
Comments by jablake (page 26)

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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    "He held every belief of the party but had 'heard' from friends family and co-workers all his life that conservatives were all about the rich and democrats the poor." If it were true that Republicans were all about the rich and democrats the poor, then then my initial knee jerk reaction would be in favor of the Republicans. The reason being the ideal that the Republicans were all about the rich in order to create wealth. I get a little sick about hearing "jobs, jobs, jobs" as if jobs are good in and of themselves. What created wealth (besides massive fraud and money creation) was technology that eliminated jobs---kill the stinking jobs, but it such a way as to produce more! Under President Bush, Republicans seem to stand for ever more government. Wonderful. However, if more government is the ticket then it is more government of the Democratic kind that needs to be shoved down people's throats. You know busy bodies for gun control, equal opportunity, universal health care, reproductive rights, education, etc. And, less government blowing up innocent men, women, and children. And, less government for the massive government prison state. And, the tax issue means absolutely nothing to me if printing press President Bush or his masters are in charge. Gee, print lots of dollars so we can compete with Vietnam or other Third World nations. Mind boggling stupidity (to work to destroy your own currency), but then on the brighter side a man like President Bush makes extreme wealth redistribution seem like the highest moral good. :)
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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Yes, morality like that of President Bush seems pretty damn disgusting. I'd rather have some liberals tell me and other supposed "conservatives" what I can drive, what my thermostat must be set on, etc. This morality filth is even worse when it is mixed with their God and their teachings and their arrogance and their prisons and their hatred. Now, if President Bush's morality was applied against his supporters by an omnipotent being or nation, well that right like seems to be a reaping o what you sow. A little old fashioned conservatism----not this new crapola which just seems like stunted liberalism.
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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Body Language? Because I live in Miami it is normal for me to come in contact with people from all over. I'll never forget the young man from rural Nebraska or Iowa. What a trip. I'd swear he was a Martian because he was so out of place in the big bad city. A true Mr. Innocent looking for a little sinful fun. And, HEAVEN that only cost I think it was $400 just for the girl. If you live in the middle of nowhere that is a good way to save the dollars. From meeting all these different people, I get a very strong sense that their belief system may be totally insane and also that people have different needs and values. In my immediate local area Saddam could probably easily defeat President Bush in an election. What does that mean? The people love Saddam? Hate President Bush? Hate Republicans? Heck, could be any combination. Maybe it means this local area has a lot of refugees from a Iraq that have moved-in to flee all the horrors rained down upon them. Sorta like the communist and loyal Soviet who I had lunch with. She was a civil engineer (so much for logic) and was convinced the Soviet Union was the greatest thing since sliced bread. Other people that I met from the Soviet Union thought of it as a giant prison and they'd love to get their hands or more likely a rope around such a former "comrade." Anyway, seems like body language is a pretty good guide to communication with these different people as well as LISTENING. A person from Canada who thinks Canada is a 100 times better than the U.S. is unlikely to change his mind after he's experienced both countries. Why fight the issue unless his body language gives you a flashing neon red HELL YES!!!!!!! :) Besides the body language remember the maxim that opinions are like assholes . . . iows, don't get bent out of shape because an imbecile or genius doesn't respect you for whatever his prejudice is.
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    16 years ago
    Lapping & Talking...(at the same time)
    Normally I like nervous. Seems more like real GFE.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    The GOD of appropriate conversation in my all knowing opinion is Dale Carnegie. http://www.amazon.com/How-Win-Friends-Influence-People/dp/0671027034/ref=pd_bbs_sr_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1233750824&sr=8-1 Dancers who wish to make money and live much happier lives should, imo, read this book a minimum of 10 times and try to apply the lessons. This one gentleman that I knew became enraged when I mentioned that was one of my favorite books. He considered himself to be the all knowing expert on Dale Carnegie and I definitely wasn't a Carnegie person. :) To clarify somewhat, I had no interest in being a Carnegie person; now, if money and happiness are the end all be all then yes being a Carnegie person is definitely recommended. My neighbor came to chew me out yesterday. He was yapping about property values in the neighborhood. He wants high values. I want low values (if I'm staying). When he heard that I wanted low values his reaction is anger. I'd rather see him happy assuming that I don't get screwed in the process. Anyway, he says that it is unfair for me to lower his property values. And, I have no problem with that line of thinking except that he has no concern about me or anyone else generally so why should I care about his property values??? Every time he mentioned community I cringed. How is there any type of community when he only cares about himself? And, that is a fine way of thinking if I'm allowed the same courtesy. The fuzzy wuzzy point of this minor digression is that money doesn't need to the main focal point and just because a person yaps their head off about you being charitable doesn't mean they're even willing to give a penny to a good charity.
