Strippers offering to share their joint with you.

Atlanta suburb
I know that smoking pot in most clubs is frowned upon but it sometimes does happen. I have had 2 strippers recently ask me if I wanted a hit. Since I do not partake of illegal substances, I decline but I have to wonder what what was their motivation for doing so. Does it mean that I am special? A trusted preferred client? Or just another ploy to extract money from me. One said that it would make us both horny. I don't need pot to get horny. :)
last commentI've had it offered as well. I think it's just the general gregariousness of pot users. :)
My SB has offered to share on numerous occasions; I've always declined. She keeps threatening to make some "special" brownies.
Sharing a joint is a social activity. Like having drinks together.
"Does it mean that I am special? A trusted preferred client?"
As much as you'd love for that to be true, I doubt it has anything to do with it.
Most likely nothing more than a social gesture, no different than you offering a guest a beer.
Of course there's probably also be a subconscious attempt to make herself feel better about doing something naughty by bringing someone else into it. If I do it, it's illegal. If others are doing it too, then it's okay.
What Mikey said. I've never shared a joint or been offered in a club, but it's a common afterwork activity.
Have had it offered various place but I guess I'm showing my age when I say never have. To much risk. One arrest and my way to earn a living is gone. I subject all my employees to drug test as well as myself and one violation and you are gone. If that person is still at the co. after a violation we loose ALL our insurance and all clearances. Not worth the risk, I take so far as to leave the premises if I smell it. I walked out of a club in Houston when I smelled if the bathroom shortly after I arrived and told the girl at the desk why I was leaving.
Puff puff pass...puff puff pass!
Maybe she wanted to stun you, my friend to loosen the your mind's control of your wallet. Perhaps not. I've never been offered it by a dancer in a club and like just about everyone here, I would decline the offer. Too risky, IMO.
Clearances eh Tiredtraveler? So all your anti-government bullshit is fake. You don't like Obama why? Because you probably lost a contract or two you fake cunt piece of shit. Smoke a joint maybe it will give you some personality loserfuck.
Before you take a hit from a stripper, keep in mind what may have been in her mouth earlier.
You do realize you are in a place of prostitution, right? That's the best part of strip clubs. It's like a little bit of Amsterdam in my home country, I can freely smoke in the parking lot and not get worried about getting harrassed by the cops. Just like your hand jobs and blow jobs, even if the boys in blue are there, as long as they don't see it, they don't care.
@Doritos, you sound like a dorky little dude. Smoke a joint, find some bean dip and chill.
I like doritos btw :) You, mikey, go pick your lettuce.
Or are you talking about risk of a drug test? If that's the case I understand. But I never understood drug tests, if an employee is underperforming, does it really matter why? Even in the 8-9 years I went without smoking pot, I turned down places of employment which required drug tests (minus one in NY, but I was desperate for employment). I always saw it as a sign of poor management and/or a poor working staff.
Of course nowadays, I smoke again in my free time and if I were busted it would be a huge embarrassment. But I perform so well at work I don't see it coming up as long as I make sure I'm not smoking in the wrong places, which luckily, sone strip clubs are a safe haven.
Lol...I'm usualy the one offering the goncha
No problem for me. I DON'T smoke. You SHOULDN'T either.
I would decline as well. I really don't blame mikey because he is being smart. With times are hard finding a job, you got to protect yourself. I would do the samething if I was in his shoes. Tortilla chip have some slack on him because he is doing his best to keep his job.
Yep yep.....don't hog that Shit and pass pass pass
I stopped smoking pot a long time ago and I stopped smoking strangers pot before that. In the club I decline politely.
Thanks for telling us what we should and shouldn't do Alucard, up on that horse you are a shining beacon for all.
jester214, I mention that you SHOULDN'T smoke for your own good. Smoking severely impacts your Respiratory System & CV System. It will KILL you early eventually.
But everyone knows this unless they live under a rock, like a certain member. It is your choice to degrade and severely impact your health. NO ONE need heed my advice if they don't want to. It is your life and body, and your potential DEATH. But I really doubt you'd heed my words in any case since you and many members OBVIOUSLY dislike everything I say and mock it.
But that DOESN'T change the truth of the physical impact of my warning. :))
Well now, if we are talking about the health impact of marijuana, then what about CBD inhibiting the replication of cancer cells (which has now gone into clinical trials to seek FDA approval)?
Perhaps straying from the topic, but the United States at the national government level has a schizophrenic perspective on marijuana compared to tobacco. Smoke from both marijuana and tobacco contains many compounds and substances that are carcinogenic, especially the substance referred to as tar. Some chemicals in marijuana, including CBD and THC, have positive effects for cancer patients. But on the whole, smoking either marijuana or tobacco is definitely a net harmful activity.
