
OT: Foreign Rock

New York
A recent thread on sports chants got me thinking....

Every notice that some countries produce some incredible rock musicians and rock music, while others produce crap? It's really kind of striking when you think about it.

England has produced some of the greatest rockers and rock music of all time. The list of great English rockers is a couple miles long. Beatles and Stones (who I think suck but the world loves), the Who, Zeppelin...hell we could go on all day.

But on the other hand, look at a country like Germany. IMO, all that comes out of Germany is this weird head banging techo Kraftwerk bullshit. I can't think on ONE great rock group from Germany.

And fucking Japan?? Are you serious? Name one great musician from Japan. They're great at copying everyone else's stuff, but can anyone tell me of ONE Japanese rock group that's worth shit? Or one Japanese music style that anyone will listen to?

Now look at the US. The basis of all rock came from the US. It was the black musicians paying the blues that started it all. And everyone cites the great black blues artists for their inspiration. And US produced some of the greats, like Van Halen and a ton of others.

Strange, huh?


  • Dougster
    10 years ago
    Found yet another subject to whine about, jerkoffson?
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    “… I can't think on ONE great rock group from Germany …”

    I thought the Scorpions in the 80s were pretty good:

  • ime
    10 years ago
    Bohse Onkelz rule, but there is no way a guy like Jerikson would have heard of them
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Theres no way 99% of the world population has heard of them....pretty good indication that they sucked
  • ime
    10 years ago
    sorry just because everyone else isn't bitching like a faggot and whining about everything and jerking off to Van Halen doesn't mean no one else hasn't heard of them, but we know if everyone doesn't agree with you you will just keep bitching
  • ime
    10 years ago
    and if you have 9 platinum albums some people must have heard of you
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Geez, dude, no need to get all pissy....

    I brought up what I thought was interesting point, no bitching or complaining, and you starting banging on me just because I countered your point with the fact that, outside Germany, they are virtually unknown. Fine, if you think that qualifies them as some of the world's great rock musicians, then we'll all agree with you just to keep you from getting your panties in a bunch. Geez.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    or you could just say shit I was wrong, but your inner douche won't let you. Geez
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    Outside of Nena and her 99 luft balloons...oh and Gary Numan...and lastly the guy who sang major Tom in German i can't think of any other German band.
    Maybe the Germans nurture all of their creativity into brewing beer.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    You answered the question yourself. Rock 'n Roll was born out of the womb of the Mississippi Delta Blues. All the early Rock gods cite that music as their inspiration. Even the ones from the UK. The Stones, Clapton, the Beatles, and Zeppelin.

    I doubt too many Germans were listening to black music in the 50's.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Motor, it's been 60 years since the 50's....Germans and Japanese and many other countries dont have radios and satellite and cd's and dvd's for all that time? Or they cant come up with their own shit?
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    Sweden: ABBA
    Canada: Neil Young
    Korea: Psy
  • lopaw
    10 years ago
    The 5,6,7,8's Japanese chicks were pretty bomb.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    ^^^ I agree
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    I know that Clubber and the rest of you Asians lovers will like AKB48.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Yeah, Sweden did have ABBA, and no doubt they were huge. Chalk one up for Sweden.

    Neil Young? Yeah, I suppose he was popular. Personally I thought he had zero talent and a terrible singing voice, but the world disagrees. So chalk one up for Canada.

    And thanks for helping prove the "some countries only produce crap music" by mentioning Psy from Korea.

    But the point still remains...isn't it almost creepy to look at England and the US compared to other countries, and the absolutely insane imbalance in great rock production? I mean, aren't there a bunch of kids in those countries who hear a Stevie Ray concert on Youtube and say "holy crap, I gotta spend my life playing the blues" ??? Just seems so weird.

    By the way, Stevie Ray was an EXAMPLE. You can fill in your own name of a great musician or rock group and the point is the same.
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    "I know that Clubber and the rest of you Asians lovers will like AKB48."

    Hold on, cowboy. All Asians aren't created equal. There's Asians and then there's ASIANS !!! Personally, I find Japanese chicks to be, in general, less than attractive. On the other hand, Southeast Asians can be incredibly hot, as well as Pacific Islanders. But Japanese, and even Chinese and Korean and Taiwanese, are, IMO, completely different on the hotness scale. Some exceptions of course.
  • shadowcat
    10 years ago
    jerikson40 - you sound just like my ex wife "bitch, bitch, bitch".
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "I know that Clubber and the rest of you Asians lovers will like AKB48

    @Shadowcat - they're good, but I've always preferred Morning Musume
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    shadow sez: "....you sound just like my ex wife "bitch, bitch, bitch".

    Bitch about what??? Because I pointed out that some countries seem to produce more great rock musicians than others?? Huh? How is that bitching?
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    One more time, and I'll go real slow.

    Rock and Roll evolved from merging several styles of black music. Mostly Blues, but also jazz, Gospel, and jump swing, it didn't just appear overnight. It was a gradual process from the early 20's thru the early 50's. Ok - lets go slow - this was in the United States. Germans and Japanese were not listening to black music during that time period. Study history if you don't know why.

