Comments by jablake (page 83)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore.
    Hi MisterGuy, Again, I disagree with your opinion. To wit: "Quotes without their sources are meaningless..." The message can be far more important than the messenger! So Scalia mouths off and he mouths off some more and finally he says something brilliant. (Yes, this is hypothetical.) The source of the brilliance shouldn't really be what is important. The message if it is good should be what is important. Unfortunately, too many people, imo, are authority directed. A big shot has to deliver the message or it has NO value: That is normal for most people, imo. A big shot ball player says Burger King is the best and a whole mess of the cattle class will believe. If President Bush says there are weapons of mass destruction then again a whole mess of the cattle class will believe. If the government says some idiocy like alcohol is addictive, then by god that has to be true in the eyes of many of the cattle class, imo. I like to give credit where credit is do--definitely. But a good message should be capable of standing on its own merit, imo.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Black Gold . . . Club VIP . . . Secrets . . .
    Hi david120, It may not be worth figuring out. :) And, I may definitely not have a point, but rather a potpurri. Anyway, there isn't an issue of my being "persecuted" perceived or other wise. That doesn't make much sense. I've given examples of other people who've been screwed by the government and that shouldn't be any big shocker. Even in a good system a few people will fall thru the cracks. For the most part, I'm not highly focused on explaining the complex when I'm not even sure the very simple will be understood. For example, The Wall Street Journal had an editorial "blitz" that one man's terrorist is another man's terrorist. I consider that completely brain dead--doesn't mean it is--it is the way I perceive it. If that brain dead idiocy was correct then everyone would consider President Bush to be a terrorist. After all one man's terrorist is another man's terrorist. So if some people in the Middle East or even America see President Bush as a terrorist then we will all have to jump on the bandwagon. Another example, of basic idiocy that I think is beyond the average man's comprehension. The Social Security Trust Fund has a bunch of "assets" to assure that Social Security is solvent. The assets are of course government debt. Most people fall for this scam completely--even intelligent people. Again, I see it as brain dead--doesn't mean it is, but that is my very strong perception. When the Social Security Trust Fund needs to convert its "assets" into dollars where is the money coming from? Well, the government could just "print" more fiat money. Or, the government could raise taxes. Or, the government could lend itself more money or try and borrow from others. Or, perhaps the economy will grow enough to let existing taxes pay off the mountian of debt---you know the mountainous liability otherwise known as the government debt held by the Social Security Trust Fund. So the Social Security Trust Funds lends money to the government and this is supposed be a real asset? :) Wonderful and just brilliant. It is like if I printed up a bunch of promissory notes *to myself* and then claimed they were assets! And, it isn't just pea brains that have difficulty with what should be fairly simple concepts. An intelligent (actually he is highly intelligent) buddy believed that because on a single visit to Angels where he saw a bunch of disgusting dancers that that was the only kind of dancer that worked at Angels. No hottie would work for $5!!! End of discussion--in his mind. It wasn't the norm even a little bit! The next day or even next shift there could be mouthwatering hotties! He also couldn't believe that *any* customers could actually find the blubber blobs attractive. Oh no! Everyone has to view beauty thru his eyes. We actually have almost identical taste in women by the way; his standards are lower than mine, which he admits. Anyway, none of this is too important one way or the other and if no one gets it even a little bit I won't shed a single tear or even be upset; it is just the way things are. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You're are special. I don't do this for everone....
    "Was he saying that you stood a better chance of getting an STD, if you only had a few sexual partners vs many?" The short answer in my opinion is NO! If you have just one sexual partner, then that is better than sleeping around. Abstinence, however = BAD! The paradox of more sex participants equals less disease (up to a point) is that if the safety conscious people accept abstinence it creates a situation where a "sexual predator" type will me more successful. For example, Bob listens to the message that says NO SEX and being a very careful and obedient type he complies. Meanwhile, Mary would still like a little action, but now the safest members of society have basically opted out. Mary ends up with Don Juan who'll fuck anything in pants or a skirt. If only the nice guys weren't so wimpy, then Mary wouldn't be placed at a much higher risk. Anyway, that is my limited understanding. :) And, not only may I be 100% wrong in my interpretation, but the whole damn theory may be wrong! It is interesting food for thought in how good intentions can spread significant misery.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You're are special. I don't do this for everone....
