
Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives

money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
Monday, November 1, 2021 8:48 PM
A friend tells me, "Australia already has a police state with police checking on citizens who must stay in their homes; and mandatory confirmation using a cellphone that a person is in their home within minutes of receiving a state demand to send a picture."

Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives Hardcover – November 30, 2021
by Alex Berenson



Despite being fully vaccinated Jen Psaki tests positive for COVID-19

Don’t worry, staying home will give her a chance to read up on the Bill of Rights and decide which amendment to trash next

It's the government, the media, and the hypochondriacal and neurotic tendencies in our population.


Beth Hart - Whole Lotta Love @ Old River Saloon, Etne, Norway - 17 August 2011

I'd Rather Go Blind



  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    We know - not think, know - that Covid vaccines can cause serious heart complications in many young men. The potential for heart inflammation significant enough to lead to hospitalization is probably somewhere between 1 in 3,000 and 1 in 6,000 men under 30. Israeli doctors offered this estimate six months ago, and it has held up nicely.

    So a significant number of healthy young men are suffering serious side effects after being vaccinated - far more than are at serious risk from Covid.

    Remember, three weeks ago, the New York Times - not Fox News, the New York Times - wrote that “for children without a serious medical condition, the danger of severe Covid is so low as to be difficult to quantify.” (Severe basically translates into “requiring hospitalization” - and the risk for adults under 30 is little different than for children and teens.)


  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    ^^^ back at tye library today ready to spam this board until it closes at 5:30 PM?
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago

    Memo to the forever lockdowners, to those who would force mRNA
    vaccines on children, to the masked Karens

    Can you hear us now?

    It’s over.


    You want to stay inside for the next 20 years? You want to stick your
    healthy kids with a biotechnology that barely existed 18 months ago
    for a disease that won’t touch them? You want to wear face diapers in
    100 degree heat?

    Have at it.

    But you aren’t telling us what to do anymore.

    Not even in New Jersey.

    Leave us alone.

    These have been my sentiments since June 2020!

    Karen (we have a fair number of such people in local government)



    The Devil’s Daughters w/ Danny B Harvey - Rock Boppin’ Baby

    Beth Hart - Baloise Session 30.10.2018

    Drum Hand
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Vaccines making this worse!

    Ireland: 75% Covid vaccinated (90+% of adults). Alabama: 44% vaccinated.https://alexberenson.substack.com/p/irel…


    The hospitals in Australia are being overrun. Not from Covid. And no one can explain why.



    Gabriela Gunčíková - Whitesnake - Fool For Your Loving - cover - Ken Tamplin Vocal Academy
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Biden is totally fucking up in his continuation of the COVID HYSTERIA!

    This British news is really good:

    The vaccines interfere with development of natural immunity!



    How Radiohead Wrote the Perfect Bond Theme

    Mister Bond - A Jazzy Cocktail Of Ice Cold Themes
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Covid Vaccine Insanity:

    False Flag "COVID-19 Pandemic" "Vaccine" Technocratic Depopulation Agenda - Death Cult Exposed

    Dr David Bull: Government accused of 'misleading' over Covid vaccine | Kevin O'Sullivan

    Florida attorney general announces lawsuit over COVID-19 vaccine mandate

    What Is The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program? By Sadaka Associates

    BNSF joins other railroads in fight with unions in court over vaccine mandates

    VAX PASS LAWSUIT: CN Rail workers launch legal action against company's vaccine mandate

    The lawsuits attacking Biden’s workplace vaccine mandate explained

    LAUSD sued over COVID 19 employee vaccination mandate

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Long Covid doesn't exist!!

    A huge French study shows BELIEVING you had Covid is associated with many later symptoms. But ACTUALLY having had Covid isn't associated with any (except loss of sense of smell).


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Why you cannot trust US Covid data
    In Connecticut, fully vaccinated people are rising from the dead

    Unlike England, or Scotland, or Israel, or Germany, or many other countries that have semi-functioning governments, the United States has no nationally reliable source of Covid or Covid vaccine data.



    Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on supply chains: 'There will be disruptions'



    Drive My Car - MonaLisa Twins

    Remastered from Rubber Soul, w/ piano and funky stereo mix
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    More people died in the key clinical trial for Pfizer's Covid vaccine than the company publicly reported
    Pfizer told the world 15 people who received the vaccine in its trial had died as of mid-March. Turns out the real number then was 21, compared to only 17 deaths in people who hadn't been vaccinated.


    Several Bay Area kids sick after receiving wrong dose of COVID vaccine

    Is the World Locking Down Again on the New Covid Wave? (w/ Dr. Eric Feigl-Ding)


    The Hamburg Tapes volume2 The Beatles
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Unbelievable but apparently true - there’s been a complete news blackout on the OSHA decision to suspend mandate implementation

    OSHA Suspends Implemenation, Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate


  • datinman
    3 years ago
    I found some interesting wiki definitions that apply here: "Confirmation bias is the tendency to search for, interpret, favor, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values.[1] People display this bias when they select information that supports their views, ignoring contrary information, or when they interpret ambiguous evidence as supporting their existing attitudes. The effect is strongest for desired outcomes, for emotionally charged issues, and for deeply entrenched beliefs. Confirmation bias cannot be eliminated entirely, but it can be managed, for example, by education and training in critical thinking skills. "
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    Also this: "The Dunning–Kruger effect is a hypothetical cognitive bias stating that people with low ability at a task overestimate their own ability, and that people with high ability at a task underestimate their own ability.

    As described by social psychologists David Dunning and Justin Kruger, the bias results from an internal illusion in people of low ability and from an external misperception in people of high ability; that is, "the miscalibration of the incompetent stems from an error about the self, whereas the miscalibration of the highly competent stems from an error about others".[1] It is related to the cognitive bias of illusory superiority and comes from people's inability to recognize their lack of ability. Without the self-awareness of metacognition, people cannot objectively evaluate their level of competence. "
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
    ^ You know you are responding to a guy who couldn't figure out how to access the internet for the better part of two years, good luck having a lucid conversation.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    There is no such thing as Autism, its just a concept invented to legitimate the abuse of children and adults. And it persists because it serves the neo-liberal capitalism of the 1990's.

    What I would recommend to anyone being attacked in such a manner is martial arts training, to be followed military commando training.

    Suspending Enforcement of Vaccine Mandate:

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Quick note for those of you waiting for the PANDEMIA audiobook


    Steely Dan Any World (That I'm Welcome To)
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Another major red flag about Covid vaccines and death
    This one coming from data on more than 4 million vaccinated Swedes

    Alex Berenson

    People appear to die at rates 20 percent or more above normal for weeks after receiving their second Covid vaccine dose, according to data from a huge Swedish study.

