Any One Else Sick of This?

avatar for motorhead

is anyone as sick as I am of that annoying "whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh song" at sporting events?

First it was just chanted by drunk college students at basketball games. Now it's invaded baseball. Baseball in fucking sacred grounds. Let's take back the night


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
An audio clip would help – can’t really decipher it from your description.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
Sorry. I meant to post it
avatar for sinclair
10 years ago
Sounds like Zombie Nation.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
10 years ago
Moto’s clip sounds like an indian chant similar to what the Atlanta Braves did back in the 90s.

I actually like sinclair’s clip but the 2 don’t sound the same to my PL ears.
avatar for ime
10 years ago
I am with you 100 percent Moto I fucking hate that
avatar for ime
10 years ago
I don't hate the white strips which is where that came from, it mentions that shithole Baltimore in the song, which is why they chant it all the time....oh and fuck the Ravens
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
sinclair's clip sounds familiar. I haven't been to any sporting events recently so I'm not used to hearing it.
avatar for bruceleeroy
10 years ago
It's a song by zombie nation and yeah it's lame. It sounds like people are chanting with it but no, no one is
avatar for ime
10 years ago
It's Seven Nation Army by the White Stripes the part starts at about 52 seconds in.…
avatar for farmerart
10 years ago
A quick hit on the link made me realize instantly what you are griping about, motorhead.

There are 3 songs that are played ad nauseum in hockey arenas in Canada that make me want to wretch:

Brass Bonanza

Rock And Roll Part 2

The Hockey Song (Stompin' Tom Connors)

Gawd!..........I hate those tunes.
avatar for KIL0
10 years ago
Maybe because im young and drunk but i fucking love it
avatar for DandyDan
10 years ago
I have long wanted to know the title of this song and who did it. I am sick of this song, mostly because they play it at every sporting event they ever show on TV. The title is "Kernkraft 400" by Zombie Nation. Kernkraft is German for Nuclear Energy, according to its Wikipedia page. I have heard this song in at least two different strip clubs, FWIW.
avatar for londonguy
10 years ago
Motor, I understand your pain. Some soccer clubs play this shit over the speakers when the home team scores a goal. It's so fucking irritating and if I meet the composer I'd like to shake him by the neck.
avatar for trickystick
10 years ago
Motor I agree. I've noticed that it's huge in Pennsylvania and Maryland and that part of the country. I really hate it.
avatar for motorhead
10 years ago
I guess there's some debate over whether it's Seven Nation Army or Zombie Nation. I've listened to both and both sound so remarkably similar, I'm not sure. Zombie has a real techno sound to it that doesn't come across in the stadium chants, so I think it's Seven Nation Army. But I am getting sick of hearing it in Baltimore, while the Tigers are getting crushed.
avatar for ime
10 years ago
I have heard the Zombie thing played at events as well, but I am fairly positive that Moto is talking about the Seven Nation army song by White Stripes. They play it everywhere now. I was even at a high school game in Pennsylvania recently and they were playing it.
avatar for minnow
10 years ago
Small print in motors YT clip gives credit to Seven Nation Army, and the tune definitely sounds like it. I've heard both songs in stripclubs, like 'em there. Sans the stadium fans noise, those 2 songs don't sound similar at all. Zombie Nation is mostly techno, with some initial chanting. Club version is short 3-4 minute version, not the full 30 min. version. "SNA" has some singing and some electric guitars. (At least to my untrained ears.)
avatar for sharkhunter
10 years ago
Guess I'm lucky. I haven't heard it in strip clubs either.
avatar for jerikson40
10 years ago
Not sure I really give a fuck. Rarely go to live sporting events, and as far as I'm concerned it's all part of the atmosphere. Drunk white guys with no rhythm moaning on and on with some stupid techno/whatever song.
avatar for sclvr5005
10 years ago
I wonder what White Stripes thinks about it,
avatar for jestrite50
10 years ago
Well Motor I agree that would get on my nerves too.
That's as bad as that dam Tomahawk Chop song they do in Atlanta or that stupid towel thing they do in Pittsburgh.
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