What will life look like when the democrats Control Congress and the White House

avatar for skibum609
Look at New York and Chicago since July 1, 2020 where you have murder upon murder and lazy useless people sucking the taxpayer dry, while they "protest". That is the future for all under 40, but only for the rest of your lives.


last comment
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Watch the movie "Escape From New York."
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
The democrats won't change much but will start the path to us catching up with the first World
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
avatar for slutfinder
5 years ago
Welcome to Mogidishu
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Not nearly as radical as you might think.

(1) The ACA will not be repealed and it will be improved so as to be less of a burden to upper-middle-class workers who are self-employed. Single-payer will never make it through an all-democratic congress

(2) The Trump corporate tax cut will be reversed to pre-Trump levels.

(3) Dreamers will be allowed to stay and we'll construct a path to citizenship.
avatar for RamPaige
5 years ago
It'll be pretty much like during Obama's first term. Which is way better than what's going on right now.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Dreamers were offered a path to citizenship many times, but the Democrats turned it down, because it wasn't drafted to encourage open borders.
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago

Oops, shouldn't this be on politics page?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Yeah I fucked up. Back to work full time and not paying attention. Sorry FOUNDER.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
More Occupy Wall Street/CHAZ-like protests. They'll claim Utopia, but it'll look like Lord of the Flies, rife with litter and sexual assault.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
(1) And the ACA will include all the illegals (sorry, "undocumented") at everyone else's expense
(2) "Reverse tax cut" is just another way of saying "raise taxes" at the worst possible time for businesses large or small
(3) Dreamers "path to citizenship" is nothing more than election fraud in favor of Democrats
It's every bit as "radical as I might think" and then some.
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
Trump was the culmination of 20 years of the GOP engaging in stupidity. Now the Dems, but really the far left, is enraging in the same stupid mentality, but with far greater and longer lasting consequences. Once Trump, and by association Trumpism, is out of the picture, then the more moderate, sane and critical thinkers in the GOP can return. Because while the left is out of their collective minds right now, the only answer the GOP can offer is Trump.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Get rid of Trump and maybe this country has a chance to get back to normal
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Every fucking problem is Trump's fault. GTFO. We're running from a virus that never tires out. Let it go its course. This whole fucking shutdown is just a sham. But yeah, get rid of Trump and I bet on inauguration day suddenly the virus will disappear. Fucking stupid.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
We have a significant portion of the population who weren't born here and another large group that has been indoctrinated in schools to that "America bad" and as such there is no America any longer. We're a bunch of people living in the same place, not a country.
avatar for WhiteyJackson
5 years ago
Get rid of Trump and maybe this country has a chance to get back to normal

Waaa waaa waaa Founder nailed it. 25 wakes up and has a hard on for Trump. Everything is Trumpys fault. This 25 is just a huge douche. When he burns his tongue cause the coffee is too hot, Trumps fault. He stubs his toe on the door, Trumps fault. What a whiny fuck always whining about something. Take a Xanax.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
If Biden wins, the "Obama economy" will magically become the "Biden economy" as though 4 years didn't come in the middle.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Not every problem is Trump's fault, many are though, including this large bunch of idiots that don't believe the science that says, step back and wear a mask, we can starve this virus to death, but no, you jackasses keep feeding it. we don't need to shut everything down, but we do need to listen to the epidemiologist's at our respected institutions.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
If the Dems take power, the USA will become the NRC ("New Republic of Cuba").

The radical left is, and will be, running the Democratic party/agenda -Bernie Sanders, Orcasio Cortez, the Squad, will all be given more power than they ever had before; and where do you think they want to take this country - Sanders is an "Independent" b/c he's been too far-left even for the liberal Dem party - Sanders is a communist that wants America to mirror the way Cuba is governed - the writing is on the wall, as in previous hard-left takeovers in history, people don't come to their senses till it's too late and the hard-left has consolidated power; then let the buyer's remorse begin usually for decades.

Traditionally, most politicians running for president will move to the center to appeal to the masses - Biden has done the opposite and he and the Dem party have moved left of left and are running on a radical agenda whose aim is to turn America into something radically different mirroring socialism *at the least* and likely closer to Sanders-style Marxism with complete government take-over of society and the economy.

