
Comments by AnonymousJim (page 13)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Interesting Change-Up
    I'm going to do the best I can to answer that question without simply copping out with YMMV, though I'm tempted to because I will make the claim that there's a wide range of what is and isn't suitable at all four clubs, dependent on the dancer, her trust in you, who's bouncing, etc. If I had to place them in terms of most to least on average, I'd say Scores, Polekatz, Atlantis (very limited experience), Gold Room. But let me explain: 1. I have a Top 10 all-time favorite at Scores who talks dirty, grinds me to submission and outright takes my hands and puts them on her chest, while other dancers will move those hands away. However, she also makes it clear she's a top talent/earner there and gets more leeway accordingly. I generally find the bouncers allow decent leeway here to longer-running dancers. However, I think they watch newer ones a little more closely. 2. It's very similar at Polekatz, where a few top talents don't even have to go on stage and also seem to have more freedom in the back. However, I sampled a new flavor in my last trip and I did get a bouncer visit about hands roaming too close to her front enhancements, something that, again, my favorite there tells me not to worry about when she's doing her thing. Call it recency bias, but that's why I'm putting it beneath Scores mileage-wise. 3. I need a bigger sample size to evaluate Atlantis. Also, I see other posts implying extras may be available at Atlantis, even in the lapper rooms. If they are, they might not have been from the two dancers I gave tryouts to. I have high standards in terms of looks, and the prettier girls can get away with doing less, so that plays in, too. I didn't ask with the first girl I got dances from (too peppy, almost like she was on uppers), and while I wanted to with the second, her clamming up some just on contact info made me think nothing more was on the table. Figuring out the code to ask might be something I have to learn. I assume you have to be more subtle than in Detroit. 4. I find that even my favorites at Gold Room make a point to move hands away from certain spots. I also think, again, beyond one favorite, the girls just don't give as good of a grind there. It might have something to do with their lapper room. The seats and curtained booths are small compared to all the other options.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Having BJ’s in VIP in Arizona
    PL’s with SO’s how do you keep it on the DL...
    Incognito Mode is a must for this sort of thing. It's not the be-all and end-all if you're paranoid that the NSA is listening. I wouldn't use it on my work computer. But if your SO isn't tech savvy, it's good enough there. Call me crazy, but I don't "do this" to get away from my SO. I like my SO. My SO and I are great together, including sexually. I just like variety. I looked at Tiger Woods and was like; "Pfft, amateur." I'm probably more addicted to sex than he ever was. The thing is, while yes, the SO doesn't know, she has a lot of trust in me. Whether or not she should is another story. But she kinda knows I'm a dog and if she ever did find out, it wouldn't exactly be inconsistent with my personality. If she really wanted to dig through my phone, she'd find dancer texts and phone numbers and whatnot. However: A) She'd have to work a little, which she might not be savvy enough to do B) She trusts me enough not to do that Keep your lady satisfied and you'd be surprised what you can do with your free time. I'm not running around trying to find other long-term options. I'm not dissatisfied with her. But, I do like variety. So do I go to random bars and make it known to anyone and everyone in town that I'm looking for someone other than her? No. I pay for the privacy of doing this, usually at least an hour's drive away from our residential vicinity, behind closed doors, with women with whom I can end the relationship after as little as one song, because then, I get what I want (variety) while she gets what she wants (I still come home to her and am still seen as a stand-up guy). I'm careful in how I go about getting my variety in part because I care about her and want her and everyone she knows to fully believe she's getting what she wants. And, as far as anyone other than you folks know ... she is. And I'm just an AnonymousJim to all of you. I'm there for her when she needs me. When it's 10 o'clock on Saturday night, I'm working my night job and she is probably too tired from her weekend work, she doesn't need me, and curiosity alone is going to lead me to a club sometimes. But she comes first when she does need me. As such, she lets me handle my stuff however I do.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Notably better than I remembered / expected
    As an aside, things always thin out a lot around shift change (dinner time), but the day shift isn't awful here. Give it a shot.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Notably better than I remembered / expected
    Solid review. Bristol is very hit-or-miss, but it sounds like you caught a couple hits. I always find it's worth at least checking out for a while to see who's there. Catch a good night and it's a great value. If you're not seeing anything you like, finish your beer and head to Geisha House or Silk.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Photo Secton