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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    "whose objective walking in the door is to have fun" That is the objective? More than a few times dancers have told that the reason to go to a stripclub is to buy dances. The dancers were actually shocked when I said NO that doesn't need to be the reason. A customer may plainly state and even believe that they want to have fun, but that may not be the case. Perhaps the customer needs to get even with all those women who rejected him over the years or who refused to put out on the first date. Maybe the reference was just to customers whose objective is to have fun. . . . I've knew a violent man whose idea of fun was inflicting extreme pain and seeing misery----my judgment of him to his dismay was that he was garbage. To my surprise he was opposed to all homicide and placed a high value on human life. Life being the key for whatever reason. Also, to my surprise he enjoyed being subject to extreme pain (broken bones/wounds that require stitches/burns). The pain whether it was his or some unwilling victim was very positive in his mind. I guess there is no shortage of cookie cutter people who basically conform to reasonable stereotypes. The dancer is just interested in money. The john just wants to demean the prostitute. The feminist hates men. The Christian loathes sex except for procreation. I know a guy who believes that if a trait is prevalent among 60% or more of a population then it should to save time/make money be applied to the whole. Thus, if 60% of Jews are stupid that gets converted into 100% are stupid. He thinks everyone should think like that because it is reality.
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    16 years ago
    Appropriate Conversation, Oxymoron?
    Hi Missfrankiexxx, I don't see any problem with you asking why I was a Republican, but if you asked why I'm a Democrat that might send me on a tirade. <just joking, the question is fine> I still remember this one dancer who went off the deep end because a favorite customer of her's admitted that before President Bush the youngster, he had been a loyal lifelong Republican. It didn't matter how many times the customer explained that he was no longer a Republican and didn't give a damn about the Republican party due to President Bush, the dancer was just fixated. Even when the customer said he was thinking of becoming a Democrat that didn't help. Later the customer joked with me that he didn't know it was a crime to be a Republican. I gave him the look and he understood that he was forever stained (he knew that I had been a Republican)----even voting straight Democrat couldn't save his soul. The more I like the dancer generally the more I like the dances. However, dancers that I've known have a bad habit of refusing to do GFE if they get to actually like you. Also, finding GFE dancers seems like winning a real raise. Given the emotionally desperate and dumb customers it is easy to see why dancers more often than not Just Say NO to GFE.
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    16 years ago
    Dragon NaturallySpeaking test two.
    the preceding post was typed, and not spoken, I'm yapping away, hands-free. Not working too good right now. It's funny how the to not working at all. Okay, let's try this again is a long delay many words are left out Oh well, enough of Dragon NaturallySpeaking.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dragon NaturallySpeaking test two.
    Hi Clubber, I've only heard positives about Firefox. The first couple of times that I tried it, it needed to be uninstalled. The fifth or six installation (over a period of years) was the charm, however, there must be a setting or preference as to images or video that I'm missing. On Craigslist most (90%?) of the images are fine and dandy, but to see them all I need to use Explorer. With the video sometimes Firefox puts it in a download box while Explorer buffers and plays immediately----I greatly prefer the buffers and plays immediately. Also, some porn sites demand a plug in with Firefox, and fearfully I comply. End result? Zippo. No, video. Use Explorer and boom the video is practically playing before I hit play. Anyway, like I said I've heard only praise for Firefox. That is the reason that I kept persevering; that and a buggy Explorer.