    The figures are buried in a preprint paper on vaccine effectiveness released last month. The headline finding of the paper was that protection against Covid, including severe cases, plunged after six months.

    The researchers did not explicitly examine deaths from all causes - which have risen since the summer in many countries that have highly vaccinated populations.

    But on page 32 of the 34-page report, a chart shows that 3,939 of 4.03 million Swedes who received the second dose died less than two weeks later.


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    3pm Today!
    Alex Berenson: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights & Lives – Ask Dr. Drew

    Pandemia How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights and Lives Alex Berenson audiobook preview

    For persons over 40yo, greater chance of having COVID is you are vaccinated than if you are not vaccinated. And 70% of the COVID deaths now in the UK are the fully vaccinated.
    Alex Berenson Tells Joe Rogan About Public Health England Data On Cases. The data for this country is not being released.

    And another federal court rules against another Biden vaccine mandate - this time for health-care workers

    “Plaintiffs are likely to succeed in establishing that the CMS vaccine mandate is arbitrary and capricious.”

    Those are the words of federal Judge Matthew T. Schelp of the Eastern District of Missouri in a 32-page opinion devastating the Biden Adminstration’s effort to force health-care workers to be vaccinated.

    copy of the court's order


    Thread Locator


    Anyone have an idea of how you know its time to get a divorce?

    lapdanceking82's Threads

    Your thoughts on this dance

    How do you decide who to ask for a dance?

    Cowgirl lap dance position in chairs

    Asian Girl

    Lido_Mgnt Thread

    How Does the New LeRouge Lounge on W 45 St. Compare to the Old Lido Locations?

    Shadowcat's Thead

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Alex Berenson: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights & Lives – Ask Dr. Drew

    Tucker Carlson Tonight 11-30-21 Alex Berenson


    Rand Paul responds to Anthony Fauci's 'I represent science' declaration

    'Media-Driven Hysteria': FL Gov. Ron DeSantis Slams Talk Of 'Lockdowns' Amid Omicron Variant Concerns

    17 News viewers ask why winery founded by Gov. Gavin Newsom still open?

    Debunking the Omicron Hysteria With Justin Hart

    All the Democrats Have is Hysteria




    Satin Doll - McCoy Tyner Trio

    Bill Evans
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Alex Berenson discusses why he thinks schools should have never locked
    down during the pandemic. Biden has created a 30% core of hardened neurotic mask forever types.

    What Happened: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on 19 Months of COVID, extremely critical of lock downs and all test and track approaches


    Frigid Pink
  • datinman
    3 years ago
    Alex Berenson is an ass hat. He has a degree in history and absolutely no reason to voice any type of expertise on the subject of Public Health, Epidemiology, Virology, Pharmacology, or Medicine. However, he continues to make a profit spewing bullshit that people like you gobble up.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    I was familiar with the Atlantic article.

    Here, Stanford Public Medicine Doctor saying much the same:

    What Happened: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on 19 Months of COVID, extremely critical of lock downs and all test and track approaches

    The COVID handling in 2020 made absolutely no sense. All that was accomplished is that we made a large portion of the population neurotic.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Sorry Alex Berenson has to use right wing talk shows, that just shows
    how way off base we really are that these are his only available venue.

    Steve Deace

    Alex Berenson: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government,
    Rights & Lives – Ask Dr. Drew

    Alex Berenson discusses why he thinks schools should have never locked
    down during the pandemic

    Stanford Public Health Doctor saying pretty much the same things
    What Happened: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on 19 Months of COVID, extremely
    critical of lock downs and all test and track approaches


    Best Blues Songs Ever | Relaxing Jazz Blues Guitar - The Best Blues
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  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Fauci warns that there might need to be vaccine boosters every year

    I think it will get to be more than that, like monthly, until someone has the courage to say, "The vaccine does not work".


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Hey, remember when the FDA's top vaccine regulator said even a moderately effective Covid shot could produce herd immunity if 70 percent of people received it?
    This might be a good time to remind you that much of Western Europe hit Marks’s magic number months ago. In countries like Britain, 70 percent (okay, 69.3!) of people - not adults, the entire population - is fully vaccinated. And about 30 percent of Britons have now received a third dose.


    The Mandatorians | Doug Wilson

    Debunking the Omicron Hysteria With Justin Hart

    Stinchfield..On Covid and Omicron Hysteria

    COVID crisis has led to ‘mass hysteria’ caused by fear: Canadian ethics professor


    The Map of Quantum Computing | Your Ultimate Guide to Quantum Computers

    Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do - Live 2016, Rob Arthur excellent keyboard solo

    Jazz Blues Music | Top Jazz Blues Music Of All TIme | Jazz Blues Background Music

    Dua Lipa

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Schools Are Closing Classrooms on Fridays. Parents Are Furious.


    Still over 1300 bills pending

    HR 6133, now 17 cosponsors, all Republicans

    The FOIA Request



    Patti Austin, Satin Dolls

    Extreme Heels
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    S.J. Res 29

    passes Senate 52 to 48

    Senate passes GOP bill to overturn President Biden’s vaccine mandate

    Senate Blocks Biden’s Vaccine Mandate; FDA Seeks 75 Years to Release Pfizer Vax Data | NTD

    Outrageous Lack of Transparency—Pfizer Now Asks Court for 75 Years to Hide Details of COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Results

    FDA Says It Now Needs 75 Years to Fully Release Pfizer Trial Data| Facts Matter

    FDA Says It Now Needs 75 Years to Fully Release Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Data

    That timeline would take it until at least 2096, Aaron Siri, a lawyer working on the case, wrote in a blog post.

    “If you find what you are reading difficult to believe—that is because it is dystopian for the government to give Pfizer billions, mandate Americans to take its product, prohibit Americans from suing for harms, but yet refuse to let Americans see the data underlying its licensure,” Siri said.


    Great Barrington Declaration

    What is Herd Immunity? Epidemiologists Make Their Case | Part One

    What is Herd Immunity? Bringing Clarity to the Debate | Part Two

    Reaching Immunity | A Private Summit of Epidemiologists Against Lockdowns

    Dissenting scientists issue Covid-19 herd immunity declaration

    What The COVID Vaccine Does To Your Body ( if this makes you feel warm and fuzzy all over, more power to you )

    1 year ago
    FDA member on why she voted against Pfizer vaccine

    1 month ago
    'The Evidence Is Mounting There's Been A Cover-Up': Rand Paul Blasts Fauci Over Possible COVID-19

    What Happened: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya on 19 Months of COVID

    Denouncing the shelter in place orders March 24, 2020

    Aaron Siri, attorney

    Aaron Siri (Esq.)'s Testimony to Expert Panel on COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries

    Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency

    The FOIA Project

    Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency v. Food and Drug Administration

    Meanwhile, colleges and universities are now requiring Covid vaccine boosters
    Alex Berenson 2 hr ago
    The insanity in higher education continues.

