
Comments by ClubLurk

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    11 years ago
    Brand, spanking new book on Amazon: Don't Be An Ass: Gentlemen's Club Etiquett
    @Emita_Nights, I would read your book! Somebody should seriously write one from the customer's prospective.
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    11 years ago
    my experience
    @swnben, you say "you thought she was still pissed" - at what point did she become pissed in the first place, and what made you think she was pissed at all? And I could be completely misperceiving you, but it sounds like you waited an hour in the club and then stormed out pissed without any further interaction from her? I know you said you don't care if you're a cheap bastard with anger issues, but from a practical standpoint you'll get better service (and usually for less money) if you try to conceal your dickish ways. And I don't mean that as an insult, I actually mean it completely logically. For example, maybe the tips you gave her would've been sufficient, but she felt like you were a dick and the extra money she made still didn't feel worth it. If there was only one 7 in the club, I'm guessing the 6's there would've stayed pretty busy as well.
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    11 years ago
    VIP or just multiple dances?
    I would say that it depends on how often you're looking to frequent this club and/or if you can find a girl that you'd like to see on a semi-regular basis. If you find a few girls that you like and they realize you could potentially become a regular, they will usually be pretty blunt about what they'll do for you in the back. However, be VERY aware that about half of them (if not more) will tell you whatever you want to hear just to get you in the back. I would also be cautious about ever telling a stripper that you're in town on business or just passing through the area. In my experience, they're much more likely to try and rip you off any way they can because you aren't coming back and they feel confident that they aren't risking any loss by mistreating you. In general, the dances are probably your best bet at least at first. Test out the merchandise and there's a good chance that the girls will tell you everything you want to know. Don't be afraid to negotiate about the VIP if you find a girl you think you might like to see again.
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    12 years ago
    Threats From A Significant Other
    My first ATF told me a story about how her ex called the club she worked at and raged at the manager for "being a pimp." She was embarrassed, but I guess if he knows where you work there's not much you can do to keep him from knowing the club's number and I'm sure the manager was very capable of handling some punk (especially if the manager was, in fact, a pimp!) I'm very wary of giving any stripper my number. Always use a Google Voice number. The sad truth is, many strippers have an abusive man (or three or twelve..) in their lives and chances are good that her cell phone is one of the first things he goes for when they have a fight.
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    12 years ago
    I got shut out two nights in a row.
    While I didn't start clubbing until a point in my life where funds weren't an issue, I can relate to the issue of waiting on a girl only to be put off by other clients who have either known her longer or pay her more. I would say at your age, you're ahead of the game for not getting pissy about it and being able to understand that she's at work doing her job. I can also understand the appeal of waiting for a certain girl, even if you end up waiting all of a night for nothing (once or twice.) I'm a guy who likes the chase, and even though I'm aware that it ultimately comes down to money I think sometimes the wait makes your eventual victory twice as satisfying. Not because the girl actually gives a fuck or sees you as anything but a dollar sign, but for me I've noticed that it almost heightens my senses and I take in more about the experience than I necessarily would've if I hadn't had to wait. So much is instant these days, sometimes waiting is a nice change.
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    12 years ago
    Fantasies & Fetishes
    See, I had looked up the definition of fetish but I agree that it didn't make much sense. What defines excessive or irrational? Especially when it comes to a man's sexual appetite! And I don't think liking (or being obsessed with) the female body should count as a fetish, that's just heterosexual. I think when most people refer to a fetish, they're referring to either an odd sexual attraction or maybe just something kinky. And dirty/kinky tends to be more acceptable as a preference, ("I like it rough", "I like to spank her ass while doing her from behind", etc) but I usually think of fetishes as sexual preferences that are so out there that the average person can't even understand the appeal. The guys who have actual foot fetishes don't just "like feet" like what clevelandbrowns69 described where it's all good if they incorporate feet into the experience, from what I understand it's ALL about the feet. Anyways, I was just trying to broaden my horizons and see if I could hear the opinions of anyone who had a genuinely freaky fetish, but every comment on this thread sounds good and healthy to me!!! ;-)
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    12 years ago
    Dodging the drink.
    I will buy drinks occasionally for the girls that I know so long as they aren't chugging them and expecting more. If a dancer ever presses the issue, I tell them that I love buying drinks for ladies but they have to act like a lady if they want to be treated by one. May be a bit harsh, but by the time they ask me to buy them a drink, they've already crossed over into rude territory. Now, if the waitress comes up and asks both the dancer and I if we'd like anything, I don't fault a girl for asking my permission to make an order. In many clubs they pressure girls to order drinks (which are often fake "dancer drinks") and I understand that it's just part of her job to try and bring in money from drinks as well. I always like to ask the girls I don't know well whether they just ordered a fake drink or not, it can be humorous to watch them try to decide whether they should lie or not (since the smarter ones know I could easily call their bluff if the waitress brings back water in a shot glass or apple juice "champagne".)