
Your most awkward moment/experience in a club.

Years ago, I wasn't a frequent patron to a particular club, but I stopped by the club enough to know what was going on. And so I knew that on a certain night, some ladies from church would bring food for the girls and the staff. Really nice gesture...

So, obviously, the club can't exactly stop being a strip club just because the church ladies happen to be there. The girls would still get naked on stage, music was whatever (sometimes raunchy) tune happened to be playing, dances continued happening, etc. Having said that, I certainly don't think it's out of the question to possibly show a tiny bit of respect when possible, which brings me to this one moment...

On one particular day, the church group included a woman who must have been around 80, or maybe even a bit older. As they were heading to the dressing room with food, the DJ lets loose with some rather unfiltered commentary that included a few instances of the F word, among other things. Any other time, I wouldn't have though anything of it, but watching this elderly church lady walking to the girls dressing room with this rather graphic commentary going on was enough to make me cringe, squirm in my seat, and just generally feel very uncomfortable about being there in that moment!

Was there ever a time where you experienced a club moment that was so awkward that you didn't quite know what to do???


  • stripperlover777
    7 days ago
    ☀️ Da' Most Awkward Situation For Me In Da' SC Was When Being Hustled While Eating. I Pick Out A Girl Who's Hot, Dat' Don't Hustle & Then I Will Sit With/Do Pvt Dances With Her!
    Da' More Nice & Friendly With Her Body, Da' More $$$. Stripper Luveee Is What Makes Me Happy!
  • grrlgonebad
    7 days ago
    You think that 80 year old lady wasn't a hottie back in the day? you think she had never heard the words before? Hahahaha! Granny was probably a hot thing back in the day! Hahahaha!

    I have met those types of women... and they are absolutely lovely... wonderful...
    They are not the same "christians" in the parking lot trying to scream at us telling us we are doing the devils work... who can go fuck themselves...
  • ClubFan81077
    7 days ago

    You might be right, because granny did NOT miss a beat on her way to the dressing room! For all I know, she might have attended a senior twerking class earlier in the day! lol

    I guess it's true that she probably would have mentally prepared herself for whatever sights and sounds could possibly come her way by venturing deep into the bowels of a strip club... :)

    And yes, from what I could tell, those ladies were definitely wonderful people. No dirty looks or harsh words whatsoever. They were really serving up kindness, often with a side of fried chicken... :)
  • Meshuggah
    7 days ago
    Me and my buddy sit down at our fav club early like 7 pm, talking to manager, and another dancer. A dancer who had worked for me, must have been angry at me, and attacked, me. The manager pulled her off. She was leaving, dressed, and jumped on me with her bag. oops.
  • skibum609
    7 days ago
    Other than the time the dancer was refused another drink, pulled a gun on the bartender, the customer on her other side smashed her arm up, the bullet hit the ceiling, and I got plaster in my hair and drink and needed a new one. I can't recall anything awkward.....
  • gammanu95
    7 days ago
    Ski: Where was she hiding the gun? Was it a derringer shaped like a butt plug?
  • skibum609
    7 days ago
    She had a purse and a glock. Late 80s were a very different time in clubs. Picked up a dancer there one night and while she was upstairs in an apartment buying coke, while I waied in my car, I ended up with a pistol in my face, with another pointed at my head. People have no idea what gun barrel looks like until they stare down the hole. Luckily/unluckily it was two plain clothed Providence detectives. They let me go, she stayed at the apartment and I gave my roommate her expensive boots when I got home lol. ran into her at Cherry's a few years later and we had a laugh. never asked about the boots.
  • shadowcat
    7 days ago
    In my younger naïve mongering I wore a t-shirt from an Atlanta club to club in South Carolina. The DJ noticed it and made a PA announcement that I was rude. Fortunately the dancers didn't care. I no longer own any club shirts.
  • Icey
    7 days ago
    Years ago. I bought a vip room and she aaid i paid to get her into the room. If I want her to dance or anything its extra. So i told her thats fine. We can just sit there for half an hour. Ahe did. But was so mad 😂 😭
  • dickdecker
    7 days ago
    Many years ago girl was straddled on top of me giving me a hand job. I didn’t know it was comming and I spued her right under her chin. She took it well. I apologized.
  • Pussylicker2
    6 days ago
    I was at CW's in Akron a couple of years ago. We had a group of church ladies who'd regularly bring in food for the dancers. One time I was sitting at the bar getting a high-mileage dance with her hand down my pants and her titty in my mouth when they came in. I didn't slow down, we put on a little show for them.
  • iknowbetter
    6 days ago
    What’s with the church ladies bringing food to strip clubs? I didn’t know that was a thing.
  • Icey
    6 days ago
    Worst thing about grinding is some dont know how to do it and it feels like theyre trying to break my dick so i have to stop them
  • JimGassagain
    6 days ago
  • IWantHerOnMe
    6 days ago
    A dancer straight up broke down and cried in my arms on the floor. I was stunned not just because wow but because she’d never come across at unstable before that and she actually wasn’t she was just tired. I took
    her to her house and that’s when I stopped explicitly paying her for OTC. We still hook up.
  • ClubFan81077
    6 days ago
    @skibum609 Holy shit! Yeah, if weapons start appearing inside a club, that just falls into the scary category rather than the awkward category!
  • ClubFan81077
    6 days ago
    @skibum609 Also, is it ironic that you got plaster in your drink, and yet drinking alcohol is sometimes referred to as "getting plastered"????
  • ClubFan81077
    6 days ago
    @shadowcat it's crazy that a club would feel threatened by a shirt from another club that's not even in the same state. But I'm with you on not owning any club shirts either...
  • ClubFan81077
    6 days ago
    @Icey did you at least get some cuddling out of that vip room, or was even a cuddle an extra charge? :)
  • ClubFan81077
    6 days ago
    @dickdecker @Pussylicker2 I realize that even my craziest stories are really extremely tame compared to the experiences of some others... :)
  • ClubFan81077
    6 days ago
    @iknowbetter It's a thing! If you're ever in a club and suddenly start hearing a pipe organ...well, that just means the DJ has really strange musical tastes... :)
  • Elitis
    6 days ago
    Young(er) me in an Okinawa, Japan strip club deciding to take 2 dancers I was friendly with back to get dances together to see what that was like. One was Russian and one was (as far as I remember) some other Eastern European.

