
Comments by jerikson40 (page 74)

  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Naw, nevermind, it's like herding cats around here. Most of these guys are more concerned with how they're gonna up with their ATF's rent money each month.
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    12 years ago
    Looking to buy or invest in a strip club
    "I decided to buy some shares of ricks" Cool. And I assume shareholders get free laps at any Ricks club? Dude, if not, bring it up at the next shareholder's meeting. I wonder if they have nude stripper parties at their company gatherings and stuff....that would be awesome.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    No matter what people's personal preferences are regarding the definition of each term, what's important is AGREEMENT. If we can AGREE on something, whatever it is, instead of busting everyone's ass for not agreeing with their definitions, then at least we can all talk meaningfully in our reviews. However, if you're more concerned with being right, then we'll never agree, and the reviews might be something less than useful. Which is fine if you don't care, but my point is this: It can't HURT to have an agreed upon set of terms, can it? Even if you personally don't think HM should include direct stroking of the penile member above third vein from the base because it's too close to the head, which implies VHM. I don't care what terms we decide upon, but at least let's decide on SOMETHING that is clear enough that we can refer people to.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    Ahh...so apparently not everyone has the same definitions... And ranukam, that's not what I said, but you've got an axe to grind, so grind away.
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    12 years ago
    New York
    "Pretty much everybody has the same definitions as you" Maybe, but I really doubt it. Based on the reviews I see here, people are all over the place. You read stuff like "great mileage", "good laps", and other meaningless descriptions. And often it's for clubs with little more than air dances. And then they talk about "high mileage", and later you realize they're referring to FS. Sure, some people probably aren't as anal about it as me and others, but it would be nice if people gave a bit more useful information in the reviews rather than some general, fairly meaningless fluff.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    And Alucard, would you (and others) stop with that moronic "LMFAO" or "ROTFL" bullshit. Damn that is stupid. We know you're not rolling on the floor, or even laughing. That childish crap just makes people look like morons.
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    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    And Estafador, before you think you can go out there and change any of them or help any of them by showing them the "better aspect of life" or anything, don't bother. When you've got stuff going on from your childhood that affects you that deeply, you ain't NEVER gonna change them. And that goes for anyone you ever meet. It's not just strippers. I'm convinced that most people you meet are fucked up in some way. Divorces, childhood traumas, abandonment by a parent, drugs, and on and on. That shit happens constantly, and will really fuck you up for the rest of your life. And once that happens, you'll never really change anyone. Either accept them, or move on. And on a bright note, if it wasn't for fucked up strippers how would we have all that fun?
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    DAMN, Stiletto, I am so into you right now you can't imagine... Listen to you, talkin' all smart and stuff. I'm very impressed. And you're probably EXACTLY right. Now while it sounds like you're thinking maybe 20% of strippers think like that, I tend to think it's more like 80 or 90%. Guess it's impossible to know for sure. But I'm convinced that the vast majority of strippers have this basic low self esteem, childhood trauma thing going on that you're talking about. Not all, but most.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    I ask because I'm interested. I find it interesting to study and understand why people do what they do, and think what they think. Others couldn't give a shit, I find it fascinating. I like mechanical stuff. It's fun for me to look at engines and stuff and try to figure out how they work. I'll take them apart, put them back together, because it's fun, and it's interesting. Do I give a damn if the engine really cares about me or not? I'll give you a hint: no.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Cure for Bad Music in a Strip Club
    Okay, Dan, please don't tell me that the strippers wear cowboy hats and cowboy boots and hook their fingers into their belt loops and do the Texas two step on stage. I just kinda threw up in my mouth.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    Okay, Stiletto, now let me ask a question along these same lines. I've never quite understood the real reason why strippers assume such a negative opinion of strip club regulars, without even knowing them. Now I know you're different, so I'm not asking about you, I'm asking about girls you know, and who comment about the customers while you're in the dressing room, etc. What is it that they find so negative? Is it because they assume the guys can't get a date, therefore they must have some flaw such that no girls want them? Or because they're shallow and only care about pretty girls, not the "real me"? Or because they only care about sex? Or because the girls dread the idea of a future husband going to a strip club to watch pretty girls behind their back, and therefore would never marry them? There has to be some reason, and it has to be big, because I think we all realize that it's VERY common for dancers to feel that way. Of course not all, but it's very common.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Best Black Club in the US
    Okay, now we're talkin'. Here's a guy who knows how to make a list. Good stuff, scpatron.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    Aww, come on Stiletto, I'm not attacking you. You're too nice and smart for me to do that. I'm just making a point, and used you in my example. Sorry if that upset you. Objectively, you know as well as I do that a lot of women/strippers are like that. Heck, most people in general are that way. They'll say stuff to project a good image, but in reality do or be something totally different. We probably all do that to some extent. It's not psycho babble, it's true, and you know it. Be honest, you know as well as I do, and as most of us do, that many or most strippers have a very low opinion of guys who frequent strip clubs. Whether technically they would call them losers or morons or whatever isn't the point. The point is that they have a very low opinion of them. And, in general, they wouldn't be caught dead seriously dating or marrying one of those guys. But how many would admit openly that they have such apparently shallow motives? Kind of like getting a woman to openly admit she'd never date a guy who was 6 inches shorter than her. It would make her seem shallow, so she'll never admit it. Just like many/most strippers would NEVER tell others that they work as strippers. They'll say something that will make them look better. Not ALL strippers, but most. It's not psycho babble, it's just the way people are. Like Doug said, they want to project an image of themselves that is good.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    North Carolina
    Dancers who sit down and just won't leave.
