Comments by Pole_Doc (page 5)
discussion comment
10 years ago
@steve229 - Can you (or anyone else) please explain how hyperlinks to other sites are created in this forum?
discussion comment
10 years ago
@ Alabegonz: you're not telling me ANYTHING I already do not know, or haven't already experienced (except for marriage to a stripper. I've only gone as far as engagement). I think it's fair to say, I KNOW THE GAME. Again, go back and read the premise of the original scenario (It seems to have been lost somewhat). It's IMPOSSIBLE to bring "Normal Brainwaves" into a situation one is unaware of. Remember, "Scenario Dude" doesn't know she's a stripper. What I've suggested is that if it were me, I would make the necessary adjustments TO NOT bring "Normal Brainwaves" into the situation, upon learning of its existence. That is what I mean by, " I would continue dating her. However, I probably wouldn't think of her the same way." This means my approach, at that point, would change to "stripper mode," which essentially means removing any and all "Normal Brainwaves" from the situation. It sounds to me like we're both saying the same damned thing!
@Lopaw: The answer to your question is, "No," you're NOT guilty of the same thing. AGAIN, go back and read the original scenario. From it, one can easily infer that "Scenario Dude" isn't hiding anything; she clearly is. I once had a girlfriend I dated for almost a year, before we both realized we were of Jamaican decent. We weren't trying to hide it from each other. It just never came up. The same thing can be said (inferred) of Scenario Dude.
Listen, Guys, I've always prided myself on being a fairly effective, and poignant, writer. In fact, I've found that I have an easier time expressing my ideas in writing, rather than through verbal communication. I've been very consummate about stating my position on this particular issue. If you don't get what I've been trying to convey, by now, you never will. It appears you BOTH probably could use a refresher course on the things I've already posted. I think I've made my thoughts on the matter emphatically clear and have nothing further to add. Thanks for the banter.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Mileage and value are up in strip clubs.... and the problem is what exactly??? Shit, that's a good thing. Y'all almost sound as though you're complaining!
Although I think geography plays a role, at the end of the day, it all comes down to the girl. I don't care what restrictions a club has. If you've got a girl who is with your agenda, whatever the both of you wanna do is gonna happen. Are there risks? Sure there are but they're lowered considerably, when the girl is on board. Hell, the risks can give you a serious rush and even add to the excitement!
Look, I've been in the game for a minute (25 years). I've seen and done some of everything with strippers, from the gutter most to the uttermost (dated, lived with, paid sex, free sex, pimped, put through school, paid bills, etc.) and I'm telling you, it's about the girl.
I've done things at clubs that I never even bothered sharing with anyone, bc I knew they wouldn't have believed me. Screw a LD. If you've got the right girl, you can fuck right at the bar! Just make sure they always remember; the best place to hide a dick is in a PUSSY!! - LOL
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Oh, forgot... Thank you too, GoVikings!
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
Pole_"DOC," and thank you, zipman68 and Ironcat!
discussion comment
10 years ago
layin low but staying high
It has been my experience that your average stripper tends to be very much like your average male, when it comes to ego. Every single last one of them thinks they're the baddest bitch ITC. As a result, some of them tend to think of themselves, and their skills, more than they ought.
It all sounds tantamount to bullshit! Now, that being said, I pretty much get the gist of the discussion but could someone please clarify?:
discussion comment
10 years ago
Lopaw wrote:
"As long as she comes home to me & doesn't bring home any diseases I don't give a fuck. Who am I to judge her if I'm also secretly visiting the clubs?"
You make an excellent point. However, you seem to be forgetting the premise for the scenario. She's operating dishonestly, you are not.
It is inferred that the issue of you visiting strip clubs has yet to be discussed. However, the scenario clearly states that her job is "legit," which is evident of a discussion taking place about what she does to earn money.
I would feel exactly as you do, if it were not for the duplicity. The subject of employment coming up for discussion was her opportunity to come clean about it. She chose deception. I, on the other hand, have done nothing wrong. I'm only guilty of being myself. It's no one's fault that this particular part of who I am hasn't yet come up for discussion. I get a pass, she doesn't.
I don't care that she's a stripper (and likely a whore - just keeping it real). I do, however, care that she's a liar. Therefore, that puts me in a position to judge her actions, based on that front alone.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Alabegonz (final point),
As for me "thinking like a customer" goes, you are correct.
Let's remember the scenario calls for me to think of my girlfriend as a normal woman (I don't know she strips). Therefore, it is felicitous for me to approach the situation with her in a normal manner (what you would call "customer" like).
Once I discover she's a stripper (and a duplicitous one at that), I think it equitably appropriate for me to "advance" my way of thinking to that "different level" you mentioned earlier, thus justifying my reasons for probably not perceiving her in the same way (as I'm sure she would reciprocate in her thinking of me).
Again, thank you for helping me to make it more clear!
discussion comment
10 years ago
I also said:
"I would continue dating her. However, I probably wouldn't think of her the same way (Just another strip hoe to me)."
This would be due to the "different level" operating style (you mentioned) strippers are known to have.