    In England, young guys like Keith Richards, Robert Plant and John Lennon discovered the records of blues artists such as Muddy Waters and early Rock pioneers like Chuck Berry. These black artists influenced their music. Note: outside of the U.S. land England, kids were not listening much to black music.

    Let's jump forward to the 60's and 70's. The only access to music one had was what radio stations played. So the supergroups became famous. Those famous groups you mentioned all were influenced by black music.

    Now, music is delivered differently. We don't listen to AM radio. Everyone listens to music via the Internet picking the style they like. There will be no more supergroups. Ever. So Germany may produce good Rock, but the group will never achieve the fame of the Beatles.

  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    It seems to me that all music is derivative. Just as there is no immaculate conception, no style of music sprang forth from some composer's brain with no influence from whatever music has gone before.

    Listen to the great works of Wagner, Hayden, Beethoven, Verdi, Lizst, Bach, Strauss. Listen to folk songs from the middle ages. Listen to liturgical music from the dark ages. Listen to music from ancient Asia.

    Lyrics change. Instruments change. Techniques change.

    Human auditory organs change only at the slow pace of evolution. Middle C sounded the same to caveman farmerart as Middle C sounds to 21st Century farmerart.
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "One more time, and I'll go real slow. "

    Slow and bold
  • steve229
    10 years ago
    " The 5,6,7,8's Japanese chicks were pretty bomb."

    @lopaw: +1 for the Tarantino Popo culture reference

  • steve229
    10 years ago
    "Sweden: ABBA
    Canada: Neil Young
    Korea: Psy"

    Japan: Pink Lady
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Motor, you're free to go as slow as you'd like, condescension and all....but that doesn't make it any more legitimate or rational.

    It's 2014 today. Correct? Countries other than the US and England have had access to all kinds of music for many decades, correct? You jumped from the 70's to today. That's over 40 years. People have had access to all kinds of music via internet and satellite and a zillion other media for decades. Especially developed countries in Europe, the Americas (including Canada, Mexico, all of Central and South America) and on and on....

    You can't be claiming that people haven't had access to blues and jazz music that they can copy for all those decades, therefore they haven't produced any great rock musicians. That's just looney tunes. Hell, in all those decades, even if they've been stuck in a fucking cave, they can't come up with basic blues progressions that have been used in rock and blues? Geez, dude, get real.

    I don't know the reason why great rock musicians have come from only a few countries, but I really doubt that your explanation covers it. I suspect it's far more cultural, and based upon what people hear and learn when they're growing up, and western music or blues/rock isn't something that's natural for them or something they enjoy.

    But I can assure you there are a lot of countries where western music is HUGELY popular, but those countries have never produced great rock or blues musicians. That is something I just don't understand.

    Now, your point about there will be no more supergroups is something you may be right about, but I haven't figured out why that would be, based on your explanation of the freedom of choice brought about by the internet. That will take some thought, because off the top it doesn't make much sense....
  • jackslash
    10 years ago
    Motor, Little Richard invented rock and roll. He'll tell you so himself.

  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    famerart sez: "Human auditory organs change only at the slow pace of evolution. Middle C sounded the same to caveman farmerart as Middle C sounds to 21st Century farmerart."

    Art, just when I think you've reached the pinnacle of self-serving, pompous pretentiousness, you manage to climb just a little bit higher.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Relax jerikson-dude. We all know that Art is a man of wealth and taste. He wasnt trying to slam you with this.

    Seriously though, the large number of good rock bands from English-speaking countries and paucity from non-English speaking countries doesn't surprise me for a genre that included vocals and evolved from the blues in America.

    And seriously dude...you headbang to Kraftwerk? That's fucked up.

    Though it has inspired me to start a mosh pit at a Gary Numan concert.
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    Let's try this from another perspective. In the history of the NCAA women's lacrosse championship, there has never been a winner or runner-up from a school west of the Mississippi.

    In fact, until Northwestern (near Chicago) won in 2005, every single school was from the east coast? How can that be? California is the largest state, certainly they produce good women athletes? How about Texas? Arizona?
    Hmmm? Why is that?
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    American youth is a main reason rock and roll took off.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    The Buddy Holly Story, starring Gary Busey is a great movie about the early days of rock and roll
  • motorhead
    10 years ago
    The Day the Music Died
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    John Milner: I don't like that surfin' shit. Rock and roll's been going down hill ever since Buddy Holly died.

    From American Graffiti
  • steve229
    10 years ago

    Shoot, I literally forget to mention Canada's greatest musical megastar - Justin Beiber!
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Steve, what does LMN's idol have to with rock and roll? Beiber literally blows
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Jerickson, to make things simple, it was American teen-agers (and British) that caused rock and roll to explode. Not teens from Africa, or Asia, or Canada, or Russia....etc
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Motor, was your sports analogy an attempt to answer the question? Because it didn't. ...