All of Sanders grand Socialist ideas will only be the beginning - everything Sanders has always wanted he will pay-for by taking everyone's wealth - everything you ever worked for, i.e. your nest-egg, will be cut in half if not completely evaporate "in the name of equality" - where do you think the $$$ for "free college for all"; "free health-care for all"; "reparations"; "nice housing for everyone even if you don't work"; etc; where do you think all that $$$ will come from; it will come from you, your hard work, and everything you've saved/invested for your future - your earnings and savings will be confiscated to fund the revolution they want to implement.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
If our government is going to throw our police under the bus they better not cry when people start dying. The Progressives with probably just blame capitalism/white men though. The whole things turned into a joke.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
twentyfive, wearing a mask works for countries that are used to it. Here in America, it ain't gonna work. Find a different cure.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Sanders supported Castro; the Ayatollah; Chavez and on and on. He's a communist who manged to become part of the 1% on the backs of the taxpayer.
avatar for Rod84
5 years ago
A silver lining - A Democratically-controlled would reduce pressure on closing SCs, AMPs, and Backpage-type listings.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
America pre-pandemic, had never been richer as a country and as individuals (record market, record unemployment, etc) - and America had never been freer - just look at what the "protesters" have been allowed to do many of which is illegal (taking over streets, destroying public property at will; etc).

We are already seeing a prequel of what's to come:

+ mobs allowed to run rampant terrorizing civilians and destroying w/e they see fit; while those in power protect them

+ white people being told they have to "deny their whiteness"

+ the bedrock of our democracy, freedom-of-speech, *only* applying to one group of people - anyone that criticizes the mob becomes an enemy not to be disagreed with, but to be destroyed (cancel-culture; people losing their jobs, etc).

This is is just a prequel - imagine if the radical left takes full-power - their actions and their words are already telling you what type of America they plan to implement - unfortunately too many people won't believe till they see it and they have to start living it.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
@twentyfive. “…but we do need to listen to the epidemiologist's at our respected institutions.”

Do you remember when early on Trump basically said that Covid–19 was really nothing more than the flu?

Well do you think he just pulled that out of his ass? (that’s rhetorical because of course that’s what you think). The fact is that he didn’t. He got it from his top expert Dr. Fauci who wrote:

“This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36% respectively.” New England Journal of Medicine: NEJMe2002387.”

None of the experts have been correct, period. And it is FUCKING foolish to allow “experts” to set policy. The dirty little secret is that most experts are not in any way “experts” and those that do happen to be unquestioned experts are experts in a very narrow scope of study but because they are so damn smart they think they are experts about everything. Here’s a clue for you: when that preening asshole Fauci (who has been wrong over and over and over again) started voicing his opinion about which brain dead Hollywood actor should portray him on SNL the whole world should have stopped listening to anything he had to say.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
@BabyDoc wrote: " ..blah, blah....which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%..."
If you put the least bit of effort into being precise, there's a "case fatality rate "(which varies widely due to the number of reported cases) and an "infection fatality rate" which is thought to be about 0.1%, similar to the flu. But we have a vaccine for the flu.. Last time I looked we have 135,000 deaths from Covid in less than half a year -- which dwarfs the number of yearly deaths from the flu, which is about 65,000 deaths.

The infection fatality rate may be about the same as the flu -- but Covid is a far, far greater threat.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@Baby Doc
Damn we are doing so well against the pandemic, how many dead so far 135,500, almost three and a half million separate infections and yeah I think Trump pulled all of that out of his ass, unquestionably, I'm still waiting for when we are going to be winning so much we're gonna get tired of winning, don't blame me for not warning you that this presidency was going to be a disaster, boy has this President, been a disaster, one shit fest after another.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
Well @twentyfive now that you mention it here’s another Urban Myth, that the USA is the worst place in the world as far as Covid-19 goes.

According to you @twentyfive it’s all Trump’s fault. Well unsurprising to me if not to anyone else the USA is doing OK (so maybe you'll will now credit Trump for doing so well, lol).

The USA was better prepared and better able to deal with the pandemic than anywhere else in the world. IMHO Trump gets some credit and very little blame while NY, the America hating media and the rest of the elitist scum get much of the blame. These are the numbers:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) deaths worldwide per one million population as of July 13, 2020, by country


Belgium 856.41
United Kingdom 674.08
Spain 607.89
Italy 578.41
Sweden 542.66
France 446.70
USA 412.71
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
@RandomMember. I'm sorry but I'm not following whatever it is you're trying to say.

