
I got shut out two nights in a row.

Sunday, December 23, 2012 12:47 PM
I was clubbing Friday night and I was going to get dances from one of my favorites. I had to wait because she was going to do VIP with another patron. At this club VIP is 250 bucks for 30 minutes. I waited patiently and then after the 30 minutes he wanted another 30 minutes. So now this is an hour total at 500 bucks. The crazy thing is this is not a extras club and the bouncer is constantly checking in on the VIP. So 500 bucks is not exactly the best value, but this was a customer in his late 50's and the girl has model looks so I understood. At this point I've waited a hour and I'm ready to do a few dances at 20 bucks a piece so I would probably would have paid her maybe like 100 bucks. She comes out of the VIP and tells me there is another customer in line before me that wants to do VIP and now I have to wait another 30 minutes! This customer ended up doing an hour like the previous customer. At this point the club is about to close so I left and tried again Saturday night. The same thing happened Saturday night, she was in VIP with different customers all night, so I didn't get to get dances from her on Saturday night either. I can't say I blame her, I mean we've known each other for a couple of years, but at the end of the day it always comes back to money and the other older customers had more money than me (by the way I am 24). I was only going to spend like 100 bucks on her and they are spending 250-500 bucks so it's a easy decision for her. I have learned that the older customers are in control of the strip clubs because they usually have more money. Us younger customers have to sit back and realize that there's nothing we can do about it. Now I really want dances from her!!!


  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    You have my sympathy, ranukam. At one point, or another, I'd say we all have been there.
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    well its good that you didn't get all butt hurt and take it personal like many would. Seems like you have 3 options : save up your money for a VIP session, wait around for her like you've been doing, or find another dancer that isn't so much in demand.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I feel your pain brother. Most of us have been there. I know you are well aware of this but I’ll state it anyway – she is doing her job- just like you and I need to take care of business when we are doing our jobs. As we all know, dancer income can often be spotty and they need to take advantage of the opportunities to make big cash when they have them. When I was younger (currently 42), I would do almost all my clubbing (and non-SC partying) almost exclusively on the weekends. I now try to avoid SCs on weekends unless it is an SC that I know does not get overly busy even on weekends – or I will try to get there a bit earlier (~9:00 p.m.) as I’ve noticed that midnight or so tends to be peak time on weekends. If you really like to hang w/ her, try going on a weeknight. You may also try to get her # so you can hook up with her on her non-peak times and have some quality time w/ her. Also, this time of year is party time when a lot of people like to let loose and thus one may see more people and more $$$ being thrown around in the SCs. My 2 cents.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    Even though a lot of us older dudes have more money to spend, it doesn't mean that we are all stupid enough to throw money away. My story has a happier ending. About 8 years ago I went to see my original ATF. She was expecting me however just before I got there she got asked to do a Chanpagne Room gig. At that club the house gets $300/hr and the dancers charge whatevere they can get away with. I would say no less than $300. She came out once to let me know that she was tied up and tried to give mr $40 to get lap dances from some one else while I waited for her. I declinded the money and said that I would wait for her. A little while later, this dude in a suit comes over to my table with another dancer that I knew. He introduced himself as the manager and introduced the dancer. He said your ATF has bought you dances with this girl. It is already paid for so just take her to the back room and enjoy it. And I did. Later my ATF joined me and stayed with me the rest of the night but we did not piss of my money in the Champagne Room. BTW I found out at a much later time that the manager and the other dancer were secretly married. LOL.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Why not be there before she starts and get her before other patrons stake a claim. Bringing more money might help. You know the old saying about the early bird!!
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    Don't let feelings get involved man. Neither good ones - or bad ones. One makes ya a PL, the other makes ya bitter. Yes, they cry about only being objects, vagina/breast/ass life support systems, but then again they ain't asking you to go out and be friends either.
  • blacky
    12 years ago
    I know how you feel. I too have waited for a favorite dancer on more than one ocassion. A couple of times, you are next in line and off you go but I have wasted hours waiting only to find that she needs to go out for a smoke, or have something to eat, or there is another guy that is buying her a CR. As I typically do mostly lap dances, CR always trumps me. The waiting sucks and you don't want to do a dance with another as you are sure you will miss her. My suggestion is that do a dance with another, if you can afford it, and then if you can hook up later with your favorite, great. But, waiting and then not getting what you want, that just makes it worse. Btw, this just happened to me this past week. I had to be somewhere else later that afternoon, so I had to leave the club by around 4:00. I see my favorite a couple of times and she says give her 10-15 minutes and we can party and of course, each time she comes out, she is busy again. The last time, it was 5 minutes to 4 when she gets out of the CR, she goes to the john, and then waves at me as she goes downstairs for a smoke. I say screw it and leave and I end up being late. Unfortunately, part of price we pay when we go to the club at more popular times. I can't imagine what it must be like on a Friday or Saturday night.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    I rarely have faves as I enjoy variety; as I’ve often posted. When I SC, I rotate among clubs and there are about 10 or so clubs that are on my rotation; all within reasonable driving distance. So I rarely get attached to a particular dancer and will very rarely go to a SC b/c of a particular dancer. So I don’t have to suffer from the fave not been available thing. Having said this, there are times when I’m in a SC and I’ll see a dancer I really want to get LDs from. It *is* a bit frustrating if I can get her or if she tells me she will be coming over and keeps telling me so but never does. But this is not really that much of a problem as I like to get dances from as many dancers as I like (and can afford), so it is not that much of a biggie. A bigger problem for me is when I’ve been kicking it with a dancer and she needs to go on stage, the dressing room, restroom, etc.; and she tells me to wait for her and not get LDs from anyone else. I have a hard time staying “faithful” for more than a minute :). So I guess it can go both ways.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    Save up and you too can spend 250 on her
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    There's ONE thing we young guys can do...have more money than those old farts lol
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Bringing your own champagne might help w/ the lack of funds issue :)
  • ClubLurk
    12 years ago
    While I didn't start clubbing until a point in my life where funds weren't an issue, I can relate to the issue of waiting on a girl only to be put off by other clients who have either known her longer or pay her more. I would say at your age, you're ahead of the game for not getting pissy about it and being able to understand that she's at work doing her job. I can also understand the appeal of waiting for a certain girl, even if you end up waiting all of a night for nothing (once or twice.) I'm a guy who likes the chase, and even though I'm aware that it ultimately comes down to money I think sometimes the wait makes your eventual victory twice as satisfying. Not because the girl actually gives a fuck or sees you as anything but a dollar sign, but for me I've noticed that it almost heightens my senses and I take in more about the experience than I necessarily would've if I hadn't had to wait. So much is instant these days, sometimes waiting is a nice change.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    I'm usually the 50-something guy taking the best looking girl to the VIP for several hours (just like you descibed) but even I've been shut-out. There's gonna always be someone capable of outspending you. Just have to accept it.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    GET there early enough to be first in line.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    As someone else said, good job not getting all pissy about it. That shot happened all the time when my SB was still working. Since I usually only came I to the club *after* our OTC romp anyway, and that just to buy her a drink or two for appearances same, it didn't matter.
