
Comments by sharkhunter (page 11)

  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Prejudice Strippers
    I've had black dancers in one club tell me a couple interesting tidbits. This applied to one club. The black dancers avoided approaching certain guys unless they spotted the guy tipping a black girl on stage. Some of the same black dancers said they avoided other black guys because they said in their experience they often wanted a lot more without paying as much as everyone else does. In other words they would expect more for less than say someone of a different race might be paying. Anyway if any of that is racist, it was told to me by a black dancer confiding in me. I didn't think it was racist, just how some dancers approached other guys in the club. The part about not approaching certain guys maybe white guys unless they saw them tipping black dancers might be to avoid racist white guys. They aren't mind readers. I didn't see that as racist either. I'm not attracted to several people with certain body types but I think that is still ok among us strips club mongers because we don't care about someone's genes, just if they look good to us.
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    7 years ago
    Newbie needs help, thought it was different!
    If you are the dancers number one source of monthly income, no way does she want to date you and screw that all up. Example, you work somewhere and get paid a very nice salary. The boss cares a lot about his daughter but you know he doesn't want her getting involved with anyone. The boss'es daughter keeps asking you to date her though. Do you go date her and hope nothing goes wrong? In this example you can pick up any hit girl you want. Do you still date the boss'es daughter?
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Charlotte, NC
    How long have we been an item?
    My dreams aren't always in this reality. I sometimes dream about stuff that never happened. Maybe I should post more on another web site. I think some science fiction tv writers have been getting ideas from me for several years. I read for example when you die, if you go to heaven, you will appear in the clothes you died in. I also dreamed about different planes of existence in the astral plane. Went to war with some Skelton like creatures. I was also told about something called the Askamic records supposedly containing the knowledge of everything like a super massive library available to all intelligent species everywhere in the astral plane. Just imagine what would you look for if you only had a few minutes to find out something about your life or anything? Fiction shows haven't gone astral yet. Just parallel universes. Some people say they can jump out of their bodies into the astral plane and explore. One girl who claimed to have help died one day. I guess that could be a problem. My ramble for today.
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    7 years ago
    Charlotte, NC
    How long have we been an item?
    I could use a quantum personal computer to predict the stock market, etc. There was probably one parallel Earth where Trump kept his mouth shut the other day. Another set of parallel Earths where Hillary is president and the new Supreme Court is restricting guns across the nation because of all the gun violence while Hillary is President. If you don't believe governments create a crisis to enact legislation, then a decent salesman might have a few bridges to sell.
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    7 years ago
    Charlotte, NC
    How long have we been an item?
    I hate the thought maybe I accidentally died that night on an alternate earth but my consciousness suddenly transferred to this earth. I hate the thought of my relatives going through my death and I did not have a will ready. I had a strange memory or dream of my death in one alternate earth one night by falling asleep on my way home and running off the road. I hate that thought too because I still didn't have a will ready. I did have really good insurance but I never told relatives and stupid insurance companies sometimes don't pay out unless relatives notify them but if they don't know all the kinds of insurance you have, they won't know to ask. I need to document records better in case I die on this earth. Some scientists say alternate earths are possible. I might be jumping around. In fact quantum computers supposedly increase their computing power by linking up with other quantum computers on parallel earths.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Charlotte, NC
    How long have we been an item?
    I remember a dancer who originally told me she remembered me from 8 years earlier but later on after she succeeded in getting together with me, told me it had been 18 years since she first saw me. She said she wasn't old enough to dance yet when she spotted me for the first time. I was like, wow, she must have a photographic memory of me. I didn't remember her at all. I was wondering if she had really known me several years ago. Imagine a stalker or someone approaches you that you don't remember at all saying they know you. If she hadn't been a dancer in a strip club, I would have thought that was creepy. Maybe she knew my alternate form in some alternate universe. I did see people suddenly change appearance that night after the huge electromagnetic disturbance in Greenville. One of my favorite dancers at Platinum Plus suddenly went from blond to brunette and when I asked her about it, she acted strange and said her hair hadn't been blond in ages. I didn't say it was a week or two ago. That wasn't as strange as the girl who no longer had breast implants. She looked much better with breast implants. I figure I could have freaked some people out. I also noticed some parts missing from a hair kit at my house. I assume either I accidentally threw a couple parts away or someone didn't invent or include the parts in the kit on this earth.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Lack Of College Educated Women?