    Bowdoin College and Syracuse University are just two of the institutions of higher education now telling students to get boosted or get lost. Here’s Bowdoin’s email from yesterday [all-caps in original]: “effective January 21, 2022, Bowdoin is requiring all students, faculty, and staff to receive a COVID-19 booster shot within thirty (30) days of becoming eligible.”

    Keep in mind:

    1: The risk of severe disease or death from Covid to healthy college-age adults is too low to measure accurately. The data from Europe suggests that a healthy 18 year-old has a risk of death lower than 1 in 1 million.

    2: The risk of dangerous heart inflammation is NOT too low to measure. A new study from Hong Kong found that for 1 out of 2,300 12-17 year-old boys who received both Pfizer doses suffered acute myocarditis or pericarditis.

    Most of the risk came after the second dose. The risk is very similar in college-age men.



    The Stockroom, Los Angeles, BSDM furniture

    beginner's kits


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Mainstream media has chosen its narrative about Covid

    All cause mortality as reported by Pfizer and the FDA

    All-cause mortality in Germany is rapidly rising

    Murkowski Votes to Overturn Vaccine Mandate for Private Businesses
    Senate Passes Measure to End Rule for Private Employers

    Santa Clara County Reports First Case of COVID-19 Omicron Variant
    This Sarah Cody should be now serving a prison term!



  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Light At The End Of The Covid?, Ron Paul, talks about COVID and Alex Berenson

    Sorry this has to be talked about on Right Wing sites, but anywhere else Berenson cannot be talked about.

    And then this does seem to be breaking the usual political lines.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Pandemic Turned Hysteria | CLIP | Counterculture

    We and our institutions have been infected by a disease, it isn't COVID, it is madness!

    Taylor Swift - Shake it off LIVE



    Taylor Swift - ...Ready For It? + Intro (#reputation Stadium Tour)




    Stanley Clarke Herbie Hancock & Chaka Khan Live (really good)
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    COVID-19 and the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria

    Feb 3, 2021 paper about inducing hysteria

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    COVID-19 and the Political Economy of Mass Hysteria

    Feb 3, 2021 paper about inducing hysteria

    leaked document from German government telling them how to instill fear in the German population.
    "Fifth, the state may actively want to instill fear in the population, thereby contributing to the making of mass hysteria. Illustrating this point is the leakage of an internal paper of the German Department of the Interior during the first weeks of the COVID-19 crisis [101]. In the paper, the state experts recommended that the government should instill fear in the German population. In order to spread fear, the paper endorsed three communication strategies. First, the state authorities should stress the breathing problems of COVID-19 patients because human beings have a primordial fear of death by suffocation [102,103], which can easily trigger panic [104]. Second, the experts emphasized that fear should also be instilled in children, even though there is next to no risk to children´s own health. However, children could get easily infected by meeting and playing with other children. According to the report, children should be told that when they infect their parents and grandparents in turn, they could suffer a distressful death at home. This communication advice intended to invoke anxiety and feelings of guilt. Instilling guilt is another measure used by governments to make the population more supportive [105]. The recommended message instills fear of being responsible for infecting others who die a distressful death. Third, the German government was advised to mention the possibility of unknown long-term irreversible health damage caused by a SARS-CoV-2 infection and the possibility of a sudden and unexpected death of people who were infected. All these communication recommendations were intended to increase fear in the population. Fear, at the end, is an important foundation of a government’s power. As Henry H. Mencken put it: “the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” [106] The overreaction of government to a perceived threat then fosters anxiety.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Omicron Hysteria — More Lockdowns, Infinite Boosters, and Incompetent Government

    Stinchfield..On Covid and Omicron Hysteria

    As provinces expand booster eligibility, feds won't say when next vaccine delivery will be ( Canada Dec 16)

    "The federal government has signed agreements to purchase up to 76 million doses of Pfizer and 36 million doses of Moderna in 2022, but when asked over two days by CTV News if it had a delivery schedule in place with either company, no answer was given by the office of Procurement Minister Filomena Tassi and officials from Public Services and Procurement Canada.

    Canada 2021 population 38.4 million


    Charlie Parker - Jam Session (1952) {Full Album}

    The White Stripes - Jolene (Official Music video)

    The White Stripes - From the Basement (Official Performance)

    Kudos to Nicespice:
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Alex Berenson

    Analyzing the left's hysteria around COVID-19 after President Trump's quick recovery

    Amsterdam police beating the innocent ,What democracy looks like under COVID hysteria in Europe.

    Republicans shifting their support from the 1% to support for Main Street:

    'They're Letting Hysteria Drive Them': DeSantis Says COVID-19 Policies Undercut Normal Society


    Sen. Rubio says ‘the real crisis is irrational hysteria’ referring to Covid-19 surge

    'It's Time That You Resign!' Every Rand Paul vs. Dr. Fauci Confrontation From 2021


    How poor people survive in the USA | DW Documentary, Nov 2019

    Sept 2020

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    MASS FORMATION PSYCHOSIS & COVID:Connecting the Dots from Robert Malone, Peter McCollough, Joe Rogan

    Troubling data about Pfizer's Covid vaccine and children... from Pfizer's own clinical trial
    Pfizer’s vaccine shows dose-related side effects in children; still, the company is letting five-year-olds receive an mRNA dosage that caused serious fevers in slightly younger kids.

    Lately I have been so busy chasing vaccine issues that I haven’t had much time to pull back and look at the bigger picture (which is one reason I am going to need to write another book).
    But last week, Jeffrey Tucker offered a thoughtful take on what we’re seeing right now called “The Zoom Class Gets Covid.”
    The initial lockdowns had a strong class-based …

    Weird chart. Looking at it one would almost think that new Covid cases are perfectly correlated with (mRNA) Covid vaccination levels at both the state and national level:


    Science indicates less severe omicron disease


    Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do (Live in Detroit) w/ Bob Mayo
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Pfizer booster shots approved for those between 12 and 15yo

    Tucker Carlson Tonight 1-5-22 Alex Berenson

    Long COVID is a joke!

    IMHO, in the United States much of the popular response to COVID is simply because we are the only industrialized nation which does not have Universal Health Care.

    alex berenson substack

    Pandemic Turned Hysteria | Counterculture


    Behind That Locked Door (George Harrison) - Emotional Version by Norah Jones Live on Conan

    GEORGE FEST - Norah Jones - SOMETHING @ Fonda 09-28-14
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Sounds like the NYT is telling its readers the Biden OSHA vaccine mandate is going down
    I know the liberal judges still seem to have no idea that the vaccines don’t end infection or transmission, but they aren’t the majority.


