discussion comment
a month ago
Their Instagram is Great!Their ig is better than real life.
review comment
a month ago
Slow SundayAudrey is fantastic in the CR.
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a month ago
Kamala's Border SpeechImmigrants, collect public benefits at a rate of twice the native born. Economic drain and a dilution of patriotism is what they contribute.
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a month ago
Kris Kristofferson RIPWeirdest thing about aging is watching everyone you grew up watching die.
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a month ago
Best place for $10 or less lap dance?Booby Trap Pompano $10.00 dances are 2-way full contact, with Cheetah Pompano a smidge less.
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a month ago
ilbbaicnlKeep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
How about this for a conspiracy theory?^Abortion was legal in places, but it was never a "right" under English Common Law or American Common Law. It was permitted until "quickening" which is about the start of the fourth month. The 9th amendment requires that "rights", not all "laws" of "case law" be respected and has never once been considered a "right" under the 9th. The 10th amendment covers abortion, a right reserved to the people and the states as it does not appear in the 10th amendment. Under the 10th amendment there cannot be a right to abortion. The same reason applies to the banning of abprtion, which also cannot be done Federally.
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a month ago
Another QuestionIn today's world if you have enough cash to enjoy life, you have a moral obligation to tip decently.
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a month ago
Kamala's Border SpeechIsrael built a wall and terrorism from the west bank ended. Liberal morons and liars thy name is democratic party member.
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a month ago
ilbbaicnlKeep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
How about this for a conspiracy theory?The idea that the Dupreme Court was fine and this is McConnell's issue is pure ignorant, partisan bullshit. Obama wasn't getting Merrick Garland on Scotus (thank fucking god as the guy is a fucking cunt) even with a vote. Garland wasn't going to get 60 votes even if only his relatives voted. Honest people at least admit that Ted Kennedy murderer of young women started this Scotus bullshit with Robert Bork. Then again Democrats are s honest as Nasrallah is alive. They supported him too.
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a month ago
Best place for $10 or less lap dance?Hour Place Jay Maine
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a month ago
Another QuestionC
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a month ago
A guess a dancer doesn't like your "lil tent" and she wants a dress codeShe'd love me. My new shorts make a tissue seem like a block of wood.
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a month ago
Prices going up My uncle once told me to always look at dining out as: "paying for the privilege to waste food." I look at money in strip clubs the same way. Cassandra is lovely. Money well spent and I've never even done a dance with her.
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a month ago
Kamala's Border SpeechUnless Xi decides to run for President there is no one I would choose the Giggler over. The Giggler and Stolen Valor, what a great response to a crisis. Dumb and dumber.
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a month ago
Natural DisastersThe most interesting weather disaster in our area remains an amazing subject almost 50 years later, more so because of how society reacted, as opposed to what happens now in an emergency.
IN Feb. 1978 a snowstorm was expected and contrary to current myth, it was not a surprise. This storm came 10 days after a 20" snowfall with drains still blocked and roads still a bit of a mess. The storm didn't start early morning so everyone got up and went to work and schools were open. It started snowing late morning and a huge on-shore wind came up. By early afternoon it became apparant that something unique was happening so work and schoools all let out at the same time. With 50-60 mps wimdes and 24-30" of snow in a short time, eastern mass. got crushed.
Examples: Anthony's Pier Four, a restaurant on Boston Harbor had a 100 foot schooner anchored outside, which was a very cool bar. It sank. Nauset Light Beach down the Cape went into the winter with 500 parking spaces and emerged with 3, with the rest in the ocean.
In the day of rear wheel drive and bias ply tires, cars started sliding and stopping on Rte 128. Traffic stalled and people abandoned their cars on the road. If you have never seen the spectacle of tow trucks and front end loaders digging 10,000 cars out of the snow on the highway, it is stunning and took 6 days.