    Hi Book Guy, I'm not acquainted with the "double-reversal," but it sounds neato. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cock Fighting
    I'm not? You are that all knowing? :) People have different preferences and different ideas. A hostility to long words or obsolete words or neologisms isn't unreasonable in the least, imo. However, some people do appreciate all of that "crapola." In a way I sort of see it like poetry. I HATED poetry; until a stripper showed me a few poems that were, imo, extremely high quality. Yes, for the most part poetry ain't my cup of tea. Same with art. Most art just leaves me thinking and feeling yuck. Some art stimulates the old brain cells and leaves me wanting more. Anyway, sometimes people take knowledge for granted or just have closed minds or know much more than what is being discussed or etc. The important thing is to remember the "goats." LOL! For whatever reason the lesson about the "goats" just caught my neighbor's imagination. I felt it was insulting while he felt it was a valuable truth that he needed to remind himself of.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Sort of neat that a search for the word meretriculate on Google gives a TUSCL listing showing this discussion. See: Didn't think google was that good. TUSCL, might be getting some clout!!! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    It isn't in any dictionary? Did you check this link out: Or, are you claiming the Endangered English Dictionary: Bodacious Words Your Dictionary Forgot isn't a "real" dictionary? What about the The Origins of English Words: A Discursive Dictionary of Indo-European Roots? Are you claiming this dictionary also isn't a "real" dictionary? Besides, I do believe (could be wrong, though) that it is in full OED. I don't have access to that service and besides a listing in a dictionary doesn't determine whether a word is in fact a word. A word can be in use for some time before it gets listed.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You're are special. I don't do this for everone....
    My writing at times can be confusing enough without posting in the wrong thread to boot! :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore.
    What little I know about Scalia, I detest. I'd love to hook him up to a polygraph. If his beliefs are honest, then I would probably feel more kindly toward him regardless of how he rules on a particular issue. I may be 100% wrong, but he seems like a rodent.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You think it was just 1 guy who used it once? If that is the case, then very impressive, imo, that it found its way into any dictionary. Some people may have library access to the OED complete and it would be interesting to see if meretriculate is listed along with its etymology. BTW, I doubt all sources for the word that were found are listed; rather only the most prominent early finding along with notable changes in meaning if any. Of course, I'm not an etymologist----definitely a neologist, though. :) One of my creations actually made it into the Miami Herald at the very least. YAY ME!!! :) I do get a little excited over the occasional victory.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore. Yeah, I wouldn't take the urbandictionary as the last word, but it is more fuel for the fire. Lastly, if 51% of Jews believe the term Jew down is fine and dandy, then does majority rule? Especially if 49% of Jews start crying non-stop and need counseling everytime they hear such a allegedly offensive term. I don't know how the typical Jew feels about the term, but it wouldn't surprise me if he or she thought damn straight Jew down is a positive phrase. And, yes it wouldn't surprise me if the typical Jew found it offensive.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You're are special. I don't do this for everone....
    Oops, I posted the above post in the wrong thread.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You're are special. I don't do this for everone.... Yeah, I wouldn't take the urbandictionary as the last word, but it is more fuel for the fire. Lastly, if 51% of Jews believe the term Jew down is fine and dandy, then does majority rule? Especially if 49% of Jews start crying non-stop and need counseling everytime they hear such a allegedly offensive term. I don't know how the typical Jew feels about the term, but it wouldn't surprise me if he or she thought damn straight Jew down is a positive phrase. And, yes it wouldn't surprise me if the typical Jew found it offensive.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore.
    Is "cracker" a derogatory term? :) Could be unless the person is a cracker and is proud of the term.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore.