    Often it's in the form of "cock blocking". You've got your eye on a hottie, but you're locked up with a woofer who won't go away. Yeah, I understand, it's a long day, they get bored, want to talk to someone besides the girls in the dressing room, guys have been refusing them all day long, so they want to go sit down and gab. But it's rude. We're not here to give you something to do. Be polite, try to sense if we're interested, and if not, move on. Generally if I get pissed I tell them I'm waiting for someone, or more often when a hot girl walks by I'll ask the woofer, "Hey, who's THAT??", and I might even tell her "I'd love to get a dance from HER!!" Usually the woofer gets pissed, but usually she'll buzz off, and sometimes she'll even tell the hottie. Two birds with one stone.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    The Cure for Bad Music in a Strip Club
    By the way, seriously, my take on wearing headphones in a club is this: It is freakin' rude, IMO, to be sitting there with headphones in your ears, so when a dancer comes up to talk to you she has to figure out if you hear her or not. People don't seem to understand the concept of rude anymore, but geezus, if that ain't freakin' rude I don't know what is. When some kid is sitting there with headphones, and I'm trying to talk to them, I feel like ripping them things out and tossing them in the street. Almost as rude as someone having their head buried in their texting when you're trying to talk to them, or dancers spending their shift on their asses texting off in a corner when you want a dance from them. But I guess nowadays you have to put up with that rude shit.
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    12 years ago
    The Cure for Bad Music in a Strip Club
    yeah, I rarely even notice the music, unless the chick really knows how to dance and the music is real funky or excellent hard rock and she's really getting into it. Or maybe while she's dancing on my dick the music enhances the motion and the mood. But getting annoyed at the music? Never. Okay, if I was at a club in Podunk Corners, Iowa and they were playing country music I might throw up and leave the club, but I can't think of any other music that would annoy me. Well, unless it was that crap that Mexicans listen to with accordians and trumpets and shit that sounds like Ooo-Pah-Pah music. That crap is just weird. Anyway, I also agree with whoever said you need to be real careful about exceeding the USDA recommended daily allowance of sound pressure in your ear canals. I suggest that if you REALLY want to take such a foolhardy risk to your well being, you should take a sound pressure monitor into the club and set it up, and perform some tests to measure maxiumum dB levels as well as SPL levels taking all factors into consideration. Also, don't run around the house while holding scissors. You could fall down, the scissors go into your chest, it rips your heart out, and BAM, you're dead.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Best Black Club in the US
    Okay, well, if there are tons of clubs in Miami, let's just nominate one or two or three as the best. Same goes for any city. Otherwise it gets all confusing and stuff.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Best Black Club in the US
    thanks, rh48hr, looks like Arnie's might be a contender, though it seems to be more on the brothel side of things as opposed to a high mileage, lap dance strip club. Like you say, according to the reviews, you just go to Arnies for a quick lube 'n tune. And Papi, thanks for all the good info, but I'm gonna slap your wrist!!! You're not playing by the rules. From what little I know from reading about KOD (and Onyx) they aren't even contenders when it comes to mileage and value. From what little I know, I think they have hot women but are for ballers who make it rain, with little or no mileage, no? And you just brush over the other Miami clubs that really might be in the running. This is about hot girls, high mileage, low prices. But thanks for the insights on Atlanta, Dallas, and Houston. I always assumed they'd be high mileage black club meccas, but I guess that ain't necessarily so.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Say no to....Lapdances (and drugs)