As long as the topic is smoking, here is a thought: what effect will "Obamacare" have on use of tobacco? Given the many adverse effects of smoking - COPD, hypertension, cardiac disease, cancer - one would think that smoking tobacco should be prohibited, because of the increased health care costs that it causes. One of the more cynical features of government is taxing an addictive, harmful substance. Just my two cents worth.
However, the libertarian in me says that government should not pay for health care. Where in the United States Constitution is the national government allowed to collect taxes and spend that revenue on health care? Along the same lines, according to the reasoning behind Roe v. Wade, privacy rights should prohibit the government from regulating what substances we ingest, as long as we do not drive or harm others. Hopefully in the near future I will be allowed to share a bowl with my ATF, either in or out of the club. Again, just my two cents worth.
Yo yo yo... Pass the Dutchie on the left hand side
Weed = good times. Jes' don' be drivin' after tokin' (Drac be gettin' down on you if yo do)
I've seen this a happen to a few people. Here's the reason. If the bouncer or someone in management catches you, the stripper now has someone to blame it on. If she's by herself, she gets tossed out and most likely fired. If a customer is with her, she blames the customer and the customer gets tossed.
jestie: "Thanks for telling us what we should and shouldn't do Alucard, up on that horse you are a shining beacon for all."
Nah, alutard is nothing but a mindless little assfuck.
I pimp all day I even pimp in my sleep. When I wake up I smoke a blunt before I eat.
While I've met plenty of dancers who smoked pot (my first ATF adored the stuff and one of my current faves is the same way), I only had one girl ever offer me a joint. I just told her I don't smoke. Being around smoke (tobacco or marijuana) just makes me ill and that's just something I don't need now.
I. Find myhself watching porn after I take a couple puffs on my phone. Definetely gets me aroused and makes women seem so much prettier
@Doc_Holliday: "Even in the 8-9 years I went without smoking pot, I turned down places of employment which required drug tests (minus one in NY, but I was desperate for employment). I always saw it as a sign of poor management and/or a poor working staff."
Not always. For some, it's a contractual issue with their clients. With others, it can be a liability issue. If stoned forklift driver has an accident on the job and kills someone, the company is going to be liable for that. And can you imagine a job site like some of the ones Farmerart runs allowing drug use? Talk about a recipe for tragic accidents. Accidents are likely common enough in that environment without adding drugs to the mix.
I wouldn't, and I have no problem with people smoking, used to plenty back in the day. The reason I wouldn't is you have no idea what's in that joint. Good chance it ain't ALL weed.
Meth? Likely. Coke? Likely.
When I say likely, I'm not saying that there's a 90% chance there's some in there, but you ARE at a SC with girls with drug problems, so is a 10% chance of suckin down some meth worth it?
Airplanes all have ash trays in their bathrooms because they know people will still smoke despite the ban and need a place to safely dispose of the cigarette when they get busted.
I don't smoke but I see the years of lies from the gov't is still working on some people when it comes to weed.
GMD, no I totally agree. And unfortunately many marijuana users will go to work under the influence just like an alcoholic. I may even be in the minority of users that treat it like alcohol, something to unwind after a week of work, then go to bed, get up and start the next day sober. If anyone came to work intoxicated by any means (including illness) they should be sent home, and of coruse in the case of voluntary drug use, disciplined if not terminated.
I also understand contractual obligations, and luckily banking has not been one to require drug tests. And my last note, I can't speak for cocaine, meth or other drugs; it's only my personal experience with marijuana I've found to be controllable and comparable to alcohol.
I've smoked with a few strippers. You don't wanna hit the wrong one though (laced), so only if it's rolled in front of me.
Inside the club, it could be just being social, but likely to get you to buy dances. In my case I always got dances afterward.
Outside the club, obviously social. They usually have really good shit too.
Easy enough to avoid the health concern - just vaporize, make cannabutter, eat brownies or drink tincture. Blunts and joints are the dark ages. Safe as milk once you remove the smoking element and certainly doesn't deserve to be classified with truly dangerous drugs like alcohol and tobacco.
Personally, I only go to strip clubs when I can get right beforehand.
Prop 64 passed in CO. Are there good strip clubs in CO??
I just might move.
Nitro Club in Boulder is pretty good. Hippie town too if that is your thing.
Denver has a few, I forget the name of the one I went to, it has been a while. I'll research my reviews and find the name of the place.
La Boheme on Stout Street in downtown Denver. I didn't smoke any Ganja with the babes, but several of them had the look of stoners.
Did an otc with one who wanted me to drive her car to her place to pick it up, then come back to my room to smoke it and drink my booze. She was stoned and drunk. The next morning she asked me if I would give her $10 so she could get some breakfast on the way home. Cheapest otc ever!