  • TABB
    12 years ago
    I know how you feel ranukum. Im 23 years old i make a decant income. This year I been shutout from my ATF twice. The first time was by a older dude in his 50s he took my ATF in the VIP room for 3 hours. The second time happened a month ago. She got held up by fairly younger guys one looked like he was in his late 20s and the other guy looked like he was our age or a bit younger. Was a bit frustrated about her not coming over? Yea i was but I still had fun at the club with my co workers. Anyways we are still young and have plenty of opportunities with are ATF and finding new ones.
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    Motor- When you say several hours are we talking 4, 5 hours? If so, I'm glad I haven't been in the same club as you lol. You probably would have my ATF locked down her whole shift. TABB- I might be visiting Phoenix in a few months. If I do we should hit up some strip joints.
  • TABB
    12 years ago
    Hell yea ranukum!!! Hopefully we could have a small tuscl convention with rh48hr, corvus and johntweet. I think im missing someone else hmmm. PM about your possible trip to Phoenix.
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    Yet ANOTHER reason why ATF's are often more trouble than they are worth. Variety and/or having multiple back-ups helps avoid problems like this happening.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    I haven't been exactly shut out since I always rotate my bars thus never really seeing the same girl, but I think I can relate. I went when a bachelor party was being held, so imagine how many girls were available. I believe I waited an hour before the ffirst girl offered me a LD (I took it despite how much she wasn't my type or how straight forward she was). I wanted one from this huge breasted lady I saw but she was WAY at the other end of the club and she was being passed arund so much I couldn't flag her down for nothing. Seems like your more paitent than I am because I left, though slightly understood (still wish they told you that at the entry)
  • kingcripple
    12 years ago
    how the hell are you 2 years younger than me and routinely have 100 bucks to blow? that aint fair. ive never had this problem though. my atf always has time to see me. my other one as well
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @lopaw: That just means you're doing the ATF thing wrong. :) If the bulk of the relationship is *outside* the club, there's no problem with not seeing her *inside* the club. :)
  • lopaw
    12 years ago
    @gmd- very true. I have pretty much stopped seeing dancers ITC that I see OTC. That way I'm not stuck chasing after anyone while clubbing- I'm free to sample a rich variety. The best of both worlds :-)
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    @kingcripple- yeah I make a decent income for my age. I don't know do a good job of saving money though.
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    Having at least $100 to blow a month is something any single man can do (or commited). I do it and routinely blow it on sneakers (and put another hundred away). why can't you do it?
  • Clackport
    12 years ago
    Estafador- when kingcripple says routinely I think he is talking maybe like weekly. I hit the stripclubs about once a week and I always go with at least $100 to blow on lapdances if I find the right girl. I don't want TUSCL nation to think I can only afford to go to a strip club once a month lol.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    My ATFs ALWAYS spent the entire time I was in the club with me except on rare occasions & they asked me before seeing another guy if I minded. So I disagree with lopaw's stance on ATFs. Plus I arrived at or before the dancer's shift started. First in line + loyalty. Helped of course by PAYING well. LOL
  • rl27
    12 years ago
    I have gotten shut out a few times, but never two nights in a row. At clubs I frequent I usually have about a half dozen or so dancers I will get dances from, so I am rarely ever shut out of a dancer, and usually at least four are there. When I am shut out it basically means that only one or two of my favorites are working and all are tied up, which usually happens during slow times such as mid winter or holidays. When that happens I'll use the time to try out some newer dancers. Only twice have I ever been fully shut out. By fully shut out, I mean none of my favorites were available and none of rest of the dancers working that night were worth getting a dance from, either they were not attractive to me, or I had gotten dances from them before and they were bad. So, I just sat around and tipped a few dancers on stage for an hour to see if any of my favorites would free up, none did so I left. Both times were at different clubs, and were in the months of January and February. One club had 10 dancers working and normally had about 15, the other had 18 dancers working when they normally had about 40, and both times only two of my favorites were there, and all the rest of the decent dancers were away.
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