
Comments by Subraman (page 41)

  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Holding hands in the club
    lol wrong window
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    4 years ago
    Holding hands in the club
    Yes but on a call. kids are here
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    4 years ago
    Holding hands in the club
    Try carrying her on your shoulders next. Or wheelbarrow for some extra fun!
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    4 years ago
    Holding hands in the club
    I like the out of the box thinking though!
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    4 years ago
    Holding hands in the club
    I'm more like "go with the flow" Muddy than "angry overthinking" Muddy. It's a cute gesture and I like it, and it sort of gets me in the mood mentally. If I found myself thinking like you're thinking, "her doing this makes me be a cash cow being lead around", then yes, I'd consider stopping it, because who needs to get angry and defensive before we even get to the VIP? But that's not really the way I'm thinking, and I don't think of it as a mind game since it doesn't mess with my head at all, just a little cute thing she does that gets me in the mood for the VIP
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    HIV Infected TJ Prostitutes - Risks for the Monger
    "Ever do a gal lots sessions and then realize she had no teeth? A friend did - she was 39 yo whore off SA. But that due to heart condition she said. He Always covered w her but she offered bareback. She would greet him in her trailer in sexy monokini bought her. Gave her a pounding. " This sounds like a fellow who makes excellent decisions! lol
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OTC with a dancer who has a young child at home?
    I'm exactly the same -- I OTC the way you do rather than the way Rick does, and have had exactly the same experiences, I've never had a stripper ask me for an extra babysitter fee, but have had her need to cancel or be late because of the babysitter. And usually (actually, I think it's almost 100%, not just "usually") the babysitter is either her family or her "babydaddy".
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OTC with a dancer who has a young child at home?
    It is interesting that in many years of OTCing I've never run into this situation, I've had strippers with kids but they've dealt with babysitters however they dealt with it. Would definitely bug me if she made this my problem, by asking me to fund it etc
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    OTC with a dancer who has a young child at home?
    I've had OTCs with strippers who have kids, but they always have family around to watch the kids, it seems like. If not, my general outlook is, I don't want to be bothered with anything to do with how she makes it to the OTC. I'm not paying for her manicure, her makeup, the uber, or her babysitter. If she wants those things paid for, I'll work with her to bury that into the OTC price. If she says "$400 for OTC, plus you pay for my babysitter $13/hour", I'd tell her "let's just do $465, you pay the babysitter out of that". Then I'd ask myself whether $465 was worth it -- starting to sound awfully expensive. I'm trying to avoid: - Her thinking she can now nickel and dime me on other costs she has - Me not taking into account the true cost of the OTC because I think of the babysitter as separate thing - Her being so disconnected from the babysitter fee that she drags out the OTC, and now our 7 hour date plus transit time means I owe her over $500 ... when $400 is what I'd initially wanted to offer. - She has some car trouble on the way home from the OTC, it takes her hours to get home, and again, now I owe her $500 In short, don't take on any of her costs. Bake it into the OTC price one time, and leave it on her, or you will get punished for it eventually
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Ké lo ké?!?!?!!
    Vegas re-opening
    Ya, just enjoy it for what it is. Skip the strip clubs and sex industry in general there. There's good restaurants, a little not-to-high-stakes gambling, some great bars, go shoot some machine guns, etc. Plenty of other things to do there.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    What are you drinking today
    I made my first cup of coffee today in a clever dripper, second in an aeropress. Still getting used to the clever dripper, as it's fairly new.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Anyone considering modifying their habbits after the pandemic is over?
    "Social distancing in any form does not appeal to me with regards to mongering and all the changes the clubs tried (virtual strip clubs, breasteraunts, and ourdoor strip clubs) or will have to implement (no lapdances, no VIP rooms, and dances wearing mask) offer a lame experience at best and a waste of time and money at worst." 100% agree. Well, maybe 99% agree. I'd go to the SC if my stripper could at least sit next to me. I am not interested in "social distancing lapdances", but if she could at least sit at the table and drink with me, I'd potentially use it as an OTC-recruiting platform, once I become comfortable with OTCing again. In the meantime, sticking with my SB, who is also socially isolating, so my indirect exposure to other people stays low
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    New Jersey
    Anyone considering modifying their habbits after the pandemic is over?
    "IF big brother gets serious about contact tracing... my clubbing days are over. :(" Embarrassed to say I hadn't even considered that angle, although I'm single and not at risk -- hell, I might well opt-IN to contact tracing. Anyway, I think the good news is, much contact tracing being discussed is either opt-in, or you can at least opt-out. I think all bets are off if your strip club scans your DL, or you use a credit card; you're going to get contact traced if someone comes down with covid19, and 100% guaranteed someone eventually will. But the cellphone based methods seem to be opt-in or easy to opt out of
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Beer is masculine, wine is feminine.
    "Wine in fine dining is masculine" Exactly. And being knowledgeable about wine is perceived as masculine by young women. The disconnect here is that most guys here don't do "fine dining" with their strippers. I wouldn't do that with some random OTC, but I tend to OTC with CFs and ATFs, and I do like to have a great dinner together. Wine at dinner, then go bar hopping and switch to shots or mixed drinks, is a common pattern for my OTCs.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Beer is masculine, wine is feminine.
    "Beer makes me feel bloated." And makes your cramps worse? 🤣
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Beer is masculine, wine is feminine.
