
Comments by jerikson40 (page 44)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    "And because of slavery. And because of WWII." Huh?? I'm speechless...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    "So they're willing to come here and do shit jobs and bust their ass but won't do it at home? That's logical." Seems very logical. Its about how high people's goals are, and whether they're willing to do the very hard work to change a nation. You don't get that? It's a whole lot easier to run across the border and get a job as a gardener than to figure out, and do the work necessary, to erase corruption, start new industries, put people to work, etc. Geez, how difficult is that to understand?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    "Sends the Blacks back to Liberia, stop letting the Irish in, stop letting the Slavs in, stop letting the Italians in, stop letting the Orientals in, etc. etc. etc." Again, that's total nonsense, and absolutely NOT what I'm saying. Many of the Europeans from the nations you mentioned, and others, made this nation great. Irish, Italians, Chinese, etc. Those are the ones who decided to work hard, be honest, and build a great nation. It's not about what nation you're from, it's about your attitude. And unfortunately, a majority of people in many nations have a shitty attitude. If you don't believe that then you're in a dream land. For example, look at what's called the Corruptions Perception Index. They show a map of the perceived corruption levels in all nations of the world. Which translates into people who don't fucking care, and allow dishonesty in their governments, and as a result will probably never succeed. Look at Mexico for example. One of the most corrupt nations in the world. In fact, it clearly shows that aside from Canada, the US, Japan, Northern Europe, and Australia, the remaining nations are considered highly or extremely corrupt. Which to me reflects a shitty attitude in those nations. Now, does it really make sense to you to open our borders to anyone? Even some corrupt, lazy, asshole who only wants to go on welfare? No. That's stupid.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    "Illegal immigration won't happen if there is no market." Absolutely true. And the best way to take away the market? Mexico gets off its ass and builds a fucking middle class so that everyone isn't so desperate to get the fuck out of that good-for-nothing country. Do you know how many nations around the world are FILLED with people who's goal is to make it to the US? Un-fucking-believable. All because they won't do what it takes to improve their own shit-hole countries so that people are desperate to get the fuck out. It's shameful. Don't blame American immigration policy for a bunch of people who aren't willing to fix their own crappy countries.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    "it seems like you are saying Americans deserve more respect cause they spilled a lot of blood to get what they have." Absolutely not. And thats why so many discussions of difficult issues become pissing matches. Apparently in the back of your mind you have decided about people who have opposite views from yours and you classify them and categorize them with, basically, no facts to support it. Kind of like Lopaw went all "anti-older-white-male" on my ass based on her incredibly racially and genetically biased views. Americans in general deserve respect because they built this nation into the most powerful, economically strong, and generous nations on earth in less than 300 years. That deserves respect. It was because of an attitude perpetuated thru multiple generations of hard work and self discipline. Not all Americans have that attitude, but enough did in our formative years, and enough were decent and hard working that this nation prospered. Now some will bitch and moan about how "greedy" we are and how evil capitalism is and all that liberal bullshit. But the fact is this nation became the most powerful, economically strong, and generous nation on earth. At the same time other nations did shit, because they were unwilling to do what it takes. And many nations will be shit for many more generations because they have a completely sucky attitude. And Mexico is just one of them. Being an American is a great honor, and provides many benefits. The bar to entry should be very high if we are to maintain the nation that Americans built in the last 300 years. If we lower the bar, then we'll end up with shit also. Very simple. Personally, I think we'll end up with shit in about a generation. Maybe less.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Could it? Has it? Will it?
    "Loooose-eeeeee! Ju hab sum esplainin' to doo." Okay, Mr. Spic wins the award for the funniest post in TUSCL history...I fucking laughed out loud.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Words from the dressing room.
    "I just don't get the whole anal fixation anyway" Yeah, pretty much for me, when it comes to anal I'm a "flag down on the play, unsportsman like conduct, 30 yard penalty" kind of guy. Not gonna happen. Dudes, its the poop chute. It's designed for stuff to come out...nasty nasty stuff, not for stuff to go in. Especially when you have a perfectly good pussy right next door. I remember a gay friend years ago was trying to convince me that women are "ewwww!!! gross!!!", and was talking about how they have nasty periods with blood and stuff...how can you put your dick in that??? Dude, you're boning men up the poop chute !!! Are you freaking serious???
