
Comments by jablake (page 3)

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    15 years ago
    Anderson Blooper: A kept man?
    "Did I come to the wrong site - there seems to be a lot of redneck posturing on this discusion forum that I'd be happy to see find another venue." Maybe it would help to see it as comic relief? :) Or maybe the gayness of Anderson Cooper and his muscular friend, Benjamin Maisani, could be used as ice breaker with a hot stripper? Something like did you know that Anderson Cooper and his muscular friend, Benjamin Maisani, probably wont be coming to see your totally awesome tits? If she asks why not, then knock that stripper over the head with the clincher----because they're GAY!!! If she doesn't have a sense of humor, then you can explain it was just a stupid vapid attempt at humor and that you love gays especially gay strippers who sleep with humor impaired customers.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Udate on gridget and TUSCL_Brother.
    That is very nice for you to help out gridget.
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    15 years ago
    Facials at Strip Clubs
    I accidently gave a dancer a facial during a $5 dance. She started screaming and the whole club came to a screeching halt to total silence with all eyes on us (I think the lights were turned up as well). The music had been so loud the whole club was shaking and yet her screams pierced straight thru. Oh, I think I ended up giving her an extra $5 to make peace, but maybe not. I had been trying to push her away because she was yanking my dick too fast----yes, unfortunately she thought I wanted to come quick. Her face was covered as well as her hair; clothing and hands; what a mess. :(
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    15 years ago
    Anderson Blooper: A kept man?
    Peasants from South America. WOW!!! They spent lots of money on what most people would consider complete tackiness. No education. No English. Supposedly, they couldn't even read in their native language. Looking at them in their relaxed state you being thinking that they were illegal farm workers. They definitely didn't like expensive women and with that I agreed whole heartily. If you're at the social level of a illiterate street sweeper, then it is unlikely you're going to enjoy an upper class woman no matter how many millions you have. An attractive illerate field hand who seldom bathes probably is a much better match.
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    15 years ago
    Anderson Blooper: A kept man?
    Being a PL is good especially if one can afford it. I'd love to be able to whip out the plastic and pay $5 grand a night assuming you could see value. Funny, but it is sorta depressing when you really see what costs millions. Ricky Williams (Dolphins' RB) commented on that when looking at a beachfront condo he was like that is all $3 million buys????????? Yes, Ricky sometimes you pay a lot for pretty much nothing. I was distressed by the quality of workers at many expensive jobs. Here the customer is spending millions and yet the damn workers are poorly trained, or unskilled, or just wants to do a poor job. It amazed me that with the type of money being spent that top quality people weren't hired or weren't available locally. A customer spent $10,000 on a bottle of wine at lunch . . . heck that customer would have strongly preferred the quality of many a $25 bottle. The $10,000 was just part of the show along with the truly hot hookers. There was a police officer with a wife to die for. Spend, spend, spend, was all she understood and her husband was an extremely generous man. Funny guy in that he hated to haggle over price----do a fine job first and foremost and don't be afraid to charge a very high price IF the quality is there; he definitely knew quality. Also, don't screw with the price----provide the price and don't keep adding extras and abuse he generosity. The wife really had the personality also. I felt like jumping her right then and there despite her he-man husband. What a lucky man to be able to attain the finer things in life. Not like the man spending $10,000 on a bottle of wine because he was truly at a loss on how to spend all his excess money. The officer was quality right down the line. He surprised me with his intellect and education.
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    15 years ago
    Right to Travel and getting dances from HIV positive strippers
    I'm using Explorer and it is screwed up compared to the other threads. I think the "special" formatting is because I cut and pasted some code. Oh well.
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    15 years ago
    Neither a Single Trick or Treater nor Stripper for Halloween . . .
    Yes, even in good times seems like my neighborhood is dead on Halloween. And, the excess candy is what started me down the road to fatdom. Publix doesn't help with its sales----used to be real sales of 90% off already low prices and now it is a measly 50% off very expensive prices. I still buy. I can't resist the sale. A whole year I can buy almost no candy and then boom the day after Halloween the sales do me in. I wish the strippers had similar sales after Halloween.
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    15 years ago
    Anderson Blooper: A kept man?
    I think it means not to expect competition from Anderson Cooper or his or his muscular friend, Benjamin Maisani. Way to go, men. :)
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    15 years ago
    Do you ever wonder about others she is doing?
