avatar for beantown

Comments by beantown

discussion comment
16 years ago
avatar for aquavelvaman
Why Not Providence??
I think the ratings reflect the value/experience of the RI clubs, of which I frequent. I think that there are just a good number of people out there who aren't interested in going to a seedy, dirty, dive and getting unlimited extra's from 5's and 6's (or worse). There's a reason high class gentlemen's clubs exist, and while it's not for me, some guys are really just there for the fantasy, not for a happy ending. Therefore, when those guys go to Cheaters or somewhere else in Providence, they're disgusted by the dingy club, the high number of unattractive women, and if you're not interested in FS, you give it a bad rating. That's why reviews are important, it explains the numbers. And I totally agree that there should be regional/high level geographic overviews. Mass could read that there are very few options in eastern Mass, and all are air dances, but if you head to western Mass, and feel comfortable in the ghetto, you can get some extras or at least some better mileage. Obviously people can post stories, but it would need to be coordinated and have easy access to it. Great idea though.
discussion comment
16 years ago
avatar for beaumvb
Strip Clubs with Fat Strippers in TX?
I have yet to visit, but there's a club in Springfield, MA www. the418club .com that seems to hype it's stable of fat strippers so clearly there's a market for this kind of thing.
discussion comment
16 years ago
avatar for JMelbourne27
I don't think LE spends too much time on sites like these. I think internet monitoring nowadays is much more focused on straight prostitution through Craigslist and other sites. That's a much bigger issue than if a club is exceeding local laws on touching/extras.
discussion comment
17 years ago
avatar for wondergrl5
an experiment
There's a huge difference in clubs between MA and RI, so the benefit of visiting would depend on your style. MA is full nude, no/little contact. RI is anywhere from lots of contact to anything goes. Good luck on the road trip.
discussion comment
17 years ago
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
Best Airport Mongering where?
Baltimore and Providence are definite options where FS can easily be had and if you can fly southwest, get there cheap. It's been a while but last time I was in Detroit, the airport clubs had good mileage, but no way full service.
discussion comment
17 years ago
avatar for Slothrop
The Number One Rule for Going to Strip Clubs
As someone who visits most clubs while traveling, and therefore am often unfamiliar with the club, my #1 rule is to figure out the rules of the region, and if possible, of the clubs. If you're going to eastern MA, you get air dances. If you're going to Detroit, Houston, or Providence, you get two-way contact and then some. Tough to set expectations if you don't know what the range is.
discussion comment
17 years ago
avatar for Cougar289
Which State or area can you get the most contact?
As someone who's been to many Detroit clubs, a quick trip to ESL and many Providence RI clubs, I'd put a few Providence places above ESL mainly because in both, you don't need to be a regular or have tons of money for easy access to FS, but I think there's a bit more variety in Providence for not much more money than in ESL.
discussion comment
17 years ago
avatar for SammyGold
New York
Does your wife/girlfriend know or care?
My wife does not know, and yes, she would care. I don't go when I'm home, but will often go when traveling for work, so every few months, and I'm pretty certain she would not appreciate it, so I see no benefit to trying to change her views. I don't have other vices, so I'll keep this one to myself.
discussion comment
17 years ago
avatar for dixboy
Touching At Mons Venus
Mets - I could care less about homonymns, but as a Redsox fan I hate your screen name. I hope your fingers stay dry forever... As for contact, even at a club with almost no rules, like Cheaters in Providence, the random ass grabbing is no no, but once they start talking to you one on one, they're usually more than happy to do whatever it takes to get you to spend money on them although I've found many will at least expect a tip if you decide not to do a private dance.
review comment
10 years ago
avatar for beantown
Ok, not exactly a review just...
Follow-up. Got an email back. They're targeting first week of April for the opening.
review comment
10 years ago
avatar for Tiredtraveler
Solo PL
The place was easy to find...
Nice to see a review of this place here. Will have to check it out myself.