Would you knowingly buy alcoholic drinks for an underage stripper?

avatar for shadowcat
From a recent article "On one of my visits, a couple girls sat with me and I bought them drinks. One was a bit older (late 30's but quite beautiful) and the other was probably just 18 or 19 and had just started stripping a couple weeks ago."

I guess that I would if she was hot enough and plead ignorance if I got caught. :) I'm pretty sure that I have already done it a couple of times and I also know that I have bought drinks for strippers that were on alcohol restriction imposed by the club.


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avatar for crsm27
11 years ago
Here is my take on it. If you order a drink from a waitress for another employee (stripper) it is on the waitress/bartender/business for serving them. Not the customer. It is on the server not the purchaser.
avatar for crsm27
11 years ago
Oh....to get to your question... YEP I WOULD BUY HER ONE. :D
avatar for crsm27
11 years ago
Oh....to get to your question... YEP I WOULD BUY HER ONE. :D
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
Sure, why not?
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
Not only is buying drinks for underage dancers illegal & immoral, it also seems rather frivolous and low priority.

In other words, count me in!
avatar for Corvus
11 years ago
I try not to buy drinks for any strippers.
avatar for scatterbrain
11 years ago
Nope, not knowingly. I contribute to the delinquency of minors in other ways just fine.
avatar for Subraman
11 years ago
I imagine it makes me a bad person, but I do it whenever I sit with an underage stripper. I don't often sit with girls that young, but when I do, I def get them drinks
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
Alucard's head would explode if he read all this
avatar for ilbbaicnl
11 years ago
There is nothing more idiotic than the idea that someone can be old enough to sign up for the military but not old enough to drink.
avatar for Pole_Doc
11 years ago
I concur with crsm27 and ilbbaicnl.

I'm there to unwind and have a good time, not worry about carding the girls. Typically, this wouldn't happen to me anyway. I like youthful looking grown ass, mature women. That adolescent, high school, breast milk still on their breath look, doesn't really appeal to me (no offense to those attracted to that).

That being said, I would buy the alcohol, with no problem. If they're old enough to work there, and turn tricks in VIP, they ought to be old enough to drink!
avatar for DandyDan
11 years ago
I don't see why not, but most clubs I am aware of make it impossible for that to happen, assuming they do their due diligence and making sure they actually are 21. Every bar I know about will not hire those under 21. Then again, I don't know what the BYOB clubs I visit do, although with my favorite club, that's merely a formality, because there hasn't been anyone that young dancing there in years, AFAIK.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
Man, I use to buy teenagers in general alcohol at liqour stores. They took one look at me and new I was on the level.
avatar for Dolfan
11 years ago
I have & will again. I've also cut off girls, regardless of age. I figure if they are old enough to decide to dance they can decide to drink. Most clubs don't seem to care if the dancer displays some sort of control. I am careful with new girls (ones I don't know) not to suggest drinks though. I have no problem contributing but I'd rather not cause them to start drinking.

Oh, and I was that teenager at the liquor store looking for enlightened Spic's to do that. Its funny, now that I'm older I see teenagers in the parking lot waiting for someone to ask all the time now. When I'm in the truck I see their faces light up when they realize I'm going to that store in the plaza and then see the heartbreak in their eyes when they see me get out. I guess I look the opposite of on the level...
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
Nope...not knowingly. I'd also worry about a place that serves chicks that work there that I know to be underage. That seems like a place that might get raided...
avatar for rockstar666
11 years ago
I wouldn't buy her one drink; but maybe 5-6.
avatar for shailynn
11 years ago
Ha I remember once sitting with a dancer and I couldn't buy her a drink because she was on probation.

I knew right then and there I wanted to take this girl to the VIP!!!
avatar for skibum609
11 years ago
I enforce the rules I set and let others enforce their s so I'd buy, if they were selling.
avatar for bvino
11 years ago
In a club? definitely. It is on the house to check I.D. Outside of a liquor store ? no way. That is buying and providing to minors and is an actionable offense.If you want underage girls to drink you have to grab em' and take them home first.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
^^^Have to be careful. I said no to a hottie outside a liquor store. As I was at the counter, I looked out and saw her hopping into a police car!
avatar for Otto22
11 years ago
I have done so inadvertantly but would not do so intentionally. That is also why I would not make an appointment with a BP escort claiming to be 18!
avatar for san_jose_guy
11 years ago
I would never knowingly buy drinks for a girl under the drinking age. I would never do anything with a girl who is under the age of majority. Maybe there could be ways I could beat a wrap, but I would still not be be in that situation. No reason to deal with those underage.

Around convenience stores teenagers ask me to buy for them, and I don't do it.
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Mikey-Were you in Pomona? My nephew was in the Explorer Program and him and my niece use to ask for liquor in front of liquor stores. It might've been her.
avatar for gatorfan
11 years ago
What do you mean by knowingly? I don't do much thinking when it comes to strip clubs.
avatar for kingcripple
11 years ago
I have.
avatar for jacobs.patrick7
11 years ago
Most of the time the waitress keeps it a secret and charges you for a mixed drink of water.
avatar for JohnSmith69
11 years ago
I would like to say no, but I have done that on several occasions, so the answer is clearly yes. But of course, I was doing this to enhance my prospects of receiving sexual favors, so I have a clear legal defense if charged.
avatar for Cheo_D
11 years ago
Knowingly is the key here. I don't need the hassle. At the club it's the management's job to know who should and should not be there, I will not be asking and she really should not be telling me her age. (And if as in many clubs, the girls 18-21 get a warning wristband, then sorry baby.)

Outside the liquor store the odds of a set up by our dear Uncle Leo are uncomfortable. Sorry kid, too much to lose.

avatar for RTP
11 years ago
I recently asked a stripper her age. She answered "I am not going to tell you, because if I do, you won't buy me a drink". At that point I did not buy her a drink and did not even get a dance. Being in my 50's, I tend to like a bit more mature (25 - 40) for my dances.
avatar for san_jose_guy
11 years ago
Strip clubs, porno movies, brothels, and everything else like that operate on the ethics that what adults consent to is okay. The argument is that so long as it is only for adults who are consenting, then we should be exempted from the more conservative and religiously derived morality. It has become a social contract.

The minute someone starts doing something improper with a minor, or doing something which is not consensual, then that contract has been violated and the other side will feel justified in stopping everything!

So no, minors are 100% off limits for everything!

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