Comments by jablake (page 84)

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    16 years ago
    Well meretriculate allegedly goes way back to at least 1611 and was used by George Chapman in May Day. I doubt it was used just once, but who knows. Another word is meretricim meaning prostitute. And, then there is meretricate meaning to play the whore. Meretricious has two meanings: 1. Of or relating to prostitutes or prostitution. 2. Tasteless gaudy, making a false show of being attractive. Of course, dictionaries come in different sizes. I think the OED is something like 27 volumes, but I could be wrong it might be even larger! Are these "real" words, supra, listed in the complete OED? My guess is absolutely. But, again I could be wrong about that. Regardless, I don't subscribe to the notion that a dictionary determines whether a word is "real." So if your concern was that I was making up meretriculate, then that isn't the case. Did Mr. Chapman make it up in 1611? I doubt it, but that is always a possibility. Yes, I made up elusaiddation. My own little neologism to the best of my knowledge. :) Excellent definition of dog. :)
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    16 years ago
    Addicted to the Little Dog Story. Plus $35 per lb Stone Crabs Claws . . .
    No little dog story today. :( Angels was completely dead and the women, a good number, were more depressed than I've ever seen them. (Dog story girl didn't want to talk at all--maybe she said 10 words including thank you.) Went to Secrets and there were only 3 dancers and they wanted to work at Angels (Angels according to these dancers and others is where the money's at). I told 'em NO, I just came from Angels and they have less customers than you! At first it was just disbelief. And, then as I started naming a few dancers and gave my "references" it was like what in the hell has happened. One of the dancers was telling me she was on "probation" i.e. should couldn't work at Angels until she served X amount of time at Secrets. I thought she going to cry. She ended up giving me some free dances that I truly didn't want. That is, imo, very dangerous and although Angels is, imo, a very positive good club (yes, it's a small dive) that treats customers right . . . Secrets has a different history and my trust of it isn't too high. I don't know if it is the location or the old timers at Angels, but the clubs are different. Secrets is supposed to be more upscale. Angels is reportedly more dangerous for dancers--high drama city. Surprise, surprise, the dancer actually gave me the free dances without trying any sleazy shit. I didn't enjoy the dances in the least because in that club it is just a bad situation getting a "free lunch." $1 per dance? I think that would have made her very happy, but who knows. I'll repeat: a very bad situation. :(
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    16 years ago
    Care to define dog? :) Care to define elusaiddation? :) Care to define meretriculate? :) I assume you're joking about confusing meretriculate with matriculate. And, you let the dictionary decide for you what is and isn't a "real" word? :)
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    16 years ago
    Do you play cards or games involving dice? In S.C. it's illegal in your home.
    Yes, I think it gets down to if there is a perceived or actual wrong then of course the law/government is the proper remedy. :( Many years back an abortion rights advocate was extemely distressed when I informed him that I considered most abortions whether sanctioned by government or not to be murder. Well, he goes on this long rant about how criminalizing doctors and poor women would create so much misery and be so expensive and etc. When he finally allowed me to speak I informed him that just be I viewed a certain activity as a serious heinous crime didn't mean I automatically approved of laws enforcing my viewpoints. He was shocked and says if there is a crime then there *has* to be a LAW! I explained the old saw about the cure being worse than the alternative. Of course, he didn't care for my idea that women get the opportunity to see what they're aborting. Got keep people in the dark or as he put it you don't want scare or confuse vulnerable women especially since a fetus is nothing. They he starts yapping about the death penalty as if he knows what I believe. :)
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    16 years ago
    Black Gold . . . Club VIP . . . Secrets . . .