What I posted was a quote from Dr. Fauci. And one that he took time to think about and was published in the New England Journal of Medicine as I referenced. That was his "expert" opinion.

avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
I posted exactly the same information from Fauci in the NEJM a few months ago, @BabyDoc. Should I dig up my old post? Fauci was pointing out that the infection fatality rate may be about 0.1% and pointed out that the true number of infections was unknown.

If you understand English, the total number of people who die is the infection fatality rate multiplied by the number of people who get infected. We don't have a vaccine for Covid. You're taking Fauci's comments out of context, dipshit.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
I did not take his comments out of context. The context of my post was that Trump's expert early on compared Covid-19 to the flu.

I'm not arguing the medical reality of Covid-19 (you couldn't keep up as demonstrated by your inability to follow along with this thread). What I said in my post was that the idea that Covid-19 was like the flu wasn't Trump's idea but it came from his "expert" (who has been wrong time and again).
avatar for founder
5 years ago
Random, you probably have a covid proof job. Consider yourself lucky.

This covid nightmare is not Trump's fault. It's the fault of governors keeping people home and not building temp hospitals.

But fuck it, vote Trump out and this thing goes away.

avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Baby Doc Please spare me your straw man bullshit you sound just like most of the morons that think Mr Trump shits gold bricks and pisses gasoline, the only poll that matters at this point will be held on November 3, I bet there are many more that agree with me than you, we will find out soon enough, work on your reading comprehension if you are going to attack me go by what I actually said not your simple minded misrepresentation of what I said
BTW. everybody that disagrees with you isn't scum nor do they hate America, any one who says shit like that has no standing at all, so it would behove you to shut the fuck up.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
25, can you admit that Trump banning travel from China saved lives?

avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Andrew Cuomo, typical New York Democrat sent Covid infected patients into nursing homes; using the illogic of the simpletons called progressives; Cuomo is a mass murderer, deserving of execution. Nice to see California locked down again; Democrat's fault. Where are infections the greatest in Florida? Democrat areas. As long as Covid is killing people in the cities, us fucking hicks will have to live with it.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Liberal politics at work:

"... 1-Year-Old Boy Shot To Death In Stroller Outside Brooklyn Playground ..."

avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ we gotta do something about the police and these killer-cops - $1-billion of police defunding is obviously not enough; we need more
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@founder Sure I can can you admit that forcing the states that needed PPE to negotiate against the federal government cost lives, do you agree that closing the office that was set up to deal with pandemics by Obama cost lives, I mean we could go back and forth all night you wont make me a Trump fan and I wont get you to renounce your support of the man best to let it go, and vote on November 3, that's the only conversation that matters or makes a difference.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
@twentyfive. You really are a fucking dumbass. I’ve never liked Trump. I didn’t vote for him and wish that he weren’t the president. He is a life-long Democrat and Florida transplant who inherited all his money. And then used that money to pretend that he was a successful businessman. He is a fraud.

That I suspect is why you hate him so much because the two of you have the same life story and are identical in every way with the exception that he became something and you didn’t.

Envy is the worst of the seven deadly sins because it opens you up to all the other six sins. Crawl back under your bed and someone will let you know when it’s safe to come out.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
@BabyDoc wrote: "What I said in my post was that the idea that Covid-19 was like the flu wasn't Trump's idea but it came from his "expert" "
I'll try to explain this to you one final time in eighth-grade English: The number of people who die is the infection fatality rate multiplied by the number of people who get infected. If Covid is 20x more contagious than the flu, then then 20x more people will die if the infection fatality rate is the same.

