Comments by san_jose_guy (page 67)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Slow evening turns fast
    So they can skip on the stage set, and $200 VIP when not on a discount day. All good to know. Very Useful Review! From what has been written, and reading between the lines it has long seemed like this would be one of the places to deploy charm and generosity and get a Front Room Feel Up and Make Out Session going. Then you invite her to the backroom and they try to get her outside ASAP for more. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Any action in Nogales?
    TUSCL has listings for Nogales and some have posted some recent reviews. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    ^ My f2f life is private and protected. Only someone with no more than half a brain, and probably suicidal too, would ever challenge it. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Biden SUCKS, Kamala BLOWS
    Is this guy the ultimate PL?
    You're saying he's a PL because cheated on a super hottie of a wife? Hard to try and imagine what it would be like to live in someone else's shoes. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    TUSCL’s #1 Soothsayer!
    EV: will you purchase one? Pros and Cons…
    Friend just purchased a BMW X3. They call this a Sports Activity Vehicle. Now, for myself I think any kind of SUV - SAV is ridiculous. Oh well. But he did not buy new, he bought a certified pre-owned 2018. He had to pay a fee to have it brought down from Oregon. It says 2.8L, which would be I6. But actually it has a smaller i4 and turbo charging. So it has the power, but using less gas at stop lights. Says that if you push the Economy Button it gets 40 MPG. I still think that is low and SUV's are silly. It has their hybrid X drive system, and that makes it feel like it never has to shift gears. I think it has regenerative braking, though I don't know how much of a traction battery it has. The issue will always be the weight of this system. Now of course this has wide low profile tires. I told him that for the best, get it some compatible steel wheels and get some mixed use snow tires. Snow is one of the reasons he bought this. Snow tires make a big difference, and mixed use means you can run on them all winter. The rims will be smaller, as the times will be higher profile. ANd they will be narrowers. Snow tires cut more down in. I gave him the admonition about bolts. He is used to Japanese and American with nuts on studs. IN my view this is better. But the europeans don't do it that way. So I told him that after you work on the car taking the wheels off, you drive it around the block, then see if they can be further tightened. Use the factory lug wrench as that is the right torque and what you will need to use for a road side fix. Like everytime you change the oil, see if the lug bolts can be tightened. If you work on the car just before a trip, pack the car with the lug wrench on top. THen the first time you stop for gas, see if the botls can be tightened. If you do that, probably they will be fine until your next oil change. The wheels just need to settle into their spots, and then get the final tightening. Don't do what a lot of shops do, overtighten them to have to avoid retightening. Long ago I saw a Gen 1 VW Rabbit Race Car. They did not change the rear, still the same bolts. But for the front they had a machine shot put in these fine threaded studs. SJG Jane - School of Rock
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    Bullshit Icee, you are the paranoid one. I am very coherent in what I have related. And I do protect my f2f life, and sometimes that does mean having to step through blood and muck. Care court is an idiotic idea and if it passes will be unenforceable and a laughing stock. I have shared much, but no I do not take question about my f2f life. We need to eradicate the mental health system and prosecute its practitioners. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Goth/Alternative Dancers
    ^^ The trailer for that does look interesting. SJG Jane - School of Rock
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    I do defend the privacy of my f2f life. And sometimes that does mean having to step through blood and muck. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    How to attract a dancer to love you!
    Icee, you keep saying that over and over again, but you aren't actually reading what people are posting about. SJG Jane - School of Rock
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    There is no solicitation in anything I have described. I am 100% opposed to the mental health system. So I would never be stupid enough to get caught in it, not with out taking a bunch of other lives. Icee, you are not coherent. SJG Jane - School of Rock
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    Any story of you transformed a dancer’s life?
