
Comments by jusflor

  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Quick trip to Bucks
    El paso used to have very good spots, sadly they are gone now and this is the best one left now
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Classy Place to hangout
    Extras are on any table but you better bring a big fat stack of Benjamins. One time I was quoted 2K. I laughed and laughed.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    My, my, my Delilah!
    Think he sticks to daytime and early afternoons.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    I support the naked hustle
    Saturday at onyx
    Being out that late at a place like this is always rolling the dice. Anything can and will happen. Hard pass for me but maybe I’m just too old for that now.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Thursday afternoon at the Ship
    Well not much to report then I see.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Russians here if you are bored with Thai girls
    Those Russian dudes get drunk and can fuck you up. But the women are totally worth it. Lol.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Raging Waters at Synn City Of Industry
    Thick girls not my thing, but it's your money.
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    Fun night, lots of dances, lots of drinks
    7 girls is “lots of dancers” ??? GTFO 🤣
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    The TUSCLer Two Decade Club
    I think I have been around 12-13 years myself. So much has happened in my life. I think I still go to the clubs because it fees like it’s the only constant in my life I can somewhat control, but even that is not true. When is was 25 I would see guys my age now and would say “I don’t want to be that guy” , yet here I am. Lol.
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    Men’s Club - a bit hit & miss
    Simps like this guy that pays for nothing ruins it for everyone else because these strippers now expect it.
  • review comment
    8 months ago
    I need to bring more for next time
    At least this place got a review. After 7 years !!! lol.
  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    Is it Cheating?
    If you have to hide it it’s cheating. If she’s ok with it and you tell her exactly where you are it’s ok. My cousin has his wife drop him off and pick him up from the club so he does not drive drunk. lol.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    As a rule of thumb is the girl is too open to go raw don’t do it. She does that with everyone. If you really have to work for the uncovered experience and she wants extra I might do it depending on circumstances. Like 2pac said, I don’t want it if it’s that easy
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Any way to get the roster for a club?
    It’s a crap shoot, no way to tell what day or time they might be there. strippers are not exactly known for their consistent attendance record. Lol.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Extras clubs in Detroit area?
    Man, I remember landing strip in 2001, I was young, dumb, and full …. Well you know the rest. I have a ton of vacation this year, like 7 weeks, I’m gonna do extended weekend run up to Michigan as soon as the weather warms up there. Getting older and don’t think I can hang once I get to my 50s. 😂
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    Best place to get a BJ in Minneapolis?
    Those are state secrets. I keep that intel to myself.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    What are dancers doing when they go to “freshen up” before vip?
    Why I try and be the 1st VIP customer that day. Try and minimize the sloppy seconds probability.
  • discussion comment
    9 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    7-ups and lap dances; a haiku
    If you see them just hanging out with some dude that never tips or gets dances he’s their sugar daddy or drug dealer. In either case move along you are invisible.
  • review comment
    9 months ago
    Good quick stop
    This sounds like my type of place. Too bad here in the states something like this will cost you 400-700 USD after you take care of the girl and pay the VIP entrance charge. We get robbed here.
  • review comment
    9 months ago
    Saturday night: Slow
    Saturdays are always dead. You need to go check it out early in the week like Monday to Thursday.
  • discussion comment
    10 months ago
    Couple friendly?
    I have never liked this. Don’t piss where you eat. Keep those two world apart.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Not worth the visit
    This place looks rough from the outside. Never been.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Don’t wait on the girls
    Nothing worse then some simp bring their wife to the club. Lame. And before anybody attacks me I have done this too in the past, and it sucked. Always have more fun at the club when I am flying solo. You never know what fun I might be able to get into. Literally. Hehe
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    Saturday at the Colorado
    I don’t like the dance area so it would have to be VIP for me.
  • review comment
    10 months ago
    A Dream Deferred
    This is a long term trend. The peak SC scene for El Paso was the late 90s to early 2000s. 5 dollar dances at the now defunct JBs hole in the wall club on airways. Wow those were the days.