Pro Tip: they just want your money, joe. No need to get cutesy with them. I know you are a hopeless SIMP, but I'll give you some free advice: tell the dancer that if she wants more of your money, she will have to step up her game. If not, you will give it others.
This has happened to me a few times. This last one, she got all possessive and accused me of cheating on her so I dropped her. Was getting tired of her anyway, hence the "cheating". lulz
I met her on a Sunday at the club and fell hard for her, she popped my Champagne room cherry and impressed me so much that I took her about 3 more times for a room within a month period. Well the last time I took her a bunch of other girls seemed upset with my choice and made a big deal about it. I was drunk so I got fed up and told her that from now on I simply wanted to hang out with her...
I was drunk and my fault for saying it but she took that to heart. Next time I saw her I did my usual thing of spreading the love and basically took her last and when she finally came up it was like a 15 minute bitch fest about how I am not a man of my word. I laughed it off until it became to much so I asked her if she wanted to dance but she wanted a room so i told her no.
I guess she thought she would be able to get me in the room during the dance but instead she got like two dances and I told her I was done. She was pissed and didn't even walk me back to my table, last time I saw her she walked pass me and gave me the bird while I was sitting with another girl...
Truth is she will be back... Her hurt feelings with subside and she will realize that MONEY rules all and this is about business. I have learned that these ladies care about the money as they should and when you are sitting with someone else they see that as money they can have so they get possessive of the money not the man.
If they are possessive of you then GOOD FOR THAT GUY lol
I heard dancers talk about some getting upset. Then she said some dancers act like they are married to the customers getting mad as if he's cheating. If they remember they aren't married and probably not even seeing each other OTC, then it's stupid to get too upset. But some females get emotional.
I have had a similar experience with a dancer. Saw her for many years, developed a great fondness. The relationship became very complicated. A few times that I went to other clubs she questioned me, even when I was not entertained by anyone. Within her club she once got upset with a new girl for talking to me. Once when I was entertained by someone else at her club on a different shift she confronted me. I explained that getting dances was not exclusive and she did it all day long with other guys! She then sort of apologized but the damage was already done.
I do my best to make it clear that I will go for whoever I want and if I don't see you this time, it's not something wrong with them. That said, my one ATF relationship basically went down the drain because she didn't like the fact I was going for girls she didn't introduce me to. She knew I couldn't just have her, so she'd introduce me to some of the other girls, but if she wasn't there, I would just help myself. Well, one time, I guess I must have picked a girl she didn't like and that pissed her off and she was yelling about why I was cheating on her. I told her I thought it was hypocritical for her to introduce me to some of the other dancers and then accuse me of cheating. Anyway, that ended and she quit that club shortly thereafter.
As a dancer, I will never understand why girls get all bitchy, possessive, and psycho if a guy who gets dances from them spends money on or pays attention to another dancer like that's supposed to turn them on. Strip clubs are supposed to be for fulfilling a fantasy. I don't think any guy's fantasy is being nagged to death. If it were, strip clubs would go out of business because guys would want to stay home with their wives where they can be nagged and possessed for free. Well, kind of.
Anyway, the moral of the story is, if I dance for a guy and he wants to get a dance with another girl, he can be my guest. I can spend the energy I would spend worrying about who "my customer" is dancing with getting more customers.
There is no need for all that jealousy and claiming nonsense. I feel all that will do is make someone never want to buy a dance with that dancer again, or go within two feet of her.
I've had this happen many times with girls who think I come into the club think that I should be with them exclusively. I've even had girls say to me: "we all know you are such and such's customer, so we don't approach you."
When this happens, I find my way to another club. Or I try to only go into said club with the girl who is seemingly "laying claim to me" when I know she is not on the schedule that day. :)
Yeah my buddy I go with has been tagged with that "Don't approach he is [insert stripper name] guy" but I have not. Many of the girls I have accumulated over time have dubbed me a "Whore" or "Slut" because I take many girls and even joke that they have to wait for a seat to open up with me so they can make their money. I am fine with this and I enjoy these girls as they are about their money and understand my desires and allow me the freedom to get a dance with them, enjoy their company and then they move on to their hustle.
But the girl I described above appears to be a old school stripper and as the VIP host described it lives by a old stripper code that few follow these days. The girls who are cool with me spreading my money around got pissy about this girl monopolizing my time and I can understand one or two jealous chicks talking shit about her but it almost seemed unanimous that she is not well liked in this club. Atleast 5 different dancers used the word hate when talking about her, one bouncer also used the word hate. One VIP host did not express his opinion to me about her but I heard through the grape vine that she is not liked by him and the other VIP host sat down and laughed about the drama he witnessed between myself and her.