    Given there's 64 now, I'm starting to think a "Would You Rather?" bracket might be in order. I'll work on dreaming something up.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Photo Secton
    I might add a few. A field of 64 might be in order.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Photo Secton
    I tried to include some less familiar names I'm a fan of to maybe give you guys some research material. Nothing wrong with that.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Photo Secton
    Uh, Kira Kener, Kiana Tom, Akira Lane, Karla Kensington & Lisa Boyle? They're there. Look harder. I mean, if you're going to call me out on that charge, there's a more obvious way. If one were to implement a diversity requirement, Tyra Banks would make it, and maybe Halle Berry or Beyonce. But yeah, I have a type, which skews Barbie, schoolgirl, cheerleader and sexy librarian. It's not an active dislike, per se. There was one really busty African-American dancer at one club I visited that wasso stacked, I had to try her services (dances were just OK). Just more of a statement on what I really like.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    Photo Secton
    @Muddy ... uh, thanks? @Nidan To each his own. I like round and full. I also tend not to notice the backside until it's, uh, time to use it. Don't get me wrong, lappers from girls with big booties and thighs tend to feel really good. But the ones I tend to see also tend to have cellulite and not much up top. Maybe it's just a symptom of the clubs I visit. I also tend to like glam. Long hair, red lips, a pretty face, etc. I notice details. I want the whole package.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    $ in Reviews
    Club-set costs — cover, drinks, individual dances, VIP room time — should be included. It gives you an idea how expensive the club is, or isn't, which is important. Negotiated costs, particularly for extras, should NOT be included. If you specify a cost and a service, you're basically implicating yourself, and potentially the dancer. Bad idea for everyone. I think it's fair to imply extras were available, but I wouldn't post the specifics. I again point everyone to this clip from The Wire: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGo5bxWy21g
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Exciting afternoon delight
    I will say this: It's plausible that one can have an out-of-the-norm experience at a club where extras aren't offered. I once had a girl give FS years ago at one of the clubs near O'Hare, which is way out of the norm. It does happen on rare occasions. The dancer might not keep her job there long, but it does happen sometimes. That said, I agree with all of you that for something that out of the ordinary to happen to someone doing their first review is a few too many stars aligning to seem part of the normal curve. Let's just say this: Extras at Brad's are extremely rare. I can verify that OTC has been possible in the past (again, maybe just a one-off on my part), but ITC extras at Brad's are extremely rare. That is all.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    The Magazine doesn't come to life anymore
    I made two visits to Penthouse the weekend of Memorial Day; one on Friday night and the other on Saturday afternoon. You're right that something seems amiss with the talent. The Friday night featured a supposed party promoted on social media with drink specials and all the dancers wearing white. I was excited, expecting white lingerie and maybe wet T-shirts on some of my favorite talent from visits in the past. Well, yes, the dancers were wearing white, but it almost felt like amateur night. I did see Kenny from Motor City Showgirls there, but I almost wonder if they knew it was a holiday weekend, used it as a chance to do tryouts and offered up specials and a promotion to get folks in the door, knowing there wasn't going to be much else there for them when they got there. The talent the following day was nothing great, either. My understanding from personal experience and talking with other dancers is a lot of the talent stuck around after the shutdown, but has slowly either dissipated or have had stuff happen. One dancer told me a tale of being ticketed for something like public nudity during what amounted to a low-key raid. Another said that more than a few of the dancers had pimps and that, with less business at PH, the pimps made life more difficult for them. It's hard to know what to believe. All I know is it ain't what it used to be. Maybe on some days or nights, it's different. But my last couple trips haven't been positive.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    extras v. full contact laps
    Sometimes one, sometimes another. Let me put it this way: I'll take a full-contact LD from a 10 over extras with a 6. However, I'll also go places where you can get extras with 9s. Budget, her price, dance prices, her dance ability, her grind factor, her flirt factor, all factors that play in.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Still learning to proofread
    For those of you with a spouse
    SO knows nothing. She knows I've been to clubs, but "that was a long time ago." I work nights. There are a lot of nights I legit go out to a bar and stay out late eith my co-workers. Other nights, I venture out on my own.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Throwing Down - Spending the Max in High End Clubs - Was it worth it?
