It is rotten and dismal that a world of so many hundred million people should be

avatar for CJKent_band
The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free

Title couldn’t possibly say it all.

“It is rotten and dismal that a world of so many hundred million people should be ruled by a single caste that has the power to lead millions to life or to death, indeed on a whim...

This caste has spun its web over the entire earth; capitalism recognizes no national boundaries...

Capitalism has learned nothing from recent events and wants to learn nothing, because it places its own interests ahead of those of the other millions.

Can one blame those millions for standing up for their own interests, and only for those interests?

Can one blame them for striving to forge an international community whose purpose is the struggle against corrupt capitalism?

Can one condemn a large segment of the educated Stürmer youth for protesting against the greatest ability?

Is it not an abomination that people with the most brilliant intellectual gifts should sink into poverty and disintegrate, while others dissipate, squander, and waste the money that could help them? …

You say the old propertied class also worked hard for what it has.

Granted, that may be true in many cases.

But do you also know about the conditions under which workers were living during the period when capitalism “earned” its fortune?”

~ Letter to Anka Stalherm (14 April 1920) ~ Quoted in Ralph Georg Reuth, Goebbels (Harvest, 1994), pp. 33-34


last comment
avatar for Pussylicker2
2 yrs ago

That makes no sense at all. When the government makes no laws regulating the economy, pure capitalism is what happens. Supply and demand. A democracy could decide the government will do nothing to regulate the economy. So could a king, a dictator, an all-powerful relugioys leader. "Caputalists" don't rule anyone. If you've ever sold a used car or a house you're a capitalist. Now you might sell your car or house to your cousin and give him a good deal. But you might sell to the highest bidder. You wouldn't normally say "no, that's too much for you to pay me for my house, that's more than I paid for it".

avatar for Studme53
2 yrs ago

CJ - How many times do you jerk off daily? Be honest. My over/under for you is 5

We live in a parasitic plutocratic kleptocracy. End corporate welfare and make lobbying/bribing illegal.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

OP is incoherent nonsense

Capitalism has lifted billions out of extreme poverty.

avatar for misterorange
2 yrs ago

Fuck you CJKunt you stupid douche.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

I golfed, swam in the pool and had scallops.

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago

Paul Joseph Goebbels is not wrong.

“The money pigs of capitalist democracy…

Money has made slaves of us…

Money is the curse of mankind.

It smothers the seed of everything great and good.

Every penny is sticky with sweat and blood.”

~ Quoted in The Nazi Party 1919-1945: A Complete History, Dietrich Orlow, New York: NY, Enigma Books, 2012, p 61. ~ Goebbels’ article, “Nationalsozialisten aus Berlin und aus dem Reich”, Voelkischer Beobachter, February 4, 1927

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


The undeniable reality is:

“Capitalism Has Not “Lifted Billions Out of Poverty” Nor Has Economic Growth “Benefited The Environment”.”

You are welcome.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Capitalism be fucking awesome for those who are neither lazy, nor stupid.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@CJ, you are welcome for this great economic system that has given you the means to disparage it without worrying about your own subsistence.

No one cares about the environment when they can't eat.

avatar for longjohn81
2 yrs ago

I’m sorry…. Did you just quote Goebbels, one of the most notorious members of the Nazi regime, as a source in trying to prove your point???? Cuz Nazis are the moral compass we all use to determine our most important ideologies, right? This fucking guy is off his meds.

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


He (Dr Paul Joseph Goebbels) is not rong...

You should decide whether something said, written or quoted makes sense by its content, not by the person who writes or says it...

Regardless of the letters after his or her name, title or position in society, age, nationality, physical or mental disabilities...

No matter when or where it was said or written..

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago

Discussion Posts in the Political Discourse Forum, mainly quotations, as well as comments in the website are used by me as a means of inspiration and to invoke philosophical thoughts from the reader.

Pragmatically speaking, quotations can also be used as language games (in the Wittgensteinian sense of the term) to manipulate social order and the structure of society

“Like everything metaphysical the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language.”

~ Ludwig Wittgenstein ~ Austrian-British philosopher ~ Born: April 26, 1889, Vienna, Austria ~ Died: April 29, 1951, Cambridge, United Kingdom

Ludwig said it all...