    It means to "cheat"? News to mean. I thought Jew down or jew down meant tough and intelligent bargaining or haggling. And whether some Jews liked or disliked the phrase to Jew down, that it could be used in a very positive sense. Yes, it could also be negative in the sense of being "cheap" or "unfair," but I don't believe in general it ever meant to "cheat" unless that is being used as synonym for "unfair."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Black Gold . . . Club VIP . . . Secrets . . .
    Not sure of the standard spelling for hermeneutical and in fact I had to check the definition before I used the word. Ah, yes I transposed the u and e; hermenuetical instead of hermneutical. Yes, I have given reviews before. And, giving a number is WAY distasteful to me. A request way made to the founder to have the number be voluntary, but he had some good reason for rejecting the suggestion. I don't recall exactly why he rejected the suggestion, but he had some good reason or perhaps reasons. I figured you'd feel that way since you believe the purpose of government is to "make things better" or something approximating that. Many religious folks feel the same way. And, if that is the proper function of government then yes their *superior* morals should be forced on everyone if they have the government power because after all that is just the government "making things better." And, if I had a choice between having these religious nuts views being forced on me by the government or having your views forced on me by the government, then I may very take the lesser evil i.e. the religious nuts.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You're are special. I don't do this for everone....
    Hi Book Guy, Actually, as counter-intuitive as it seems having *fewer* partners can increase the prevalence of AIDS at least according to one economic working paper. Here is the link: If the working paper is correct, then government abstinence education/propaganda helps spread AIDS. I wouldn't dismiss or accept reasoning out hand, but it is good food for thought. Bottom line it is your duty if you don't have AIDS or other diseases to have sex with as many strippers as possible and unprotected may be best for the stripper.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    Click on "Contact Us" at the bottom of the page. I didn't have very good luck with this. Wanted to share information that Club Diamonds new cover was $20 inter alia. Perhaps months later it has been changed or not. I gave up. I believe other posters have been successful so not too much harm it trying. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cock Fighting
    You doubt cacoplacced is a "real" word? LOL. :) I's bet you even know the definition for cacoplacced. Sure ye might take issue with the spelling, but the concept the word represents I figures you got clear enough. I got another word U myte appreciate: cacoscat. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Black Gold . . . Club VIP . . . Secrets . . .
    Oh, I did forget. My neighbor who buys the "expensive" claws (appr. $70 for each claw) doesn't seem to have any concept that not everyone can afford that. So I'm asking her the price and really she just may not care about the price even a little and that may be the reason she couldn't provide price information. She was completely incredulous that $70 for a single claw would be WAY out of my budget. And, it reminded so much of wealthy assholes (including close friends :) ) who truly don't see that $500 or $2,000 for full service is out of some people's budget. I've heard the sickening commandment that you can't get a decent escort for less than $1,000 or less than $500 or less than whatever their magic number is. Or, this variation if you can't afford a measly $500 than you got no business getting an escort. BTW, you can get very sweet escorts in the $10 or $20 dollar range that I think can be far superior to the $200 to $500 escorts. My gambling stripper introduced me to a latin hottie who was eager for $25--and from talking with her I think she would give a wonderful time (not interested in full service with strangers). I'm not into the escort game that much--too much in the way of surprise and sometimes too much risk of contact with leo and too much focus on full service.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Black Gold . . . Club VIP . . . Secrets . . .
    I'm somewhat familar with the concept of blogging, but think location. :) I did review some clubs. This number ranking business isn't for me AT ALL!!! The point? The point may merely be hermenuetical for dearth of a better word at the second. Something to do with the journey finding its own destination and the didactic. (Crab claws was stealth for explaining that prices and budget vary wildly. :) My neighbor lady probably wouldn't blink at paying $200 for a single claw while someone else may have a tough time with $2 for a single claw. It is the old $5 dance v. the $25 dollar dance, which seems to send some perv's rage into a roar; hence a stealth explanation may penetrate where a hot button issue like dance prices wouldn't; so best to keep it a mite abstract.) Yes, I'm 'n favor of allowing dancing, discrimination, and drugs. No matter how harmful. Yes sireeee bob, freedom just rubs nanny state-prison state-big government believers and ideologues de wrong way. At least long is ok with you, that does flip some readers into RED mode.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    You're are special. I don't do this for everone....