    Hi quimby, One of the surprising, imo, hot button issues is the $5 dance and not just on the internet. A buddy of mine insisted that it was impossible for hot women to be stripping for $5 in the U.S. (and he wasn't alone in fallacious belief by any stretch). His first visit to Angels confirmed what he already knew because the women were HUGE. He said something like 50 cents would be too expensive. He later learned that 1) super hot women do strip and a lot more for $5 a song and he may have learned 2) that some customers want HUGE dancers. Another hot button issue is the "dancers care only about the money mantra." That is generally very sound advice for a newbie to the club scene, but it is so much more complex than that. Even dancers who assert that they "care only about the money" may not in fact act in that manner at all. It surprised me that so many people truly believe dancers are so one dimensional and monolithic. It is like a buddy that I know who strongly believes and acts on stereotypes. It seems so stupid until he admitted that he did understand that stereotypes could be very wrong when applied against an individual. He just didn't care about individuals if it wasted his time or money. For example, why even look at a Mexican escort if all of the many you've ever seen are butt challenged? He wants to cut to the chase FAST. I don't have too much experience with the gentlemen's clubs. I hang out at the dives. A dancer was claiming that Tootsie's (a gentlemen's club) has been losing discrimination lawsuits i.e. they discriminate against black dancers. I have NO idea if that is true, but it sounds very plausible. The few times that I went there, there were tons of white dancers, but almost no black dancers. My guess is if they were free to choose then black dancers might be banned; or perhaps just black customers would be banned and more black dancers would get the opportunity to work. It is a sore issue as you probably can imagine. Normally, I would be in favor of letting businesses discriminate for whatever reasons. :) And, would still feel that way if the strip clubs were operating in a free market environment (they aren't by a long stretch)----free market does NOT mean you jump thru whatever hoops the government erects. As far as people being critical, it is easy for me to imagine that I rub people the wrong way. In fact, if someone likes my posts it leaves me thinking has that person been reading all or at least a good portion of them? It just seems more natural people would have a negative view because I think that I'm pretty far away from the mainstream and I use sesquipedalians. :) I can appreciate an intense dislike for big words, but that in and of itself is LONG story. Also, sometimes my writing is very much disjointed---iow, my proof reading is for naught. :) Lastly, I think some people just have a some trouble reading; they want one or two sentence posts.
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    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore.
    Correction: The only "racist" comment by shadowcat [that I recalled] concerned a story about a $5 black club he visited. "Jewing down a dancer" could be contrued as a "racist" comment. Then of course there was the "flat ass" comment that some would declare to be "racist," which just imo seemed like telling like he sees it.
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    16 years ago
    Black Gold . . . Club VIP . . . Secrets . . .
    Hi arbeeguy, The discussion is for the teeny tiny minority of TUSCLers who might be interested in these clubs or interested in asking me about these clubs. Now, that might only be one person or two people or zero people (excluding me). So let's say there is a TUSCLer that thought about going to Black Gold. He might have some questions or issues that he or she would like to discuss. Same with the VIP. The VIP may be the real deal when its open. Real deal meaning cheap prices and lots of mileage with perhaps hookups OTC. VIP could also be special. Special meaning you can be in a relaxed environment without a lot of narrow minded people. Secrets has it own type of special or at least it did. All of this is availble for discussion. Or, the discussion may veer toward my type of club going. Hit the clubs frequently as possible. Hopefully see and talk with the same dancers over a long time frame. Maybe see 'em OTC for dinner or lunch or at home. Or, may be the talk can focus on how horrible $5 dances are and that the rate has to $20 or whatever the magical number is to be a good or fair dance. I'm the type of person who may connect the proverbial butterfly wings moving in Bejing, China to the cost of dances on the day shift at Angels. :) Some folks like and appreciate that and others don't.
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    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore.
    The only "racist" comment by shadowcat concerned a story about a $5 black club he visited. What specifically was "racist"? He claimed that the black men could only afford disgusting fat dancers. I found his comment to be in extremely poor taste as well as being "racist" and I kept thinking about some of the wealthier black men at Angels who definitely preferred WHALE sized women. Here I'm getting dances from slim women and these men who I believe are far wealthier than me don't seem to have any interest in slim except to be polite. Who knows perhaps these black men weren't as wealthy as they appeared to be. I do know that they were spending fast and furious as well as being very generous. Generally, I just try and ignore whatever he is posting about so perhaps there was other "racist" comments. Or, maybe it is just that I'm insensitive as to racial slurs---probably I'm more sensitive to anti-racism. :)
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    16 years ago
    Move to the Private Area ROB . . .
