Comments by proginohio
discussion comment
2 years ago
I've been reading some of the comments about the redesign. It's founders site and he can do whatever he wants. I did want to share how this affects me. I don't club all the time but usually will when traveling (Ohio clubs just aren't worth the cost). I'd use the 3-4 free views to pic a club or two that I want to visit. Then, upon my return, leave reviews. The 4 weeks of VIP usually doesn't help as it starts as soon as the review is approved. Would it be possible to have it start with the first view of a review? I could use that 4 weeks a month or two down the road.
discussion comment
2 years ago
Hong Kong in Tijuana. I had 5 pops twice. Money ran out each time.
review comment
3 years ago
It's semi-private in the lap dance area if you get one of the curtained tables. One of the other dancers told me the VIP area was 300 for the club and 300 for the girl for 15 mins. I hard passed on that.
For some perspective, I'm from Ohio where nipple viewing is forbidden. So, it's not hard to improve upon what I'm used to at home.
review comment
3 years ago
Sorry Minnow, I'll do better next time.
review comment
4 years ago
The Beach
Have you been back since?
review comment
4 years ago
No one was at the rail. Guys would go up and lay money on the rail or on the stage. Masks were worn by everyone working there. Customers wore them when up and around but most had them off the nose and/or mouth while seated.
review comment
5 years ago
@rugrat. I debated on that but I also see review publisher comments about not enough details. If I could edit out the names now, I would.
discussion comment
16 years ago
I've found dancers are often surprised by lots of eye contact and actually enjoy it. It completes the fantasy for you and helps them to provide it IMHO.
discussion comment
16 years ago
I visit Indy 4-5 times a year. BBF is the tops for looks and costs. Harem House is decent. If you are looking for high end costs and mostly hot girls, PT's would probably fit the bill. I've read good things about Hip Hugger, but never visited. It is about 45 minutes north of Indy in Kokomo.
Babes East seems a bit scary for my tastes.
discussion comment
16 years ago
Lisa Matthews
Kona Carmack
Stacy Fuson
discussion comment
16 years ago
Courtney Simpson
Kinzie Kenner pre-boob job
Cheyenne Silver pre-boob job
Crystal Raye
discussion comment
17 years ago
I got in free by driving myself and showing up in the early afternoon. They asked if I was local. I said no and showed my license. Tipped him a $10 after he told the cashier I was local.
discussion comment
17 years ago
Anyone had experience at The Chicken Ranch or Sherry's that they would be willing to share (on or off list)? You can email me at [email protected]
discussion comment
17 years ago
Actually, I am considering the Pahrump area, but it depends on whether I have time to make the drive.
discussion comment
17 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions. There were on my short list based on TUSCL reviews.
discussion comment
18 years ago
Atlanta suburb
I enjoy both. I have a regular club I go to about 2/3 of the time. The other times, I try a different club just to see what it is like. It does all boil down to girl. Some in liberal clubs are hands off while some in conservative clubs are hands on.
That said, I do enjoy Bones reviews as they are quite detailed and help me determine where to go when I'm in different areas.
review comment
6 years ago
Thanks for the trolley tip. I've wondered about trying that and your note convinced me to do that next time. Sure beats the parking clusterfuck at the border.
review comment
6 years ago
Maryland - Clubs here suck
Thanks for linking my post. Glad you had a good time.
review comment
6 years ago
I asked the bartender last night. They haven't seen Lex for a few months and don't know why she stopped coming in. That's all I have.
review comment
6 years ago
The last couple of times, I've not seen Lex there. I know Demi has also left. Next time I'm in, I'll ask if Lex is still there.
review comment
7 years ago
dowler86 has a contribution level of 0.00 and has been a member since 2015. He's a troll.
review comment
7 years ago
Really dowler86? That's a club ad? Fuck you
review comment
7 years ago
New York
I found that the yellow cabs drop off and pick up in front of Adelatis (sp) and only charge $5. The cabs in front of HK (usually orange and white) charge $7. Just walk 15 seconds and get a yellow cab to save a couple of bucks.