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    16 years ago
    Most consecutive private/lap dances
    That is the normal price of dances here in Miami at the black clubs. My favorite club is Angels on W. Dixie Hwy and 148th Street, North Miami, FL. The dancers in this club pride themselves on being superb super sluts. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Most consecutive private/lap dances
    Probably about 35, but I didn't spend $600. I spent $150 (30 dances X $5 + 5 free dances). The money was well spent. I normally regret spending $5 for 1 dance because that means I was either extremely broke or much more likely that I had a very poor time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Advisability of Dating Stalked Druggie Cheerleader Strippers with Sleazy Boyfrie
    If *you* are willing to relocate, then hang out over at Angels (W. Dixie Hwy, N. Miami, FL) in rags. For instant results offer pussy licking at no charge and no obligation. That definitely should have the strippers lined up eager to be your girlfriend and meal ticket. Going over the top-----come in bleeding from a broken nose and fat lip. Those hotties (assuming the blubber blobs aren't in control) will be all over you like white on rice. :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Man dies from E St. Louis Strip Club Shooting
    American freedom was best enunciated by New York mayor Giuliani: "Freedom is the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do it." Yes, this is why democracy is so wonderful. Just your neighbors like Mayor Giuliani and President Bush looking to do right by you. Who better than they or other democratically elected officials to decide whether I go to a stripclub, drink a beer, or possess a gun? No surprise that this type of flag waving freedom has so many advocates on both the left and right.
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    16 years ago
    Man dies from E St. Louis Strip Club Shooting
    OTOH, I wonder if a pro-gun society's people are statistically more like to reject government control----control meaning "good" like providing medical care, housing, food, energy, etc. and "bad" like banning stripclubs or pay for play. I read about all the supposed freedoms enjoy by Iraqi's under Saddam (yes, Saddam could be an evil tyrant and the people could have an abundance of freedom-----freedom meaning uninfringed rights to big guns and your home is *your* castle culture.) American freedom was best enunciated by New York mayor Giuliani: "Freedom is the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do and how you do it." IOWs, the not only does the government know best----more importantly obeying government is the highest freedom an individual can hope for. So if stripclubs or pay for play are criminalized by the government your freedom is recognizing the validity of the government's unlimited authority. Gun ownership is a minor issue as long as government has the authority to control.
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    16 years ago
    Lapping & Talking...(at the same time)
    I like "boring" conversation depending on time, place, & dancer. The reason that I like it is because ordinary aka "boring" conversation is what stimulates some women. I like grabbbing tittty and they like talking about their diminutive dog or bad boyfriend or ridiculous rent. Now, if it is a half hour before the club closes then that assuming the dancer doesn't do OTC is the wrong time for conversation (women generally need time). In a club where a jet engine would seem quiet is the wrong place. If the dancer is gonna be yapping, then I prefer to hear what she has to say. Pretty much *any conversation* from any attractive girl is good assuming she is into it. The "verbal stimulation" I'm not generally into as in it usually seems too canned and un-GFE.
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    16 years ago
    Man dies from E St. Louis Strip Club Shooting
    Guns are to stripclubs what peanut butter is to jelly. Anti-gun nuts prolly can't discern that either. Unfortunately, I think Clubbers' thoughts along the lines of gun ownership is a substantive protection against government is statistically speaking very weak. It wouldn't surprise me if anti-gun nut type countries are less intrusive and controlling overall compared to countries where private ownership of guns is allowed. Of course, I could be wrong! :) Bottom line: Even if anti-gun laws reduced crime (anti-gun nuts know that guns facilitate violent crime including murder ergo less guns equal less murders) and were also wholly unnecessary for protection against government especially a democratically elected government which anti-gun nuts know is just your neighbors and fellow citizens looking to do good-by you, guns should, imo, be free of government infringement and abundant (assuming a free country; in the US, gun banning seems more appropriate).