    Thumbs up that you're having some fun. :) I'd caution you that just because you're paying a lot less than most guys would doesn't mean it's not all about the money. Strippers have different strategies; some seriously sinister. Sinister is often the best, imo. :) Or, you may be clicking with her for whatever reason and money is a negligible or nonexistent consideration for her. BTW, even if she does want $$$ from you doesn't rule out that she may have feelings for you. The important thing, besides your health, imo, is enjoying the good times even if she just a great actress. Death, imo, shouldn't be feared too much. Now, slow death with extreme pain or disfiguration or blindness or etc., will definitely place some real fear into me. But, hell not everyone is afraid of pain or disability and if you're in that camp more power to you. I don't understand the non-condom use, but it seems like the norm among people I know. For whatever reason there doesn't seem to be any fear of disease. When I'm feeling really sick or in a lot pain it definitely places the face of hope on death.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Cyberbullying, It's not just for breakfast anymore.
    When I first saw men of any race (ITC or OTC) interested super sized women my knee jerk thought was well that is all they can afford or they're totally desperate. I mean I would pay money to keep these "ugly" women away from me if necessary. Well depending on the man it may or may not be true that he is settling for the best he can afford. The man might be wealthy and spending money freely and yet he is attracted to large women or tall women or whatever. One positive of strip clubs, imo, is that you can see there is a demand for different looks. Heck, some men aren't that focused on looks and are much more interested humor or intelligence or dancing skill or etc. Some large women have told me that strip clubs were a real esteem builder because you realize not every man wants a barbie. Having said all of that stereotypes are sometimes right on target, imo. For example, I knew many of the customers at The Trap and there are certain types of (rare) looks that will be very much appreciated in the extreme. So, there is this dancer at Angels who in my eyes is just special in the extreme and yet she isn't getting attention that some of the "disgusting" women are getting. I tell her The Trap is where she will print money. I don't go around Angels telling the super hot dancers that they will print money at The Trap (most wont, imo); she might have been only the second dancer that I told that to. Finally, she goes to The Trap. Guess what? She is driving old white men (as well as younger white men) crazy and they're spending as high as $25 per song. At Angels she was struggling and only generally making $5 per song. Guess where she preferred working despite making much less? Angels. Yes, she doesn't comprehend that she has to be just about the money. Just because she is a dancer then presto her god is $$$$$$$$. (BTW, if a dancer claims to like me, my knee jerk thinking (most likely on target, imo) is that she is just doing her job to earn her money.) Side note: At the time the dancer fee to work at The Trap was small compared to the dancer fee to work at Angels. So, this dancer was not only making a boat load more at The Trap, but her fees are way less at The Trap as well. Yet, when I talked with her, she is like yes there is a lot more money for her at The Trap and the fee to work is much less, but she just didn't like it. She liked Angels, but just wanted to make more money there.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Again meretriculate is a real word. And, NO it isn't my poetic creation or neologism. Here is the link for meretriculate, again (not the Wikipedia link):,M1
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Addicted to the Little Dog Story. Plus $35 per lb Stone Crabs Claws . . .
    Depends on the size of the stone crab claw. :) The ones my neighbor was buying might have weighed 2 pounds each or $70 for a single claw. The ones I buy typically are about 4 to a pound. That is a hell of a spread especially considering that I'm not buying the small ones. In fact, they're alleged to be large and yes they are large except compared to really large. Blue crab claws same deal, but the jumbo I haven't seen in decades. Normally, blue crab claws are small. Red tide can change that real quick. One claw might weigh as much as a half pound. Anyway, I'm getting a lot of meat without much work with the claws that I generally buy. Times aren't good for me and I expect much worse. Not being able to spend more to help them out during slow times is depressing, but that isn't the only problem. The government is a huge problem especially for the little clubs. Sometimes the dancers see it and will even complain about what is happening and other times it is more stealth. Even before the sudden drop off the owner had made the decision to bring the club to a fairly swift halt. No, it isn't all about the money when you got the government breathing down your neck for whatever reason or reasons.