    Has Covid vaccine efficacy turned negative?
    Data from highly vaccinated countries suggests strongly that the answer is yes; vaccinated people are at higher risk of infection from Omicron.


    The vaccines sure seem to have failed.

    That’s wrong, though.

    The reality is worse.

    The data from several countries now show clearly that infection rates are higher in vaccinated people.



  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    SCOTUS, Yesterday, discussing the Biden OSHA vaccine mandate.

    Can't find the exact segment, but from the voice I believe it was Sonia Sotomayor:

    "deaths at an unprecedented amount"

    Viral Moment: Sotomayor Inaccurately Says 100K Children Are In 'Serious Condition' With Covid

    I listened to her confirmation hearings and I've heard her say things since. She was impressive. But now she is regurgitating fallacy. She is under the impression that COVID is a serious threat to life, and that vaccines, masking, and social distancing protects people. She is also acting like the COVID virus constitutes a public health and safety emergency.

    Why has she become so STUPID as to believe such nonsense?

    I think a lot of the hysterical response to COVID is just because we do not have Universal Health Care. People do no have realistic appraisals of their health and their health risks.

    Scott Keller, National Association of Independent Businesses

    ^^^ above it says:
    Justice Elena Kagan asked, "Why isn't this necessary to grave risk? Nearly a million people have died. This is the policy most geared to stopping all of this. Why isn't this necessary and grave?"

    And this is total nonsense!

    Why are even some of our SCOTUS Justices so stupid now. They hadn't seemed to have been stupid before.

    JUST IN: DeSantis Explains How Up To A Million COVID-19 Tests Expired While In Stockpile

    Right here, DeSantis says it all:

    Before COVID did you go to get tested to see if you are sick?

    The answer to Gavin Newsom and his idiocy!


    Frampton, this has been his anthem for over 40 years
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Robert Kennedy Jr Podcast 01.10.2022 Government Hysteria with Alex Berenson, quite good, 57 minutes. Needs to an accounting, people convicted and imprisoned.

    COVID Hysteria
    Breaking Point: Ed Yong Says Omicron Is Straining Hospitals & Schools Amid Vaccine Mandate Pushback

    ^^^^^ Now there is a problem in our hospitals, likely under staffing and too small a pool of available people. But again, this is not COVID. This move to close schools right now is just idiocy.

    PBS Newshour

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Francis Collins, he goes right up my spine.


  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Fauci and Collins Silence Scientists: ‘There Needs to Be a Quick and Devastating Published Takedown’ | Truth Over News

    Recently released emails reveal an attempt by two of the U.S. government’s most senior officers to silence acclaimed scientists who did not toe the official line on COVID-19.



    Francis Collins goes right up my spine.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Francis Collins goes right up my spine:https://www.pbs.org/newshour/tag/francis…


    Robert Kennedy Jr Podcast 01.10.2022 Government Hysteria with Alex Berenson, quite good, 57 minutes. Needs to be an accounting, people convicted and imprisoned.   Otherwise this is going to continue.  First on the docket should be Santa Clara County's Dr. Sarah Cody.


  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Is anyone making sure you stay in your cardboard box?
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Shailynn, has your mom returned to locking you in the attic?

    Sounds like she is still making sure that you wear the extra tight jock strap so that your voice will not change.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Our own Dr. Sarah Cody was the nationwide origin of the lockdown, March 13, 2020.  First of its kind in the nation and in our nation's history.  And it was at a Saturday meeting with the board of sups and the county council which went on beyond midnight.  And it was on the heels of all the media hysteria which was coming out of New York.

    Now at first it was just to slow the virus down, keep everyone from getting sick at the same time, keep the hospitals from overflowing.  And as someone who followed this county's data daily, by Mid April it had worked.  Going from the official cases doubling every week, which is scary, to just a very small linear growth.

    They were set to end the lockdown Monday May 4th, 2020.  They should have done this, but they didn't because the objective had shifted from flattening the curve to eradication of the virus.
    In late summer Cody was scolding us in a press conference for the fact that there continued to be new cases.  The virus had not been eradicated.

    And then FoxNews was telling its viewers that COVID was spread by Afro-Americans and this county's public health dept was having the merchants put up signs which said it was being spread because of Latinos.  And then Newsom was doing the same with his daily press conferences and with his talk of an Army of 10,000 Contract Tracers, and his calling for those who don't wear masks to be sited, because he expects "orders for the public safety to be complied with".  I want both Newsom and Cody to be serving prison terms.


    Jennifer Fischer

    Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do (Live in Detroit)

    Thank You Mr. Churchill / Peter Frampton
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago

    Supreme Court Decision on Mandates issued today
    Supreme Court Blocks Enforcement Of Biden's Vaccine Mandate For Businesses, but not health care workers

    Awesome!! Sanity is starting to unfold!

    'Totally Crashing And Burning': DeSantis Assails Blue State COVID 19 Measures

    DeSantis: Universities Should 'Refund 100% Of Tuition' For 'Absolutely Insane' COVID-19 Measures

    JUST IN: DeSantis Explains How Up To A Million COVID-19 Tests Expired While In Stockpile

    'You're Arrogant, Not Objective': Paul Rips Fauci For 'Telling Americans What To Do'

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    PBS News Hour

    Lots of hysteria about COVID. Makes it sound very bad.

    Just checked this county, and sure lots of tested cases. But they are not even reporting on hospitalizations anymore.

    Just like back in June 2020, when they stopped putting people on ventilators, they soon stopped reporting on it.

    COVID is a mind fuck, nothing more.


    I suspect that soon officals will stop promoting the so called vaccine, and that then not too much later, it will be taken off of the market.

    SCOTUS guts Biden's vaccine mandate

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    The pathetic collapse of Team Apocalypse
    The science has changed lol. Efforts to rewrite history will begin in three, two, one...



    Fall of the Gnostics
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    EXTREMELY URGENT: The Biden Administration says I'm a terrorist threat.

    How can the FDA even consider allowing Covid shots for kids under 5?

    We can now officially say de population should be worried

    URGENT: New research turns up yet more potential mRNA vaccine dangers
    A preprint in Cell finds vaccine-driven original antigenic sin is deeply powerful. Also: vaccine-generated spike protein circulates in the blood and vaccine mRNA persists for months in lymph nodes.


    Ken Burns, The War
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago

    Starts with lifting of masking mandates in schools many places

    :) :) :)

    We have to end the COVID Hysteria!

