
Comments by Nelly632

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    If you won the Lottery, what's the first thing you would do?
    It probably would depend on how much the lottery winnings are but after the usual responsible things I would likely go to my go to SC and just be a baller for the night...
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    9 years ago
    Holding the right thing
    One hot chick was kind of drunk and wanted to go do a room so I agreed... I stood up and she jumped on my back and said "Lets go" and proceeded to get a "Horse back ride" to the room. I found it funny but the management did not and they let her know about it.
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    9 years ago
    Holding hands again
    The girls I dance with do it all the time... I did not think anything of it until I encountered one girl who did not do it and that was when I finally thought of it. I am indifferent about it personally. I will say however that one of my FAVS doesn't hold hands but instead walks with me side by side with her arms wrapped around me arm and her head resting on my shoulder like she is my girlfriend. I enjoy it personally and I have noticed her walk back with many customers and she doesn't do it with anyone else while I am there so that is nice but I can't imagine being to upset if she did as this is part of the game.
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    9 years ago
    Cheating on Dancers
    " Monogamous relationships obviously have no place in a strip club," QFT... I said the something like that before to a dancer " i am not hear for Monogamy, I have that at home!"
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    9 years ago
    Cheating on Dancers
    Yeah my buddy I go with has been tagged with that "Don't approach he is [insert stripper name] guy" but I have not. Many of the girls I have accumulated over time have dubbed me a "Whore" or "Slut" because I take many girls and even joke that they have to wait for a seat to open up with me so they can make their money. I am fine with this and I enjoy these girls as they are about their money and understand my desires and allow me the freedom to get a dance with them, enjoy their company and then they move on to their hustle. But the girl I described above appears to be a old school stripper and as the VIP host described it lives by a old stripper code that few follow these days. The girls who are cool with me spreading my money around got pissy about this girl monopolizing my time and I can understand one or two jealous chicks talking shit about her but it almost seemed unanimous that she is not well liked in this club. Atleast 5 different dancers used the word hate when talking about her, one bouncer also used the word hate. One VIP host did not express his opinion to me about her but I heard through the grape vine that she is not liked by him and the other VIP host sat down and laughed about the drama he witnessed between myself and her. He assured me that he would handle it if I wanted him to but that is not needed. He is the one who expressed to me how she lived by a old stripper code. I can't speak for all strippers being described in this discussion but I believe that the one I am speaking of is coming to stage in her dancing career (she is 30) and is feeling threatened by the younger girls and is trying to keep herself relevant and hold on to as many guys as she can, I don't think a dancer would take kindly to a customer walking up to them after they took dances with other guys and said "Why are you cheating on me?"
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Cheating on Dancers
    I encountered this problem... I met her on a Sunday at the club and fell hard for her, she popped my Champagne room cherry and impressed me so much that I took her about 3 more times for a room within a month period. Well the last time I took her a bunch of other girls seemed upset with my choice and made a big deal about it. I was drunk so I got fed up and told her that from now on I simply wanted to hang out with her... I was drunk and my fault for saying it but she took that to heart. Next time I saw her I did my usual thing of spreading the love and basically took her last and when she finally came up it was like a 15 minute bitch fest about how I am not a man of my word. I laughed it off until it became to much so I asked her if she wanted to dance but she wanted a room so i told her no. I guess she thought she would be able to get me in the room during the dance but instead she got like two dances and I told her I was done. She was pissed and didn't even walk me back to my table, last time I saw her she walked pass me and gave me the bird while I was sitting with another girl... Truth is she will be back... Her hurt feelings with subside and she will realize that MONEY rules all and this is about business. I have learned that these ladies care about the money as they should and when you are sitting with someone else they see that as money they can have so they get possessive of the money not the man. If they are possessive of you then GOOD FOR THAT GUY lol
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Carpet or Bare floors
    Very interesting that this topic is being discussed at this time as it is something that crossed my mind during my last trip to my favorite spot. I was spreading my money around this night in particular because I arrived later then usual. I took several girls that night and I began to notice a theme which had not occurred previously, on this night these girls were making it a point to show off their pussies by putting it right near my face and spreading the lips so I could get a good look. I took note that mostly all were shaved with the exception of my final dances of the night when I encountered this hot piece who was not shaved. Like it has been noted, she was not 70's style bush but she had a notable amount of hair, I could not see the shape or how much was actually there but I did notice it was long enough to see when she was at a certain angle with the way the light was hitting her. This stuck out in my head and I even told my buddy about it and his reaction was kind of the same. It didn't gross me out or even mess with my head during the dance but it made me question which I prefer. I guess by default I prefer shaved since that is what I am encountering more often then not but in the grand scheme of things I believe that if a girl is shaved or not will likely not change my opinion on if I want a dance with her that night.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Kissing a stripper.
