OT: Do you find it hard to believe this guy?

avatar for Estafador
so i was reading an article about how people are ridiculous for buying a Rolex before buying a car and I couldn't help but agree. and I eventually came across this. http://tynan.com/rolex

I couldn'rt help but call bullshit on so many levels. Who goes and just "lose" their rolex watch, a 10k+ watch that is a huge hole burner. Or maybe that's just the frugale in me. What do you guys think? Do you believe his entire story is farfetched at the very least about having one much losing one and not caring?


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avatar for JohnSmith69
11 years ago
I imagine that LMN could probably lose a Rolex every other day and not think much about it. But at least he has the good sense to devote a bunch of his money to fucking strippers.
avatar for mikeya02
11 years ago
Yes Estie, look up LMN's posts and tell us what you think.
avatar for jackslash
11 years ago
I threw away my Rolex when I bought my Patek Philippe.
avatar for steve229
11 years ago
As believable as his claim to be a pick-up artist.

Reminds me of the simps who post on here claiming to be PUAs (while asking for advice on OTC with strippers)
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
I still sport a calculator watch.
avatar for deogol
11 years ago
I don't use a watch anymore, my phone has the time.
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
People ALWAYS portray themselves as much better than they really are. Especially on the internet.

Unless, however, they are totally incognito. Then they are free to be the true assholes that they are.

By the way, take a look at the "about tynan.com" page, where he falls all over himself telling everyone how wonderful he is.
avatar for jerikson40
11 years ago
Not to mention he has a t-shirt with nothing but his name on it...

He's selling himself, pure and simple. The guy lives in an RV. Gimme a break.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
To be fair to the dude, he said that he actually didnt have a Rolex in his second paragraph:

"The watch showed up, and it was obviously a fake. I took it to a jeweler, just in case, and he confirmed what I already knew."

He even talks about the second hand moving in "precise bursts". So he wasn't really a "Rolex guy" -- he was a "fake Rolex guy." He also doesn't mention how much he paid, but I can't believe it was a real Rolex price.

If I were him and a Rolex was important to me I'd have been pissed when the watch arrived, not when I lost it. Or I'd have been pissed with myself for believing somebody was selling a real Rolex for $(whatever he actually paid)

avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
I just looked up this LMN guy and he sounds hilarious. If only his life story were real, I'd party with that guy (and steal his money). What a hoot. I won'der if he'll lend a brother a couple grand.

zipman: he also wrote the following in the next "paragraph" - But by then it was too late. In my head, I was a Rolex type of guy. So I bought another one-- a real one this time. -
avatar for Clackport
11 years ago
^^^lol at the LMN part
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
@Estafador -- true dat dude. But I'm skeptical that the dude ever had a real Rolex. He described it as having "precise bursts to the next second". Even some of the better knock-offs appear to sweep. So either he got another fake and didn't realize (potentially paying through the nose because he *thought* it was real) or the whole story is bullshit.

Like you I call bullshit.

Full disclosure -- I'm NOT a Rolex guy. I do have a relative that is a Rolex guy (and is quite affluent -- not LMN affluent 'cos that dude uses Benjamins to wipe his ass despite my advising him to purchase a bidet in PM's)

BTW, haven't heard from you in while. Hope all has been going well bro.
avatar for zipman68
11 years ago
And LMN is frickin' hilarious. No...he is actually HI-LAR-EEEE-OUS.

I hope we get a report on his weekend activities!
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