This fucking guy Trevor Noah

avatar for Muddy
Could you imagine going to a new country and then scolding the natives there on a nightly basis about how wrong they all are politically/culturally. You’d have to be some kind mega douchebag to do that. The balls on this fucking guy. Every time I see one of his clips I want to vomit. It’s amazing how many hate America yet everybody wants to come here and nobody wants to leave. Incredible.


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avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
He is in actor in a long running show called: "Pity me; look down on me; give me money".
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
I love Trevor Noah. I'm american and see nothing offensive about him
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Of course you masturbate to him and pretend he's trans. ^
avatar for RamPaige
5 years ago
I still remember watching him doing stand up bit where he made fun of protesting coal miners in South Africa being brutalized by the police. That guy is a real POS.
avatar for Richard_Head
5 years ago
It would bother me if he was wrong.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
What about him is offensive? That hes biracial? An immigrant? Not a right winger?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
What could possibly be wrong about an anti-semitic foreign fuck?
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
Who? And who cares? Just turn the channel if you don't want to hear whoever this is. He's not catering to guys like you anyway.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
You hate him for being an immigrant and are now anti Semitic bating him? Being a bigot is fine in your eyes though as you stated that only losers hate bigots
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
What does bating mean? Is that Trevor Noah slang?
avatar for RamPaige
5 years ago
Icey I hate him, because he defended the slaughter of striking workers in South Africa (look up the Marikana massacre).
This "humor" is only funny to fellow rich pro-imperialist elites like him, who laugh at a massacre of poor people
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
Comedy Central had to replace Jon Stewart, and they made a mistake. Jon Stewart had many talented folks - who have moved on to more success - working for him. The show isn’t as good as it was.
avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
I liked some of Noah's pre-Daily Show stuff. Now he's just another obnoxious leftist late night voice.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Rampage. Youre full of it. Discrediting his entire career on a 2018 joke about a 2012 incident is just an excuse to smear him. Do you hold the politicians you support accountable to the same standards?
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I can't breathe lol. hey just a joke fuckwad icey.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
He's just another anti-white hater. That's the in-thing these days. Of course, there actually isn't any anti-white hate and its whites who are actually "full of hate" according to the media.

Just thus morning on local news our District Attorney who is not prosecuting the rioters who destroyed neighborhoods, burned several banks, and looted a mall, was on TV touting her new dedicated "hate crime hotline" specifically for a supposed "wave of hate" against Asian Americans. I guess they don't want to leave any "diverse" group out of the incitement to victimhood.

This is not a criticism or attack on Asian Americans but to point out that literally every demographic except for the one actually being targeted by constant demonization are called victims and given special protections, even against imaginary threats. There is a 100 percent chance Asian American businesses are more threatened by regular street crime, rioters and shutdowns than this supposed "wave of hate" that has no statistical evidence even exists.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Hitler spent 15 years demonizing the jews, passing laws, mostly economic against them, and encouranging hate speech directed specifically against them in the media, before starting the holocaust. How many years before it happens here?
avatar for RamPaige
5 years ago
I'm full of shit? If you think making fun of a massacre is okay, then you got problems. If you find this funny, again you got problems.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
You have to understand that Icey is an ignorant bigot, like those he supports. No one on earth has a life that matters more than a criminal's worthless life.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Rampaige. Do you hold politicians to the same standards as you do comedians?

Skibum. Being anti bigotry is not being a bigot. Also. You do understand the difference between justice and legality. Right?
avatar for crsm27
5 years ago

Is it a hate crime if someone of color attacks another person of color based on color... ie: if a black man attacks an asian store owner because "he is asian" is that a hate crime? In my answer yes... but by the definition of law and many people... it isn't. Strange isn't it. Also remember the movie Menance 2 Society... the opening scene is about an asian store owner following around "black" because they looked like "thugs"... then of course a murder happens. But you see that is the owners being "racist".... correct? Anyways could get on a long rant... but that is the problem. Many people only think WHTIE PEOPLE can be racist. When anyone can. Because being racist is treating someone differently based on race.
avatar for crsm27
5 years ago
BTW.... i forgot and didn't want to high jack the thread.....

But I dislike Trevor Noah because I dont find him funny. He is jumping on the band wagon at the end... or too late. His whole routine has been done over and over.... it is done by all the late night hosts... it has been done my Samantha Bee (cant stand her either).... it is all old. They need to come up with something new. You cant have every night... Orange man bad.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Actually non whites are charged with hate crimes as well.