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    If anything the pandemic is being downplayed for political gain. And the average American is losing.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    That Berenson guy you keep quoting also claims marijuana causes mental illness. Writes about autism schizophrenia... you wouldn't believe him on that so why believe him kn covid
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Icey, Alex Berenson wrote for the NY Times, covering the pharmaceutical industry, and pertaining to lots of lawsuits. So he is used to reviewing data, and he came of age in a medical culture.

    So coming from such a medical culture he does promote some stupid stuff. He is wrong about mental illness, schizophrenia, and autism. But he is correct that marijuana causes dissociation and encouraging its use is very harmful, just as is the regular use of any chemical mood alternant, prescription or street.

    Berenson was one of the first to offer reasonable criticism of the COVID precautions, publishing his first book in June 2020. And this was long before the so called vaccine was unveiled.

    But Amazon black listed his book.

    Today the COVID precaustions are not protecting anyone from anything, they are harming the average American greatly.

    The vast majority of Americans have already been exposed to COVID many times, and to each strain.

    What that so called vaccine does is fuck up your natural immunity, which is the best protection any of us have. So based on data from the other highly needled industrialized countries, that so called vaccine correlates to a higher rate of infections and a higher rate of death.

    And our FDA is still not making much progress in complying with the Freedom of Information Act and releasing the qualifying data for the so called vaccine.

    URGENT URGENT: Pfizer is delaying its request for mRNA Covid shots for kids under 5


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  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    So he's wrong about things you disagree with and right about one's you agree with.... so is it credibility or just something that fits in with your preconceived notions.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    It is simply that which stands up to close scrutiny.

    Most things in this world have to be evaluated this way.

    I agree with what he says about marijuana and its harms, but I don't go along with the idea that this is literally ~mental illness~.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    okay then what qualifications do you use for said Scrutiny other than just your opinion.

    He says marijuana causes schizophrenia autism psychosis...

    I think you're wrong on covid. The pandemic is very real

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    The pandemic is a pandemia of hysteria, superstitious irrational fear.

    Unfortunately there are no formal qualifications you can go by. Usually there aren't.

    I don't go along with schizophrenia, autism, or psychosis. These are just well circulated fallacies. But I do go along with the idea that marijuana is very harmful. And I see this in people every day of my life.

    The official stats, like for this county, have never supported the idea that COVID is killing anybody who was not already going to die soon. In fact, the official COVID death toll has never been more than a small portion of this county's normal death rate, which is more than 50 per day.

    And the premise of masking and social distancing does not protect any body from anything. There are vastly more super light cases than any statistics will tell you of.

    What protects us is natural immunity. Light exposure is the best way to get this. But any exposure and recovery will give you this.

    The so called vaccine fucks this up seriously, and it causes its own serious problems, like heart dis-rhythm and swelling.

    It also puts your name on COVID related government list, which is best to be avoided, as we still do not know where this is all going.


    OMS 4 of 5
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    900 000 Americans have died
  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    "The so called vaccine fucks this up seriously, and it causes its own serious problems, like heart dis-rhythm and swelling."

    You know what fucks up your heart even more? COVID.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Officials admit that COVID has been here since Feb 2020, but there is reason to believe that it goes back to Nov 2019.

    The normal death rate for this country is in excess of 3.5 million per year. That some of them test positive for COVID is something we can't do anything about it. The precautions and the so called vaccine do not stop this.

    In the data for the other highly vaccinated industrialized nations, the so called vaccine correlates to a higher rate of infections and a higher death rate.

    COVID is a nuisance, nothing more.

    The pandemia is much more serious than COVID could ever be.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    The long term effects of getting covid are worse and more common than the vaccine side effects.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    There are no long term effects of COVID, only of that so called vaccine.

    Long COVID does not exist.

  • Tetradon
    3 years ago
    ^ Incorrect.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    This is the only industrialized country without Universal Health Care. So people will say anything to be seen as sick.

    France did a detailed and careful study. No Long COVID.

    That does not mean that our population is healthy, no way. But no Long COVID. Once your immune system gets a lock on it, it does not last long.

    Just like the flu.


  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago

    Check your facts.

    What is it that makes you so in denial of covid?
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    No, that French study concluded that it does not exist.

    In a country with no Universal Health Care you find all sorts of people who believe that they are sick and believe that they have chronic conditions. I talk to these people regularly. COVID has nothing to do with it, but it does give them convenient talking points.

    Long COVID would run counter to everything which has ever happened with viral infections. Once your immune system is locked and loaded on it, and once your strength comes back, it has no chance.

    Long Covid doesn't exist, volume one zillion
    A huge French study shows BELIEVING you had Covid is associated with many later symptoms. But ACTUALLY having had Covid isn't associated with any (except loss of sense of smell).


    Trust the science.
    Alex Berenson 6 hr ago 5,166

    Step 1: Even though the world has not had a major respiratory disease epidemic in almost a century, insist one is coming SOON and we have to swab every bat in China to figure what virus will cause it.

    Step 2: When you can’t find viruses capable of causing it, start making them more dangerous in a lab.

    Step 3: When an epidemic finally breaks out IN THE CITY WHERE THE LAB IS, shout down anyone who mentions the connection. Instead spend two years instituting control measures that prove completely ineffective at stopping it - though very effective at ruining kids’ mental health.

    Step 4: Invent “vaccines” that work against the virus in a completely novel way, test them for months, and give them to more than a billion people.

    Step 5: Be surprised when the vaccines turn out to be far more effective than the virus itself at causing immune imprinting and original antigenic sin.

    Step 6: Wonder why the outbreak has lasted far longer than previous outbreaks, when neither control measures nor vaccines were used.



  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    I posted a link to the correct info. The French study confirmed it exists.
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    The French careful study determined that it does not exist. What does exist is psychosomatics.

    Since this hysteria first started, there have been people telling me that their relatives died from COVID. But then I noticed that which relative it was, and when they died, kept changing.

    One woman tells me that her uncle has this tingling in his legs after it. Well that is almost certainly nerve damage from diabetes 2.

    Another woman I crossed paths with yesterday, she left her job early in the hysteria. She always starts her statements with "My doctor". My doctor doesn't want me doing there, I have a weak immune system. And now, off work for close to 2 years, her boss says he can't hold her job open anymore. So she has gotten every kind of bail out money. Now she tells me that she is trying to get on SSI.

    Hey, I understand, circumstance has not allowed her to develop any kind of a career. So WORK just means selling her time. So now she wants to get on disability.

    Another guy I know told me he was trying to get on psychiatric disability. But he is mad because a Kaiser doctor 5150ed him (CA term for psychiatric hold)

    THis is the way it is. What we need is Universal Basic Income, and an end to this disability system!