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ They invoke the thought that you are an autistic twerp.

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


Some people, you know who you are, use “Selective Memory”, to preserve a favorable view of themselves, particularly in Western cultures and Colonial-Imperial-Capitalist societies.

To maintain positive self-imagine, people “forget” unflattering or troubling “memories” and try to deny undeniable facts.

Americans looked for an origin story that wasn’t soaked in the blood of Native Americans or built on the backs of slavery, the humble, bloodless story of the 102 Pilgrims forging a path in the New World in search of religious freedom was just the fairytale they made up.

The first “Thanksgiving” “celebration” was in 1637, after the “colonists” massacred an entire Pequot village, they “celebrated” their “victory”.

“Thanksgiving” is part of America’s origin, soaked in the blood of Native Americans and built on genocide and slavery.

Capitalism's undeniable history of violence is far from just history – it is a continuing nightmare from which humanity has yet to awake.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

Not sure how the Pilgrims prove the wrongs of capitalism, but if you think the natives weren't committing genocide against one another and destroying their environment, you're the one who needs education.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Winners win and whiny, fucktard losers quote dead losers and Nazis while they fail and blame everyone but the person responsible: Themselves. CJ is just an annoying, failed fuck up, with nary an original tyhought....ever. Hey Tetradon don't forget that certain sects of the Abnaki tribe of Vermont were cannibals and kept slaves.

avatar for Studme53
2 yrs ago

Oh - Native Americans definitely committed genocide against each other, particularly on the Plains. Bloody conquest and war for territory, slaughter of rival tribes, death by torture of captives, and slavery were the norm. They weren’t the gentle hippies of revisionist Hollywood.

The Native American scouts for the U.S. Calvary were the ones seeking revenge and usually initiating the wholesale slaughter of children and squaws as retribution for some atrocity their tribe suffered. It was their reason for working with the Calvary.

Read “Empire of the Summer Moon”. Educational and entertaining.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago


Yeah, basically the same thing you do every time you post here Xgay.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

Hey cj, stick with what you're good at, jerking off to your dick pic collection but keep it to yourself. Just like your 'UN'inspirational plagiarized thoughts, we're not interested in either you HOMO TROLL!

These fucking idiots will defend a kleptocratic plutocracy and worship corporate oligarchs while calling a stripper who won't fuck them for $200 a rob 🤡

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

The Nazi's would call people who were not really on their side, Communists, Bolsheviks, Homosexuals and Jews.

Right wing morons in this country and on this board have been doing the same thing for a long time, usually calling them Liberals.

That seems to go back to the 1988 Republican National Convention when Pat Robertson said that Michael Dukakis is a "L-I-B-E-R-A-L" and a "Card Carrying Member of the A-C-L-U".

This means the same as what the Nazi's meant.


Pretenders, My City Was Gone

Jane, School of Rock

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@icee, being an ROB has nothing to do with extras. Do what you promise (extras or not) at the agreed upon rate, and you avoid the label.

That's not how many here use it though. They feel butthurt when she doesn't fuck

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

^ Tetradon is entirely correct.


Pretenders, My City Was Gone

Jane, School of Rock

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Icee you know jack shit about anyone in here. All you have is your own ignorance, bias and unresolved anger issues. Just a total fucking fraud, with less substance than steam.

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


“The undeniable fact is that American Capitalism was built on the genocide of the natives and the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor people, of any color, here and abroad."

“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.”

~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg ~ Born: 3rd January 2003 Stockholm, Sweden ~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist

Awards: ~ Fritt Ord Award (2019) ~ Rachel Carson Prize (2019) ~ Ambassador of Conscience Award (2019) ~ Right Livelihood Award (2019) ~ International Children's Peace Prize (2019) ~ Time Person of the Year (2019) ~ Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity (2020)

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Opinion not fact, which is why the free economy crushed the slave economy in the civil war.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

The only awful part of the world is whiny assholes like CJ.

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


“Denying the Truth Does Not Change the Facts.”

“Everyone is entitled to his own opinions, but he is not entitled to his own facts.”

“No amount of denial can change one undeniable fact.”

You are welcome.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

cj you fuckhead, you wouldn't know the truth if it face slapped with it's dick although no doubt you would relish the moment and beg for pics.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

And today it is Capitalism / Libertarianism which is running the slave economy.


