Holding the right thing

avatar for crazyjoe
All this talk about holding hands got me thinking. What is the best way a dancer led you back to the dance area? Holding hands? Holding your manhood? Grabbing and twisting your ear? Linking arms? Belt around your neck?


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avatar for Nelly632
10 years ago
One hot chick was kind of drunk and wanted to go do a room so I agreed... I stood up and she jumped on my back and said "Lets go" and proceeded to get a "Horse back ride" to the room. I found it funny but the management did not and they let her know about it.
avatar for whodey
10 years ago
I had one very friendly dancer take my hand and stick it down the back of her shorts and told me to hod on tight until we get there. She then put her head on my shoulder and slowly walked to the vip room.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
+ Had a dancer lead me by the stick while I was wearing my commando sweatpants.

+ had a topless dancer put my hands on her bare tits while I walked behind her to the dance area – it was a little tricky but I was motivated to try
avatar for Clackport
10 years ago
She holding my manhood works for me :)
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
I like it when they place my hand on their ass as we walk to the lap dance area.
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
I like it when I motion her over with my finger. When she comes over I say..."if I made you cum with one finger, imagine what I can do with my whole hand"
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
I like it when she walks in front of me loosely holding my hand and she backs up into me gently and reaches behind her and gropes my dinky
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
While looking at me over her shoulder and I'm pulling her hair
avatar for .juicebox69
10 years ago
I had one bitch sucking on my manbeef while we went vip...but i jizzed before getting their..so i tipped her $5 ontop of thr free blow and dry
avatar for gawker
10 years ago
Crazy joe - if she's looking over her shoulder at you and you're pulling her hair, were you dragging her caveman style?
avatar for crazyjoe
10 years ago
@ gawker. I pull it firmly but gently. Some girls love that. And yes I drag her to my man cave like a boss
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