
Comments by Rlionheart (page 8)

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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Etiquette and Dating Advice
    I like your rules but would add that no one likes to be characterized espescially if they haven't been given the chance to show what they are about. I mean: 70% of people like me are d.b.s. What am I? I love a good conversation in the club. I've learned some things and have always appreciated folks' views on life, politics, etc. I go classes, cafes, etc for different reasons than I go to clubs, but learning and good conversations can occur anywhere.
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    13 years ago
    Tampa Strip Club Owner Insults Rich People and Republicans
    An infamous orator once said "I go the way that Providence dictates with the assurance of a sleepwalker". Since we are not all blessed with such impressive advisors, why can we not differ without anger? A great commentator on effective administration, Michael Corrleone, said: "Never hate your enemies, it clouds your judgement". So on the one hand, conservatives think government is misdirected and too big while liberals see government as being misdirected as opposed to overgrown. I think they are both part right and part wrong and the sad part is that the solution is held by both but they must work together to put it in motion. Two people in modern times who understood that democracy requires compromise were Ronald Reagan and Tip O'Neil, Conserative Avatar and Machine Democrat, respectively. Their common failing was that they bred no such progeny in their parties. Perhaps we should exercise our responsibilities in the voting booths by rewarding those legislators (from either side of the aisle) who craft legislation that addresses real problems rather than those who make incendiary speeches and draw lines in the sand. Qui Bono
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    13 years ago
    Stripper Love and Big Mistakes
    You've said it yourself but for emphasis you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lucky That is probably the best break you'll ever get. Don't repeat the mistake regardless of how charming, beautiful, etc. she is. It's only downhill from here pal and it will make your life sound like a CW song.
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    13 years ago
    How not to be a Pathetic Loser
    Shaggy - you may have lost some faith in humanity but there is no "Pathetic Loser" in you. You served your country, you are honest, you kept to your word, you have fought all the odds to stay independent. You made a mistake, but you are a good man and the pathetic loser in this story is the vapid witch who took advantage of you - sounds like her entire life is nothing but crass lies and deception. Hmm - I wonder what she'll look like in 25 years. Just be glad she didn't release the flying monkeys and move on. In the long haul, you will be the winner.
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    13 years ago
    Old Guys "Weird Out" Younger Men in Strip Clubs
    Boatmonkey Great article - The old guy has learned that the package is great but the contents are better ps: I'm 65 and still motivated -
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    13 years ago
    washington dc
    Letter to the strip clubs from a young black man
    Owners take heed - you are looking at roughly 10% of the population with a rising income gradient. Get someone who is well versed in black idioms and train your support staff and dancers. This will pay off well and result in a new tier of happy customers. Great letter.
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    13 years ago
    8 Things Dancers Don't Want to Hear
    Daisy - You wrote a great piece and the numerous responses you see are testimony to that fact. I do think that rl27's comment on #3 is good as I have been to a variety of places in many states and I'd say you could do lots better than 50%. On the other hand it may be the place has amenities etc that drive higher fees so the question is 50% of what. One of the things that is fascinating in the responses is that the "testier" ones get down to the business end of the transaction and with some of them it sounds like the responders are talking about a commodities trade. It is a private sector transaction but is better classified as fee-for-service. Commodity purchase objectifies the dancer and that starts the customer out on the wrong foot. Now for the complication - If I were a masseur, we could negotiate a deal that gives say a one hour massage for $ 100. Fee for service that is judged by the market conditions and the skill of the masseur. With a dancer, again fee for service but based on: a) the dancers skill b) the attributes the dancer brings to the job, the most important being attitude vis a vis the customer. It is 110% less threatening to be judged on your learned skill than to be graded on your body and personality. That fact makes the transaction really, really complicated. OK, we are talking about a LD purchase not the DoD procurement process BUT things go better when both ends are clear and in agreement and both sides feel respected as human beings - that, I think, is the point of sameli's comment just above. And Stilleto25 - I doubt you would get a "no" out of me