    Hi Pythagoras, Well, I don't have too much love for the gentlemen's club crowd or snobishly wealthy. If you can afford $25 per song, then more power to you. Any dancer that thinks $5 is too cheap that is fine also. But, jimminey crickets those on a lower budget may want a $5 dance or a $1 dance and you know what is truly minding blowing? There are some dancers who look forward to making that money. Sorry buddy, but even $10 is too much because I like to buy a lot of dances and go *frequently*. A mere 10 dances at $10 per dance is a $100. Yes, I know for many men that is pocket change--more power to them. I remember this nitwit making a show at Angels of all places about me not purchasing any $10 dances. I said bright eyes how many times a week do you come to Angels? Bright eyes was lucky if he was able to come twice a month. Meanwhile the other dancers at Angels were fairly aggressive with him explaining the facts of life: A customer who buys a lot of dances and comes in morning, noon, and night diurnally (?) is a lot more valuable than a bright eyes who buys a few dances and comes in twice a month. Another nit wit, but with money, was complaining at The Trap. The Trap at that time generally had high class wealthy old men. This old fart was the exception. He was yapping he wanted me to tip $2. I asked the wealthy asshole how many times he visits The Trap? I hadn't seen his ugly mug before. He states with superiority that he come once a month! I said look here brainiac I've been coming in almost every day for the past couple of months because it is so convenient. The dancers will choose me over you any day. He was shocked to learn that was the case not only with the dancers and employees, but the other old customers too. He ended leaving soon thereafter. And, NO I don't believe that wealthy asshole even went to The Trap once a month; more like once every 6 months. If a dancer wishes to charge $100 a dance, then heck it may be cheap to the right customer. I'll stick with the $5 or less thank you very much. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you play cards or games involving dice? In S.C. it's illegal in your home.
    casualguy, It seems sorta like you don't believe it is the governments sacred duty to improve society? :) You want people to think for themselves and make all manner of destructive brian deficient choices? News flash: Most people need government to spell out what is right and what is wrong, what is attractive and what is ugly, what is intelligent and what is stupid, what is torture and what is enhanced interogation, what is affirmative action and what is reverse discrimination, who are extremists and who are moderates, etc. etc. etc.
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    16 years ago
    BTW, I have another language project concerning the meaning of the word "dog." In the context and tone it has been repeatedly uttered I assume it is a slang colloquialism meaning friend or good friend. Recently: Strippers call me dog. Neighbors call me dog. Even the degreed and erudite have, I believe it twas a mere slip, called me dog. The auto mechanics called me dog just yesterday! Is this a fallout from MV? Some sort of tribute to a battered and abused QB? To top this "dog" silliness off one neighbor wanted me to find her mutt dog and another wanted to give me a $2,000 dog. Maybe "dog" is all about the economy going to the dogs??? And, then there is the stripper who can talk for hours about her little dog. Or perhaps this has something to do with the current U.S. wars (for us)? Maybe it is a revolt against sesquipedalians? Anday Rooone where de hell are you dog, when I need you? :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you play cards or games involving dice? In S.C. it's illegal in your home.
    At Angels some years back I would play guess a card with the dancers sometimes. The game just didn't have enough zip or zap or zup. Basically, the dancer would pick a card and if she could make a lucky guess identifying her pick then I'd give her $50. Because it was too difficult sometimes I'd offer the $50 if they could merely guess if it was hearts or diamonds or etc. That did give some excitement, but that is too easy to win and also the game goes too quick regardless. One time the poor dancer was guessing all night and just given the number of guesses she should of been able to hit pay dirt. She started to get down on herself so at the end of the evening I gave her the $50. Her smile was worth a lot more than the $50 to me at that moment. Confelicity and macarism are more than good words or good synonyms they are good living. :)
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    16 years ago
    Cock Fighting
    Correction: You think there is some government commission or agency that determines what is a "real" word?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore.
    lol :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    "I think he's speaking his own language, but remember...this is someone who apparently didn't even know what a dove" But, I finally learned after conducting extensive research that happily involved and included face-2-face interactions with 2 "real" living and practicing ecdysiasts. It appears that in the context used "dove" didn't refer to peacenixs or past acts of diving or any bird of the family Columbidae or marijuana or crack cocaine or a tender person or etc. No, no, no. It had a far more nefarious meaning. To wit: Federal Reserve Notes equalling TWENTY United States dollars. In this nonce edukation was financially debileating or is debilitating? :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore.