Jane - School of Rock

Vanilla Fudge

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

The undeniable fact is that the single greatest force ever, in the history of the world, was American capitalism and progressive rat fucks are trying to kill it.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

It remains a completely regressive force.


avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Life is a joy every day, I love America.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

CJ, you are the one living in denial while you enjoy the fruits of capitalism. It creates the wealth that allows takers and whiners to stay idle and criticize it.

"At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats."

  • P.J. O'Rourke
avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Capitalism has people working to fatten the financializers, even though there is no rhyme or reason to what they are doing. Working people have been abused, and then discarded.


avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


The so called Capitalism you defend was built and continues to be maintained by conquest, ecological ruin, slavery, state terrorism, sexism, racism, exploitation and immiseration.

The global and domestic handmaidens of capitalism continue to subordinate and destroy all who dare to resist its asphyxiating grip.

Capitalism was historically constructed by viciously subordinating and annihilating other ways of life.

Those other ways of life are constantly heroically working, all over the world, to put an end to the Capitalist history of violence and subjugation.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ All those things existed for centuries before capitalism, before whitey. To attribute that to a relatively recent economic system isn't just wrong, it's fucking lazy. The Native Americans alone could fill pages with examples of all of those.

Capitalism allows people the luxury of caring about the environment and the worker. Those who struggle against it want control of the system themselves, to give out the spoils according to what benefits them rather than the value they create. It's funny how America needs to build walls to keep people out rather than in.

You are the spoiled child O'Rourke talks about.

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


The undeniable reality is that Capitalism allows people the luxury of NOT caring about the environment and the worker.

Those who justly and heroically struggle against it want control of the system themselves, to give out the spoils according to a fair and just process that benefits the people justly accordingly to the value they create for the benefit of everyone.

It's funny how America needs to build walls to keep people out rather than in. to protect the rich that get richer, and subjugate the poor that get poorer in the American western capitalist society as a result of their Feudal, Monarchical, imperialist and colonialist past were the wealth flows from poorer to richer hands…

TIFFY you are welcome.

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


“The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim.

To him, the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free.”

~ Aldous Huxley

avatar for MackTruck
2 yrs ago

Did you ever fart so hard your back cracked?

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@CJ, demonstrably false, as from every "revolution" that has resulted in misery.

It's so hard to be poor in America that the world's poor pour over the border for the chance. Why don't you tell them this is such a land of exploitation and racism to go back where they came from? Lol.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Worst countries on earth: North Korea; China; Iran; Russia; Venzuela; Myanmar; Somalia; Yemen; Syria. None are capitalist countries. The only thing the left cannot ever use in an argument are "facts". If you just listen to the lies, the left is right. If you look at reality, the left is wrong. The difference between the hard left and Nazis, who were socialists, no matter how much the left lies, is semantics.

avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 yrs ago

^ tough words coming from a democrat

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

^smarmy comment coming from a homosexual bottom.

avatar for Estafador
2 yrs ago

I'm trying to figure this out. Is capitalism supposed to be evil or those who abuse it? Because on it's face, capitalism is a good thing. Can't make money selling the same thing 20 other people do in socialism. Government lets abusers run wild sometimes and get corrupted by greed. Just as capitalism helps out millions of people due to free market structure.

I know I don't want the radishes I worked so hard to grow to be taken by the government and I'm given only pennies to live off of. Really de-incentives me to want to keep making surplus since there's no good outcome for myself or my community. Hope the future is ok for socialist.

Farmers are subsidized in the US. So your radishes get pennies for the dollar. And get sold to private companies that resell them for much more so you lose out. So much for you banking off your radishes.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Only a liar or an abject moron assumes every farmer is subsidized. Just more stupidity from the left. The dumbest people on earth.

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


“White liberals (or not) have zero value without taking advantage of the poor and keeping them down.”

~ @skibum609 ~ Massachusetts July 27, 2022 ~ Husband, Son, Sibling, Friend, Skier, Gambler, Swinger, Golfer, Foodie, Traveller, but most of all I smoke Ghost Train Haze

Skibitch. Farm subsidies aren't a party issue. Both support said subsidies. Also I guess you proved you're retarded coz non retards grow out of concrete thinking in early childhood

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Your comment was so fucking stupid it requires no response boy, other than to say it has nothing to do with what I posted. ty for the post CJ, i had almost forgotten how truly fucking amazing i am. Thanks for the reminder.