    @San Jose - Yeah I didn't mean to come off like I am finding fault in her actions... I have been trying to wrap my head around her motives. One of the opinions you have about her motives is that she is simply supplying kissing as part of her game. This is fine and I have no issue with this,it is just coming off more as a desire of hers and not something that is needed to keep me interested, Her controlling nature is another beast which I need to tame and fix. Based on the opinion of everyone including yourself my approach about the kissing will simply be go with the flow. As long as I do not get the impression she is some skanky chick who just blew some guy right before me or is going from client to client on the night I am there kissing them all then I will continue to partake. I do not get the impression from this club that this is the case. Thanks for the advice bud.
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    10 years ago
    Kissing a stripper.
    @Papi - THANKS! I really like your response it is very helpful.
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    10 years ago
    Closing Time
    I don't know about OTC after closing but I have realized recently that at a certain time at my go to place is when the sad "Closing time" music starts... I have this one girl who I hit up OTC every so often who says hi when I first arrive then re appears about 2 hours before closing and just sits with me and drinks. Kind of like her hustle is over and she is just chilling. She knows that I am good for a hundred or so at the end of the night and basically we always try to get it in before the "Sad" music starts but never do. We always laugh when the sad music starts during our dance because it never fails... One time she couldn't get to me at closing because some other girl sat with me all night and by the time I was free it was closing. She asked me to grab a bite to eat with her after the club closed at a 24 hour joint down the street but it was shitty timing because my buddy had to jet early for work the next morning so I gave him my car keys and I was hitching a ride with my other buddy. Haven't been able to organize shit with her OTC since that failed attempt. I love this discussion because it gives a lot of insight into what these girls are thinking close to closing time.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Drunk,high or scruffy?
    @Lena - I got a lot of great advice yesterday which has made me realize a few things about my strip club game. I hope to implement a better game plan next time I am in the club. I have read a lot on this site which helps combat the games these strippers play. But yeah your money so your terms...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Drunk,high or scruffy?
    1) If they come over drunk then odds are they are fucking annoying and look like shit... Had one like that last time sit on my buddies lap at the end of the night, she looked tore up from the floor up and usually she is on the hotter side. However, if they start off sober with me and get drunk as I get drunk well I really am not bothered because I am fucked up to. 2) High bithces are crazy and have never given me a good dance. One chick I took was the hottest in the club but high as all hell. Took her because I "Owed" he and had a shitty dance, saw her again a month later and she was like "You owe me a dance" and I was like "Nah we had a dance last time" she was so fucking high she didn't remember. She was not this time and the dance was better but not good enough to take the risk so she was kicked to the curb. 3) Never encountered it but yeah I can't tolerate that shit... Sorry being a stripper is about appearance among other things so if you can't get that right then move on. 4) I would be taken back for a moment but probably would take her anyways. Out of the 4 #3 is what would stop me personally... Now the other things... 1) Fuck off bitch... I am fat? Yeah so is my wallet and that stripper don't mind this big belly because I make it rain on the bitch! I drink to much? Yeah well I have to numb the pain of talking to your hot ass! Nothing bothers me more then a stripper who is judgmental... I don't give these broads any shit for grinding men for money so keep your opinion to yourself unless I ask and even then don't fuck up a good thing. 2) Not really... My CF was drunk and started telling me how her and her fiance own 3 businesses and a home... If true then more power to you and if not then I see no point on lying to me. If they make good money and have good things then makes it easier to shoot them down when they try flipping the script and pulling the whole 'Rent is due" line lol However I have only been doing the strip club thing since April so take my opinion with a grain of salt I go a lot but some of these guys have been going for years...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    some strippers are RETARDS
    Wow yeah that makes no sense... I have never had a chick come through and leave while the money was still flowing. Closes thing for me was recently when I tipped this girl on stage a ten spot because it was a slow night and I wanted to impress. She got 3 dollars total while on stage for 3 songs because the club was slow as all hell during a Bears game. She came off stage and sat with some dude for like a hour and only got one dance and then walked around the room never coming over to me. I figured "Oh well your lost" that night was the night I spent the least amount of money ever in a strip club. Didn't make sense but I am not chasing a stripper down, she was not that fucking hot.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Kissing a stripper.