Thanks, Alabegonz, for helping me put it into words!
discussion comment
10 years ago
I said:
".... stripping and relationships often don't mix!"
You said:
"Strippers operate on a different level."
My point exactly!
discussion comment
10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Are we reading 2 different headliners? Here is exactly what you have written at the top of this thread (copied and pasted):
"CLYMAN - A veteran is accused of confronting a gentleman's club employee in a road rage clash in Dodge County"
The word "stripper" is absent. Again I ask, how do we know the 29 year old woman, named in the article, is a stripper?
discussion comment
10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
How do we know the woman was a stripper? The article only says she works at a sc. It doesn't say what she does there.
She could be a waitress, bartender, or even the club manager for all we know.
As for the dude, he gives a bad name to resposible gun ownership.
discussion comment
10 years ago
BTW, Dolfan,
You're right. There is quite a bit of gray area (as with most things in life). Those would be exceptions to the rule. However, when you're talking about strippers, you've got to remember most of the gray is covered in green.
Money has a way of changing one's character. Every stripper has a breaking point (a price and situation that will make her jump). Maybe 1 in every 1,000 won't (the exception). Please don't be gullible enough to think otherwise. You could end up getting your feelings hurt. Believe me, I'm the voice of experience - been there, done that!
discussion comment
10 years ago
I appreciate your input. I, like you, probably would react in a similar way, if the situation was similar to yours. However, the scenario calls for the entertainer being your "Girlfriend," not someone you just started dating.
Don't you think that, like the situation with your friends not telling you, is on the same "need to know" level?
discussion comment
10 years ago
I'm not sure what the point is here. However, I do know that going to SCs is an upscale hobby (like golf). The point is to have a good time with the girl of your choice. For me, I'm not sure how to put a price on that.
I suggest figuring out how much you're willing to spend, before going, and then milk it for what it's worth. The price tag (amount spent) should match the service. If you feel your end result is worth what you spent, then cool. If not, make adjustments accordingly. It's really not that hard to figure out.
I tell you what... For the money you spent the first time around ($350 - $400), there's no way I'd be staying in the club. Those are "Take Out" prices (Fuck that - "Delivery") and I would expect front door service with that too!
discussion comment
10 years ago
BTW, my reaction would be one of distrust. I would continue dating her. However, I probably wouldn't think of her the same way (Just another strip ho to me).
discussion comment
10 years ago
Hmm, interesting scenario. Idk...
I'm old school. I believe half truths (the whole telling on a "need to know" basis bullshit) are the same as lies. What you choose NOT to reveal can be every bit as duplicitous as what you lie about; it's all dishonest and toxic to relationships.
I was once involved with a "so-called" lesbian stripper who is currently in the midst of learning she actually likes DICK (I capitalize bc size really matters to this one). Her girlfriend was/is clueless and (a few years younger) easy to manipulate. She often did "dickly" things behind the girlfriend's back, which would involve her sometimes having to tell half truths, in order to do them. She would say, "I don't lie to her. I just tell her only what she needs to know." This is duplicity at its best and reeks of mendacity!
I was once very interested in a relationship with this particular girl but after seeing the way she treated the girlfriend, it became clear to me she lacks the maturity required to be in a monogamous relationship (it also doesn't help that she's a stripper who's in love with money). Besides, stripping and relationships often don't mix!
Bottom line: relationships are built on trust. If one has to lie about things, in order to keep a relationship together, it's only a matter of time before it crumbles. Learn to be 100% in all things. If one starts off posing, one day you'll eventually show your true colors and forget to pose.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Gawker, Dude, you're all over the place! Please pick a topic and stick to it.
I concur with Tiredtraveler.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I concur with crsm27 and ilbbaicnl.
I'm there to unwind and have a good time, not worry about carding the girls. Typically, this wouldn't happen to me anyway. I like youthful looking grown ass, mature women. That adolescent, high school, breast milk still on their breath look, doesn't really appeal to me (no offense to those attracted to that).
That being said, I would buy the alcohol, with no problem. If they're old enough to work there, and turn tricks in VIP, they ought to be old enough to drink!
discussion comment
10 years ago
If all participants are consenting adults, it isn't cheating.
Besides, in my opinion, what goes on between 2 women isn't really sex.
discussion comment
10 years ago
Atlanta suburb
Only a matter of time before this becomes the norm. Society, as a whole, is "dumbed down." This is due, in great part, to being under-read (informed). People don't read anymore. As a result, they suffer from ignorance. Ignorance creates an inability to discern and the lack of discernment leads to poor decision making. "My people perish for lack of knowledge (The Bible)."
You're correct to voice concern, in hoping that strippers don't find out about this. Generally speaking, they tend to be exceptionally under-read. As a result, many of them tend to not be the sharpest knife in the drawer. Let's not forget; it hasn't been that long since gold teeth were very popular among many (black) strippers. This enamel engraving process really isn't that far off. Let's just hope for the best.
review comment
10 years ago
Atlanta, Georgia
You're better than me ... I don't think I'll ever be back, unless I'm looking for someone specific.