  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    That's the fake news. The study really did the opposite. Look it up
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    You are mistaken. Alex Berenson is completely trust worthy.

    And our society is full of lots and lots of neurotic people.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    Buy you don't trust him when he talks about mental illness.... you can't have it all ways
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Mental illness is a myth of the medical and pharmacological world in which he operates. His indictment against marijuana appeals to it, but it does not independently legitimate it.

    March 12, CA, OR, WA to end all COVID mask mandates!

    :) :) :)

    This is a step towards ending the pandemia, but we also have to get that so called vaccine off of the market.


    Live continuing coverage of Ukraine crisis
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  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    What about war hysteria?
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Being concerned and taking action when civilians are being cluster bombed and when their city is likely to be place under siege so that they have no food or water, is not hysteria.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    You don't seem concerned about yhe US bombing civilians jn Yemen. Oh wait there's no media hysteria around that
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    It does look like there could be some real problem here.

    I can only focus on so many many things at a time. I support what President Biden is doing pertaining to Ukraine and I hope he can do more.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    The bombing of Yemen can be stopped if Americans demand our gov stop doing it. But we're brainwashed to believe in American exceptionalism
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    I do not believe in American exceptionalism. It is just that I live here and so it matters what American political positions I support, more than it does what posture I take towards the doings in other countries.

    President Biden is doing a very good job responding to this crisis in Ukraine.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    3 years ago
    It's America doing the bombing in Yemen. Not Ukraine. Although Ukrqine is a US client state
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    This needling of children, I am convinced that it will be prosecuted as Crimes Against Humanity, because there is no medical reason for it. But now they want to go under 5yo.

    PBS Newshour Today

    VAERS - the federal side effects reporting system - has received more than 500 reports of life-threatening events, permanent disability,or deaths following mRNA shots in kids and adolescents.

    In the light of today’s report that the jabs actually increase the risk of Covid infection in kids under 12 - and do little or nothing to reduce hospitalizations - I figured you might want to see what those reports actually look like.

  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Alex Berenson: Don't Label Things 'Misinformation' Label It 'Disagrees With Us' | Adam Carolla | Dr. Drew Pinsky

    Kiss my unvaccinated ass, Brandon


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  • CandymanOfProvidence
    3 years ago
    This is nothing, wait until you encounter Cacavirus
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    ^^^^^ What is that, more germ warfare?

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Alex Berenson

    Mining the best medical data we have, Berenson has debunked the conventional wisdom, keeping his eye on the facts as "Team Apocalypse" lurched from wildly inaccurate models to ruinous lockdowns. He has been right so consistently that the panicked guardians of the official narrative have called him "the pandemic's wrongest man."

    The product of relentless and courageous reporting, Pandemia tells the appalling true story of the duplicitous experts, power-hungry officials, and scaremongering journalists who botched the response to a global pandemic. Partnering with big tech to frighten and control the public, they exploited the crisis to achieve unprecedented control over our bodies, our lives, and even what we're allowed to say.


    The light at the end of the mRNA vaccine tunnel looks more like a train every day

    We need to talk about South Korea.

    Through 2020 and 2021, South Korea chased zero Covid with strict border controls, aggressive testing and tracing, and a vaccination campaign that reached nearly its entire adult population with mRNA (and some DNA) shots.

    The country didn’t quite get to zero. Infections and deaths rose slowly last year. But it came close enough that the usual highly credentialed public health experts held it up as a light among the nations.

    Here’s Devi Sridhar - once the world’s youngest Rhodes Scholar, today a “personal chair” in Global Public Health at the University of Edinburgh Medical School - telling the world in November 2021 how super-duper-good South Korea did:

    South Korea, even more than Hong Kong, shows the world what happens when Omicron hits a densely populated region that has no prior Covid immunity at the wrong time, as the mRNA shots fail in unison.

    The mRNA shots have negative efficacy against Omicron infection within months - meaning that vaccinated people are more likely to become infected. Data from Canada, Britain, Scotland, the United States, and other countries all agree on this point. I’m not sure anyone serious even argues it anymore.


    Jeff Healy
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Pundits have suggested that Fauci will retire before it gets much closer to the mid-term. I think it is Rand Paul, but it is also just that people are pissed off about the COVID hysteria. And then it is also this new RFK jr. book.


    Have Nots
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives Hardcover – November 30, 2021
    by Alex Berenson

    Says that Andrew Cuomo made himself a star. Starting March 2th, 2020 he held COVID press conferences every single day, for over 100 days.

    Remember him crying into the microphone, "How do you put a price on a human life?"

    It set the stage for hysteria, even though there had been flu outbreaks which has a higher infection rate.

    And the notion of death is pretty dubious. It is more like people dying with the flu, or with COVID. But previous flu outbreaks had more people dying with it, than with COVID, and they did not go to any lock down.

    But Cuomo set the tone, nationwide for hysteria. And this meant Santa Clara County's lock down, and then Newsom's lock down for all of CA.

    And it was silly really, how do you put a price on a human life? Well the price is Universal Health Care. That would lower the mortality rate more than all the COVID precautions and that so called "vaccine" combined. And what is the cost? It costs less than what we pay for health care now.

    And the COVID precautions, these accomplish nothing. At most they slow down a little bit the rate at which people get exposed. And the results of an exposure? Most are too slight to even be felt.

    And then they were going to these restrictions, most of the US population had already been exposed.

    And that so called "vaccine" fucks up natural immunity and so that is what keeps this epidemic going.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    <img src="https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/41yM…">

    So this Neil Ferguson runs the Imperial College group. He is a Physicist turned Epidemiologist. Over the last 15 years they have made many gross over estimates, off by a factor of 100. And this was no exception.

    After Ferguson himself contracted COVID and then was quickly recuperating he revised his projections way downward. News did not cover this.

    And Trump, "had intuitively understood the crucial distinction between the 'infection fatality rate' -- deaths compared to the overall number of people who were infected with the coronavirus -- and the 'case fatality rate' -- deaths compared to the people who became sick enough to be counted as Covid cases.

    And this is obvious. I recognized in Spring 2020 that the COVID precautions were completely irrational, and then by June that with his Gaslighting and Grandstanding, Gavin Newsome was trying to turn all of California into a 40 million bed mental hospital.

  • docsavage
    2 years ago
    The lockdown, mask and mandatory vaccine proponents pretty much gave up in February after the U.S. had record breaking eight hundred thousand a day case rates in January. There was a tipping point where the majority of the public realized that those interventions were ineffective in stopping the spread of the disease, that almost everyone was going to get this disease eventually, and the focus should just be on making sure old people at high risk of death get vaccinated. After that, people moved on to arguing about other things like the Ukraine-Russia conflict or the Will Smith-Chris Rock incident.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    It was patently obvious from the very start that those precautions accomplished nothing.