    @JohnSmith69 - Thanks for the clarification bud...
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    10 years ago
    Kissing a stripper.
    @MJX01 oh okay cool thanks... Thanks to all off you for the info and advice.
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    10 years ago
    Kissing a stripper.
    @Johnsmith - Would you mind elaborated on what you mean by Private information?
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    10 years ago
    Kissing a stripper.
    @Kimi - I don't want to give the impression it happens all the time or with many girls... I have come close with other girls but pulled away just as they were... I don't get dances downstairs so I only dance upstairs in the VIP dance room and yeah I have made out with her there. The camera guy is cool as hell and I always tip him. Most of it happened in the Champagne room. I have been wanting to try out Atlantis I hear good things.
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    10 years ago
    Kissing a stripper.
    @Ranukam - Thanks bud I appreciate the compliment on the reviews. I hear ya bud I believe I should just open up and enjoy it. I believe some angles need to be covered but maybe just maybe she just enjoys it and wants to do it. I mean as long as she is not hoping around on the night I am there doing it with all of these guys then we are cool.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Kissing a stripper.
    @Phantomgeek - Yeah I am confident that I am not the only one regardless of what she says because GASP strippers lie,,, I know it is a shocker lol But yeah thanks for the advice as I need to basically assert my authority in this situation. This does not explain away the kissing which I am starting to believe to be a way of her trying to make me exclusive like JAMES is saying but getting my authority back is needed for this to work. I believe I will put her in a position next time around that she does not like and make her realize that this is my money and if she wants it she needs to follow my rules. Wish me luck lol @James - I want her and I will slowly transition from these bunch of girls to her only but I need to get my authority back beforehand. I believe you are right about what you are saying so I do not mind being with her only but she needs to assume I will leave her high and dry and take another girl. I cannot have her believing that she has me no matter what.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Kissing a stripper.
