
off the wall, If you were All powerful but not any smarter than you are now, wha

I'd probably screw up the world big time. I'd have everyone heal instantly so no injuries last more than seconds at a time. I'd put all medical workers out of a job. Millions of doctors and nurses would be unemployed. I'd stop people from dying and instantly heal their biddies and resurrect them if they died. No one would die. While I'm at it, I might reverse the aging process or instantly make everyone over 25 instantly be as young as 25 again.

Yep, no one could die or get injured. Why go to war when no one dies? Lots of people would be ticked off at me.

How about you? How would you use any super power you could imagine?

I'd also open portals to other planets and create a huge global economic boom as the resources of an entire universe suddenly became available to this planet and any alien species we allow trade with.


  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    bodies not biddies, stupid auto corrector doesn't always work right. lol
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    I'd destroy myself then re-create myself.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Imagine if everyone on this planet had access to an uninhabited earth type planet and there was one whole planet for everyone just in this galaxy alone. What would you do? I guess if you had the condition where you can not create people, it would be more boring. You could have a whole planet but almost no one there.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    I guess no one is interested in thinking about suddenly being able to make all the strippers in strip clubs they visit be 9's and 10's or imagining making a girl's boobs suddenly pop out and be much larger. If you had superpowers, you could secretly make it happen. Oh well. Off to another web site.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    If sharkhunter and san jose guy had a fight, who would win?
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    I would prove my power by posting a pic of the Universe, with a card reading Mikeya02-TUSCL held in front of it.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Presently, really hot women comprise far less than 1% of the population. It is so freaking rare to see a hot woman in public, but you are CONSTANTLY bombarded by fat, ugly cows who don't take care of themselves. And the vast majority of women you see are not worth a second (or even first) glance.

    Therefore, my first order of business as an all-powerful ruler of the universe is to reverse that. In my regime, 99.999999% of women on the planet instantly become so freaking hot that guys cum in their pants just looking at them.

    My second order of business is to issue an order decreeing that the US government begin immediate subsidies to support all those hot women maintaining their hotness by providing free boob jobs, training in how to please men, and on and on. And all of those hot women are required to enter, at age 18, a two year mandatory government service that grooms them for hotness at special universities. Of course, hot clothes are provided free, blah blah blah.

    My second order of business is to provide government subsidies to all strip clubs, including regulations to ensure those clubs provide customers with only the best entertainment.

    My third order of business is to legalize all forms of prostitution and public nudity and sex for all hot women. Basically, when a hot woman walks in public, she can wear anything (or nothing), she can have sex with whomever she wants in public, blah blah blah.

    And finally, I would fund government research on drugs which would increase the average female libido by 100 times, so that all those hot women are far hornier than males. Or, if my powers were really all powerful, I'd merely tap my magic wand and make all women so horny that they are all raging nymphos.

    So there ya go...a world populated by super hot, raging nymphos.

    You're welcome.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    ^^^ is that why you are going gay?
  • gawker
    10 years ago
    If I were all powerful I'd change my sexual response time so it'd be measured with a stop watch instead of a calendar. That's enough.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    What do you mean, if I were All powerful???
  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Y'all think jerkoffson has some issues with women in general? Nah! Couldn't be. Couldn't be.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Cure people with STDs with your cum? Are we talking women only, or would you service all comers in the name of humanity? ;-)
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    1. Give everyone their own personal copy of the solar system, where they would be all powerful, except they could not kill visitors (only send them back to their own solar system).
    2. Make it so you could teleport to someone else's solar system if they wanted you to (and teleport back to your own). Or use the inter-solar-system internet if you didn't feel like traveling.

    It's Saturday night, and I'm thinking as big as the ass Papi Chulo is probably groping right now.
  • ilbbaicnl
    10 years ago
    Maybe at first you'd make an army of hot female golems. But then you'd realize you could just wish yourself a 3-hour orgasm.
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Jerkoffson can't count either
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    @sharkhunterdude... You always bring the wacky shit.

    C'mon guys. Sometimes less is more. Part of the fun with not chicks is the chase. If they were all nekked all the time and all super-hot it would just skew your perspective.

    I'd be restrained. Just make the clothes of hot chicks fall off when I want some viewing. Especially hot jogging chicks. Watch those bouncing boobies and BAM! the tits come out. Fuck yeah!
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Sometimes I have lucid dreams where I'm dreaming but I have super powers and sometimes I can do whatever I want. I was looking for new ideas. I had one dream where it was partially lucid and it was fun for a while. My mind seems to screw up the super power part in my dreams. I once cured and got rid of all diseases and instantly healed everyone. All the health care workers, millions of them across the globe went unemployed. Lol, Alucard was out of work. I think I had the dream before I remember him. Anyway that dream became very boring after I reached a point where I was all knowing and all powerful. I felt stuck in that dream. It's hard to understand how boring it is to already know the outcome and be able to see it before you do anything.

    Yeah, limited super powers would be fun. Having the ability to enlarge any female breasts just by thinking about it would be fun to watch. If it was in my dream and it became public knowledge I was doing it, I'd probably get sued by every girl who didn't want larger tits and every unemployed plastic surgeon. If I had the ability to control the weather, I'd probably get sued by everyone getting rained on if they didn't want it. If people knew. Of course we all like pleasant dreams. I just tend to have many interesting dreams. Oh the dream where I was all knowing, my mind seemed to cover the entire universe. Now that really felt like an out of body experience. I felt like I lost 99.999999 percent of all my knowledge going back to a human body. I was annoyed. One of the few dreams I was stuck in and couldn't wake up from until I dreamed I was going to wake up as a human with no powers. Then I woke up. Should have kept the titty power and a few others. lol.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    If every female was hot, even you might think about fucking someone's 90 year old grandmother. Too much. Plus all the former hot girls might be pissed at no longer being anything special. Plus if you did nothing but alter looks and their DNA or genes were left alone, you could have ugly or retarded kids having done nothing but change the looks on the outside.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    "If every female was hot, even you might think about fucking someone's 90 year old grandmother. Too much. Plus all the former hot girls might be pissed at no longer being anything special. Plus if you did nothing but alter looks and their DNA or genes were left alone, you could have ugly or retarded kids having done nothing but change the looks on the outside."

    Okay, for those who keep saying I'm a "buzzkill"...

    Have you read this shit? This guy is like he's on a watch list for slitting his wrists...
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    Sharkhunter is cool. I like his unique views.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago
    I think the episode was on the "Twilight Zone". The fellow could freeze time. I thought that was really cool when I was about 12 or so.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    @Clubber-Gotta love Twilight Zone. When the New Years Day Twilight Zone Marathon was on, I was glued to the boob tube.
  • Clubber
    10 years ago

    Better than anything in that genera they do today.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Well in case jerkins didn't get off trying to make himself feel superior by calling me crazy, I'll repeat the word he missed. dream, dream, dream. I wasn't talking about anything real. Of course if you could enter a virtual reality matrix and if you can't tell reality from fiction, that's some good virtual reality. Lucid dreaming is similar. I've heard some people don't even have dreams. That's sad.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    On the other hand many on this site do not believe in God or the devil or that Jesus performed miracles if they even think he existed. Now if he did exist and he did do things like walk on water, maybe our reality is not what many think it is. Our reality and our universe could be a simulation.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    link among many referring to an idea our entire universe could be a simulation or even holographic.

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