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    "Do you think Mexicans deserve any special status or consideration in the US, given that most of the western US was taken from Mexico in a war of aggression, with a lot of war crimes by the US against civilians?" No. The basic rules of life: If someone takes over your country, you lose it. Unless you can get it back somehow. Otherwise you're screwed. Whoever came up with this shit that we owe them anything? I have zero respect for Mexicans. Doesn't mean I don't like them, I just don't respect them. For many, their first order of business is to break US immigration law by coming here illegally and starting a family in order to get citizenship. Illegally. Why do they do this? Because their country, now and probably forever, sucks. And they are totally unwilling to do what it takes to improve their nation, which is a morass of poverty and corruption and people who don't give a shit. And if you look at the majority of Mexicans who come to the US you can see that attitude plainly. They strive to be no more than gardeners and whatever else low level employment they can find. Sure there are exceptions, but that's not the majority. But they will never accept that or admit it. They only care about getting more "rights" from the US. Now, if they bring that attitude to the US, what is our future? Well, at some point, when Mexicans become a majority in portions of the US, I predict we will look more and more like Mexico. Which sucks. So why the fuck do we owe them anything? In-fucking-sane.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Out of all the porn stars that do private dances when they do feature dancing, w
    "....all you've done in the 10 weeks you've been here is create 3 threads, all 3 of them trolling for information ***about*** pornstar features. All while providing zero club reviews or articles." And what exactly is wrong with that? You're one of those guys who requires a certain number of "rep" points or whatever before you'll share your priceless information? Get over yourself dude. The crap that passes for info on this, and many other sites, is often not worth shit for the most part. It's a public forum, to share whatever you can with the world. So share. And stop playing silly ego games. The worst thing about the internet is the childish people who inhabit it. Potentially great sites of information end up being fucking playgrounds for little kids, and they devolve into useless name calling and inane crap because of egos and silly games.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Out of all the porn stars that do private dances when they do feature dancing, w
    BTW, the latina porn actresses I was referring to were Savannah and Havanna Ginger, FWIW. One or both has the worlds largest areolas, which I find kinda gross and National Geographic. But anyway...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Out of all the porn stars that do private dances when they do feature dancing, w
    Also, keep in mind when evaluating pornstar personal appearances... Pornstars are basically good looking (or occasionally great looking) women who decided to perform sex on videos for money. Their qualifications are pretty much limited to that. So you can't really expect them to be great public performers. That's really an art if you think about it. Of course some are better than others, but you're pretty much guaranteed they just put this shit together by themselves, unless they are under contract with a big video company or have some money behind them. So don't expect much
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Out of all the porn stars that do private dances when they do feature dancing, w
    Honestly I think for the most part, women tend to place a monetary value on themselves to some extent. They evaluate how hot they are, and decide how much it "costs" men to have any part of her. And when you're talking about porn stars, the "self worth" becomes very high, so they get the attitude that their shit don't stink. Of course not always, but if you factor in the well know rule of the universe regarding hot women (the hotter the woman, the less mileage), it becomes clear that, in general, women will get away with what they think they can get away with. Since they don't really WANT to let some stranger grope them, they will only give out what they think they're worth.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Out of all the porn stars that do private dances when they do feature dancing, w
    Come to think of it, when I try to remember the specifics of the porn chicks who I've had dances with it's difficult, since most of the experiences were pretty uneventful. I do recall easily the most wonderful porn "star", who was totally down to earth and very high mileage. A black porn star named Anna (not Alexis) Amore. Absolutely killer body, and the sweetest person you can imagine. Taylor Wayne, who I thought was smoking hot back in the day, was pretty non-eventful in the lap dance department. Veronica Brazil was a hot and nasty Latina/Brazilian/whatever who was a regular dancer at a local club, and I *think* her laps were okay, but I also recall being surprised she was so low mileage for a porn start. Also there was a latina, a no name porn actress whose name escapes me, who had a sister who looked almost like a twin and they were both porn actresses. She was a on again, off again regular dancer at a local club, and she was pretty full of herself. Very hot, but her attitude sucked, like she was doing you a favor to be in her presence. Didn't even get a dance from her.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    off the wall, If you were All powerful but not any smarter than you are now, wha
    "If every female was hot, even you might think about fucking someone's 90 year old grandmother. Too much. Plus all the former hot girls might be pissed at no longer being anything special. Plus if you did nothing but alter looks and their DNA or genes were left alone, you could have ugly or retarded kids having done nothing but change the looks on the outside." Okay, for those who keep saying I'm a "buzzkill"... Have you read this shit? This guy is like he's on a watch list for slitting his wrists...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Out of all the porn stars that do private dances when they do feature dancing, w