You replied though. Sayingbuts not worth replying to then replying makes you a 🤡

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

@CJ, you and Skibum right, I don't have a high opinion of white liberals either. Rich white coastal liberals are the Democratic base right now, and their priorities are laughably out of sync with America.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

People want LGBT rights and marriage equality protected. And they want reproductive choice protected. And there are no economic problems outside of the ones capitalism has created and continues to perpetuate.


Grove Blue Organ

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago


Well it's understandable that you'd take stance since you officially came out of the closet...

BTW, did cj share any dick pics with you?

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


The so called Capitalism of America does not work for everyone; it benefits a few and leaves the rest to scramble for the scraps.

Aside from increasing inequality, trying only to maximise profits encourages other problems too.

It can lead businesses to pay workers as little as possible, even if that means workers remain in poverty and have unsafe working conditions.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Capitalism works for some; Socialism works for few and communism for the very few. Socialist Europe would be a Venezuela clone if we shut down Nato and stopped giving them welfare.

avatar for Studme53
2 yrs ago

^ I agree - we’re such suckers to expend so much to protect Germany and France and Europe in general when they won’t even honor their financial and Military commitment to NATO. Trump was a bad dude according to the little old ladies of the left for calling them out on it.

Russia represents an immediate threat to Europe, not the U.S., with their invasion of Ukraine, yet these rich European nations contribute virtually nothing to the Ukrainian war effort while the American taxpayer gives billions. For what? The approval of the Washington Post?

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"And there are no economic problems outside of the ones capitalism has created and continues to perpetuate."

Yes, the USSR was paradise, a land of benevolence and plenty where no one ever wanted for anything. No oppression either, nope, you were free to speak your mind and question the beloved system to improve it. No corruption either to get ahead, that was unthinkable.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

You can tell the difference between right wing governments and left-wing governments simply by looking at the fencing on the border. In right wing countries the barbed wire points outwards to prevent people from getting in. In left wing countries the barbed wire points inward, to keep people from getting out.

avatar for chessmaster
2 yrs ago

"In right wing countries the barbed wire points outwards to prevent people from getting in. In left wing countries the barbed wire points inward, to keep people from getting out."

Yeah. You can see the left already trying to trap everybody here. At any time they can declare a "pandemic"(i.e. covid) or "emergency"(i.e. global warming, gun violence) and the default solution is to give the state more power, of course. By the time the majority realizes whats happened, they have all the guns and control the border. You wouldn't be able to leave even if you wanted. Get out now if you still can...

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

^Luckily for me I'm old enough to stay here until the civil war happens and not care lol.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Fences or not, things are going to be changing here. I don't see many people wanting to leave, I see people taking to the barricades right here.


avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


“The so called capitalists know exactly what they are doing.

They know exactly what priceless values they are sacrificing to maintain business as usual.

The leaders are actively creating loopholes and shaping frameworks to benefit themselves and to continue profiting from this destructive system.

This is an active choice by the leaders to continue to let the exploitation of people and nature and the destruction of present and future living conditions to take place.”

“The undeniable fact is that American Capitalism was built on the genocide of natives and the exploitation and suffering of black slaves and the poor people of any color and continues to thrive on the exploitation of the poor people, of any color, here and abroad."

“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.”

~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg ~ Born: 3rd January 2003 Stockholm, Sweden ~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist

Awards: ~ Fritt Ord Award (2019) ~ Rachel Carson Prize (2019) ~ Ambassador of Conscience Award (2019) ~ Right Livelihood Award (2019) ~ International Children's Peace Prize (2019) ~ Time Person of the Year (2019) ~ Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity (2020)

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Capitalism is just a ridiculous rationalization for extreme deprivation amidst plenty.


Seattle, also looking pretty good, much better than San Jose. The key is to get them in stripper shoes, strapped on, painted up, and in skirts or dresses. They they are the equal of strip club, Viet Coffee, or AMP girls. The rest of what they wear does not matter is it won't be staying on very long.