    And Mikey....HUH?
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Don't give me that Jerickson. You're being obtuse.
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Jerikson, instead of dissing other countries, read up on rock and roll. As motor pointed out, rock and roll was born in America. American teen-agers loved it. They bought the records, they went to the shows, managers wanted to sign more acts, record companies wanted to sell more records,etc. And that's how rock and roll flourished in America, not another country.
  • ATACdawg
    10 years ago
    Allow me to add to the paltry list of Canadian rockers:
    Paul Anka
    Alanis Morrisette
    Gordon Lightfoot
    Avril Lavigne
    Pierre Bouvier
    ....and a host of others
  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Mikey, have you ever BEEN to any other countries? Are you serious with all of that?

    Let me give just one fairly extreme example of why I find this all so puzzling. Not long ago I visited SE Asia. And one thing I found that surprised the heck out of me was a phenomenon called Karaoke. Now we all know that that is, but even in some of the very poorest areas in SE Asia, where people live in grass huts, the #1 main source of entertainment is karaoke. People may not even have a TV, but their parties consist of a bunch of friends getting together in their hut, renting a karaoke machine, and everyone takes their turn at singing to an incredible list of hundreds of pre-recorded songs. And what are those songs? A majority are western pop and rock and ballad songs that we'd all recognize. It is HUGELY popular. Music in these countries is incredibly popular.

    Now, for someone to propose that people across the world haven't had access to western music for decades, or that rock is solely a US phenomenon, is looney tunes. And this is people who can barely afford food. Imagine the opportunities for people with more money, who can afford internet and satellite and radio.

    Anyway, I'm dissing nobody. I'm merely very very surprised at a phenomenon that I really don't understand. If anyone here does understand I'd be very glad to learn. There are hundreds of countries around the world. Why are so few producing the great music that so many of those countries love so much?
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    There is no phenomenon. Just in your mind. You know that rock is a product of American culture. And you know that other countries have different cultures. We know how to rock out. Other countries, not so much. And around the world people listen to American rock
  • motorhead
    10 years ago

    I really liked your question. I think about stuff like that too. But we've answered it.

    You blew off my sports analogy, but using your own argument -- fgirls in California have had access to watching LAX on ESPN. So why hasn't Stanford or UCLA won a championship? They have the same TV access as girls in the NORTHEAST.
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Lets not forget its white people who speak the same language with similar backgrounds.

    No jerikson can complain about whine people with no rhythm or sonething else. You ever seen an asian dance they make us white guys look like james brown
  • Papi_Chulo
    10 years ago
    Canadian rockers – “Loverboy”
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Jerikson, why not ask why America has no great ping pong players. Cant crack the top 20 or more. Almost all German and Asian. We play it, we watch it. I just don't get it. Wait......could it be that their cultures are into it more?
  • rattdog
    10 years ago
    " I can't think on ONE great rock group from Germany. "
    you are fucking kidding me right? you're a van halen fan-so one might think that you know your rock. but by posting the above one might start to think that you you don't know SHIT.
    some one already mentioned the scorpions. ok-how about rammstein, helloween, and imho the best one from Germany-accept. balls to the wall, fast as a shark, London leatherboys, son of a bitch, etc...
    these bands might not be considered great or popular in north America but everywhere else (Europe, south America, asia, etc) they have a huge following.
  • farmerart
    10 years ago
    Aah........the stunning parochialism of Americans.

    For 95% of the world's population it is American music, including rock, that is foreign.
  • DandyDan
    10 years ago
    FWIW, Yngwie Malmsteen blows ABBA out of the Swedish water. And Rush blows Neil Young out of the Canadian water even though Neil Young is great and basically inspired the whole Seattle 90's grunge scene, or at least Pearl Jam.

    I am sure most countries produce good music, but if it's not in English, it's not going to sell in America. That perhaps makes Rammstein's "Du Hast" the greatest song of all time, since it's in German (at least the version they play in strip clubs is, the English language version doesn't sound so scary).

  • jerikson40
    10 years ago
    Okay, so let me get this straight....according to Mikey, "We know how to rock out. Other countries, not so much."

    And according to ime, "You ever seen an asian dance they make us white guys look like james brown"

    And motor is "answering a question" with a sports analogy that does nothing more than ask a similar question about womens' sports.

    And art sez: "For 95% of the world's population it is American music, including rock, that is foreign."

    And the rest of the crew attempts to dig thru the wikipedia listings to find the most unknown musicians of all time from Canada and Sweden and claim them to be great rockers. Fine, if you find some big name rockers who are from Canada or Sweden, does that answer the point I've been making? No, not at all. Because the world has hundreds of countries, and many of them are big fans of American music, and have been for decades.

    And you guys accuse me of dissing other countries? Asians can't dance? That's your fucking argument?
  • ime
    10 years ago
    Isnt it about the same as your white guys with no rhythm whining. Jerikson learn not to be such a bitch
  • mikeya02
    10 years ago
    Art, so what? Btw, you left Mozart off your composer list.
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