    I no longer remember all the context, but they ended up fighting verbally over me in the club and a manager had to get involved. Both had my number and on the cab ride back to base, the Eastern European starts blowing up my phone saying a million different things like how the Russian girl didn't like black guys, was only pretending to be into me, how I shouldn't trust her, how she was married and had an abortion before, etc.

    First and last time I've ever had that happen to me. The other awkward moment was (in the same club) a pregnant Mongolian dancer propositioned me to go back to a hotel together and "have some fun".

    I'll be honest, I seriously considered it for a moment just because I thought it'd make for a wild story to tell, but ending up declining, as there was a curfew for lower-ranking military members at the time and I didn't feel like risking my rank (and pay).
  • skibum609
    6 days ago
    CLUB - never thought of the "getting plastered" before but it fits perfectly lol. Boston has a lot of weir local language and we never called it getting plastered. We call it GETTING HAMMERED lol.
  • rickthelion
    6 days ago
    ricks are never awkward. Well, there was this time I was in the club, drinkin’ my Jack and mindin’ my own beeswax, when this guy claiming to be a rick walked in. Let’s call him “fake rick”.

    Anyhoo, fake rick started causing a ruckus asking girls whether he would be allowed to openly solicit them if prostitution was legal. After asking this question five or six times the bouncer came out and tased fake rick right in the nuts.

    The moral of the story is they everybody laughed when fake rick took a taser hit in the ‘nads. Well, as a lion I don’t really laugh per se. But I do let loose with a hearty ROAR!!!
  • georgmicrodong
    5 days ago
    Getting puked on as I nutted by the chick blowing me.
  • sfrsox
    5 days ago
    And here I thought NH was boring
  • grrlgonebad
    5 days ago
    I was working at a tiny hole-in-the-wall dive bar club one night when the police showed up to... well, basically the owner had not paid the right people in the city to do whatever it was that he wanted to so... This was a full on shakedown.

    the way this club worked was a door to the main stage from the dressing room... where I had stripped down to nothing... I was in the middle of my third song... so totally nude... when the cops came in. They told everyone to stay where they were - including me.

    They went in the dressing room and brought out the other girls who were not on the floor. I will not lie, I wasn't sure if we were all about to be in some big ass club robbery....

    I asked if I could go get dressed and they told me no... they did not want us "destroying evidence" in the dressing room...

    They basically asked the customers to leave... and none of them hesitated... this was not about them...

    We had to wait there until the owner got there and bring some documentation (it was his "in his wallet" hahahah)... so for an hour.. I sat on stage.