    I'm not a huge earner, so this isn't something I do often. But, I have had a few club trips where $500+ was spent. It has to be for a darn good reason, though. One trip cost me $600. That bought me a casino trip with the woman after we did an hour in a room. Obviously I was thinking OTC could have been on the table, but after she lost even more of my money at the blackjack table, she just wanted me to take her home and I wasn't spending any more after that. Had we won, I'm thinking the winnings might have funded more fun. We did not, though. Another trip ended with me spending $1,000 on OTC. It was with two DD blondes, though, and was one of those "if the opportunity presents itself, you do it to say you did" moments. It was, dare I say, worth it. I think I also dropped close to $750 once at Penthouse in its heyday. I saved up for that trip, though. My median club visit is about $100-150. I've had more empty trips lately, too, i.e. I just paid cover and didn't see anything I liked. You strike sometimes when the iron's hot. Other times, you save you cash for the next time.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Frequent Visitor of Flight Club
    Solid opening review. Way to come out swinging.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Scanning the room from the back
    On a busy night, creepy other customers make for a bad time
    On the one hand, you're completely and totally right. On the other hand, tl;dr version: Yes, I could have done that. But I really don't wanna. I don't monger to "assert myself." Part of what I feel like I'm paying for is not having to do the work that goes into trying to pick up a "civvy" girl at a regular bar — initiating the conversation, trying to keep her interested, having all the moves, etc. I like that the girls approach you in these places, gentlemens' club or "otherwise," as is the case with Geisha House. I mean, you're right. I could have said something. And I feel like that could, and likely would, have made it awkward between me and the other customers, the girls, etc. Then the other guy(s) are disappointed, or the girls feel like they've lost control of the situation. And I don't like conflict like that. Plus, the girls do have their own free will, especially given what will happen when they go to the back with a guy. They have every right not to pass on a customer the same way we pass on them. Maybe the second girl remembered me and, for whatever reason, didn't want to go back with me again. Maybe she remembered our first experience, it was a little too friendly and she doesn't like getting that close with customers. Maybe she didn't like the color shirt I was wearing. Who knows? So yeah. They make their choices and I make mine. They chose to pass me over. I chose to write a review stating the circumstances and my feelings. You had a way you would have went about handling it that's fine and valid. I wouldn't have gone that way. We're all free to do what we want to do. I don't like to force the issue on others. If that's what I have to do at a place like this to get what I'm there for, then I'm going to be less apt to go. That simple.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    July 4 and 5, 2019
    Yikes, dude. That's a lot of cash. I mean, it happens. I had a pretty expensive night of takeout once with two blondes from Penthouse. But yeah, I think you learned a difficult lesson. A small tip for the future: With the super hot ones, don't be afraid to settle for a lower level of service. You still get off, just a different way. I think I might know who the second blonde was. Fit, blonde hair with black highlights and rock-hard, big round round tits? She's impressive, but if you got her number, allow me to recommend you don't contact her for reasons not worth elaborating here. DM me if you want to know more. I mean, if you're a trust-fund kid and can afford it, good for you. But for the rest of us, getting maximum value means getting to have more experiences in future trips. You'll do better the next time.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    July 3, 2019
    In my experience, if the girl isn't going to give a price before she goes to work, there can be problems. I'm a little leery of girls who don't know the game well enough to get a price for a service before starting any activity. It seems counterintuitive, but I recommend trying to nail down a price before the little guy enters her realm, so to speak, in any way. It just keeps you in control of the situation rather than her taking control. She may even just say, "How much do you want to spend," at which point, you're largely deciding what's happening, anyway.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I strongly prefer women of color. Every color.
    WTF -- Why Would Three TUSCLers Approve This Review??
    I'm seeing a lot more really short reviews nowadays that say next to nothing. And it seems like a lot of them are winning by a 3-2 margin when it comes to approval or denial. Remember when the site used to tell us to give lots of details? Maybe it's time for that message to come back.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Great experience at SILK Exotic
    I really want to know how three folks think a review this short actually qualifies for a thumb's up.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    polecats - typical chicago
    I will agree that Chicago's caliber of talent on the whole has gone down. The weekends will have some good-looking dancers, but not as many as there used to be. But I will wholeheartedly agree that the art of flirting seems to be a dying one. I notice that it's particularly something lost on the younger dancers. Maybe we shouldn't be surprised. In an age of hookup apps and social media, who needs to actually have charm and wit in person? I'm noticing my favorites are tending to be age 30+ now. Some of us like our ladies to have more than just looks. Personality means something, too.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Love to Travel
    Another enjoyable evening at Brad's
    There are two reasons I can think of why you stay in a half-hour room less than a half-hour. 1. What you wanted to happen happened and you can leave, i.e. LDK. 2. It's so bad that there's no reason to continue.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    No privacy in the champagne room...
    VIP in Chicago in general is rarely worth it. It's so blasted expensive and they enforce the rules with gusto. I did have one experience at Polekatz where the dancer was bottomless and made a point to sit on my hand for her own enjoyment, and another at Scores where the woman did what she could to me seated. But in both cases, this was years ago, I never saw either dancer again after those nights, and the few other sessions I've done resulted in very little more than could happen in the lapper area. I only recommend it if you have an ATF you particularly want to treat with the extra cash. Don't expect anything wild.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Has anyone ever gotten the “ It’s my last day” line to sell a dance?
    A dancer I got dances from somewhat regularly told me when it was her last night. Not ahead of time, mind you. I happened to come in and see her on what she had decided was her last night. She was dancing to save up for her wedding. She had always said she was quitting when her boyfriend would pop the question. He hadn't yet by that night, but she knew he had bought the ring somehow. Haven't seen her since.