    It can build the illusion of closeness. I like the fantasy of a real girlfriend. Gambling dancer was a real pro at that until she started to take the part to extreme refusing to trade sexual stimulation i.e. dances for cash. Never been upset by a dancer's conversation. One could talk for hours about a little dog that she was crazy in love with. Probably the only time that might have been unpleasant if it drug on was a conversation with a flag waver. Oh yes, this dancer talking about how big her pussy was; it isn't a turn on when I can easily stick my whole hand up a woman's pussy. Now a dancer complaining about a tiny pussy and then proving it was interesting---especially since the rest of the woman was HUGE. The pussy had trouble taking even a small finger and she was looking for a tiny dicked boyfriend---average was too big for her; said it was difficult to get it in and painful. A very small hard one was heaven according to her.
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    15 years ago
    Do you ever wonder about others she is doing?
    Probably most upsetting, to me, about thinking of sexual services by strippers is the number I've met who have no fear of disease in the least. That might be rational. One poster here explained the risks of different diseases and it seemed like my fear is misplaced. As far as supporting or servicing a loser boyfriend that is a zero concern, imo. In fact, the loser boyfriend might be the best thing the stripper has going as far as emotional support and understanding. Like Felicity said about her loser boyfriend, "If I didn't have the hot body, then I'd be in his shoes which is a sad place to be; fortunately, I have the hot body and plenty of men eager to pay a good price." She was most upset that he wasn't willing to take her support and run with it to success or at least try. She says (and she was shockingly sharp and well read) that if someone is willing to pay for my education, then I'm hitting the books full steam and getting the best education that I can get. Loser boyfriend seems, for whatever reason(s), locked into a loss . . .
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    15 years ago
    Do you ever wonder about others she is doing?
    Hi gatorfan, That is true. A silver lining to the down turn is that some the food that I like to eat has been on sale. Also, I was able to hire a man to do some repairs and although the price didn't come down the quality went up which was a relief. Another upside is that a fair number of people seem to have more empathy. I remember this stripper who really had a lot of empathy, but she admitted that it was a little difficult when jobs and money were plentiful. These Burger King workers were buying $300,000 homes and I was thinking that I need to learn money management from them. :)
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    15 years ago
    Do you ever wonder about others she is doing?
    Hi gatorfan, Sounds like you are a true optimist. :) I think that I'm hardwired against rose colored glasses or seeing the glass half full. The glass is really half empty!!! :) The story that I was repeatedly told was about the man who was suffering and depressed because he had no shoes, but then was depressed no more when he met a man without feet. I'm thinking what the hell??? Now I'd be more depressed because the man has no feet and I've got no shoes . . . it doesn't make me feel better that someone else is much worse off.
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    15 years ago
    Do you ever wonder about others she is doing?
    "Man, I feel like I'm watching The View. Claws in, you bitches! Take it easy on each other!" :) Abashed to say reference to "The View" sent me googling. Here is a link that makes it sound like "The View" is downright wholesome: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_View . Perhaps I went to a particularly rough and tumble kindergarten, but the harshest back and forth here seems like a replay. There are strange opinions everywhere. I'll always remember the sweet young man who didn't think it was possible to shoot a person to save your life----he was like how could anyone pull the trigger? I'm thinking this is too strange . . . Here is a better example: The Wall Street Journal did an editorial about the Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling that *finality* trumped releasing an innocent man from a life sentence in a government prison. The court's opinion was that society is better served slamming the prison door shut due to scarce judicial resources. The editorialists were positive that these judges couldn't personally slam the prison door shut. I'm thinking what the fuck??? Those thugs could easily and very happily do the honor of personally condemning an innocent man to a life in a government prison. The only way those thugs might get a brain is if they were placed in the innocent man's shoes. Otherwise they are vile savages whose concern about innocent people is zero.
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    15 years ago
    Do you ever wonder about others she is doing?
    "NO ONE, and I restate, NO ONE need be "broke" in this country. Only those that wish to be, are." In this nasty shithole country, clubber? You gotta be kidding me. A single court judgment or single hospital bill or single arrest (even if found not guilty) can definitely leave a person broke. Even formerly wealthy folks have learned that lesson. What people like you need is a healthy dose of communism along with sometime on plantation picking cotton in the blazing sun so that you have a real reason to love your country. But, heck perhaps this country ain't as nasty as I believed in that President Obama was elected----that had to be God's work.
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    15 years ago
    Do you ever wonder about others she is doing?