Fauci didn't say "it's like the flu." HE SAID THE INFECTION FATALITY RATE MAY BE THE SAME."
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I've hated Trump my whole life, but he's short term. I despise progressives for the same reason I hate communists. The left has been going after free speech for years and that is permanent. They are The greatest danger in history to the constitution.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ You son need some anger meds and counseling, you obviously know less than nothing about me
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ that was to Baby Doc
avatar for sinclair
5 years ago
Rod8432, the opposite would be the fate of strip clubs. Democrats love to demonize straight males and push a feminist, LGBTQ agenda down our throats. Remember it was Dems who destroyed the Memphis SC scene a decade ago. I can see it now: Nancy Pelosi ordering all strip clubs to close unless they employ at least 20% transexual dancers and are managed by a black non-binary female.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
This weekend in NYC there was a 600% increase in shootings compared to a year ago - these liberal politicians are doing a hell of a job protecting their citizens - it took just a few weeks for NYC to start being like the 70s and 80s w.r.t.. violent crime - imagine where NYC is going from here as long as that dork de Blasio is in power - says a lot about NYC when they elect a shithead like that - SMH
avatar for nickifree
5 years ago
All these white liberals think BLM is like the civil rights movement of the 1960's, and it is not. They (white liberals) are a bit clueless to the type of people they are supporting, and the message they are sending by supporting them.
avatar for rattdog
5 years ago
here is an example of that dipshit de blasio not enabling the NYPD of doing their jobs:


unfortunately he's still our fucking mayor for another year and change.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
These protests are not a black movement about race -it's 100% ORGANIZED by WHITE MARXISTS - the WHITE MARXISTS are the power, money, and organization, behind all this - these are die-hard Marxists that have spent their whole adult-lives dedicated to Marxism and dedicated to disseminating it among everyone they can particularly young people that are impressionable and don't know any better, and indoctrinating vulnerable communities making them think all their problems are b/c of the American system - their goal is not race-equality but overthrow of America's democratic system and they are using race as the gasoline for their Marxist movement - that's why one often sees "BLM rallies" that are mostly white people and at times ALL white people - and why you see what's going on in cities like Seattle and Portland which is almost all white protesters, BECAUSE it's not about racial-equality, it's about Marxists have been trying to overthrow America's democracy since the 1960s and in 2020 they have seen their biggest opportunity with the Corona pandemic and the George Floyd incident.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
My 2¢.
Looks like the next president will get 3 SCOTUS picks.
Now if the left takes the presidency, the house and the senate. Game is over! Not just for the US, but as the stabilizing force in the world, LOTS of bad can happen.

IF the right can at lease keep the senate 4 years, then they can slow down/block everything and we only have to make it to '24, so the damage to the US might be mitigated a bit.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Roberts has been a real disappointment. Apparently he's more interested in preserving the neutrality of the Supreme Court, and his own position as a "swing voter," than exercising the power the Court was designed for, as a balance of power. That fucking jerkoff is no better than that old disgusting filthy cunt, RBG.
avatar for CC99
5 years ago
Both the right and the left is wrong about COVID.

The left's narrative is that Trump's mishandling exacerbated the virus.

The right's narrative is that the virus wasn't a big deal anyway.

The truth is that the virus was a big deal, it has killed 140,000 Americans, which is a horrifying number. But it was not really Trump's fault. Everyone, right-wingers and left-wingers, were in denial back in February. I acutely remember it because I was incredibly frustrated trying to tell people to take the virus seriously and nobody was. I knew it was a lot more dangerous than the flu and nobody listened because it apparently takes 140,000 people dying before people will face the facts.

Laying all the blame at Trump's feet, however, is ridiculous when the whole nation was in denial. Trump banned travel from China early on. Could he have done more? Yes, he could have, but let's not pretend that the experts were begging him to be more proactive and he ignored them. The WHO was more in denial than anybody. If anyone has seriously mishandled the virus its them.

All of that being said, we've got to move on eventually. You can't shut a nation down forever. Things have to go back to normal. I don't see why people are so opposed to wearing masks. If its a matter of discomfort then the clothed masks are a lot more comfortable and less ugly than surgical masks are. But there are also drugs available right now that cut the mortality rate by as much as 60%.

None of this, whatsoever, is justification for allowing the Democrats to take control of congress. Because if they do, COVID will be the least of your problems. They will rip up the constitution and violate everyone's rights, imposing a censorship regime the likes of which we thought would never happen outside of China, North Korea, and Iran.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
It will look the same to me as it will to every other hard worker that does the right thing. We are immune from politics. I cannot wait for democrats to govern America as they do chicago, new york, new orleans, baltimore, detroit, los angeles and everywhere else where life is considered worthless.
avatar for founder
5 years ago
I agree with skibum. Where Democrats rule, opportunity exists for smart hard working people. There are plenty of followers to take advantage of.
avatar for Mate27
5 years ago
Twenty five, if you think wearing masks are going to starve this Covid virus, then you’re as brainwashed as every other anti-Trump protesting BLM/CHAZ lover.