Gimme Shelter - Rochester School of Rock

Jane - School of Rock

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"The leaders are actively creating loopholes and shaping frameworks to benefit themselves and to continue profiting from this destructive system."

Funny, CJ, that sounds more like the USSR where everyone lived in equal misery except the well connected who carved out wealth for themselves. It speaks volumes that the Berlin Wall was meant to keep people in the communist East and out of the free capitalist West.

The USSR raped it's environment and used prison labor.

Capitalism feeds, socialism starves.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

The USA uses an economic system which keeps a large portion of the population in misery. Not the well connected though.

Capitalism starves.

Social Democracy feeds.


Seattle, also looking pretty good, much better than San Jose. The key is to get them in stripper shoes, strapped on, painted up, and in skirts or dresses. They they are the equal of strip club, Viet Coffee, or AMP girls. The rest of what they wear does not matter is it won't be staying on very long.

Gimme Shelter - Rochester School of Rock

Jane - School of Rock

Grove Blue Organ Trio

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


Corrosive racial inequality.

An erosion of democratic norms.

An escalating climate emergency denial.

Rampant economic inequality.

America is indeed the land of the opportunist/capitalist.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ You're inadvertently partially right. It's hard to be a loser and a parasite under capitalism.

Those "social democracies" work because we've paid their defense bills for the better part of a century. They make it hard to become citizens and get their benefits.

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


In America, business profits in our system are in most cases result of collusion, history shows that big business and big government can collude to keep profits flowing to the former and contributions flowing to the latter.

Some in the system will benefit from this criminal form of profit and will defend the system because of it.

Nobody in their right mind would believe that the large fortunes and opulence of Robber Barons, Fat Cats, Capitalist Pigs etc. can be attained just by being an honest hard working person.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ All innuendo without evidence. Of course you're an academic, talk about grifting off the back of government subsidized tuition. And lack of accountability with tenure. And abuse of adjuncts.

Capitalists have to prove their worth in a market without tenure, outside the womb of academia.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Tetradon, you are a financializer. You are Capitalisms parasite and loser.


avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


The USA capitalist/imperialist system is, and has been since it’s birth, producing excessive inequality all over the world.

“To him that hath, more shall be given; and from him that hath not, the little that he hath shall be taken away. The rich have become richer, and the poor have become poorer; and the vessel of the State is driven between the Scylla and Charybdis of anarchy and despotism."

~ Percy Bysshe Shelley ~ Born 4 August 1792 Field Place, Warnham, West Sussex, England ~ Died 8 July 1822 (aged 29) Gulf of La Spezia, Kingdom of Sardinia (now Italy)

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"Tetradon, you are a financializer."

I bet you couldn't even name what I do for a living, shit-for-brains. But I'll tell you this, I can afford a device to access the internet off hours and during a pandemic.

"The USA capitalist/imperialist system is, and has been since it’s birth, producing excessive inequality all over the world."

A side effect of producing so much wealth is that it doesn't flow equally.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

You seem unlikely to even be able to afford anything except to post on this board.

You are a Keyboard Koward.

The US capitalist economy produces stuff. And now we have too much stuff. That is not wealth, that is a system which leaves much of the population with very little, except for the stupid insults of the sorts of Tetradon.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ I'm sure the American people are looking to you for guidance on what is "too much stuff."

Get VIP and read my reviews. You'll see I can afford to visit strip clubs.

You might also see I'm selective with the information I divulge here. Which is how adults protect their F2F life. Not making threats like bellowing retards.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

We have a grossly excessive production capability. Have had this since the 1870's, excluding some major wars.

And you see this in our cyclical labor down turns and in the general low market power which labor has.

You can afford to visit strip clubs, but that is because you don't have anything more important to do, and because you are by nature a troll.

I don't make threats, but I do protect my f2f life and its privacy, because online is loaded with bellowing retards like Tetradon.


avatar for JimGassagain
2 yrs ago


SJG nobody believes a word you write when you claim to be building an organization of women that look like this.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"We have a grossly excessive production capability. Have had this since the 1870's, excluding some major wars."

Wow. Glad we asked you who is failing at every aspect of life, who somehow knows what's best for America.