He assured me that he would handle it if I wanted him to but that is not needed. He is the one who expressed to me how she lived by a old stripper code.
I can't speak for all strippers being described in this discussion but I believe that the one I am speaking of is coming to stage in her dancing career (she is 30) and is feeling threatened by the younger girls and is trying to keep herself relevant and hold on to as many guys as she can,
I don't think a dancer would take kindly to a customer walking up to them after they took dances with other guys and said "Why are you cheating on me?"
Not that I am ever guilty of this, but I have heard stories of PLs who have the same problem, ie getting all emotional because a fav is playing with her other customers. Monogamous relationships obviously have no place in a strip club, but greed, inexperience, and human nature sometimes lead to SS and CS in this area nonetheless.
I love the fact that the DS and I don't have these issues. We regularly share stories of club adventures that took place without one another, and so far at least no apparent jealousy on either side.
My last fave said something when I came out of the LD area with another dancer. I just told her I didn't know she was working. She told me she just came out of the dressing room. I mentioned her car wasn't in the lot, "Well I have a new one." All was OK then. I also realized I helped pay for that new SLK. :)
More than once, one dancer told me that she and her roommate were my only real friends at that club, all the other dancers just wanted my money (yeah, like I had much to share). I just looked at her, shrugged, then turned back to watch the show on stage.
last commentIt's that simple.
I met her on a Sunday at the club and fell hard for her, she popped my Champagne room cherry and impressed me so much that I took her about 3 more times for a room within a month period. Well the last time I took her a bunch of other girls seemed upset with my choice and made a big deal about it. I was drunk so I got fed up and told her that from now on I simply wanted to hang out with her...
I was drunk and my fault for saying it but she took that to heart. Next time I saw her I did my usual thing of spreading the love and basically took her last and when she finally came up it was like a 15 minute bitch fest about how I am not a man of my word. I laughed it off until it became to much so I asked her if she wanted to dance but she wanted a room so i told her no.
I guess she thought she would be able to get me in the room during the dance but instead she got like two dances and I told her I was done. She was pissed and didn't even walk me back to my table, last time I saw her she walked pass me and gave me the bird while I was sitting with another girl...
Truth is she will be back... Her hurt feelings with subside and she will realize that MONEY rules all and this is about business. I have learned that these ladies care about the money as they should and when you are sitting with someone else they see that as money they can have so they get possessive of the money not the man.
If they are possessive of you then GOOD FOR THAT GUY lol
I heard dancers talk about some getting upset. Then she said some dancers act like they are married to the customers getting mad as if he's cheating. If they remember they aren't married and probably not even seeing each other OTC, then it's stupid to get too upset. But some females get emotional.
Anyway, the moral of the story is, if I dance for a guy and he wants to get a dance with another girl, he can be my guest. I can spend the energy I would spend worrying about who "my customer" is dancing with getting more customers.
There is no need for all that jealousy and claiming nonsense. I feel all that will do is make someone never want to buy a dance with that dancer again, or go within two feet of her.
I've had this happen many times with girls who think I come into the club think that I should be with them exclusively. I've even had girls say to me: "we all know you are such and such's customer, so we don't approach you."
When this happens, I find my way to another club. Or I try to only go into said club with the girl who is seemingly "laying claim to me" when I know she is not on the schedule that day. :)
But the girl I described above appears to be a old school stripper and as the VIP host described it lives by a old stripper code that few follow these days. The girls who are cool with me spreading my money around got pissy about this girl monopolizing my time and I can understand one or two jealous chicks talking shit about her but it almost seemed unanimous that she is not well liked in this club. Atleast 5 different dancers used the word hate when talking about her, one bouncer also used the word hate. One VIP host did not express his opinion to me about her but I heard through the grape vine that she is not liked by him and the other VIP host sat down and laughed about the drama he witnessed between myself and her.
He assured me that he would handle it if I wanted him to but that is not needed. He is the one who expressed to me how she lived by a old stripper code.
I can't speak for all strippers being described in this discussion but I believe that the one I am speaking of is coming to stage in her dancing career (she is 30) and is feeling threatened by the younger girls and is trying to keep herself relevant and hold on to as many guys as she can,
I don't think a dancer would take kindly to a customer walking up to them after they took dances with other guys and said "Why are you cheating on me?"
Not like they don't go walk the room looking for other men's laps to sit on.
Such a pathetic attempt at control.
I love the fact that the DS and I don't have these issues. We regularly share stories of club adventures that took place without one another, and so far at least no apparent jealousy on either side.
I said the something like that before to a dancer " i am not hear for Monogamy, I have that at home!"
Not all wives nag, some harangue! :)