I’m here to tell you my family and I all wore masks while social distancing and we all got the virus. There blows your theory! I guarantee this virus will run its course with or without the masks, so if you are in a high risk you should quarantine yourself forever, because that’s how long this will last. In the meantime, your philosophy is everybody should suffer for the good of the sick and frail, and all of Our freedoms should be taken away from us. Your never ending anti-Trump campaign is worse than any radical left BLM/CHAZ movement, because it’s beyond fatigued.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
I'm a registered Republican though didn't vote for Trump and won't in 2020.

I prefer when both sides stalemate one another and leave us to live our best lives rather than try to inflict their vision of utopia on us.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 years ago
What is the best way to ask a dancer for OTC?
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
@Tetradon - The OP pondered the question of what would happen if Democrats assumed complete control of both the executive and legislative branches which, frighteningly, is a real possibility. I don't know if you're saying you won't vote at all, or you're planning to vote for the imbecile Biden, but either way you're not helping to create a "stalemate." Go ahead and try "living your best life" in a country that's got Sleepy Joe as a proxy for Bernie Sanders and with Pelosi, Schumer and the AOC "squad" controlling everything in Congress.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
@mister orange, I live in a deep blue state that my presidential vote doesn't matter. I don't trust a man with the temperament of a hormonal teen to run the country, but the Dems gone straight psychotic, so I'd vote Trump if it mattered.

Straight Republican down the ticket though. Anything to stop GND and the race mongers.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I agree with Tet. I am not voting for Trump, but living in the people's republic of massachusetts my vote doesn't matter anyway. If it did I would hold my nose, retch and vote for him. The squad and progressives aren't Americans to me and are trying to destroy what used to be the most successful country in history. Failures always try to drag you down to their level, because rising up requires an effort. No not the effort required to put on a mask and break windows.
avatar for crosscheck
5 years ago
I'm in the same boat with Tet and Ski. The Dems will win Massachusetts by 30 points whether I vote for Trump or not, so my vote is immaterial. The last time around I voted not so much for Trump as I did against the Dems. I did not vote for Trump in the Republican primary. Again, not that it mattered (Massachusetts). Same this time around.

If I was in a state where my vote mattered, I would again vote against the Dems, not for Trump. And I am not thrilled that for two consecutive elections I feel like I have to hold my nose and fill in the circle for the less bad choice.

There are plenty of things that I don't like about Trump, but he is NOT attempting to radically transform the country. The Dems are. I have little doubt that if the Dems take control of both branches of government, they will overplay their hands and the backlash will hit sooner rather than later. The question will be, how much damage will they do before that happens and how much of the damage will be fixable. Personally, I would rather not find out.

avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
I hear you guys. I live in the bluest part of deep blue New Jersey. But I always vote. Given that only about 58% of the voting-eligible population bothered to vote in 2016, I wonder what it would take to inspire enough Republicans to flip one of these states.
avatar for crosscheck
5 years ago
^I'll still vote, mostly for local stuff where my vote may conceivably make a difference. There's a better chance of seeing a unicorn than Trump winning Massachusetts though.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I've been an independent for my entire 78 years. To answer the original question you need only to look at California now. I lived there for 45 years and glad I got out when I did.
avatar for ime
5 years ago
Everyone should vote in every election. That is part of your civic duty. Doesn't matter if your person won't win in your state, don't just roll over and give up, things may show closer than they seem if people would not be lazy and then see what happens.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Well NJ will have Recreational Marijuana on the ballot as a Public Question. It will be the first time I ever vote with the masses in NJ! Lol.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I always vote in Massachusetts, especially because the town I live in is one of the few republican towns. The good about recreational weed: you can buy it at the store. The bad about recreational weed in massachusetts: Its fucking way overpriced, as in 250% of street price and 100% more than Colorado Also there are THC limits on it so we have 2mg gummies, not 10 like Colrado; and 50% thc live resin; not 66 2/3 like Colorado; and 24% thc weed, not like my 31% Colorado Ghost Train haze. Except for 3 nights hotel, the weed I bought in Colorado was so cheap I paid for golf, my flight and the rental car with the difference.
avatar for crosscheck
5 years ago
The Right to Repair bill on the ballot in Massachusetts is reason enough to vote for me. I'll be fucked if I want to be forced to have any repairs done at a dealer. When I had to have my transmission replaced last year, I got quotes from repair shops I know from approximately $2,400 to $2,900.00. Dealer quoted me $4,400! Enough said...
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Right to Repair? Holy shit it really is bad up there.
avatar for crosscheck
5 years ago
@Orange - Funny thing is MA passed a Right to Repair bill a few years back. Then the dealers managed to find a way to start refusing to share additional technological details to the repair shops and now we have this new ballot question to further expand it.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Did a little reading. Apparently the same issues are being considered here in NJ and I never realized it. I always purchase an extended warranty when I buy a new car. I get tires, brakes and regular maintenance at Good Year. Anything else is fixed under warranty by the dealer, and by the time it runs out at 100,000 or 120,000 I'm ready for a new car anyway. Now the Harley is a whole different story. Warranty on that ran out two years ago and shit man they have no shame about fucking you on every little thing. I'm not mechanical so I don't work on it myself, and I'm afraid to take it somewhere other than the dealer because it's my baby, but man, I think Harley's almost PROUD of how bad they screw you over.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... I'm afraid to take it somewhere other than the dealer ..."

