I was in Dallas over the weekend and visited Baby Dolls. Quite an incredible place BTW, about 30 dancers and hundreds of customers on a Friday night. I had dances from a couple of very young all American girls. When I told one of them that I was from Oklahoma she said she did not know too much about Oklahoma and the only time that she had ever been there was with her brothers to watch the COCK fights. Talk about a country girl straight off the farm now stripping in the big city. I nearly cracked up while listening to her talk about COCK fighting. I could see that term meaning something entirely different in a strip club ;)
Anyway, why is it that Mike Vick was crucified for dog fighting when the University of South Carolina has a cock fighter as their athletic mascot? Are dogs better than roosters? Also, colleges around the country have been made to quit using native Americans as mascots but South Carolina can get away with using killer birds that people place wagers on. It is a strange world that we live in.
There is quite an extensive and interesting history behind cock fighting where as dog fights are a more recent development. Dog fights seem to have little cultural, ethnic or religous significance.
I have one friend that is a graduate of USC(SC) and another that is a graduate of USC(CA). Trogangreg once said to me "Trogans and Cocks seem to go thogether". lol...
In the United States, cockfighting is illegal in Washington, D.C. and in all states but Louisiana. On 27 June 2007, the Louisiana legislature voted to ban cockfighting in the state. The ban will take effect in August 2008 [1]. It is legal in the United States Territories of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands and Guam. Thirty-three states and the District of Columbia have made cockfighting a felony however, in most places, it is legal to possess roosters. It is illegal in 40 states and D.C. to be a spectator at cockfights. Animal welfare activists continue to lobby for a ban on the sport.
godfatherstill: Do you eat chicken, fried or otherwise? If so, shut the fuck up about the University of South Carolina's mascot! If not, shut the fuck up anyway! Are you a member of PETA? That asshole organization, which has nothing better to do, has launched efforts to have the gamecock done away with as the school's mascot but their efforts have been totally (and rightfully so) ignored.
Shekitout, take a deep breath and push yourself away from the computer. I was just throwing it out there for discussion. I agree that PETA sucks and that colleges should not be forced to change their mascot names. One day my college will probably have to change their mascot name from Cowboys to Cattlepeople. Political correctness runs amuck in our country. I really did enjoy listening to my young stripper friend talk about the subject, hearing a young nude cutie in my lap talk about COCK fighting was strangly funny to me.
Speaking of PETA, remember when al gore first invented the internet, someone had peta as their URL and it was People Eating Tasty Animals? Now that was funny!
Godfather, you say that "Political correctness runs amuck in our country." Which of course is the answer to the questions you raised in your initial post. There is nno logical answer to any of this stuff, it's all about political correctness. It's censureship masquerading as sensitivity imposed on us by the enlightened elite. Hey I like that sentence, how'd I do that?
You guys are crazy. The government isn't making cockfighting illegal because of animal cruelty - frankly, that's just the spin they put on this legislation to make them look benevolent.
Uncle Sam cares about dollars and cents. Cockfighting (or dogfighting) is generally unregulated gambling that goes under-the-table. For every dollar spent gambling on cock fighting, that's a dollar not paid in sales tax/sin tax/etc. Follow the money.
I would think, perhaps incorrectly, that gambling on either activity is pennies compared to the money the U.S. government makes on other taxes not to mention all the money it "prints." A *little* research reveals:
The U.S. alcohol tax brought in $8.6 billion for fiscal year 2007. Sounds like big money? The U.S. income tax brought in $1,589.9 billon for fiscal year 2007. http://www.usgovernmentrevenue… Anyway, my guess is that alcohol taxes as relatively puny as it is, is many times greater than the potential market for dog fighting or cock fighting.
