
How long have we been an item?

Charlotte, NC
Thursday, August 17, 2017 7:43 AM
How long have you known some of your favorite dancers? This subject came up on a private discussion with another member and thought it was interesting. I have been going to my favorite clubs for about 13 years, and know two of the dancers for 7 or 8 years. I like variety and change, but still get dances from time to time from both. I am not sure any dancers have been working at either club much longer than that.


  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    8 years for my ATF gridget.
  • MrDeuce
    7 years ago
    I got lap dances from my CF at the Silver Bullet in Urbana for 18 years, as she aged gracefully from 18 to 36. That has to be some kind of record! She's white, she has rather narrow hips, and I got dances from her about 80 times in 18 years. Does that make me the anti-Papi?
  • Doces300
    7 years ago
    @Shadowcat her dancer name is Gridget? If it is, that is a new one, I have never heard before.
  • shailynn
    7 years ago
    Gidget Gridget Bridgette. All the same My average seems to be around 5 years. In most cases after 5 years they usually are at another club if they're still stripping at all.
  • shadowcat
    7 years ago
    doces - just type her name in the search box. I'm probably the only guy that had an ATF that posted on TUSCL.
  • JohnSmith69
    7 years ago
    I had a regular dancer that I got dances from for 7-8 years. That's probably my record. Shorty after she quit dancing several dancers told me that she was killed in a traffic accident.
  • whodey
    7 years ago
    I've been seeing my CF for about 4 years. This first year or so was just the occasional 2 for 1 dance special until she finally convinced me to take her to vip. From that point on it's mostly been otc except when I have to stop by her club to get her new phone number. She seems to change phones every 6 months to "avoid creepy perverts that have the wrong idea about what kind of girl I am." Given the fact that she sucks and fucks me for $ at a moments notice and has offered everything from BBFS to anal I'm not sure what "wrong idea" they could have about her. Maybe I'm just not a "creepy pervert" because I've never taken her up on her offers of BB or anal?
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    for the majority of time i've been on here, i haven't had favorites. my local clubs suck (so i rarely go to them) and i don't travel regularly, so that makes it difficult to develop favorites however, i get out of town to north carolina 4-5 times when visiting my mom, and that's when i met my CF who i've known for 2 years now. she's awesome ITC....great attitude, gives me GFE, good dances.......she even does extras. but if last night is any indication, she's never gonna meet me OTC :-(
  • flagooner
    7 years ago
    CF about 9 months now. Damn time flies Current #2 (#1 before recently being replaced) about 4 years. ATF 2 years, it's been a LONG time since we went our separate ways.
  • Timbuck12
    7 years ago
    I've known a couple current dancers for about 5 years, and still keep in occasional touch with 2 ex-dancers that I met 8 years ago. It's amazing how time flies.
  • warhawks
    7 years ago
    My longest was about three years, my ATF. Haven't had one since. I learned after that to accept strip clubs for what they are... an escape from reality for a few hours. And never merge them with my real life any more.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    The average length of time that I see a CF is between 2 -7 months, except for my ATF whom I have known for 12 years.
  • joc13
    7 years ago
    The clubs here in Atlanta must chew up and spit out the girls much faster than other places. I met my CF last winter, but I took a long break from SCs while I tried my first round of SBs, and we recently reconnected. Other than that, there isn't a single dancer I've ever been interested in around Atlanta that seems to be around for more than 4-6 months.
  • jackslash
    7 years ago
    I have know a couple dancers for 8 or 9 years.
  • 3LeggedMan
    7 years ago
    I've only been staying in my current area about a year so all my stripper friendships are shorter than that. But I still write to a lovely lady I knew for about 3 years, having last seen her about a year ago. Hi Shemica!
  • MackTruck
    7 years ago
    I have been an item with my shitter sucker truck for decades
  • HungryGiraffe
    7 years ago
    I keep in touch with an early fav who moved away. Known her about 5 years.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    5 years for the only one I've stayed in contact with long term.
  • larryfisherman
    7 years ago
    GoVikings don't leave us hanging, what happened last night?