But then your prwmise is to make it aporar as though dismantling white privilege is racist
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Name 5 non-whites charged with hate crimes against whites in the last 3 years lying Icey Wah. White privilege = going to school, working hard, not committing rims. Sshh don't tell anyone; its a secret.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Gregory Alfred
Darrell Allen
Marcus Crews
Ricky Bellevue
Alan Covington

Now go spew your racism elsewhere
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
5 made up names. They your friends Icey?
avatar for sideshow_bob
5 years ago
Whites make up 8% of the world population, but most of them are old. White countries are becoming increasingly non-white. By 2050 the racism problem will be gone because whites will be effectively neutralized as a political force.

The USA will be like Brazil which is great because they have great music and beaches.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Skibum look the cases up Nazi boy
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Ok you dirty rat stalinist fuck terrorist. I did. They don't exist.
avatar for BBBC
5 years ago
I like fucking him too muddy!
avatar for crsm27
5 years ago
Please show where those "cases" were national news?

I am not saying a person of color cant be charged with a "hate" crime. I am saying many people believe that a POC cant be "racist". BTW... I hate the term "hate crime". Because if you are doing something like assault, murder, etc against someone... are you not showing some form of "hate".

What I am saying is that people have a belief that a POC can't be "racist" when anyone can be racist. That is my point!! Also racism can be doing anything differently towards a certain race... ie: If i only "hold open" the door for black people. It is a positive gesture... but it is being "racist" because I only do it for a black person. That is still being racist.

Or I hate to say it... Mayor De Blasio... his order he just did. Not allowing anyone to gather.... except BLM. This could become a legal battle. Just because of the name of the group... BLM. He "could" be making policy based on race/color. Yes I know many in the BLM movement are not black people. But in the name is towards a certain race/color. Which in the civil rights act race/color is a protected class and cant be discriminated against. Well by that it means... white, asian, hispanic, black, etc.... So could a group named Asian Lives Matter meet? According to the Mayor.... NOPE. You see he is flirting with a slippery slope.
avatar for ime
5 years ago
Only a hate crime when whitey paints over BLM painted on the street.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Ask any Korean in LA about the racism of the black community there. Look at that filthy piece of shit Desean Jackson who supports the maggot know as Louis Farrakhan and the silence of black athletes regarding his approval of someone who would murder Jews. BLM and their supporters can take their murals and shove them up their own ass.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
I’m amazed that y’all can get so worked up over a not very funny comedian me I’d just change the channel.
avatar for WhiteyJackson
5 years ago
ETA of BLM running out of money - November 4
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Skibum why wre you lying? I posted 5 black people arrested for hate crimes.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
None of which can be found on the internet pinocchio.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
You're lying. I found them with a quick Google search. But that shows your denial of reality
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I noticed you found them from all the links you posted. My bad.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Keep on lying
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Wow all these cites. How will I have time to look them up
I mean I'm not on welfare like Icey
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Skibum. You commented in the thread about Ricky Bellevue. Thats one of the cases I mentioned. Youre saying it's not real in tbis thread but commenting about it in another.
avatar for Chili Palmer
Chili Palmer
5 years ago
Normally, I ignore political threads in general and anything posted by Icey in particular, but since her kept beating this drum versus skibum, I decided to look up the five names he posted, who were allegedly arrested for hate crimes against white people. The results:

Gregory Alfred: Arrested as a suspect in a slashing crime, not a hate crime. Score: skibum 1, Icey 0.…

Darrell Allen: Google search through the first two pages of "Darrell Allens" shows absolutely no hate crime activity.
Score: skibum 2, Icey 0

Marcus Crews: Google search for Marcus Crews again shows no signs of any hate crimes committed by anyone with this name. Score: skibum 3, icey 0.

Ricky Bellevue: The apparent victim of an NYPD chokehold. This would be the OPPOSITE of committing a hate crime. Maybe in ebonics reading comprehension it counts as a hate crime against whites. Score: skibum 4, Icey 0.

Alan Covington: Black man convicted of hate crime against Mexican family. FInally, Icey scoes, but only gets half a point because it's not against white people, which was skibum's point. Final score: skibum 4.5, Icey .5

To sum up, Icey, as usual, is a lying, exaggerating cunt. End of discussion. Why you all engage him on a consistent basis is beyond me.

avatar for Icey
5 years ago
The fact that he committed a hate crime doesn't negate the fact that he was a victim of police brutality
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
What, no comment on the 4.5 to .5 score?
Speaking of facts ignoring it is proof that you're here just to troll and stir things up.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
I said bellevue committed a hate crime. Skibum said I made the case up and there is no said hate crime. But I'm lying? Okay...
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