    Now being naked on stage in a dark room, with music playing and a crowd doing whatever it is a crowd does... is perfectly okay... and normal. But with no customers, the lights turned up, and no music.. and 4-5 cops wandering around.... that gets weird really fast...

    they told us we were all getting taken in for indecency... or whatever... and would get all kinds of nasty convictions on our record. This was TOTALLY intimidation of all of the employees... someone wanted to send a message to the owner...

    the owner finally got there and after some "negotiations" in the back we were all told we could get dressed and go...

    When the cops left, the owner... apologized to us all... and gave us all $100 to make up for it. He did not want us telling any other dancers about this... so that word would not get around... which is exactly what the cops (or whoever) wanted...

    So.. yeah... the most awkward moment in a club for me is deffo standing naked on stage for an hour or so with the house lights up... and no customers... except 4-5 uniformed cops....
  • ClubFan81077
    5 days ago
    @Elitis You are far more adventurous than I am for taking two girls back for dances at the same time! I can only handle one dancer and one conversation at a time, and I'm also not good at dealing with unexpected drama!
  • ClubFan81077
    5 days ago
    Well, this thread has totally made me realize just how incredibly boring all of MY life stories are...

    I think the "winners" of this thread can probably be stated as follows:

    skibum609 - for apparently staying reasonably cool under pressure, while a firearm was being discharged close by, and then having to pay for a second (possibly overpriced) drink to replace the one that was suddenly 15% alcohol and 50% ceiling tile...lol

    grrlgonebad - for enduring a one hour shakedown in the nude for $100!
  • grrlgonebad
    5 days ago
    I have so many more... odd... stories... it is amazing what weird shit happens when you mix booze and drugs... men... mostly naked women... loud music... in a dark room...
  • misterorange
    5 days ago
    This was at the now defunct Bottoms Up in Irvington NJ, a ghetto dive bar that attracted some pretty odd characters sometimes. One night I end up sitting next to this fuckin weirdo. Scrawny little prick reminded me of the truth serum guy in True Lies https://clip.cafe/1x1/im-going-kill-pret…

    Right away the guy starts annoying me by evaluating the attractiveness of every dancer, and then questioning whether I agree or not. He wouldn't stop until I responded. I bypassed the usual polite tolerance and told him directly, "Look man, I don't care. Just stop talking to me." That worked... for less than a minute.

    The guy was a cheap groper. By that I mean, when a dancer comes around for tips, he flashes a $1 bill but won't let go of it until he gets his perverted little hands all over her. I prefer to be a gentleman and just put the tip in her hand. Save the dirty stuff for the back room.

    Well this jackass starts coaching me on how I give tips, and of course I was ignoring him. Then my CF came around and as I'm politely handing her a few bills, the guy grabs my elbow and pushes my arm forward, like he's trying to make me grab the girl's tits.

    I'm not usually an aggressive person, but that was all I could take. I stood up, got right in his face and told him to shut his fucking mouth and if he touches me again I'm gonna break his arm. Then the guy starts crying. I mean literally crying like a fucking baby. Sad face, sobbing, tears running down his cheeks, really crying. WTF!

    So he's looking at me like, I don't know, he expects an apology or something. Instead, I called the bartender (who I've known for years) and told her the guy's moving to the other side of the bar and asked if she would take his beer over there. She did, and the crying weirdo seemed a little confused. I pointed to the seat across the bar and he got up. He started walking but instead of going to where his beer was, he just ran out the door.
  • ClubFan81077
    5 days ago
    @grrlgonebad I've loved reading everyone's crazy stories, so feel free to share another gem or two if you'd like!

    @misterorange out of curiosity, approximately how long did you have to endure that dude in total? It sounds like you were as patient as you could possibly be!
  • misterorange
    4 days ago
    ^^ Eh, it was like half an hour, but constant annoyance.
  • ClubFan81077
    4 days ago
    @misterorange Yeah, even just a half hour can seem like a miserable eternity if you're next to someone truly obnoxious.
  • Elitis
    3 days ago
    @misterorange Had a similar experience like that once. Well, at least the first part lol. I took a buddy out for his birthday not that long ago and brought his friends with us.

    We get to the strip club and the whole time one of them is just commenting on EVERY dancer to me. "That one's not that hot." "That's one a little more my type". Nice enough guy so I didn't yell at him or anything. Just slowly started to respond less and less every time he made a comment.

    One or two comments here and there about the dancers? Sure, that's fine. But beyond that, you gotta learn to shut up or talk about literally anything else.

    @ClubFan yeah, that was the first and only time I've ever taken two back before. Probably not gonna happen again unless it's for extras and I'm super into both dancers.
  • hotgirlsplz
    3 days ago
    This is so weird to reflect upon.... but all my awkward stories have never happened in a SC.
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