  • Htxx
    7 years ago
    There's a 53 yo X stripper I still occasionally see at her home near the airport. Met her 23 years ago at Bogarts in Detroit. She still has a great body, & never had kids, she calls me when she needs money, I call her when I'm horny and it's not the right day to go to a club that has one of my day time favorites working. We smoke some of her weed then have a great time. I'm there generally about a couple of hours just long enough for the buzz to subside so I can drive home and do the Mr Mom thing for my kids. Only downside is I hate cats and she has 12 of them I always leave covered in cat hair.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I remember a dancer who originally told me she remembered me from 8 years earlier but later on after she succeeded in getting together with me, told me it had been 18 years since she first saw me. She said she wasn't old enough to dance yet when she spotted me for the first time. I was like, wow, she must have a photographic memory of me. I didn't remember her at all. I was wondering if she had really known me several years ago. Imagine a stalker or someone approaches you that you don't remember at all saying they know you. If she hadn't been a dancer in a strip club, I would have thought that was creepy. Maybe she knew my alternate form in some alternate universe. I did see people suddenly change appearance that night after the huge electromagnetic disturbance in Greenville. One of my favorite dancers at Platinum Plus suddenly went from blond to brunette and when I asked her about it, she acted strange and said her hair hadn't been blond in ages. I didn't say it was a week or two ago. That wasn't as strange as the girl who no longer had breast implants. She looked much better with breast implants. I figure I could have freaked some people out. I also noticed some parts missing from a hair kit at my house. I assume either I accidentally threw a couple parts away or someone didn't invent or include the parts in the kit on this earth.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I hate the thought maybe I accidentally died that night on an alternate earth but my consciousness suddenly transferred to this earth. I hate the thought of my relatives going through my death and I did not have a will ready. I had a strange memory or dream of my death in one alternate earth one night by falling asleep on my way home and running off the road. I hate that thought too because I still didn't have a will ready. I did have really good insurance but I never told relatives and stupid insurance companies sometimes don't pay out unless relatives notify them but if they don't know all the kinds of insurance you have, they won't know to ask. I need to document records better in case I die on this earth. Some scientists say alternate earths are possible. I might be jumping around. In fact quantum computers supposedly increase their computing power by linking up with other quantum computers on parallel earths.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    I could use a quantum personal computer to predict the stock market, etc. There was probably one parallel Earth where Trump kept his mouth shut the other day. Another set of parallel Earths where Hillary is president and the new Supreme Court is restricting guns across the nation because of all the gun violence while Hillary is President. If you don't believe governments create a crisis to enact legislation, then a decent salesman might have a few bridges to sell.
  • sharkhunter
    7 years ago
    My dreams aren't always in this reality. I sometimes dream about stuff that never happened. Maybe I should post more on another web site. I think some science fiction tv writers have been getting ideas from me for several years. I read for example when you die, if you go to heaven, you will appear in the clothes you died in. I also dreamed about different planes of existence in the astral plane. Went to war with some Skelton like creatures. I was also told about something called the Askamic records supposedly containing the knowledge of everything like a super massive library available to all intelligent species everywhere in the astral plane. Just imagine what would you look for if you only had a few minutes to find out something about your life or anything? Fiction shows haven't gone astral yet. Just parallel universes. Some people say they can jump out of their bodies into the astral plane and explore. One girl who claimed to have help died one day. I guess that could be a problem. My ramble for today.
  • GoVikings
    7 years ago
    @larryfisherman nothing much happened last night. long story short....i asked her 2 times about meeting me OTC for lunch and she's just been stringing me along with answers like "maybe" and "i don't know about my schedule yet babe" when i acquire about OTC, she's not gonna tell me "no" because she wants me to keep spending on her ITC at the end of the day, as much as i'd like to meet her OTC, i'm not too disappointed that she's not gonna meet me OTC because i figured it would be a long shot anyway
  • DandyDan
    7 years ago
    My first true favorite dancer was someone I knew for 17 years, off and on, of course, as she tended to bounce around from club to club. It honestly wouldn't shock me if she still stripped somewhere even though she has to be 50 by now.
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