    Perhaps cyberbeating is a better word. :) Or, cyberpublicservice. :)
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    16 years ago
    matriculate (v.) 1577, "to admit a student to a college by enrolling his name on the register," from M.L. *matriculare "to register," from L.L. matricula "public register," dim. of L. matrix (gen. matricis) "list, roll," also "sources, womb" (see matrix). The connection of senses in the L. word seems to be via confusion of Gk. metra "womb" (from meter "mother") and an identical Gk. word meaning "register, lot." Evidently L. matrix was used to translate both, though it originally only shared meaning with one. Meanwhile meretriculate sports the prefix "mere" which used to mean mother or lake. :) Of course, words do change there meanings over time. "Mer" also catches the meaning "to do for pay." "L[atin] meretriceum: prostitute.",M1 I also thought of merchant due to the "mer" prefix. merchant c.1200, from Anglo-Fr. marchaunt (O.Fr. marcheant, Fr. marchand), from V.L. *mercatantem (nom. *mercatans) "a buyer," prp. of *mercatare, freq. of L. mercari "to trade" (see market). Thus, I don't really see an "adapted combination of 'meretricious' and 'matriculate'." But, what the fock perhaps i just needs a bit mo elusaiddation. :)
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    16 years ago
    Cock Fighting
    O my. You've never heard of alternative or varient or creative spellings? ;) You think there is some government commission or agency that determines what a "real" is word? Or a word only becomes "real" when it finally gets placed in a dictionary? :) U faith in authority be sorely cacoplacced. Copacetic??????? :) Anyway, I mistype or mispell or poetic license even one syllable words. Doesn't make them any less "real." Just a matter of a little "non-standard" or perhaps "creative" spelling and or it is just an example of cacography. :) BTW, I have more pet-peeves and bed-bugs than you! :) (Hint: variant, etc.)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Cock Fighting
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    17 years ago
    Cock Fighting
    Yes, the government is printing money or issuing credits to itself. :) The wonderful federal reserve is a diaphsnous cover or at least it should be easy to see thru it. :)
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    17 years ago
    Cock Fighting
    Alectrymachy isn't a real word?! Sorry buddy, but the local strippers use that word all the time. In fact, they will engage in logomachies over it as if they were philologists or etymologists or even neologists. Anyway here is a link "proving" it is a real word, used by real ecdysiasts:
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer's Plays are a Partial Pay . . .
    That is part of the fun, but more importantly when the behaviour doesn't follow the words or mold I feel compelled to find possible answers. Also, somethings are just mind blowing, which cause me to start thinking and thinking some more. A dancer who pretends to undercount is interesting, imo. It gets even more interesting when she attempts to double the price after-the-fact for the second set of dances. So the first set is fine at $5 per dance and yet an identical second set should be $10 per dance? A dancer who takes money out of her own pocket to give me dances is also interesting, imo. I searched for answers and the answers, true or not, were thought provoking.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Cock Fighting
    Hi compoundword, I would think, perhaps incorrectly, that gambling on either activity is pennies compared to the money the U.S. government makes on other taxes not to mention all the money it "prints." A *little* research reveals: The U.S. alcohol tax brought in $8.6 billion for fiscal year 2007. Sounds like big money? The U.S. income tax brought in $1,589.9 billon for fiscal year 2007. Anyway, my guess is that alcohol taxes as relatively puny as it is, is many times greater than the potential market for dog fighting or cock fighting. Anyway, these taxes are fairly meaningless as far as the governments ability to spend money. As one senate democrat pointed out if saving social security was just a question of money then needed funds could just be legislated into existence. :) Yes, the other senators didn't seem to appreciate his revealing statement. I think around 1940 the TOTAL BUDGET for the government for the ENTIRE year was something like $4 billion (I could be wrong!). Anyway, "printing presses" are very nice if you got the guns to back them up. :)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Move to the Private Area ROB . . .
    Hi quimby, In the case of the Private Area ROB, I don't think it is always perceived as such by the dancer. She might be thinking of course he would prefer to pay more to get a lot more. It is like people who think of course a customer would pay more for full service. When I clarify that I just want the $5 dances her feeling depressed might result in low quality dances. Again she may not see it as a ROB at all. To me is a ROB not only in that I'm getting reduced quality from high quality, but also in that the chance I will do future business with her is slim. And, most customers may not even have experienced a Private Area ROB because they're eager to pay more for more service or the dancer doesn't think he can pay more so she doesn't even attempt it or etc. Another dancer that I know will basically stop giving good dances after she has reached the dollar value she wants for the night. She can give out of this world dances, but unless she seems very eager I just pass. A few times I've given her a test of 1 dance and then say goodbye or start spending money, but even that gets old especially since I know that if she reaches her monetary target the fun is over for me. I prefer more consistency and she can't or wont deliver.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Cock Fighting
    My 2 cents is the government should criminalize cock fighting provided alectrymachy is recognized as an inviolate inalienable indulto.