    Oh, English literature as well. I hated that subject. I like making awkward sentences and didn't care about all the crappy books I was supposed to read. I thought English lit courses were a total waste of time in high school and college and never changed my mind. It's a total waste of money and time in my opinion to require someone working on a degree in a technical field to require them to read and study these subjects. They should only be elective courses. I would have rather studied biusiness or finance or something useful.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    money was invented for handing to women, but buying dances is a chump's game
    Lack Of College Educated Women?
    A quick search using Google. I'm trying to break the habit and use DuckDuckGo instead since that site doesn't track you everywhere. https://www.forbes.com/2010/08/10/most-popular-college-degrees-for-women-forbes-woman-leadership-education_slide_9.html Now if I can remember most majors, business was number 1 choice. Then others like education, psychology, biomedical, nursing or medical, communications. It makes sense to me. When I go to a doctors office, I see females all over the office working as staff. When you go to a school, you see a lot of females working there. Just an FYI for anyone that doesn't know where all the college educated females go to work.
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    7 years ago
    Hate to do it but a semi political post
    My approval of Trump is going to go up and down with the amount in my account. He did ok today but I'm still not happy about threatening to start a nuclear war with NK. I lost money that day thanks to his careless comments. I guess his parents never took his toys away if he misbehaved. I'm still wondering if insider information laws don't apply to the president. I was thinking getting elected to congress must be one of the easiest jobs with high pay around. Talk bs all day and then go home. Vote to screw over the people if you are in a bad mood. Get a lifetime pension for only a few years of service. I like dealing with facts instead of bs though and don't like long meetings. I once thought about getting into student politics and couldn't stand the 2 hour long meeting.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Using $100 bills to pay cover and drinks
    I get a bunch of attention just standing around not spending any money. However sometimes I tell some customers I'm not a bouncer.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "You Can't Time the Market, But..."
    I still believe we will have a large market drop. Im thinking 2018 or sooner. We do have Trump and republicans running things now and they can't agree on anything it seems. If we default on the national debt, maybe it won't matter.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    "You Can't Time the Market, But..."
    If robots and AI are better investors than humans, that just shows that markets can be timed and analyzed quite well. It's that humans do poorly controlling their emotions about what they think will happen next instead of looking at fundamentals and technical conditions. Humans time the markets poorly overall unless they stay invested for many years. Even then a company's stock will need to be reviewed to check that company management is still doing a good job. I am aware of certain technical conditions with certain stocks that beat buy and hold by a lot. Trends can last a long time. One of the ways Warren Bufftet likes to buy a stock is by selling put options on it at a lower price than it is currently trading. If the price drops, he collects the put premium and buys the stock. If the stock price doesn't drop, he still collects the premium. You just have to have the cash to cover 100 shares of the stock for each contract and be willing to buy the stock at a price that may be a lot less than the strike price selected.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    On A Booty Hunt
    Eating Stripper Ass?
    Strippers wouldn't have to worry if they forgot to wipe. No thanks. I feel lucky to see nipples. Can't even see those anymore except online.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Big money idea for tuscl
    If our main discussion was not available for public viewing, we could post details on strippers without making the info public for everyone. I'd like it to be more private. That wouldn't necessarily make it harder for LE because they could log in and get better details. Now a discussion where only those invited can talk and see it, interesting. Maybe too much work unless we had friends lists on here and discussions with friends only or everyone.
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    7 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    Big money idea for tuscl
    It could be free for users with at least 5000 comments that aren't lol, blank space etc. A separate part of the web site would need to be set up that is automatically locked for anyone with less than the required amount. Abovetopsecret has such an area that is hidden to beginners and to search engines. Discussions and everything would need to stay hidden to keep it secret for non users and beginners. It would be like a private message discussion area available for everyone with enough comments. I would like to see our main discussion to be private or the ability to hide threads from the public.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Firefighters Are Warning People to Never Leave Bottled Water in Your Car
    On the other hand, the large percentage of people not wearing seat belts are getting killed at a rate several times higher than everyone else who is wearing seat belts. My words to them, you're a stupid idiot if you get killed because you didn't buckle up. It takes like one second.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Firefighters Are Warning People to Never Leave Bottled Water in Your Car
    I would say highly unlikely. I say that because I know of someone who leaves a bottle of water in their vehicle all the time. No problem ever.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    You can run but you will only die tired
    How much?