Anyway, these taxes are fairly meaningless as far as the governments ability to spend money. As one senate democrat pointed out if saving social security was just a question of money then needed funds could just be legislated into existence. :) Yes, the other senators didn't seem to appreciate his revealing statement. I think around 1940 the TOTAL BUDGET for the government for the ENTIRE year was something like $4 billion (I could be wrong!). Anyway, "printing presses" are very nice if you got the guns to back them up. :)
Dude, I don't think that "alectrymachy" is a real word...lol... BTW, I think the Fed charges the govt. a small fee whenever it prints some money for "us". So, the govt. shouldn't be printing money, what do we use to put in a stripper's g-string then? ;)
Alectrymachy isn't a real word?! Sorry buddy, but the local strippers use that word all the time. In fact, they will engage in logomachies over it as if they were philologists or etymologists or even neologists.
Yes, the government is printing money or issuing credits to itself. :) The wonderful federal reserve is a diaphsnous cover or at least it should be easy to see thru it. :)
Yea, like I said "alectrymachy" is not a word...alectryOmachy (empahsis mine...meaning cock-fighting) is a word. ;) It's a pet-peeve of mine...people that use words to try and make themselves look smart...just say what you mean and skip the thesaurus tyvm. You're a very, very weird man...lol...
O my. You've never heard of alternative or varient or creative spellings? ;) You think there is some government commission or agency that determines what a "real" is word? Or a word only becomes "real" when it finally gets placed in a dictionary? :) U faith in authority be sorely cacoplacced. Copacetic??????? :)
Anyway, I mistype or mispell or poetic license even one syllable words. Doesn't make them any less "real." Just a matter of a little "non-standard" or perhaps "creative" spelling and or it is just an example of cacography. :)
BTW, I have more pet-peeves and bed-bugs than you! :)
IDleStripper: It has been so long since you posted any of your nasty shit, That I thought you you had died. I see that you are still using some one else's nick name. Not even enough class to think up your own. Welcome to my ignore list.
30 some years ago a cartoonist named Shel Silverstein did a series of cartoons about Mexico. In one of them, a man and woman are at a cock fight. The caption reads "Of course it is two rosters. What did you think it was going to be?"
You doubt cacoplacced is a "real" word? LOL. :) I's bet you even know the definition for cacoplacced. Sure ye might take issue with the spelling, but the concept the word represents I figures you got clear enough.
I got another word U myte appreciate: cacoscat. :)
I'm not? You are that all knowing? :) People have different preferences and different ideas.
A hostility to long words or obsolete words or neologisms isn't unreasonable in the least, imo. However, some people do appreciate all of that "crapola." In a way I sort of see it like poetry. I HATED poetry; until a stripper showed me a few poems that were, imo, extremely high quality. Yes, for the most part poetry ain't my cup of tea. Same with art. Most art just leaves me thinking and feeling yuck. Some art stimulates the old brain cells and leaves me wanting more.
Anyway, sometimes people take knowledge for granted or just have closed minds or know much more than what is being discussed or etc. The important thing is to remember the "goats." LOL! For whatever reason the lesson about the "goats" just caught my neighbor's imagination. I felt it was insulting while he felt it was a valuable truth that he needed to remind himself of.
What I am hostile to is the idea that merely using "big words" is a sign of real intelligence and/or thoughtful argument...frequently, in my experience...the reverse is true. As is the case here...I deeply suspect...lol...
Who has the idea that the use of "big words" is a sign of real intelligence and/or thoughtful argument? The reverse could definitely be true. Exhibit A in my opinion would be the U.S. Supreme Court or even the legislatures. I do say I loved the word prenumbra, however. I think that was the word, but heck me spelling or memory may b off.
My humble opinion is that highly developed language skills are mainly tools of fraud and force. Now, I may be dead wrong in that opinion. And, it really don't make a damn bit o difference. The solution really isn't to whimper about the big words, imo. The solution is to learn about the big words and dishonest arguments. For anyone to be impressed by a Bork is in my opinion disgusting---yes, yes, I could be wrong. What was it that he was complaining about loss of freedom for slave owners if they couldn't own slaves? Do you remember that or is my memory that far off. Or, maybe I just misunderstood.