    Agree in the strip club most strippers don't want to drink beer, maybe they can't be constantly peeing. I have to confess I'm the same way, I love beer, but almost never drink it in the strip club. I don't drink wine in the strip club either -- nor do the strippers. If left to their own devices, the strippers order what they think of as high end liquor (e.g. ketel one) or mixed drinks. Outside of the strip club, young women's drinking habits are totally different than what we remember from socializing with young women, or with women our own age. Young women these days are not just more likely to be into beer, I've met so many that love whiskey. I don't think wine is feminine. A sophisticated taste in wine is staunchly masculine, and still soundly perceived that way by women, too. I tend to think of things like wine spritzers, and particularly sweet mixed drinks, certain types of sweet martini offshoots, etc., as feminine, perhaps. Otherwise, I love it when I take a stripper OTC and we do up a flight of bourbon instead of basic-bitch vodka drinks
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Vaccine in October ?
    That's an article on side effects, and does not address the issue I raised: that there is no evidence it helps. Here's the largest study through early May, 1500 patients, showing no impact on intubation or death: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2012410 Here's the largest study to date, 100,000 patients, published May 22 -- so the sciencenews article you cite did not have access to it at time of publication. This study confirms no efficacy against covid19, but DOES show a positive correlation between hydroxychloroquine and death (that is, it's not only not helpful, it's mildly harmful): https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31180-6/fulltext When controlled for confounders, treatment with hydroxychloroquine is associated with increased risk of death, and "independently associated with an increased risk of de-novo ventricular arrhythmia during hospitalisation." Here's a
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    4 years ago
    Vaccine in October ?
    ime, the article you posted is from April 2nd which means the data gathered was like from early through mid March. Since then, there have been several small, and some fairly large studies, all showing no benefit from hydroxychloroquine (and at least one small study showing mild benefit). Doubtful we'd get the same results with a poll done today. Remdesivir is currently the only drug that has a large, published, peer-reviewed study behind it, that shows some effectiveness in particular cases. Lots more studies of other drugs on the way
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Famous women that you just don't get why people think they're hot
    "see throughout the whole entire entertainment industry the ones that are the heads of each field (music, movies, tv, etc) are concerned about who can carry their vehicles and make the most amount of money. so these chief execs are going to constantly keep using all of the above girls because they have proven way more often than not they are money in the bank. as a result you don't much to really choose from in the hotness department" I agree, but I also think you're making an argument that's a bit circular. There are women 10x hotter -- in a classic beauty sense -- than even the hottest female leads. Why? Why aren't the hottest actresses the ones who are "money in the bank"? Shouldn't their hotness make them even more money in the bank? Or, as you yourself asked, "why can't they let that piece of ass in the background be the major star instead?" I mean, even models that make it as actresses, aren't the hottest models (cue Milla Jovovich). There's a few exceptions who prove the rule (for me, young Halle Berry hits it), but I'm not sure there's any model-beautiful leading ladies, and exceptions are rare. I suspect there's an answer to this, and that answer is: for whatever reason, audiences don't take to those impossibly beautiful women in those roles. We are okay with them as supporting actresses, we love them as models and instagram influencers (and in our collective case, strippers). But there's a direct cause-and-effect here: the most gorgeous classically beautiful women aren't appealing as leading ladies in movies, just supporting actresses, character actresses, mean girls, etc. Just a dopey theory after thinking about this for 2 minutes. And I'm not even stoned lol.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Famous women that you just don't get why people think they're hot
    "Cameron Diaz. Too bony. She was hot in The Mask, but then she lost her curves." Definitely agree, so damn hot in The Mask. "Beyonce. Nope. Tried, but it's not there." You don't think her face is gorgeous? Her body isn't my thing, total turnoff, but man I dig her face. Same comment with Alicia Keyes
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Famous women that you just don't get why people think they're hot
    My two big ones are: 1. Julia Roberts: Just not attractive 2. Chrissy Teigen: Not at all attractive, and horrible personality. Totally don't get it. 3. Angelina Jolie Although I would not argue with a single other one mentioned on this thread so far
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    "The following statement is true." "The previous statement is false"
    Now we'll see who the real people are, and who are just AI programs pretengfj95ddlfi0gfr503eirs84kfks core dumped
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Ké lo ké?!?!?!!
    Vegas re-opening
    "For me Vegas was more fun for the things you can do (Casinos, shows, sports, eventos) than to Monger." Keeping with the theme, whenever my buddies ask me about the sex biz in Vegas, I always tell them that Vegas is an awesome city NOT to SC or escort in. Waaaaaay too expensive for too little, at least if you're not an insider. Only exception for me, I meet some buddies once a year in Vegas, and we do an SC night while there; but this is more of a "woooo Vegas! Strippers!" trip than a bona fide PL trip
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Hotel Reservation
    So you're saying I'd have to go to a Walmart? Hard pass Bwahaha I keed! I keed! Seems like a great solution, accepted everywhere Visa is, and not traceable
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Hotel Reservation
    cashapp card seems like a brilliant solution. Trying to remember how cashapp works -- it gets linked to a credit card and/or bank account? So the initial transfer of cash to the cashapp account will show up as a credit card or bank account transfer, right? But once there's a balance in the cashapp account, only the cashapp owner can see the actual transactions. Or is there some way to get cash in your cashapp account that isn't traceable? I imagine if you have a buddy you trust, you can give him $1000 and ask him to cashapp it to you, and now you have $1k in your cashapp account