    When Icey posts it he understands taking care of girl and that that does not literally mean paying them for sex. BUt when it is anyone, Icee will always say that it is always paying them for sex. SJG Jane - School of Rock
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives
    A whole world of mRNA vaccine side effect case reports The mRNA vaccines are as safe as they are effective. Physicians from around the world agree! Below are a handful of the post-vaccine side effects doctors have reported to medical journals for the mRNA shots in just the last few weeks. This is not your cousin telling you about how his sister’s buddy passed out after her Pfizer booster. These are case reports on a variety of severe side effects, including diabetes and lymphoma. They’re published in well-respected medical journals, with substantial supporting detail. The first one - about two interns at the same hospital who both suffered myocarditis severe enough to require intensive care in a matter of days - is particularly striking. What is also striking is the fact that American physicians didn’t write any of these reports - even though the United States has administered far more mRNA shots than any other country. Three are from Turkey, one from Japan, one from Romania, and one from France. If only American physicians could be as honest. Or maybe ‘Merica has just been lucky! An around-the-world tour, starting with myocarditis in Turkey: THE DATA THE GOVERNMENT IS RELEASING IS FALSE! SJG
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    sinclair's Review
    This place has never drawn many reviews, but it has always looked interesting. I am hoping to see a new review or something which says that it is going again post COVID. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Goth/Alternative Dancers SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Somewhere in the Carolinas
    Goth/Alternative Dancers
    Goth girls are a trip. Intense, theatrical. SJG Grove Blue Organ
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    40 Very Dumb Statements About Women By Men Who Have No Clue How Women Work.
    This Todd Akin (R - Missouri) saying that a woman is responsible for her own pregnancy by rape. Todd Akin R MO Says Rape Victims Can 'Shut Down' Pregnancies There is still a lot of lot of thinking like this still going around. SJG
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FUCK IT!
    Sorry State Psychos SJG Grove Blue Organ Trio
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    It is rotten and dismal that a world of so many hundred million people should be
    People want LGBT rights and marriage equality protected. And they want reproductive choice protected. And there are no economic problems outside of the ones capitalism has created and continues to perpetuate. SJG Grove Blue Organ
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    How to attract a dancer to love you!
    Well long term it is hard to say. Women have different life prospects than men do. For me, The Organization will provide something of great value for both men and women. Strippers are not conservative women and not women likely to be strongly attracted to the idea of monogamy. So really hard to say. But you can't keep going to her club. You either get her into your own bed, or it is a lost cause. You can't be a RIL. (Regular In Love) SJG Grove Blue Organ
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Solid State Physics
    Continuing ... opitcs. And people want big band gaps for isolation and low leakage. So Germanium has the highest product of hole and electron mobility, but very small band gap. Silicon has lent itself to manufacturing because of native oxides, but indirect band gap. GaAs has good band gap, but no native oxide. People are working with GaN, 3.2 eV band gap. Some have tried SiGe. What people have dreamed about is Diamond, highly insulating and thermal conductivity 4x that of copper. But no one has made a working semiconductor out of it. Band gap might be 5 volts, but not even sure. In the Mears material they talk about SiC, which is probably a Zinc BLend crystal, like diamond, but half Si. There are all kinds of potentials in that. SJG Grove Blue Organ
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Solid State Physics
    High Energy Physics is way outside the bounds of industrial applications. Nuclear fission and fusion require energy levels which are not otherwise used. And they involve dangers. And then breaking protons and neutrons require even higher energy levels, as does finding Higgs Bosons. Heavings might have a better feel for this than I, but industrial energies might be 150 KeV max or maybe 200 Kev, for ion implantation or X-Ray tubes. Solving quantum mechanical problems has always lagged because of the intractable non-linearity of electron to electron interactions. But now because of better techniques and higher power computers, we are seeing two widely used software packages which do this. But the whole problem is still quite formidable. You need to be able to simulate what crystal structures you can form, as well as thermal, mechanical, and chemical properties. And then you want conduction, semi-conduction, optical, and magnetic. I notice about 15 years ago that a number of universities had new interdepartmental projects to try and do these sorts of quantum mechanical computations. And they are pitched at being able to make exotic new material structures. One