"You can afford to visit strip clubs, but that is because you don't have anything more important to do, and because you are by nature a troll."

Like spend 35 hours a week on a strip club website threatening people and seeking attention and validation. Won't someone talk sex magick with me, pweeeeeeze?

Whatever you think about the rest of us, you're seeking our approval for the equivalent of a full time job in hours.

Everyone else on this board is, by any metric, better at life than you.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

TetraBozo, my F2f life is private and very well protected. You are just trying to build siege scaffolds to attack my privacy. I burn those scaffolds down every day. And with the privacy wall I don't have to be shot gunning trolls all day and night.

And reading a lot of your posts, I see no reason to conclude that you are anything except a retard. Nothing I admire about you.

I am not a person who goes around picking online fights, but you don't seem to know how to do anything but that with your personal attacks and venom.


Los Angeles

avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago


You wrote, and I quote:

“A side effect of producing so much wealth is that it doesn't flow equally.”

Care to answer why?

“Like Slavery and Apartheid, poverty is not natural.

It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings.”

~ Nelson Mandela

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Yes, the kinds of poverty found in the industrial world are completely man made.

We are trashing the natural environment just to keep the Work Ethic Squirrel Cage going, and to fatten the financializers.



Los Angeles

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"You are just trying to build siege scaffolds to attack my privacy."

LOL. No, your life is just that boring. I'd sooner fly out to San Jose to patronize a specific Wendy's than to interact with you in any capacity.

"Nothing I admire about you."

Yet somehow my life will go on. In fact, of you admired anything about my life, it would trigger some serious self examination in that area.

"I am not a person who goes around picking online fights"

HAHAHA! All you do is attack people, insult the common hobby, and make threats that you don't have the balls let alone the money to follow up on. Nicki Minaj and Megan Thee Stallion need to write a spinoff song about you called "Broke Ass Pussy."

You've even admitted you won't fly east to follow up on one of the many threats you've made towards me. You haven't followed up on any threat you've made towards anyone here. Impotent little bitch.

See you when the library opens tomorrow.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"Care to answer why?"

Because we are not equal in talent, intellect, capability, etc.

Mandela is rong. Poverty is the natural condition of humanity and was for millennia. Starvation, infection, and violent competition for scarce resources thinned the herds.

Recognition of enlightened self interest has been nothing short of a miracle, bringing billions out of extreme poverty.

Your little addle-pated buddy doesn't realize no one gives a fuck about the natural environment when they don't know where their next meal comes from. You have capitalism to thank for that.

Plutocratic oligarchies aren't natural nor are the social and environmental problems they create

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Tetradon, Plutocratic Oligarchies exist because people have been able to seize power and promote narratives of innate inequality.

But that only continues for as long as people allow it.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

SJG, we are inherently unequal. You are a loser and a taker.

Your precious revolt of the working class is more likely to come from conservatives tired of being dictated to by tech and political magnates than loser video game-addicted stoners in their parents' basement.

All Occupy Wall Street figured out how to do was cover public parks in feces and sexual assault.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

If people are being targeted for racial denigration then I say that they need to organize and engage in targetted and highly skilled lthl trrrism.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Ah, racism, the panic button cry of the desperate leftist. All hail SJG, savior of black people!

No one mentioned race here. Pay attention.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

But you are denigrating large groups of the population. I would not let you do this f2f. I don't think anyone else would either.

You are a Keyboard Koward, shitting on this board because you have nothing better to do.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ Lol, can't tolerate opinions different from yours F2F? I doubt you could afford the Uber to San Jose airport, let alone the flight, let alone have the balls to meet me.

You're a leech on society and a big fucking talker.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Tetradon, you keep posting stuff about me, even though my f2f life is private. You are just hoping someone will believe what you post.

I burn such siege scaffolds down with kerosene.

And no one would tolerate you f2f, I certainly wouldn't.


avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

"And no one would tolerate you f2f, I certainly wouldn't."

You know the nearest big city to live, and where I club. See how I am F2F. Test your theory. I'll even give you several hundred to test your organization's theory with the women of New England. If you can swing an FRMOS, I'll get it notarized.

We know that won't happen, because you know I'm right. Library closes in a few minutes. Get your last retort in with a threat you'll never fulfill.

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