People banded together and became as one. The government sent emergency messages asking people with snow mobiles to go look for stranded drivers in the snow and bring them home with them. Gas stations opened up and gave free gas to these folks. Dunkin Donuts called in managers to open up and provide free coffee to rescue workers and snow plow drivers. One of my friends was stuclk at wotk, in the same clothes for 6 days. Another was at his fiancee's apartment waiting for her to get home, having a glass of wine with her roommate. He was there for 5 days and ended up dumping the fiance and marrying the roomamte 2 years later.
The best part? On my street and hundreds of others, the men all grabbed sbow shovels started at the end of the street and everyone helped everyone else until the street was done.
State was closed for 6 days. Pretty much anyone alive then still remembers that adversity brought out the best in all of us. Even fucking Mike Dukakis was a stud and a savior during this. Sorta miss that version of america.
No one clubbed. No one did anything but hang out with neighbors. Only day in 4 years at Umass that school was cancelled and we were 75 miles away.
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a month ago
How would you handle this VIP (bait and switch) situation I charge $500 and I am worth it. My response. My dick hates large numbers and is now flaccid. That cuts of bargaining.
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a month ago
motorheadFat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Oakland, California We fly into Oakland instead of San Francisco. I vote Patterson nj.
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a month ago
Natural Disasters2009 we had an ice storm. The sounds of branches snapping sounded like gunshots. In my yard alone I had enough downed branches to build a wall across my front yard 80 feet long, 6 feet wide and six feet high after we paid to have our front yard cleaned. Lost 13 trees, which crushed my car, my neighbors car, their house, no electricity for 6 days in December. The single most fucked up thing is the "line". It was literally 400 feet from my house and we got crushed while 400 feet away all they got was rain.
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a month ago
The Mirror^ given that concept why did Hugh Jackman use hookers? 6.5 zup til about 30. Now is tougher because I really don't think any old guy can be attractive compared to the total pool, but against my age group I'd be much higher because I am fit with hair, and like other ethnic greaseballs I have very minimal wrinkles. Just some crows feet. On a good day I could lie and chop 10+ years off my age. I don't have to look good, I'm married lol.
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a month ago
Obesity is not attractive Ratt not ever, even a no shit faced. In the seventies she'd be considered obese. Still my standard.
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a month ago
Only partisan Dems give a shit about Jan 6^^ I could agree that all the events we have discussed are bad and I would add in unamerican. I just find it appalling that my state pays millions upon millions of dollars to print ballots in 17 fucking languages; so when people complain about danger to democracy and support open borders then I refuse to condemn Jan 6 as a danger to democracy, which is just pure bullshit.
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a month ago
Obesity is not attractive Lizzo is female???
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a month ago
Only partisan Dems give a shit about Jan 625 years from now, amidst the smoking ruins and the stench 0f 150 million dead, people will look back and think that January 6th was our last chance to save the world...Drew - I get it, but it's still no different and I am also going to mention the left's terrorist attacks against the Federal Courthouse in Portland for 2 months. Of course we have Jamaal Bowman pull a fire alarm to prevent vote in Congress, but gee whiz that's ok and just part of the democratic process....right?
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a month ago
OT: TAYLOR SWIFT INSANITYI would react by demanding a dna test to rule me out as a parent.
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a month ago
Your sitting at the bar, no seats left, girl approaches you to chat^^^ I offer my seat because that is how I was raised and what I believe is the right thing to do. The motives and beliefs of others as to what that symbolizes couldn't possibly mean less to me. I still golf with a longtime friend, but we no longer play for money because he feels that the strict rules of golf are a suggestion, and I look at them as being closer to the Ten Commandments. I play another in our golf group for money, as we have for 44 years, and because I know it drives the cheater crazy, we never give a putt. 1"? Putt it in asshole. 12"? Putt it in asshole. Its pretty funny (to golfers) doing that when the other half of the foursome is giving 26" putts for each. You know....good good? As if two people cheating makes it ok.