question I ask is how well is Special Relativity being treated. To predict magnetic properties with d and f orbitals, these have angular momentum high enough that special relativity matters. The kind of quantum mechanics I have posted about is based on the Schrodinger Equation. But this does not allow for relativity. The other way is the Dirac Equation. In the limiting case this is the same as Schrodinger. But Dirac is much more complex and it included the Lorentz Transform. But getting way from professional physicists you find far less people who understand this. And then for General Relativity, no one knows how to make that work with quantum mechanics, and that probably is not relevant short of Black Holes and other deep space phenomenon. ***************** And something else, I had talked about this some years back with Dominic77. A lot of people still put a lot of faith in using hydrogen fusion for power generation. But there is reason to be skeptical about this. Fusion in these man made reactors is not like it is in the Sun. In the Sun you can have 4x 1Hydrogens fuse to make a 4He. Now particles getting out. Well in the man made reactors you have to use 2Hydrogen, known as Deuterium. And then you also have to have some 3Hydrogen, known as Tritium. Well this is the same as what you need for a Hydrogen Bomb. And Tritium is not found in nature, having only a 12.5 year half life. So you have to make it in particle accelerators, and these are extremely inefficient. Vast energy is released when such a bomb is detonated. But the energy it took to prepare this is vastly more. It seems that anyway of economically generating electricity from hydrogen fusion is just beyond us. ANd on top of that, as done in these reactors it releases high energy neutrons which ruin all the material being used, not unlike nuclear fission. And so the question then is why do we want all of this energy anyway, and what it seems to come down to is just military power. So many are thinking that hydrogen fusion power is not in our future. *********** Consider these example, like high strength magnets. We need these for the motors in hand held battery operated power tools. But we also need them for the traction motors in electric vehicles. And it is nice to have this for magnetic recording surfaces and heads. We have used two type of rare earth elements, benefiting from their f orbitals. But there are still issues. So people are working on other ways, and they are using these quantum mechanical simutaions. ANd then people want high mobility of both holes and electrons in semiconductors, and people what direct band gap for good thermal effienceny in optis. SJG Barbara Dennerlein (1984) - The lady is a tramp Friedrich Gulda & Barbara Dennerlein: Stormy Weather Blues Barbara Dennerlein "Swing the Blondes" on Hammond B3 K -- EXTRA HOT STUFF -- Barbara Dennerlein, Dennis Chambers, Andy Sheppard, Mitch Watkins Barbara Dennerlein in Glarus 2020 Tony Monaco
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    California decriminalizes working the blade 👌
    You act like sex is immoral or illegal. And you act like giving a woman money is immoral or illegal. These things are not so. But talking about ~mental illness~ is a Keyboard Koward move. No one would let you do that F2F without just telling you to STFU. SJG Barbara Dennerlein (1984) - The lady is a tramp Friedrich Gulda & Barbara Dennerlein: Stormy Weather Blues Barbara Dennerlein "Swing the Blondes" on Hammond B3 K -- EXTRA HOT STUFF -- Barbara Dennerlein, Dennis Chambers, Andy Sheppard, Mitch Watkins Barbara Dennerlein in Glarus 2020 Tony Monaco
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Perfect Gentleman
    How to attract a dancer to love you!
    Champ, I don't know that you can "attract a dancer to love you", but you can be open and straight with them and get her outside the club and see what happens. They like guys who have their lives and finances together. Getting her outside I think you initially have to play it on her terms. She might want regular payment and to keep it that way. So do it. Eventually maybe things will change. They don't seem to like guys who want to lock them down. So you just pump loads into her. Long term you gotta have something about her and what you do to offer her. SJG Barbara Dennerlein (1984) - The lady is a tramp Friedrich Gulda & Barbara Dennerlein: Stormy Weather Blues Barbara Dennerlein "Swing the Blondes" on Hammond B3 K -- EXTRA HOT STUFF -- Barbara Dennerlein, Dennis Chambers, Andy Sheppard, Mitch Watkins Barbara Dennerlein in Glarus 2020 Tony Monaco
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Fed has hiked interest rates: 3/4 of a percentage point Newshour People are feeling squeezed. Stagflation like not seen since the 1970s. SJG Barbara Dennerlein (1984) - The lady is a tramp Friedrich Gulda & Barbara Dennerlein: Stormy Weather Blues Barbara Dennerlein "Swing the Blondes" on Hammond B3 K -- EXTRA HOT STUFF -- Barbara Dennerlein, Dennis Chambers, Andy Sheppard, Mitch Watkins Barbara Dennerlein in Glarus 2020 Tony Monaco
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Solid State Physics 2 page pdf SJG PBS Newshour Today Barbara Dennerlein (1984) - The lady is a tramp Friedrich Gulda & Barbara Dennerlein: Stormy Weather Blues Barbara Dennerlein "Swing the Blondes" on Hammond B3 K -- EXTRA HOT STUFF -- Barbara Dennerlein, Dennis Chambers, Andy Sheppard, Mitch Watkins Barbara Dennerlein in Glarus 2020 Tony Monaco