    @GACAclub - LOL yeah the car thing is a common thing I am hearing from strippers when they start talking about their real life. She has already mentioned OTC actions and with it being so close to x-mas it involved taking her to Victorias Secret to buy some stuff... I am a married man and she is engaged to some guy so my first thought was "Well getting away from the wife would be hard but not impossible but fuck why do I want to buy you shit to wear for your Boyfriend" but I agreed figuring I would cross that bridge if she actually called. No call so I did not have to worry about it but I see her game progressing each time I see her so I feel you are right on the money. @San_Jose_Guy - Interesting you would mention the doing it in the front because I encountered this with her during my last visit which was drama filled because she was staking claim on my ass and a bunch of other girls I have been with were trying to step up but that is a long story. She sat with me at the table on my lap for a bit then moves to a seat with my buddy sitting across from us. Her hands spent the entire night near my crotch and she just kept getting close and asking for a kiss... At first I thought she simply wanted a peck so I obliged with one on the cheek but she was having none of that. I gave her one on the mouth but still no go, finally she just demanded I stick my tongue out and balked at the scenario because I had a lot of other eyes on me from girls I have taken many times before. My feeling was that this is private shit and I am not trying to get these other chicks all pissed off because I like to spread the love around and am not use to strip club monogamy nor do I want to get use to it. I obliged the tongue and then finally just took her to the back so she would stop demanding a kiss in public. I appreciate the links and your opinion thanks a million bud. @Shadowcat - LOL Yeah my reviews are long, they actually could have been longer but I tamed them down as I did not want to bore people. I am a detail orientated guy who searches for as much info as possible when going to a new club and I wanted to share as much as I know. I could do another 10 reviews about my go to club and my experiences but I felt that would just be redundant. With regards to more info well that is not a problem... Let me give you a little back story first off without going into crazy details. Been going to this club for about a year and about 20 times this year alone. Have a steady rotation of about 8 girls I see on a regular basis and about a month ago this blonde stepped up on a night when none of my girls were there and quickly sky rocketed to the top. Drama has happened from the other girls who feel threatened because she is the only one I have taken to the Champagne room. The other girl come by and sit for a bit then take off to make money but she stick around and makes her money from me, maybe they are pissed because they missed out on this opportunity. In the back room it is a lot of grinding, groping on both parts, some titties sucking and fingering. She tried to pull the cock out once but I put a stop to that because this is not the type of club you fuck a chick in, at least not for me as I can't say what others do. Last time I saw her the VIP host pulled her to the side and talked to her and then shortly before leaving she told me it was them talking to her about kissing me in the back. Before leaving that night the VIP host sat down with me before leaving like he normally does telling me a shit ton of stories about strippers which I enjoy to no end. I apologized for the drama of the evening and gave him a fat tip but he assured me nothing was wrong and everything is cool. @Duke69 - I am pretty sure it is not a extras club meaning no sex or blowjobs however some girls let you get friendly with them once you get to know them as I have experienced with some women. I agree with what you are saying and part of me is like "Dude don't make out with a stripper" but the other part is like "Dude she came right in and sat with you all night so it isn't like you are kissing another dude" my buddy had to of course play devils advocate and be like "Yeah but she probably blew her boyfriend before she got here". I can always count on him to be logical and always make me feel like shit. @Clubber - Thanks... Yeah you are probably right... I mean the progression of the strip club relationship is like nothing I have experienced. Yeah I have one stripper on facebook I talk to about twice a week, another I hit up on text message every so often with random shit that she sends me and another who I use snapchat with but these girls all fall under the "Good girl" category for the club I go to with the blonde being in the "Dirty girl" category. But this situation with her is something new to me and as a logical person I actually look at it and say "If she is pulling some long as con then more power to her because she is doing it pretty decent". The last session we had the waitress came up and gave us the 10 minute notification so I told the blonde to stop dancing and just sit on me for the rest of the time and we talked. The second night we met I mentioned something about my life and she said "This is fun time not therapy time" so I shut my mouth but this last time while she was sitting on me she started talking about her real life and I said "You this is not therapy time this is fun time" I laughed and told her I am just fucking around and she deserved that shit for what she said last time and she agreed. But yeah it seems like she was laying the ground work for a OTC relationship but what does not make sense is that I told her we could go shopping this past week and she never got in touch with me so if this is part of her con then why not hit me up since I agreed. Sorry guys as you can see I ramble a lot about shit which is why the reviews are so long. I can write for hours about this shit lol So thus far what I am hearing is that if the club seems clean then have fun with it but watch out for a long con of her wanting to get a lot of my cash OTC.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Water Shot
    It is hard to say how a person should handle it since sometimes you just don't want to make a scene. Seems like you went about it in a smart manner. I am pretty tight with the host at my go to club so I would approach him and get it taken care of but if you are not familiar with the staff then giving the bar tender a chance to rectify it is the best option. I am sure he would not want to draw attention to the scam. For sure I would never fuck with that girl again. I do agree with buying drinks for a select few girls and have actually out right refused girls who asked for drinks or shots as a consultation for my refusal to take them for a dance. Pissed them off but fuck that I don't want to dance with you so why would I want to buy you a drink.