Comments by caliman20
discussion comment
11 years ago
Retired from dancing or retired from work are two different things. sooner or later they will HAVE to retire from dancing. Looks won't last obviously. Retired from working I would find hard to believe and if they say it, they are just too ignorant about having enough money to not work comfortably. The stripper can say whatever they want and create their own BS reality, as they probably already have a fake reality in the club to begin with, so what is one more BS reality?
discussion comment
11 years ago
I wouldn't call anything extras except bj and fs.... I mean in an extras club going to the VIP should include at least a handjob, standard. Extras is for bj and fs.
discussion comment
11 years ago
Who cares about your ATF, she isn't your ATF anymore after the breakup? so she is just another hustler looking to grind cock for $.
Ride what you have now until it runs out of gas.
discussion comment
11 years ago
Atlanta suburb
What 23 kids? Sorry but that is pretty outrageous.
discussion comment
11 years ago
sharkhunter althought it isn't great for SC, but I use it for my international mongering activities!
discussion comment
11 years ago
Higher end clubs where it is 20 bucks per dance maybe 8-10..... cheaper places where they are 10-15 probably about 20-25.
discussion comment
11 years ago
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Of course some or many are working girls. Strippers or escorting. That is what Vegas offers, and if you talk to any stripper in LA many have or still do go to Vegas. Every last one of them has told me that they make the best money in Vegas hands down. But they get tired of living out there and wanted So Cal. Ever been to sapphire or SR in Vegas packed and all guys are throwing money away recklessly. The girls love it for and that is why they go.
discussion comment
11 years ago
Define normal for her. Meaning every customer or once a day or once a week? She is still sucking dicks of customers for money. She said it and did it for money. You didn't lead her there, only telling her you wanted more mileage, not your dick sucked. I would be surprised if this wasn't normal for her. You think you were actually her first one? You think you will be her last one? Come on dude, because she isn't a hard core player who is actually a ho acting like a dancer, doesn't mean she doesn't do this several times a week to whatever guy she feels like sucking the cum out of..........
I don't think getting a bbbj is a cause to stop your life and get a medical test, but I would at some point yes.
review comment
7 years ago
Glad you had a good time. Anyone know if Frenchy still is dancing there?
review comment
7 years ago
Is Friday still here?