
Strongest Most Lethal Fighting Force in the World

"As Commander In Chief I will ensure that America always has the Strongest Most Lethal Fighting Force in the world."

Who is happy that this is Kamala Harris' position?

When Did the Republicans and Democrats switch sides on utilizing a strong military all over the world?

I guess in light of this Dick Cheney's endorsement of Harris makes sense. That and the fact that his daughter & Trump share a mutual hatred for each other.

Is anyone else surprised by this?


  • Stu815
    13 days ago
    It's stronger to be part of a team than to stand alone. But building a team takes patience and dedication. You also have to listen to others and incorporate their ideas
  • Puddy Tat
    13 days ago
    Yet under Biden/Harris, we humiliated ourselves in Afghanistan, we're focused on trans inclusion and "equity" in the ranks of officers, and we didn't discourage Hamas or Russia like we did under Trump. If warfighting is a priority, it sure doesn't look like it.

    Cheney owns the biggest foreign policy error since the Cold War. Why would we listen to him?
  • sinclair
    13 days ago
    Democrats destroyed the military with DEI, LGBT, and forced covid vaccinations. The military has been struggling to meet recruiting numbers the last few years. Standards had to be lowered just to find enough young people to sign up. The tough men that used to join and fight for America in the past are not joining anymore. Are you going to die to protect the tens of millions of Illegal aliens taking over America and for politicians to tell you that you are horrible because your skin is white? Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea are hoping Harris becomes president. Walz is a China worshipper. Cheney is an incompetent dumbass. He shot his own friend with a shotgun.
  • Puddy Tat
    13 days ago
    ^ Good point, Biden/Harris also restored aid to Palestine (Trump gave them the proper message, to grow the fuck up and join the civilized world) and gave money to Iran, as well as paid them ransom for Americans and groveled before them. Walz will kowtow to Xi. Harris will assure us that we should take comfort that we have the most diverse military in the world, while Han Chinese hand us our asses on a platter.

    Anyone who says we were stronger under Biden/Harris than Trump/Pence should not be allowed to reproduce.
  • wld4tatas
    13 days ago
    It is evident from current events that the US Military is by far the most consequential and respected force for democracy in the world today.

    That would change under Trump though, who has signaled his willingness to surrender to Putin in the name of "peace". Should that happen, the US will be viewed as weak.
  • Puddy Tat
    13 days ago
    ^ Yeah, that icky peace. Remind me, under whom again did Putin make major territorial moves? Oh wait, "More latitude after the election" Obama and "Minor incursion" Biden.

    Trump left, according to Democratic National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, the quietest Middle East in 20 years.

    Man, even a few years ago, any Democratic presidential candidate wouldn't be caught dead with an endorsement from Dick Cheney.
  • wld4tatas
    13 days ago
    Imagine if Trump had been in power back in WWII - Trump would have sold out a large chunk of Europe to Hitler, to make peace.
  • ilbbaicnl
    13 days ago
    Happy isn't the word. Just makes sense, you want combat personnel to have the best chance possible of hurting the enemy, in order not to be hurt themselves. Seems pointless to even say it, what Republican is going to disagree?

    Armed forces can only protect democracy, they can't create it (see Afghanistan/Iraq/Libya/Vietnam).

    The Russian position is that it's illegitimate for any former Warsaw Pact member to be in NATO. Why would they think, if we are not even willing to arm Ukraine, that we would actually fight for Poland or the Baltics? Hitler was not appeased by getting Czechoslovakia, why would Putin be appeased by getting Ukraine?
  • jaybud999
    13 days ago
    Cheney is your voice of reason dipshits. Her and all the other “RINOS”, ranging from high ranking politicians, to military leaders are trying to send a message: you have chosen a tard to represent you. You have so many other quality candidates.

    And before I have to listen to your deflecting horseshit about Harris: she got you beat…..and you know it. Policy? Blah blah….4000 trained professionals write that shit for both parties……figure head to figure head, you’re fucked.
  • Puddy Tat
    13 days ago
    ^ Gibberish
  • twentyfive
    13 days ago
    The US Army is not only ranked the most powerful military in the world, by a large measure, just look at the budgets of the next three 3 militaries combined, (China 296 billion, Russia 130. billion, India 83.6 billion) are just over half of the U.S. Military's budget of 916. billion dollars.

  • gammanu95
    13 days ago
    FIrst and foremost. Harris is another post turtle, like Biden. Let's remember that they were seeking ways to boot her from the 2024 ticket and find Biden a new running mate. She is currently being supported by the biggest democrat party hawk hack- Hillary. This is "what does it matter" Hillary who lied about Libyan terrorists attacking our mission and killing our countrymen. She has no vision or ambitions for America's place in the world, she will do as her boosters tell her. She simply wants her name in the history books and to retire to join the Obama's media company.

    Second, she's a politician and wants to say what she thinks her current audience wants to hear in the vernacular that she thinks they speak. She may also believe that DEI policies, CRT training, and woke recruiting is good for the military because the military is a government agency. However, anyone who has listened to her and her boosters know that they want a military that they can use against American citizens if they need to.

