
Comments by MadMaXXXNYC

  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Surprise on a Thursday
    You were born under a special star. Never in all my years here..
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    Things are looking up!
    ^^ All correct. Most use a car service from Newark/Irvington/Harrison and it is set to arrive around 5 pm. One shift.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Not a destination club
    ...struck out next door" ? Next door? The Pet salon?
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Quality Mongering since 1993
    Sheila's Birthday Party. Odd vibes for a party, but maybe I got there too late
    Passed through to...?
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    New Jersey
    Suprised it was so busy.
    Was about to post a new review about stopping in at 4 pm yesterday ( Friday ) and being surprised by the upbeat vibe, 80's music, and the dozen girls there, with many new faces. My story also would have included buying Sophia a tequila shot, lol. My man, we're living in parallel, I am just months late. ( and no, hadn't seen this review prior ) Was going to call the review " Reports of the bar's demise may have been exaggerated, but you've done such a supurb job at the physical description there is little I can add except: What Pete says about the place is still spot on: First week of May. The dancers were: Lily, Barbara, Mariana, Sarah, Ivana, Lucy, Marie, Darcy, Kelly, Sheila, Adriana and Alejandra. Sheri was tending bar and the boss?? was wandering around so it kept things a bit tamer than my usual far side of the bar antics. There was actually a dude in "my" seat at the far side of the bar past the opening. I joked with a dancer about it, and a second later I see her talking to him, and he stand up and offers me the seat! I wan't staying long, so I nodded thanks and motioned for him to sit back down. IF that was you, let me know: You're a gentleman and a scholar, and you know how to play the game in this place! ( that seat gets access to every girl as they to and from the stage: Can be a riot if the vibe is right. Pete: We gotta team up. LMK known your next outing is! BTW There is a party there for Sheila's bday on the 17th starting at noon. IF it's ever going to get what the new definition of wild is, it will be that afternoon.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Quality Mongering since 1993
    Tame Tuesday afternoon Recon at Vics. Worth it if you know what you're getting
    Ah yes. how could I forget the legislation that Joe Biden sponsored, and then signed, demanding that VIP Access rooms nationwide be raised by $5 each effective immediately....
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    New York
    Vic's a classic that I will keep coming to
    And the cover is $10 not $20. sniff sniff
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Always reliable, always a good time.
    Very accurate. and VIP is only offered by a few of the veteran girls, and only to friends they know well and trust. Hang out on the end of the bar nearest the LD room and see how the old timers play the game. Lol.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Simple dance and enjoyed the hockey game. Worth a visit.
    As far as I know, the dances are $20. Sorry, bro.
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    Quality Mongering since 1993
    I bought a round for everyone in Vic’s.
    Bonus: Vics will be staying open until close to 10 pm from now on!!
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    Quality Mongering since 1993
    I bought a round for everyone in Vic’s.
    Also if Mod can change title to Vics... instead of Clancy's, that'd be super
  • review comment
    9 months ago
    Quality Mongering since 1993
    Rest(ing)-a-bit: It's not dead, it's just "resting" ( apologies to John Cleese )
    Floated a few OTC ideas. I think the rules were made clear: walk out and don't walk back in, so I talked about before/after shift options. YMMV
  • review comment
    a year ago
    A Brazilian Dive Bar
    Stop back in when you have more time to hang out. This is Cheers with Brazilian strippers.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Strip club homies
    What area of the US are you from? Do we have the same clubs in common? NNJ here
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Quality Mongering since 1993
    The more things change the more they stay the same. Good night at C's
    @Lurker21 FOB = Fresh Off Boat i.e in the country less than 6 months. Oh, sorry, i.e. means for example. oh, sorry, an example is the description of something that is like something else, a comparison, to enable the reader to better understand the context of the original text. Coherent enough now??
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Dead this place is….
    Have to agree. In several conversations this month at Clancy's, I'd say 5 out of 8 were from the Rusty Clit, err, I mean the RaB
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Nail in the coffin
    I took advantage of the dancers' desperation and pushed barside play far enough for Coney or NJBalla to be proud. Channeling the old Rah Rah energies as much as a could. Mixed success, but good for laughs.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Not sure why I go back
    "Only gogo wit no stage dancers, unattractive girls, dark and dingy." Lol, yes, why DO we keep returning? I think it's the allure that there could be "diamond", as you say. Once you get one, at any club, no matter how long ago, you're ruined chasing that elusive white whale. And I've actually ended up in VIP with a few that, in better lighting, fit that description :)
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Quarterly Visit, Still the Same (Bob Seger)
    Snake, my friend, we are living remarkably parallel lives, lol.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    New York
    Better than Manhattan but did not live up to expectations
    There's a large digital lights clock in there. Before we start I nod to it and ask the dancer what time it is. Then I give a dollar amount and and ending time. If she balks, I walks. Most are caught off guard, and I'm generous at quoting about 4 minutes per dance and offering several, up front. So usually it's a yes. Then before I sit down I say something like "great, come here and sit on my lap" then I sit down. No chance for air dance. Sometimes not worth it, and you've blown 3 or so dance's worth, but usually I am happy with the results. Of course, this is AFTER some convo and maybe a drink at the bar. And yes, I'm on of the "new , old guys" trying to fill in for the fossils that used to occupy that end of the bar.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    bars, lol. Meant Bras. although... haha
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Have't been since the lockdown. I'll probably miss all the bars on the ceiling. Used to play games with the dancers getting them to try one or two on, lol
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New York
    Best Club Advertisement
    And should I be annoyed they filmed my dance without my knowledge? I've been thrown out for trying the same thing for myself ;)
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    New York
    Best Club Advertisement
    Ahh.. featured dancers... porn starts on the circuit. Them was the days.
  • review comment
    a year ago
    Quality Mongering since 1993
    Fun, redeeming time at Clancy's night shift on a Thursday.
    Specialj: There was NO tipping on top of that, especially because she bolted back to the other side of the bar as soon as we got back, so not even another shared drink. Agree with you. I'd have been happier around $100 for 20 min but w/e each night sets its own rules. We just go along for the ride.