
Using $100 bills to pay cover and drinks

Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
So currently focusing on clean clubs and developing the most affordable way to demonstrate wealth without breaking the bank.....

sounds hilarious contradiction I know but just follow.....

I'm currently trying an idea that involves no buying of dances but employee 's paying cover and drinks with $100 Bill's.

The second step is to just tip singles on stage to the girls of interest ...note....I'm strongly thinking I need to pump that up to a $5 Bill..especially since I'm not buying dances..dances suck anyways for this club

With no other flashing involved I've already noticed a larger volume of ladies sitting with me and I assume trying to figure out how to get that money they have been told through the grape vine or seen when I paid for their drink 's

I'm already getting the feeling it's going to drastically reduce my in house cost and increase my otc funds

Any tips or advice from other more experienced otc vets ?


  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    In my experience, flashing money around in a club doesn't get you any more, or better service from the strippers.

    It just makes you go broke faster.

    But, hey, if you wanna go all big baller/whale on us, have at it. lol.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    Try my system Juice. Start tipping $100 bills on stage. It's guaranteed to get you the attention that you crave.
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    The guys I see who get the most attention, tip the girls who talk to them, buy drinks and appetizers, always get a dance or two from a new girl who spends some time w them, and occasionally get a couple dances from the girls they know better (like if I hit him up on a slow day, he will get a dance from me, but if I asked everytime he'd kinda blow me off nicely). You also have to be pleasant and easy going, or girls feel like just sitting there is work.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    It's a subtle flash..nothing Flash

    In extras clubs this system makes no real since...just go in and buy what you need

    But in clean clubs things work extremely different my friend

    Most chicks main goal is to make you broke paying for dances and never an extra..if they can keep spending in house and never suck a dick they will...thus a creative idea must be used

    Main issue number one if you don't spend all you will get ignored...you may have all the money in the world but they don't know this so your ignored

    Main issue number two unless your truly wealthy spending money on even great dances , drinks, food and champagne rooms can make you broke

    Main issue number three if you are going heavy with dances and such you have to limit each girl to a hundred or less off of you or they will make enough to always reject otc unless they vibe with you on another level

    Thus creating for the non rich a need to find ways to tell the girls in a very subtle way that I've got extra cash willing to spend..thus getting you time and attention over drinks to eventually discuss otc situations

    I also once in a while buy a $100 10 min champagne room to try a girl out and to help sexual exultation the situations
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    John LMFAO if I could I would ...I've seen that work...men that actually have it....I few times I have seen men tip a $100 then 15 min later leave with that stripper I believed would never do otc...I assume the guy is spending a couple grand a pop
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Actually, I know a guy who always has a booth full of strippers. He will give girls he wants to come sit w him 10 on stage. Then he will buy them drinks, and they can come and go as they have regulars come in, but he will tip the ones who spend a lot of time there 100-300. Some of the more popular girls will sit w him all day, but he's always got like 6 sitting there at any time.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    BJ I totally agree with your word's....I actually let the girls know if I'm buying champagne rooms or not..once a month I usually try a girl or three out that I've been targeting

    I also don't try to tie a girl up...my goal is to make once a week trips to establish myself with these ladies..buy a few drinks to one flash my otc roll witch demonstrate I'm not broke and I am shopping...two it gives me some time to communicate interest and express my intentions..then let them free up to get money from other fish in house

    All I'm trying to do is let them know if they need the extra cash for whatever reason it's available with me on the outside...I'm using a soft sell approach no hard selling

    Know I do try to be a decent in-house client buy purchasing drinks, food and tipping girl's while being a causal and care free person

    Any girl that ignores me even if I find them beautiful I will leave alone because I assume they know what's up and their not into it

    I focus my time on the girls that I find attractive frame the pool of girls that giving me the time of day lol....

  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    BJ your comments are awesome ...so cool to get a dancer's take on this

    I'm actually not a very needy person and don't long for stripper attention all day long like that..I actually enjoy my alone time

    What I do take for me from this is I should consider tipping a $10 on stage to my targets then buying drinks or food if they desire the table while expressing the idea they can collect money from other guys who actual buy those suck ass no touch VIP dances

    This is perfect

    It allows me the Chance to build my network and display my free cash for outside while at the same time being a easy client to deal with by freeing them up and tipping well
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    One issue w being popular and known to spend money, is that girls actually run each other off, and start grouping up. The guys I know in the above examples, don't do p4p. I know one who does, and his booth is always full, but only the girls who are friends w the girls he's already otc w will sit there, bc other girls don't want to deal w it. There's often drama and fights. Girls get dramatic when sex is involved bc of their pride and feelings of territory.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Flashing cash screams "I am insecure".
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I don't believe in being flashy, being classy gets me the attention I want and I take care of my hangout girls quietly and I always seem to get what I go after.
    In other words tip generously, but keep it low key, unless you want to look like an idiot. Idiots get attention for the wrong reason, overspending doesn't make you look any better, spend wisely and be generous is what will give you the reputation you want.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Twenty five you fucking nailed it

    Maybe I'm not conveying my thoughts well enough or painting the picture I'm desiring

    I'm not in any way being flashy...my goal and a better word is classy.

    Hell I'm trying not to be noticed by other clients because I don't desire getting mugged in the parking lot or down the road at two in the morning lol.

    What I'm taking away from this and I agree.