Yeah - you don't want some hack working on it; but one would assume there are reputable Harley mechanic shops out there given how popular Harleys are - when I used to drive a Honda (car) I would take it to a Honda shop and often times the mechanics (or owner) had worked at a dealership previously.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Biden has tapped Sanders to lead his economic policy, Ocasio Cortez to lead his energy policy, and Beto Orourke in charge of gun-control - that's what we're in for, and more, if the Dems take power
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Biden just quoted Chairman Mao twice in a speech. I kid you not.
avatar for Richard_Head
5 years ago
I heard that Biden would name OJ Simpson as Attorney General, Micheal Moore as Labor Secretary and George Soros to head of the Treasury too. Maybe Obama to the SCOTUS.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
^Fox; youtube;daily wire; msn; federalist; unionjournal and washington examiner all reported it, but hey that would take an effort.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
The Squad approved measures coming to a government near you (best to just listen to the video vs trying to read the text):

avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ What cabinet position is Charlie Manson going to hold again and will Squeaky Fromme be rehabilitated
avatar for JimGassagain
5 years ago
Isn’t there a BLM protest you’re missing or a CHAZ rally?

avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Charlie Manson wrote the democratic party handbook, called Helter Skelter.
avatar for slutfinder
5 years ago
Our clubbing dollars will become reparations and taken from you....and we will never see the inside of a club again.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Let the leftist lunacy continue:

"LA Teachers Union Demands Defunding Of Police, Medicare-For-All And Ban On New Charter Schools As Conditions For Reopening Schools"

"... The United Teachers Los Angeles union called for the defunding of police, a moratorium on new charter schools, new wealth taxes on California’s millionaires and billionaires and Medicare-for-All ..."


I guess the LA teachers are now primarily political "freedom fighters" vs "educators"
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
How about we just fire the lousy teachers and let their students head of early to their future life of crime?
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
A Democrat conyrolled US would be like it was under any other Democrat administration.

Something that can't be said about Trump and the republicans
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
I don't watch much network television - but it was in the news yesterday that both hosts of "Dancing With The Stars" were out - immediately my mind told me they would be replaced with at least one, if not two, black hosts - sure enough today it's announced Tyra Banks is the new host - per the little I know about Tyra she def looks qualified but ...

avatar for Richard_Head
5 years ago
Psst, there’s 30 million Americans unemployed in Trump’s Republican utopia, oh and 140k dead from Covid. But please continue telling me how bad things will be under Biden.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
50 and 325 and he blames Trump, like a pussy, and yeah like Trump, because they are the same. On another issue. what kind of strip club has 20 girls and only 8 customers on a Wednesday night? Average age was 23. Thank you Jesus.
5 years ago
Like reasonable people are running the country
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
This isn't the kind of place where people buy into your Marxist bullshit. (Well, maybe a few morons) But please continue telling me how great things will be under a babbling idiot like Biden.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago

Don't you know that President Trump has a secret lab where the virus was made? It was only suppose to take hold on the dimwitted, but that part didn't work. Also it was to create jobs as places reopened. Worse case, if the loony tune gets in, EVERYONE will wish President Trump were back in the White House.
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