    Ignore wld4testes. Even he knows he is bullshitting, he is just regurgitating what he thinks Rachel Maddow or Keith Olberman would say.
  • Studme53
    12 days ago
    I support our troops but the money we spend on the military is crazy. We need a dominant Navy because, unfortunately, the U.S. Navy is the ones in the world protecting shipping and trade worldwide. Otherwise we do not need to be the world’s policeman, especially not in Europe. NATO is a remnant of the post WW2 Cold War when countries trying to recover were vulnerable to Soviet expansion. Not the case anymore.
    We don’t need to finance wars in Ukraine or the Middle East / Israel.
    When is the American taxpayer going to wake up?
    We could have wonderful infrastructure and healthcare for all like these European countries if we spent the same percentage of our GDP on the military as they do.
  • Puddy Tat
    12 days ago
    ^ Our defense budget funds Europe's social programs. They love Democrats because they never hold them accountable.

    The world was a much safer place under Trump. Tough on Iran. No Putin territorial incursions. Stood up to China. Struck peace falls throughout the Middle East. No aid to Hamas.

    Democrats are the party of American weakness and decline.
  • Icey
    12 days ago
    The US will be a war mongering imperialist entity no matter who ths president is
  • rickmacrodong
    11 days ago
    ^Israel itself propped up Hamas, much more so than Democrats who at least on paper sent money for Palestinian civilian aid. Trump didnt strike any peace deals that mattered, the abraham accords only included countries like bahrain, morocco, uae.. which weren’t fighting israel to begin with.
    As history and current events have shown, israel wants to wipe out iran, iraq, Syria, lebanon, palestine… almost half the middle east. Would trump stop israel from attacking all those countries? It sounds like he wants israel to attack them even more!
  • Puddy Tat
    11 days ago
    ^ Unsubstantiated nonsense
  • wld4tatas
    11 days ago
    Susan Rice had an interesting comparison for Trump last week, calling him the GOP’s Neville Chamberlain. The British PM who tried to negotiate with and appease Hitler, who then just went on to seize more and more territory.

    50 Billion going to Ukraine is 0.8% of the annual federal budget and 6% of the annual defense budget. And miniscule compared to the 2.2 Trillion increase in billionaire wealth since the 2017 Trump tax cuts.

    Instead of extending the Trump tax cuts for the rich, we could use some of that revenue to keep defending democracy abroad and supporting our allies. But somehow, today's GOP thinks it is more important to help the rich get richer, than maintaining our role as leader of the free world.

    No wonder Elon Musk was on stage with Trump, talking about a Trump win and jumping for joy.
  • Studme53
    11 days ago
    ^People are brainwashed by the Military-Industrial complex. I saw Pa Governor Shapiro on TV visiting a bomb factory where they were making bombs being supplied to Ukraine. There were taunts written in Russian on the bombs. Do you idiots want WW 3?
  • skibum609
    11 days ago
    ^ If you have a few hours, I can list all of the examples where appeasement led to a far greater war than the one originally avoided, or which ended early, before one side was totally destroyed.
    Only an idiot would keep whining like a homo bottom about the Trump tax cuts. When they expire the poor and middle class are going to get killed. The wealthy got richer on the Democratic pump taxpayer money into the economy stupidity, not because of a tax cut. Progressives are so fucking stupid someone needs to come up with a new word to describe them.
  • Puddy Tat
    11 days ago
    @skibum - "The wealthy got richer on the Democratic pump taxpayer money into the economy stupidity, not because of a tax cut."

    YES! When money gets thrown into the economy, side from direct payments like a stimulus, it seems to rain down on the rich and well connected. You say anything "green" and the left stops asking questions. In the pandemic, mom and pop suffered while Amazon and Wal-Mart prospered.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 days ago
    Let's not insult Neville Chamberlain. He declared war on Hitler after the attack on Poland. If Putin decided to invade Poland, he'd just pay Trump for the rights to rebrand it as Trumpland.
  • StripClubXpert
    11 hours ago
    @Stu815 I agree it is stronger to be part of a team. But I think over the years many European countries got used to the US military taking care of them. The European politicians as a group loved this so they could spend on social services rather than their military. I am glad we have allies but everyone need to do their share. I'm not sure if they all are.
  • StripClubXpert
    11 hours ago
    @Icey What do you think about Jill Stein?
  • StripClubXpert
    11 hours ago
    "israel wants to wipe out iran, iraq, Syria, lebanon, palestine…"

    That list is basically Iran and Iran's "axis of resistance" or "axis of evil" depending on who you ask. So I think you are saying that "israel wants to wipe out iran".

    Do you think Iran wants to wipe out Israel?

    Will there ever be an end to this unless one side wipes out the other?

  • StripClubXpert
    10 hours ago
    @wld4tatas "...we could use some of that revenue to keep defending democracy abroad ..."
    Prior to the Second Gulf War I would have agreed with you. But after seeing American boys come back with missing limbs and many not coming back at all I changed my mind. And that was before I realized that the fall of Saddam Hussein would have left a vacuum that would lead to the rise of ISIS who among other atrocities legalized slavery.
    Iraq used to push back against Iran. Today's Iraq is pro Iran.

    It seems the US is in a worse position after getting rid of Saddam Hussein.
  • StripClubXpert
    10 hours ago
    @Studeme53 I agree that there is a lot of money changing hands with the "Military-Industrial complex". Follow the money trail and you can usually find out the real reason why most politician make choices.
  • StripClubXpert
    10 hours ago
    @gammanu95 The term "Military-Industrial complex" is a term that has been used a lot by both Jill Stein and RFK Jr.

    I support the men and women in every branch of the US military, but I don't know about the "Military-Industrial complex". A ton of money changes hands & I bet some of it ends up back in the politicians pockets. Part of my support for the men and women in the US military makes me feel like we should try to deploy them less. So less of them come back with missing limbs and other disabilities.
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