    I should increase my stage tips to a $10 Bill then once at the table purchase the drinks, shots, appetizer or whatever to get just enough time to get to know each other to see if otc is suitable for us

    Thanks for talking this out guys :)

  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    And if this was follies trust me I don't mess with any of this shit...so don't even think that unless you feel like making jokes LMFAO

    At follies I bring enough for 30 table dances and three VIP pop's..I get in and get out once I'm broke LMFAO
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Flashing cash screams "I am insecure".

    100% agree
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    There's often drama and fights. Girls get dramatic when sex is involved bc of their pride and feelings of territory

    Extreme good insights BJ....I assume most men like myself may not be aware it sensitive enough to this

    What's the best way to run more than one girl P4P in a respectful manner ?

    In my past I've scored outside fun and when I came inside the girl had run the other girls off lol...no one would touch me....I was like her property....the sex was amazing so I didn't mind...and I enjoyed seeing her.

    Usually I will just add another club into the rotation if I need variety at this point
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    I agree with the insecurity assessment 100%.

    I try to remain off the radar. The only times I flash my cash is when I'm making it rain, but I make sure not to exceed $30K. I'm no douche.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Douche aka Larry fish LMFAO
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    In my Town Asian massage is $60 full hour..shower and massage...extra $60 for Yankee lol...bottle water free
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    "most affordable way to demonstrate wealth"

    This thread is hilarious. We only have one Juice, and there could never be another.

    Problem with too much money flashing is that eventually you'll get called upon to deliver. And no one needs 10 strippers at a booth drinking with him. What could possibly be the point of that?

    As I see it:

    1. You want to first communicate that you have money and are willing to be somewhat free with it.

    2. And then in dealing with a girl you like, you want to use giving her money to show that you have good intentions, meaning that in dealing with you she can look forward to more money, and that you aren't look for anything for little or no cost. Strip club is not the place for free or low cost.

    3. You want to use handing her money to get her into the idea that she is to get friendly with you in the front room, often on your lap, instead of trying to get you to buy dances, like she generally would with chumps. This way you get more time to talk to her, though not for free, and you can let her feel that you selected her because you feel attracted to her, and get her into the idea that you and she will be seeing each other outside. And without having any explicit discussion about it, you want her to be giving a really good GFE audition.

    4. I would suggest that you select a girl you really like, and then subtly let her see that you are willing to continue to hand her money because you want to 'take care of her'. And there are various things you might say which demonstrate this, like for example showing concern about all the expenses she must have in working there, as well in just living. So without pushing too hard, you are grooming her to be your mistress, rather than just your short term service provider.

    5. If the above is working, you will feel it in her reactions. And as around this time is when your pants need to come down, you should be inviting her to the back room. You will of course pay her nicely, and again communicating your desire to take care of her, and that is very open ended. And at this time it is nice if you can lightly suggest that you will be inviting her to leave with you, or see you that night, and that your intent is to be spending many long nights with her. Best if you can tactfully let her see this before you even invite her to the back room, as if she goes for the idea, it will pay off in this first round.

    6. So then do what can be done in the back room, and FS done after the GFE audition will completely blow her mind. So then proceed and try to close the deal on all you have suggested, she walks out the door with you, or you and she meet that night. If she won't go for either of these, then find out when she works next and let her know you will be there at opening time, and then do so. And of course make sure she has your contact info early on. They like business cards.

    7. She will have her own outside life, and she might not be free to do all you might ask at once. But if things work out right, you'll be waking up in the mornings with her soon, and likely keeping her more on retainer, like Mistress Maintenance, instead of P4P.

    Lots of ideas communicated here, and it is important not to push too hard, while at the same time it is good to let her know what your intentions are as soon as practical.

    And one key juncture is to shift her from selling dances to front room fraternizing.

    If that club doesn't have girls you would like to do all of this with, then save your money and go elsewhere.


    Mister Bond - A Jazzy Cocktail Of Ice Cold Themes
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Fantastic advice SJG
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    And of course Mistress Maintenance is not P4P SJG a self contradictory troll what a cuckoo bird.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
  • LecherousMonk
    7 years ago
    Damn you, whales. You are ruining it for us true PL's--aka fat AND broke.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    "the girl had run the other girls off lol...no one would touch me....I was like her property"

    They put pictures of us PLs on the bulletin board in the dressing room and write their names on them so the other girls know to stay away.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    Juice, where would you ever get $100?
  • Bj99
    7 years ago
    Lol joc, but really.. We know. We know you guys do much better than you realize. Girls know which girls a guy likes, whether he buys drinks, how much he tends to spend.. even for guys who don't come in that much. You'd probably be really surprised.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I get a bunch of attention just standing around not spending any money. However sometimes I tell some customers I'm not a bouncer.
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
    Big pimping
  • san_jose_guy
    7 years ago
    "Fantastic advice SJG"

    Coming from Juice, I really appreciate that!

  • JuiceBox69
    7 years ago
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    7 years ago
    TwentyFive is pretty spot on. A guy who throws cash like confetti is advertising himself as a sucker.
  • Jascoi
    7 years ago
    maximum impression needs only one $100 bill at my local deja vi coi. i motion the hottest waitress over and say "i need a stack of ones." when she comes back with them i tip her nicely by putting ones in her outfit... maybe ten dollars. but the girls see this. and the waitress keeps the drinks coming. note... the fountain drinks are free at dvcoi. and my normal drink tip is a dollar.
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