    Hi gatorfan, I think economically challenged only applies when you are trying to improve financially and you get held down by the man. Financially disadvantaged is when your ass is broke and you've given up; I gave up fairly soon in the game. At least that is my initially impression of the phrases. Not buying dances or only buying a few dances is depressing for me. Also, thanks to the government the clubs play LOUD music to cater to lowest common denominator (the one size fits all that seemingly everyone whorships) and that equals a dearth of conversation for me. Going early and getting lucky or OTC is about the only chance of having a nice conversation with a stripper.
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    15 years ago
    Do you ever wonder about others she is doing?
    Well, being the most financially disadvantaged poster here and on behalf of loser boyfriends the world over I can assure you with complete confidence it is not all about the money. Too many times I've had to push dancers off my lap so that they could be with a *real* customer. By *real* customer I mean someone like shadowcat with boatloads of dollars or those who think nothing of spending $10 for a dance. Don't think of it at except as far as disease; other than that the more fun or money the better generally.
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    15 years ago
    'Desperate' Phillies fan arrested for offering sex in exchange for World Series
    IMO, she should get rewarded for being put thru the grief of arrest. Accountablity in this instance means giving the government the middle finger, the taxpayers a good kick in the wallet, and hopefully a hell of a lot more. Surprised that she claims to think that she isn't a prostitute. I guess it is like women who fuck for dinner don't see that as prostitution. Anyway, I saw her and her attorney on youtube and with a lot of luck hopefully they can get a huge damage award and the taxpayers can foot a worthwhile, imo, tab for a change.
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    15 years ago
    Fat and Happy Mechanics Prefer Hookers Over Strippers . . .
    Public education is dismal if the mechanics are representative. They be drooling over pics in shemale ads that were in a customer's car. They want to fuck this one and that one, blah, blah, blah. I say you all like the shemales too? They look at me as if cannibal zombies be approaching. I had to show 'em the drool material were jus soft men. Then they be castigating me. Hey, you clowns were the ones drooling over the soft men folk just a few minutes ago; pearls cast before swine sure 'nough. Shame they can fix a car, but reading and elementary eyesight eludes 'em.
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    15 years ago
    Fat and Happy Mechanics Prefer Hookers Over Strippers . . .
    the mechanics :) I said the mechanics and it was HOOKERS and the mechanics have a disdain for STRIPPERS unless stripper is also a hooker.
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    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    Hey mitciv, I love your new American flag. Although President Obama must have been sent by God to rebuild and rescue America, it is probably too impossible a job. Time for another flood. :)
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    15 years ago
    Fat and Happy Mechanics Prefer Hookers Over Strippers . . .
    Hi casualguy, Some men that I know believe that mere possession of a gun by a *private* citizen is a serious crime that should result in serious prison time. This one man would get all afraid and upset just talking about guns. There was an internet clip of these anti-gun people going off the deep end because a man killed a dog that was menacing livestock. They actually believed that what he did was criminal. I believed if anything that the dog owner owed damages to the shooter of his "rogue" dog; that livestock imo was much more important than a menacing dog. Of course, I wouldn't actually want the dog owner to pay damages, but if there was a wrong then it was the dog owner who needed the slap of government. NOTE FOR CLUBBER: Just because one man used a gun to kill a dog that was menacing livestock doesn't mean all men feel the same way; some men would rather see the dog kill all of the livestock for any number of reasons. Heck, more than a few men believe anyone possessing a gun besides a government employee should be cofined to a government prison for many many many years. See clubber, there is this advanced concept that one size doesn't fit all when it comes to people's desire and opinions. Another example: One rapist might be interested in sex while another rapist might fit the feminist and government propaganda mold and just care about violence. Here is another example: Locally the government runs an "education camp" to teach johns that johns don't want sex, but it is all about violence. Gee is that neat how the government lumps all johns into having the same desire? You know some johns don't even want sex if the woman will talk to them. :) You know a revolutionary concept where some men value conversation with a woman more than sex with a woman! Is that allowed? According to the government and feminists that is probably just more violence by men against women. :)
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    15 years ago
    Fat and Happy Mechanics Prefer Hookers Over Strippers . . .
