Topless prophet - episode 2

shailynnThey never tell you what you need to know.
I have seen the 1st two episodes of topless prophet.
In the second episode two girls are recruited to become strippers. I can't remember which club they're at, but there was a brunette with glasses in the episode. I have a total crush on her. Anyone know which club she works at, details etc - wonder if she's even a real Detroit stripper or just some random actress?
last commentI can't answer your question. But I watched a few minutes of a few different episodes and clearly much of it is totally scripted.
I am curious about the guy who dresses like and seems to claim to be some kind of pseudo-pimp for the club. Is he really an employee/pimp?
Not an employee. He runs a dancer agency which is employed by the Flight Club, Colosseum and Penthouse clubs in the Greater Detroit area.
I agree. The girl with the glasses is smoking hot! I'm not sure, but I think she debuted at PH.
Haven’t watched the show so can’t really comment but IMO most “reality†shows are not very real.
True that, Papi, but the women are hot and what more excuse does a tuscler need to watch? :D
i watched the first two episodes as well and while it was entertaining, it is pretty easy to see its scripted. and the girl with the glasses is attractive but if thats the top end in detroit i feel sorry for you guys.
That guy Kenny with the crazy suits, shoes and hats is a trip. He is so over the top a pimp would look at him and say, "damn bro, you need to tone it down a bit."
Given all of the discussions in here about Detroit, I am sure they have to be careful not to discuss any extras in the filimng.
Oh, I agree that the the girl in glasses has a great body and is very cute
I don't think she'd be on the top end of the roster for most of the upper end Detroit clubs, but to me she's just so damn cute.
Girls in Detroit cannot compete with girls on Tampa, Vegas, Phoenix, city of industry, Toronto, Montreal, Texas, etc... But what that lack in looks they more than make up for when it comes to the services they offer.... But you're right I've never walked into a Detroit club and said "holy fuck" look at all this talent like I have when walking into mon Venus in Tampa or bourbon street in Phoenix.
"Girls in Detroit cannot compete with girls on Tampa, Vegas, Phoenix, city of industry, Toronto, Montreal, Texas, etc... "
Is that true? I hear guys rave about Detroit chicks and the clubs, but now you're saying they're no big deal. I mean, to say they can't compete with City of Industry chicks is a real surprise. Chicks at Paradise or Synn or DVCOI give good mileage, but I don't think the average guy would characterize the average stripper at these clubs as anything real special.
She goes by Sierra and works at Coliseum. She's been there for 2 or 3 years now. She won Entertainer of the Month or something. Google it and find out more info about her on the Entertainer of the Month site. She's also popular on Coliseum's facebook page and her real profile is tagged in the club's pictures of her.
Thank you very much buttman...I will try to look her up when I'm in town next week but that will be a challenge if she's not wearing her glasses!!!
Jerikson... IMHO it's all about preference... And for me I have said in the past id rather have a low "7" take me back to the VIP and let me do anything I want than have a "10" give me an air dance. Most of the Detroit club goers would probably agree with me if you'd go by their reviews. That's why I love Detroit clubs. Although I am still relatively new to Detroit strip clubs I have taken 9 girls to the VIP, ranging in looks from 6 to 8, and 7 of them offered me anything I wanted, 1 offered French service and 1 was really friendly and nice but did not offer extras in the VIP. She was also the 2nd hottest dancer of the 9. To her credit she did give me frisky dances and I didn't ask for extras as she claimed she was a new dancer and I didn't want to offend her. So my point is when going to Detroit clubs if you're a full service kinda guy the odds are certainly in your favor. I think that is why guys rave about Detroit clubs so much. That's why I do. The only other place I have found these type of services so easily in the USA and Canada is Toronto and Montreal, and for the clubs in Toronto and Montreal that offer such services so openly, I prefer the Detroit clubs because they have private rooms and the girl quality overall is a little better, the clubs are beautiful where in Toronto and Montreal those clubs are dumps. Yes there are many more clubs across the USA that you can find full service, but to walk in somewhere as a stranger and get anything you want it sometimes hard to achieve in some places. I also think the ambiance at Detroit clubs is great as well, they rival Vegas at a fraction of the cost IMO. I know a lot of people rave city of industry offers similar services as well but I have not experienced those clubs and I'm going to bet Detroit is cheaper than a California club.
When I've walked into bourbon street in Phoenix I remember having a challenge to find anyone under an "8" and I have seen a few that I would consider a "10." In Detroit clubs IMO I'm lucky to see 1 or 2 "9s" in the entire club. They're out there but they're not common IMO.
I am assuming that for the TV show, only the "best of the best" are actually shown, and those dancers are pretty much on a par with what you'd find at Spearmint Rhino in Vega, and actually a bit better than Tampa's Mons Venus. As I said tho, the dancers we see on the show are probably the hottest the club has to offer. If I went in there this Thursday, U I'm guessing I'd see very few, if any of them.
It is obvious that this show is very tightly controlled. Scenes appear set up, light is ALWAYS good, you can usually tell how the conversations will go. Too perfect to be "reality"--I've seen 3 episodes and NO examples of stripper shit, unless you call one girl not coming into work "stripper shit" LOL! I wouldn't be surprised if this Kenny character was an actor, or has an acting background.
By the way, I've heard of agencies for feature dancers, but none anywhere for simple run of the mill strippers....