    I must have a poker face. I've been in a strip club with only 50 dollars or less than a hundred and some dancer thought I was loaded. I've also been in a club with 500 and said something to make a dancer leave and she left in disgust saying I don't know why guys go to a strip club with no money.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Gawd's Holy Church of Tuscl
    I am very concerned about shadowcat
    I sense lingering discord between Juice and shadowcat. At least it's not as bad as the topless protestor in Virginia arguing on youtube. She was upset. She claimed she was not seeking attention either by having her boobs out. Unfortunately youtube will likely restrict the video. I am all in favor of a woman's right to go topless like a man does. It's not fair and a form of discrimination not allowing women to go topless like men do. I don't think she was arguing that though.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Hate to do it but a semi political post
    Go get him Nina, :) Trump causes more damage to American retail investors by nuking our retirement accounts with his words as the leader of the most powerful country in the world than ol Kim has ever done because no one thought he was a serious threat. Probably just a matter of time before we are in another war. That's the bad part about electing a Republican, we seem to end up in more wars. However if aliens put us here to become warriors like in one Twilight episode instead of peace lovers, we might not get executed by our Alien masters when they return. Despite recent news to the contrary, I do expect us to be in a war with North Korea sooner rather than later. We have 2 hot heads in office in 2 different countries even though Trump claims he never wanted us to go to war in Iraq, he's saying similar words about NK. History repeats. However I hope not too much. The last time the US fought NK it ended in a stalemate with a lot of dead people. Those million or so solders in the NK army probably won't just surrender peacefully if they have been trained to fight to the death. I heard North Koreans were taught horror stories about how Americans are. Like during the last war, American solders cut off the flesh from North Koreans and then they ate it. They have been taught to hate us since they were little kids. If this is true, they aren't going to be waving white flags like the Iraqis did during the Persian gulf war.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you not know(if you are female) that you have no vagina?
    My understanding is that things look normal on the outside (aka, pussy lips there) but unless someone looks around or probes inside, they may not realize something is too narrow or missing. I've heard about girls only finding out what a penis is at close to 18 years old so I can picture a girl being in the dark about her own body as well and what is normal.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone ever see this web site with weird numbers?
    Thanks for the answers. I have a lousy internet provider that goes down a lot. That might explain some of the crazy stuff I see sometimes. I was hoping to see tomorrows stock prices but that only happened one time with any accuracy. Computers controlling the stock market must have had a glitch showing me prices one day in advance one time several years ago. Now if I see stock prices or charts with tomorrow's date on it, it's not accurate.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Gawd's Holy Church of Tuscl
    I am very concerned about shadowcat
    Not to worry, it's all a virtual reality world that can be reset and lived all over again after you die the first time. The US will likely go to war again this fall. That's not new. I just hope it's quick and that not many die and that our power stays on if anything happens. War games start in another week or two I believe. Ol Kim might wait for everyone to leave before firing more missiles. I think he got some smuggled video tapes of sharknado 5 and really wants to nuke those sharks.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone Remember the Movie "Teeth"?
    Who am I kidding, in another class the book called Catcher in the Rye was full of foul mouth cuss words all over almost every single page and the teacher had one guy happily read a bunch of it aloud. I guess that was just a taste of what they were teaching kids. It was required reading material. If I was in charge of the school system, I would want the book removed from any required reading list for any class. I'm not in favor of banning books but I'm also not in favor of requiring students to read such foul mouth stuff. I bet it's still required reading.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    Anyone Remember the Movie "Teeth"?
    I saw a rerun of it on tv or a lot of it I believe. I wasn't too impressed with it. I guess if you think it's funny to have a guy get his dick bitten off, might be amusing. It does make me remember one of those literature classes I had in High School where they had us read some far out crap. I remember a story we actually read this for the class, where some girls had teeth in their vaginas but the guys knew about it ahead of time. They made plans to fuck the girls anyway. They carved up big wood dildos. They did not tell the girls who planned to eat the guys members. The guys surprised the girls and inserted the wood dildo's in first breaking out all their teeth. Then they happily fucked the girls. I don't think this stuff would be approved reading material in todays high school classes. I could be wrong though. That was just one of the weird stories the teacher had us read for the class.