Since adding parodyman and MisterGuy to the ignore list my enjoyment of this site has increased 3-fold. Try it youself for a few days. You may be surprised how much more calm you will feel. NC
I can't say I would ignore MG, or use the ignorant button on the other. "His" juvenile behavior is often worth a good chuckle. To me, wouldn't much be a point to visit here if everyone was the same.
I'm glad that I'm not pissing you off! :) Sometimes I think I get a little too out there: I get caught up in a convoluted story line (with long words), get into a stupid pissing match, take a position that is culturally extreme, or act too harsh.
Thank you for the advice, but I don't believe in the ignore (might be wrong on that count, btw.) My feeling on this as best as I can express it is the "rose colored glasses" syndrum (sp?) and my loathing for it. A very happy friend (a pleasure to be around) took the unusual step for him of complaining about my unhappy perspective and state. I say you don't see all the misery and corruption? He surprised me greatly by going down the list in rapid fire; neat and concise. And, then adds that he has a brain and he has eyes and ears, but there is nothing he can really do to change the game in a meaningful manner and he wouldn't want to live his life trying. His solution for himself and *me* was just don the rose colored glasses or if necessary use as much drugs as necessary---just be happy regardless of the costs. Even if he was 100% correct, it just depressed me even more. :(
Sometimes that is very true MisterGuy and other times it is very far off the mark. With the right police officers a whole mess of laws just wont be enforced even with an admission as to the facts. Yeah, the normal laws involving "real" crimes still have razor teeth, but even there it is a very different perception. I'll be presumed innocent. :)
Even that being the case what I would like from this stinking vile government is the absolute right to a jury trial and all an black jury is fine or an all latin jury is fine or an all women jury is fine. IOWs, it don't even need to be a jury of my peers if'n it be a civil case. ;) Better yet just abolish the court system completely.
I timidly recommend for you to read or read more Chinese Fables. I'm currently picking and pecking thru "A Treasure House of Chinese Fables," by Chi Him Chiu.
last commentPeople have more of an emotional attachment to dogs generally. Also, if the government says something most people believe and obey.
My 2 cents is the government should criminalize cock fighting provided alectrymachy is recognized as an inviolate inalienable indulto.
Uncle Sam cares about dollars and cents. Cockfighting (or dogfighting) is generally unregulated gambling that goes under-the-table. For every dollar spent gambling on cock fighting, that's a dollar not paid in sales tax/sin tax/etc. Follow the money.
I would think, perhaps incorrectly, that gambling on either activity is pennies compared to the money the U.S. government makes on other taxes not to mention all the money it "prints." A *little* research reveals:
The U.S. alcohol tax brought in $8.6 billion for fiscal year 2007. Sounds like big money? The U.S. income tax brought in $1,589.9 billon for fiscal year 2007. http://www.usgovernmentrevenue… Anyway, my guess is that alcohol taxes as relatively puny as it is, is many times greater than the potential market for dog fighting or cock fighting.
Anyway, these taxes are fairly meaningless as far as the governments ability to spend money. As one senate democrat pointed out if saving social security was just a question of money then needed funds could just be legislated into existence. :) Yes, the other senators didn't seem to appreciate his revealing statement. I think around 1940 the TOTAL BUDGET for the government for the ENTIRE year was something like $4 billion (I could be wrong!). Anyway, "printing presses" are very nice if you got the guns to back them up. :)
Alectrymachy isn't a real word?! Sorry buddy, but the local strippers use that word all the time. In fact, they will engage in logomachies over it as if they were philologists or etymologists or even neologists.
Anyway here is a link "proving" it is a real word, used by real ecdysiasts:
Yes, the government is printing money or issuing credits to itself. :) The wonderful federal reserve is a diaphsnous cover or at least it should be easy to see thru it. :)
Anyway, I mistype or mispell or poetic license even one syllable words. Doesn't make them any less "real." Just a matter of a little "non-standard" or perhaps "creative" spelling and or it is just an example of cacography. :)
BTW, I have more pet-peeves and bed-bugs than you! :)
(Hint: variant, etc.)