    Gee Clubber, How did you come to such an absurd conclusion? It is like if I write that Mr. XX is a brilliant man compared to Mr. YY, then that means Mr. XX is brilliant. I would *assume* that most mechanics do not have hookers as their top priority. :) With the election of President Obama, I would love to believe that a majority of Americans want to see America completely rebuilt in the model of a communist country. More likely, I'd guess most are opposed to communism and simply wanted change or didn't bother voting. I would also *assume* most mechanics do not want the government to ban guns unlike the mechanics at the shop that I went to. Furthermore, I would *assume* most mechanics strongly feel that former President Bush is a total moron. I'll go futher; not only would I assume most mechanics feel that way, but most Republicans as well.
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    15 years ago
    Fat and Happy Mechanics Prefer Hookers Over Strippers . . .
    I've known these mechanics for years and they spend a lot more time chewing the fat than fixing the cars, imo----especially when all was doom and gloom. Hookers are these guys top priority. They got hookers getting cars fixed and hookers at the diner and hookers looking for a quick buck and hookers as girlfriends and they've met one of my hooker/stripper buddies. They say stripper??? That is a waste of hard earn money----I say she is a hooker too and with that those mechanics nod in respect. No respect for strippers or their customers, but hookers and johns that is that game. So, hookers is primary. When you get tired of talking about hookers and they don't want to hear about strippers what do you yap about? The economy and politics. The wage slave mechanics are basically socialists. The owner is a Republican, but not a fan in the least of President Bush. So, hookers, economics, and politics. The big man in politics for the last years and more? President Obama. The wage slave mechanics hope and pray that President Obama completely transform everything about America----just a total drastic rebuild. Owner mechanic is yelping that he loves America and that we need true Republicans who want less government and to end the idiotic wars on terror, drugs, and sex. Gun control. That is also a major flash point. The wage slaves want government to have strict gun control laws and even a total ban-----people are just too stupid to be allowed near a gun unless they work for the government. The boss man again disagrees with his employees and says there is a 2nd Amendment right. The wage slaves laugh and think that is total ignorance. Also, the wage slaves were shocked that I use to agree with their boss-----it is just too stupid in their opinion. Guns kill and therefor are bad-----what imbecile can't comprehend that simple fact? Well, I changed my opinion. People by and large are way too dumb to allowed near a gun or even a knife. :) Finally, these mechanics are printing the money both as to business and higher prices----they looking real fat and happy. Hard to believe these are the same men I knew before the election. Who knows maybe their love of President Obama changed the game for 'em----you know think positive and positive will follow . . . they be loving President Obama and it seems like they struck gold. Who knows maybe it made 'em closer to their hooker friends which translated into better sex. I know my stripper buddies love the fact that I think President Obama is the greatest----way too good and too intelligent.
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    15 years ago
    Barry the Great pledges tens of MILLIONS of dollars for Muslim nations.
    "I said 'competitors and/or enemies'. MrGay you MORON! MORON! MORON!" Adorable. :) Most likely they'd be our enemies . . . however, with President Obama running the show they might well become our close partners in a better world. Peace prize? I say only one??? Throwing money at the enemy might be the shrewdest strategy bar none. I read a blurb that just as the U.S. government paid Iraqi insurgents to switch sides the same plan has been given a big YES for the Taliban. Can we say roll out a few more peace prizes? BTW, the pea-brained President Bush started this excellent strategy----for all the wrong reasons. He just wanted to buy a little short time peace so as to be able to crow the absurd surge worked . . . course American being uninformed for most part bought the bait and switch lock, stock, and barrel. 15 million lap dances sounds good, but we'd need to import impoverished young girls from around the globe or dances might end up $100 a dance----for a no contact table dance. Generally, as I think most economists would point out it makes a lot more sense to ship the free money overseas by the BILLIONS or give to the wealthy here in America so that the prices of basic goods and services don't go thru the roof. For example, it is better Bill Gates gets $150 million than if the money was spread among wage slaves here locally e.g. wage slaves may very well spend those new dollars buying more food, clothing, housing, etc. potentially creating an inflationary spiral.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    'Desperate' Phillies fan arrested for offering sex in exchange for World Series
    "Obviously they aren't doing a whole lot to curtail crime if they are going after a one in a million event." There is a shortage of high quality criminals so more behaviours are legislated into crimes and seemingly minor acts like lap dancing require multi-year investigations. It is a money game. The local public library disposed of numerous volumes of grand jury reports from the sixties and what was interesting is how even back in the good old days how much police power went into stamping out certain kinds of paid sex. Part of the allure is police like hoes just much as other men and it is a profit center. Hard incentives to beat.