    THe objective was just to keep the hospitals from overflowing, not to reduce the number of exposures.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    page 117

    Yet a few of us looking closely at the data -- not at what public health authorities or governors or reporters were saying about the data but at the data itself -- could see two crucial facts emerging as early as the first week of April 2020.

    First, Coved was far less threatening than it had originally seemed. Yes it could be deadly, especially to the elderly and people with severe comorbidities such as kidney disease. But it would not overwhelm the medical system, much less all of society.

    Second, the lockdowns, at least as the United Staes and Europe conducted them, were useless, if not counter productive.

    How did we on what I came to call Team REality decipher these counterintuitive truths despite the high-octane fear the media pumped everyday?

    We grew to understand that one single datapoint mattered most in charting the epidemic: the number of people hospitalized with Covid each day, not the number of new cases or deaths.

    And this was how I came to see it back then, April 2020.

    I watched the actual data for this county. I watched it every single day leading up to the shutdown, and every single day after the shut down.

    All that mattered was the number of hospitalizations, because that was where the risk was, in overflowing the hospitals.

    The case test data meant very little because it was never a random sample. It depended on the amount of superstitious fear that the media and politicians were able to induce.

    And the deaths was a tailing indicator, happening after hospitalization, and highly dependent on age and extreme comorbidities.

    The precautions were never intended to save lives, or to reduce the number of people exposed.

    Deaths were just a fraction of our normal death rate, and they only increased out normal death rate by a little bit. Universal Health Care would have given more benefit.

    And as always, most everyone would be exposed. That is what gets us out of this, herd immunity.

    But oh no, the hysteria and neurotic fear was being fanned. And the media loved this because they saw it as a way of smearing Trump.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    “Pandemic, Inc.”: J. David McSwane on Chasing Capitalists & Thieves Who Got Rich While We Got Sick


    Pandemic, Inc.: Chasing the Capitalists and Thieves Who Got Rich While We Got Sick
    J. David McSwane

    Mcswane, J. David (2022)

  • datinman
    2 years ago
    A beloved member is announced as dead, possibly of Covid 19 and you don't have enough common sense/empathy to refrain for even one day from posting this bullshit. This kind of social disconnect is symptomatic for people on the spectrum. And yes it is a valid medical condition with an ICD 10 code. And no it is not your parent's fault. And yes, I would point this out if we were F2F. This post on this day is really in bad taste.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    COVID is hype, we would save more lives with Universal Health Care than with all the covid precautions and the so called vaccine combined.

    This book is about people who scammed the government and the public out of money.

    And the Autism Spectrum is a Hoax, a concept resurrected from the Nazi Eugenics movement. And that there are codes like this ICD 10 is not the remedy to anything, it is part of the problem.

    And the reason we have autism activism and that people are afraid to challenge it is that the parents depend on it. Saying that autism is bull shit is to declare nuclear war on the parents.

    And most definitely datinman I would say all of this to you if we were f2f, and your post is moronic.

  • datinman
    2 years ago
    You are both ignoring my point and proving my point. You can't see how bumping this thread, on this particular day, MIGHT be inappropriate? The upside is most members have your threads on ignore, so they won't get riled up reading your ignorant opinions like I did.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    datinman, you are a fucking idiot. There is nothing wrong with this thread.

    A good friend of mine they say he died last Sept of COVID. this is not true, he died of severe chronic conditions. I saw it coming about in the last 18 months. That is not COVID. COVID is something of the last 3 weeks.

    And datinman, I hope you put me on ignore and keep it that way.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Elon has already won

    Xi Jinping's quest for zero Covid has turned Shanghai - China's wealthiest city - into a 25,000,000-person prison. No one seems to know exactly why.

    Every number the CDC director offered in this interview about Covid vaccines and teen myocarditis was a lie

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    So there was this IHME, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, in Washington State and always funded by the Bill Gates Institute, and coming up with dire predictions about the hospitals overflowing.

    And it never came to pass. Things peaked in April 2020, and their had been no overflow. Even in Florida, going very late to a lock down, the hospitals stayed at about 50% occupancy.

    And very stupid, moving people out of hospitals to put them into nursing homes where they could infect the most vulnerable. Florida did not do this, they had special nursing homes set up for COVID cases, no one else there.

    So no overflows.

    And the lockdowns accomplished nothing, not even in March and APril 2020. They causes more home transmissions.

    And there were no outdoor transmissions. Outdoor transmissions. BUt they still closed outdoor recreational equipment and snitches called cops, and then Gavin flying over our beaches.

    Being locked in doors made this all worse.

    One band of counties, VA thru FL, where people did not really accept lock down. Average daily distance traveled was 2 miles. Where as in Seattle it had gotten down to 61 ft. But the loose lockdown did not make things any worse.

    So after March and April, when they should have reopened, what happened? Have to read more of the book.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Alex Berenson's Lawsuit Against Twitter SHALL CONTINUE! Viva Clip



    The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter - 2013 School of Rock AllStars Team 4

    Paulina Gretzky

  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Biggest lie of this entire thread:

    SJG starts off with “A friend tells me”

    Hey bud, everybody knows you don’t have any friends
  • TheeOSU
    2 years ago
    Lol, you have to understand the context shai. The creep considers any bathhouse visitor that pumps a load up his ass as a friend.
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    What do Oklahoma and Portugal have in common? Not much, besides mRNA vaccine failure

    Is it monkeypox, or crystalpox?


    Sex Slave Initiation Uniform
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives Hardcover – November 30, 2021
    by Alex Berenson

    Berenson is saying exactly what I saw to be true with my own eyes. I monitored the official government COVID data daily. There was nothing in there which warranted this total lockdown, lockout approach.

    Sorry to say, but it was killing people who were in very bad shape and not likely to live much longer anyway.

    And then they precautions, they protected no one and nothing.

    And then of course with the feds printing money and handing it out, few objected. And then as they were also trying to prop up the stock market, the Tech Sector Barons only gained. It was a huge upwards wealth siphon.

    Berenson wrote his first book about COVID in May 2020. He was expecting to publish it through Amazon's self-publishing Kindle platform. But Amazon rejected it because it was about COVID. It seemed to be an automated rejection.

    Then Elon Musk learned about this and prepared a nasty tweet about censorship and Amazon and posted it and sent it publicly to Bezos. Then Amazon quickly relented. But the electronic media never relented, there was an official story and that was it.