    "Porn star features are usually boring and overrated. Avoid." I agree. I've gotten a bunch over the years, and can't really remember one that was much good.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Hottest Chick on the Planet
    BTW, speaking of Brazilians I almost forgot. The hottest "black" chick on the planet is actually a Brazilian named Darlene Silva aka Tyra Lex. Especially when she sporting her long blonde hair look. Holy fuck if I saw her in my favorite VHM/UHM lap dance club my life would be complete.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    New York
    Hottest Chick on the Planet
    "Suelyn Medeiros" Fuck yeah. She's #5 on my list. Fuckin' Brazilian chicks are the hottest on the planet. If you've never been to Brazil, especially Rio, chicks like that are all over the place. Walked thru the mall in Rio with a boner the entire time. And they dress like hookers. Well, cause many are in Rio...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When Rhode Island accidentally legalized prostitution, rape decreased sharply
    Holy crap !!! I just checked and in the entire US only a handful of counties in Nevada have legalized prostitution !!!! Incredible.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    The strip club life and friends
    Always solo. I'm there on a mission, and it's between me and the dancers. I come for hot girls who want to jerk me off and make me cum. And when the mission is complete, I move on with my life. If you're just there for some drinks and goofing around, yeah, friends are fine I suppose. But for me, friends are for ballgames and barbeques and the beach and scuba diving and doing sports with and stuff. Not when I'm getting my rocks off, and I want to focus on hot chicks.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    When Rhode Island accidentally legalized prostitution, rape decreased sharply
    It is absolutely beyond my comprehension why so few areas of the US have legalized prostitution. I just don't get it. Who the hell is pushing back so much against it? The men involved obviously want it, as do, I expect, a good portion of the male population if they could do it under their terms. And obviously the women want it, since, in spite of feminist bullshit, they do it voluntarily of their own free will as a way to make a buck. The only people I can see who are against it are all the women who are so freaking scared their man will find someone who is hotter and more willing to have sex. Or the religious right who think it's the end of the world. I just don't get it. Legalize it, regulate it, support it, and let it happen. Men need to grow some balls and stand up for what they want.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Do you find it hard to believe this guy?
    Not to mention he has a t-shirt with nothing but his name on it... He's selling himself, pure and simple. The guy lives in an RV. Gimme a break.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Do you find it hard to believe this guy?
    People ALWAYS portray themselves as much better than they really are. Especially on the internet. Unless, however, they are totally incognito. Then they are free to be the true assholes that they are. By the way, take a look at the "about tynan.com" page, where he falls all over himself telling everyone how wonderful he is.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    off the wall, If you were All powerful but not any smarter than you are now, wha
    Presently, really hot women comprise far less than 1% of the population. It is so freaking rare to see a hot woman in public, but you are CONSTANTLY bombarded by fat, ugly cows who don't take care of themselves. And the vast majority of women you see are not worth a second (or even first) glance. Therefore, my first order of business as an all-powerful ruler of the universe is to reverse that. In my regime, 99.999999% of women on the planet instantly become so freaking hot that guys cum in their pants just looking at them. My second order of business is to issue an order decreeing that the US government begin immediate subsidies to support all those hot women maintaining their hotness by providing free boob jobs, training in how to please men, and on and on. And all of those hot women are required to enter, at age 18, a two year mandatory government service that grooms them for hotness at special universities. Of course, hot clothes are provided free, blah blah blah. My second order of business is to provide government subsidies to all strip clubs, including regulations to ensure those clubs provide customers with only the best entertainment. My third order of business is to legalize all forms of prostitution and public nudity and sex for all hot women. Basically, when a hot woman walks in public, she can wear anything (or nothing), she can have sex with whomever she wants in public, blah blah blah. And finally, I would fund government research on drugs which would increase the average female libido by 100 times, so that all those hot women are far hornier than males. Or, if my powers were really all powerful, I'd merely tap my magic wand and make all women so horny that they are all raging nymphos. So there ya go...a world populated by super hot, raging nymphos. You're welcome.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    too bad he didn't finish it
    By the way, is anyone else kinda surprised that an 18 year old did this? I dunno, I just don't associate kids that age with weird shit like this. Maybe I'm way off though. It wouldn't surprise me if a news article pops up in the near future about an 18 year old boy who borrowed his father's .45 and ended it all. That's some bad shit to have to deal with at that age, especially when it goes public like that.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    too bad he didn't finish it
    "TUSCL First! A subject that we all can get along with!" Awww, come on...there has to be ONE liberal here who thinks the kid was just a victim of injustice brought about by a white male corporate greed mentality, and oppression and intolerance of those who practice alternate sexual preferences. Nobody wants to say that all of us males are just suffering from pedophobia? Go ahead... make my day... :)