all my life, I've probably been asked about 7-8 times to pay first. Each and every time it was a miserable dance, if not, an absolute rip-off. I've made that a must-follow rule now. The only time you ever pay first for anything is with an escort with whom you are a new (or relatively new) customer.