    Of course, I think we've all been in the exact same situation and probably handled it the same way. Trying to be nice. And we all hear dancers complaining because customers are always lying. And why don't they just say they don't want a dance instead of leading me on? But if you tell them flat out they get hurt. Or so we think. In any case, my first advice would be this: Don't take the route that every freakin' teenage (and older) girl on the planet takes, and that is pretending she's dealing with super important stuff on her cellphone so she doesn't have to face anything that might make her uncomfortable. Secondly, I'm not sure there's any sure-fire response to make her go away, while not hurting her feelings, or just getting yourself in deeper. If you tell her you're waiting for someone, yeah, it might work, but usually they want to know who, and do you want me to call her for you, and "well, while you're waiting I can give you a fun dance". It turns into a game of how fast you can think of dumb responses. I think the best option might be something like this, which has worked for me in the past: "Yeah, tonight I'm kind of looking around for a black (or fill in the blanks) dancer". Nobody in particular, you just prefer black dancers. Nothing against you, I just like black chicks. The "while you're waiting I'll give you a dance" response becomes useless, because she now knows you just ain't into her, you want some chocolate hunny. And the "who is she" goes away, cause there ain't anyone in particular you're looking for. And it might even get you an ally to let the black dancers know there's a guy over there with a big boner for black chicks, you should stop by. Certainly not foolproof, but it seems to work okay.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    How do you know if a dancer likes you?
    "...but I can speak for myself when I say that I actually dont think all guys that watch me dance are perverts and losers." Okay, point taken. But is that the inner voice of Stiletto, the one that says what you really, really feel deep inside, or the voice that some people use to convince themselves and others that they're really good people? So for example, would you actually date and/or marry a guy who was a regular at a club (for real, not for money), or think that if you were serious he'd be still going to clubs and cheating on you? I'm not a dancer, I just know that 99.9999999% of "relationships" I've heard about between dancers and customers are either only for money, or because she needs someone to be nice to her because she just broke up with her boyfriend, or she needs money, or the drugs are making her crazy, or maybe she just needs money.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    New York
    Hottest Stripper EVER !!!
    Okay, first of all I really like your modification of my username. Jerky40 is pretty cool, kind of descriptive, and easier to say. In fact I might change my username to that. If I can figure out how. And second, gay? Because you got wood at the description of a hot girl giving a lap dance? Dude, that's not gay, that's what guys do. We get wood at the thought, sight, smell, or touch of a hot girl. Be proud of it. Now, if I was describing getting a lap dance from a guy, and you especially like the part where he put his dinky in my mouth, then yeah, that's totally gay.
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    12 years ago
    coed club
    Oh, and it was in Vegas? That explains the suckiness. When it comes to clubs, Vegas sucks donkey dicks. One big ripoff.
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    12 years ago
    coed club
    "actually jerikson, in vegas it has all ages but really more adults" I was just joking about the college thing. Usually when people hear the word "coeds" they think "college coeds" and guys always like to think of college girls...well, anyway, it was a joke.
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    12 years ago
    coed club
    Oh wait, I missed your post about male dancers. NO FREAKIN' WAY do I want to be in a club with a bunch of ugly, drunk broads screeching about some guys wanker. That's just wrong.
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    12 years ago
    coed club
    "What goes on there?" From the sound of it, probably just typical college coed stuff. Girls in their jammies having pillow fights and eating chocolate and gossiping about boys 'n stuff. Y'know... Anyway, no, never been, never heard of such a thing, wouldn't go if you paid me, and if I made the mistake of entering one I'd high tail it out of there in a flash. Women don't belong in strip clubs. They are men's hangouts. But women love to take over men's hangouts. And it sucks. It should be illegal. Let the men enjoy their clubs, and if women want to watch other women because they're gay, then go to a lesbian club or something. But don't fuck it up for the rest of us. Can you imaging going into a club and having a bunch of women sneering at "those perverts" getting high mileage lap dances? Oh, that is all kinds of wrong....