You think there is some government commission or agency that determines what is a "real" word?
You doubt cacoplacced is a "real" word? LOL. :) I's bet you even know the definition for cacoplacced. Sure ye might take issue with the spelling, but the concept the word represents I figures you got clear enough.
I got another word U myte appreciate: cacoscat. :)
I'm not? You are that all knowing? :) People have different preferences and different ideas.
A hostility to long words or obsolete words or neologisms isn't unreasonable in the least, imo. However, some people do appreciate all of that "crapola." In a way I sort of see it like poetry. I HATED poetry; until a stripper showed me a few poems that were, imo, extremely high quality. Yes, for the most part poetry ain't my cup of tea. Same with art. Most art just leaves me thinking and feeling yuck. Some art stimulates the old brain cells and leaves me wanting more.
Anyway, sometimes people take knowledge for granted or just have closed minds or know much more than what is being discussed or etc. The important thing is to remember the "goats." LOL! For whatever reason the lesson about the "goats" just caught my neighbor's imagination. I felt it was insulting while he felt it was a valuable truth that he needed to remind himself of.
Hi MisterGuy,
Who has the idea that the use of "big words" is a sign of real intelligence and/or thoughtful argument? The reverse could definitely be true. Exhibit A in my opinion would be the U.S. Supreme Court or even the legislatures. I do say I loved the word prenumbra, however. I think that was the word, but heck me spelling or memory may b off.
My humble opinion is that highly developed language skills are mainly tools of fraud and force. Now, I may be dead wrong in that opinion. And, it really don't make a damn bit o difference. The solution really isn't to whimper about the big words, imo. The solution is to learn about the big words and dishonest arguments. For anyone to be impressed by a Bork is in my opinion disgusting---yes, yes, I could be wrong. What was it that he was complaining about loss of freedom for slave owners if they couldn't own slaves? Do you remember that or is my memory that far off. Or, maybe I just misunderstood.
Since adding parodyman and MisterGuy to the ignore list my enjoyment of this site has increased 3-fold. Try it youself for a few days. You may be surprised how much more calm you will feel.
I can't say I would ignore MG, or use the ignorant button on the other. "His" juvenile behavior is often worth a good chuckle. To me, wouldn't much be a point to visit here if everyone was the same.
I'm glad that I'm not pissing you off! :) Sometimes I think I get a little too out there: I get caught up in a convoluted story line (with long words), get into a stupid pissing match, take a position that is culturally extreme, or act too harsh.
Thank you for the advice, but I don't believe in the ignore (might be wrong on that count, btw.) My feeling on this as best as I can express it is the "rose colored glasses" syndrum (sp?) and my loathing for it. A very happy friend (a pleasure to be around) took the unusual step for him of complaining about my unhappy perspective and state. I say you don't see all the misery and corruption? He surprised me greatly by going down the list in rapid fire; neat and concise. And, then adds that he has a brain and he has eyes and ears, but there is nothing he can really do to change the game in a meaningful manner and he wouldn't want to live his life trying. His solution for himself and *me* was just don the rose colored glasses or if necessary use as much drugs as necessary---just be happy regardless of the costs. Even if he was 100% correct, it just depressed me even more. :(
Sometimes that is very true MisterGuy and other times it is very far off the mark. With the right police officers a whole mess of laws just wont be enforced even with an admission as to the facts. Yeah, the normal laws involving "real" crimes still have razor teeth, but even there it is a very different perception. I'll be presumed innocent. :)
Even that being the case what I would like from this stinking vile government is the absolute right to a jury trial and all an black jury is fine or an all latin jury is fine or an all women jury is fine. IOWs, it don't even need to be a jury of my peers if'n it be a civil case. ;) Better yet just abolish the court system completely.
I timidly recommend for you to read or read more Chinese Fables. I'm currently picking and pecking thru "A Treasure House of Chinese Fables," by Chi Him Chiu.