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    16 years ago
    Man dies from E St. Louis Strip Club Shooting
    "I was the ONLY one to even mentioned 'anti-gun nuts.'" Exactly. :) Or to spell it out again: Well, I wasn't responding to what BG asked. :) If the 2nd Amendment is just about reducing crime, then it is best if the government just bans guns. People can then argue about something important like whether whether the maximum federal tax rate is 33% or 35%.
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    16 years ago
    Man dies from E St. Louis Strip Club Shooting
    Hi Clubber, Well I wasn't responding to what BG asked. :)
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    16 years ago
    Man dies from E St. Louis Strip Club Shooting
    I was thinking that perhaps this could be an era where government again rides to the rescue to placate both pro-gun individuals as well as anti-gun nuts. Just as the typewriter is fairly obsolete having pretty much been whisked away by new technology perhaps now is the time for guns to be whisked away by technology. Immediately the less lethal HV Protector (stun gun) comes to mind. Government with its limitless supply of dollars could offer all manner of programs to buy AND replace old fashioned powder type guns with HV Protectors. Makes anti-gun nuts happy and creates jobs! ;) Of course, HV Protectors don't have to be the holy grail. Futuristic C-Based Protectors (ala mace, etc.) may be exceedingly desirable if free government dollars are put to work investing, manufacturing, ADVERTISING, and distributing said devices. President Obama has the right idea of bringing hostile factions together to sing kumbaya and God Save the Queen.
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    16 years ago
    Man dies from E St. Louis Strip Club Shooting
    In defense of the anti-gun nuts those stats may not be the whole ball of wax. Did suicides skyrocket? (The gun is so convenient and lethal.) Did accidental deaths or injuries by guns increase? (Little Mary just loved playing cowboys and Indians with her mommy's sawed-off shotgun.) Have health care costs escalated due gun liberalization laws? Are the violent crimes *more* violent? (Thug now carries and uses a gun where in the anti-gun environment of yore he might just shove you to the ground.) BTW, to those anti-gun nuts who believe saving or protecting a single child means saying yes to gun bans, then banning private swimming pools should be much more desirable.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strangest Gifts You've Given a Stripper?
    Oh yes, at her insistence I gave this stripper an algebra book, with calculator, that would allow her to make her own garbage-in-garbage-out algebraic formulas to "solve" every day problems such as is it a good idea to quit my job?, should I give my boyfriend a bj?, feed the cat?, etc.
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    16 years ago
    They May Legalize Prostitution in Las Vegas
    "Who would actually fly there to hook up with a hooker when the same thing is already available in the city you live in?" Wanna be johns who believe that obeying the law is virtuous or who those too timid to knowingly violate the law.
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    16 years ago
    parodyman--> is a FAGGOT who is UNEMPLOYED
    Illegal sexual activities in a strip club is always negative? There are probably hundreds of stripclub customers who are faggots and who are unemployed. Is there anything wrong with that? I was an unemployed faggot who was "saved" by affordable stripclubs. However, I see faggots who just refuse to get a job and work their tails off to earn money for the strippers. Instead they watch some free shows and then run home to their boyfriends for sexual relief. In this horrible economy, I expect evermore customers to become faggots. Perhaps faggots are the smart ones; remember a penny saved is a penny earned! :) Also, what is wrong with a little censorship!!! ;) Hey, it might be like salt; you need some to live, but too much will kill you. Besides just because one illegally fondles a titty without remorse in nowayshapeorform means that they are now forbidden from condemning other illegalities such as chainsawing off titties. It sure n hell don't make m hypocrities---more like an individual wid a brain and morals.
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    16 years ago
    They May Legalize Prostitution in Las Vegas
    If legal means government controlled, then prices should be high and quality should be low e.g. practice of law, banking, public education, etc. Decriminalized with government out the picture would be nice, but highly unlikely.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Percentage of strippers who like what they do...
    "And you can't draw a comparison between 'learning to be a good stripper' and graduating from law school." Yes, the stripper learns something of real value.