    And masking accomplished nothing.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives Hardcover – November 30, 2021
    by Alex Berenson

    The masks accoplished nothing. It wasn't, my mask protects you and your mask protect me. It was my mask scares you, your mask scares me.

    When in 2021 they dropped the masking requirement, the vaccine demand went away. They needed to have the masking requirement to keep people scared to get needled.

    In colleges they had all kinds of rules and they required students to participate in contact tracing, and to be surveiling each other and ratting each other out.

    Kid have only about 1/6 the communicability of the virus because they have a strong immune system and low viral load. The idea that kids transmit it, was just wrong.

    Closing schools really hurt kids and parents too. CA was the singular worst for schools being closed.

    A lot of the closing was being pushed by Teachers Unions. They were telling teachers to write out wills.

    They finally said that the school could be a collective distance learning place. Kids could be there, but teachers would still be working from home.

    Depression, despair, suicide, auto accidents all went way up, as did drug overdoses.

    The hysteria was really hard on people!


  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives Hardcover – November 30, 2021
    by Alex Berenson

    I had taken note of this Ed Yong, he writes for the Atlantic which was the most extreme of COVID hysteria, and he is always on Democracy Now and the Newshour. He is an MF idiot!

    The Long Covid freak out started in early 2020.

    They say that to treat it, Neurological Stimulants do well, like Adderall and Dexedrine, and Ritalin. The first two are amphetamines and the third is a close chemical cousin.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The main group is Survivor Corps. Started by this Diana Barrent, who is very close to the Clintons. And this comes from some group "Multiplier"

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Survivor Corps promotes the idea of Long COVID, and it has gotten money from "Multiplier", formerly called the Trust for Conservation Innovation.

    Multiplier is focused on Sustainable Development, "low environmental impact on infrastructure systems.

    Part of Left based desire to use COVID to remake society, with more government intervention in the economy and medical care.

    And this is what Gavin's primary mode, from his COVID idiocy, to his trying to attack the unhoused with the mental health system. He wants our entire society to be one big mental hospital.

    And Fauci goes along with this writing in a journal "Cell" about the improvements we need to make in society because ofhtese "deadly disease emergencies".

    I listened to him explain that traveling in Asia he sees people wearing masks in sidewalk cafes. He says it should be like that here.

    Well we need to expatriate Fauci to some place where they make the women wear berkas.


    Thin Lizzy 1983

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    So this is what Berenson is talking about, a seeming Left move to restructure society based on COVID.



    And yeah, here is Multiplier and their connection to Survivor Corps


    Yeah, it does seem to be an extremely large social engineering agenda.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights, and Lives Hardcover – November 30, 2021
    by Alex Berenson

    So this was great, the latter part was about the vaccine failures. That vaccine mostly just fuled more irrational fear, while it undermined natural immunity.

    Biden was trying to madate it, while he increased his verbal attacks on the unvaccinated.

    In Austrailia they started to build concentration camps for the unvaccinated, though they called them something else.

    And the odds that this virus was the result of gain of function which Fauci and Francis Collins knew about are very high.

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Congressional covid funding deal appears doomed after GOP criticism

    The sin that the Democrats committed was that they promoted COVID Hysteria to get into office and to suppress a more progressive agenda which covers Medicare for All.


    Vanilla Fudge - Keep Me Hanging On - Chicago School of Rock Show Team
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    The pandemia is not over until we get that so called vaccine off of the market!

    PBS Weekend 1/2 hour

    A powerful new paper in Science magazine suggests the vaccines are useless if not harmful against Omicron

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    This Ed Yong, who writes for The Atlantic, is the biggest MF Idiot on COVID. He consistently has promoted complete hysteria and the idea that people are being insulated from exposure.

    And according to Alex Berenson, The Atlantic has been the most idiotic media on this issue.



    White Room, School of Rock
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Stunning official Canadian data show vaccines now RAISE the risk of death from Covid

    The sublime cynicism of the press for "Omicron-specific" Covid vaccines

    Since May, public health authorities and media outlets have started pushing a new generation of mRNA Covid booster shots, theoretically reformulated specifically against the Omicron variant.

    The new jabs supposedly fix the minor fact that the original mRNA jabs have proven all-but-useless against Omicron - which, at least for now, is the only variant of Sars-Cov-2 left outside labs.


    How anti-Covid vaxxers will save the world from Donald Trump (and Joe Biden)


    The Rolling Stones - Gimme Shelter ('Havana Moon' Live) w/ Sasha Allen
  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Biden is double boosted and he has COVID. COVID is a nuisance illness. But that so called vaccine is a first order assault on the human immune system.

    1hr ago
    The mRNA vaccines have failed.

    Provably. Indisputably. The risk estimates released by Centers for Disease Control are politicized garbage, based on hospital and state data that intentionally underestimate the number of vaccinated Americans who have been hospitalized or died.

    The raw numbers from other countries far are more trustworthy - and consistent. They show that six months after injection, the basic two-dose mRNA vaccine regimen does not protect against Omicron and may even increase its risk. This failure is not confined merely to infection but to severe outcomes like hospitalization.

    Boosters increase protection, but the increase is temporary. Worse, a fourth dose appears to provide less additional protection than a third and to fade more quickly.

    At best - absolute best - the shots appear to have bought a few months in 2021 of a false dawn, at a cost that is still rising.


  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    A whole world of mRNA vaccine side effect case reports

    The mRNA vaccines are as safe as they are effective. Physicians from around the world agree!

    Below are a handful of the post-vaccine side effects doctors have reported to medical journals for the mRNA shots in just the last few weeks.

    This is not your cousin telling you about how his sister’s buddy passed out after her Pfizer booster. These are case reports on a variety of severe side effects, including diabetes and lymphoma. They’re published in well-respected medical journals, with substantial supporting detail.

    The first one - about two interns at the same hospital who both suffered myocarditis severe enough to require intensive care in a matter of days - is particularly striking.

    What is also striking is the fact that American physicians didn’t write any of these reports - even though the United States has administered far more mRNA shots than any other country. Three are from Turkey, one from Japan, one from Romania, and one from France.

    If only American physicians could be as honest. Or maybe ‘Merica has just been lucky!

    An around-the-world tour, starting with myocarditis in Turkey:


  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    COVID Hysteria is ramping up again. And they are pushing that so called vaccine, which increases the death rate and the depth of the illnesses:

    URGENT: Covid vaccines will keep you from acquiring full immunity EVEN IF YOU ARE INFECTED AND RECOVER


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    Ron Paul --- Weekly Update --- How Much Did the US Government Pressure Twitter to Ban Alex Berenson?

  • san_jose_guy
    2 years ago
    Vaccine Deaths!

    Five physicians - four 50 or younger - have died in the Toronto area in the last two weeks

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