See my trip report below. Was able to give a facial at Cadillac Lounge in Providence yesterday for the first time. How common do you think this is? I'm hoping it's a loophole in the new RI law, which makes sex, blowjobs, handjobs and penetration illegal. Nothing prohibits blasting a load on a pretty strippers face! Anyone else get one?
Arrived about 3:00 on Sunday and was happy to see it moderately busy. As usual, was approached almost immediately by a dancer who grabbed my crotch and asked if I wanted a private dance. I asked what she was offering and she said she would suck my dick for $100. Wasn't interested with her, so I declined.
After a while saw a petite brunette who gave me the same sell at the same price. I liked her so we sat at one of the back tables to discuss details. I decided to try something different today so I said I wanted to watch her dance and play with herself while I jerked off, but I wanted a porn star ending. She asked what I meant and I said that I wanted to jerk off and cum on her face like in a porn movie.
She looked a little surprised but didn't say no right away. She thought for a second and said "you don't want to cum in my mouth, right?" I said no, just on the face was enough. She asked if I was clean and since we were in a semi-private area I pulled out my dick and let her see that I looked fine - that seemed good enough for her. After a little more discussion she said OK, but it will cost $250. I offered $150 and we eventually settled on $200.
We went into one of the downstairs private rooms because they were a little bigger and she got naked right away. Gave a great dance and at this point I was still in my pants because I didn't want to finish too soon. After one song she said she was ready and kneeled down in front of my while I pulled out my cock and balls. Honestly at this point it didn't take long I was so pumped up. After a few strokes I unloaded a huge wad right on her upper lip. She jerked back a little, but hung in there. The next few spurts went on her cheek and chin. She started laughing which made the cum start shaking and dripping off her face. Nothing like looking at a pretty girls face that has your cum plastered on it. At that point I was done and she wiped off and I did the same. The only thing she said when she left was "that wasn't as bad as I thought".
Hands down, the best private session I ever had. I wanted to try it because as far as I can tell, it will be perfectly legal even after the new law passes. Some things will be illegal, like sex and blowjobs and handjobs, but nothing stops a dancer from giving a lap dance or jerking off in front of her. I figure that if dancers were OK taking facials, that would add a nice option. I'm not sure how many will be up for it, but I found at least one and there are probably more. Anyone else try it or find a dancer willing to make you feel like a porn star giving the money shot?
I accidently gave a dancer a facial during a $5 dance. She started screaming and the whole club came to a screeching halt to total silence with all eyes on us (I think the lights were turned up as well). The music had been so loud the whole club was shaking and yet her screams pierced straight thru.
Oh, I think I ended up giving her an extra $5 to make peace, but maybe not. I had been trying to push her away because she was yanking my dick too fast----yes, unfortunately she thought I wanted to come quick. Her face was covered as well as her hair; clothing and hands; what a mess. :(
Starting tomorrow, indoor prostitution will be illegal in Rhode Island after being legal for decades. You would expect this will have an immediate effect on the mileage in Providence clubs, where you can get openly propositioned for BJs and FS today.
We'll see how toned down things get. After all, extras are basically already illegal in every other state, but are usually readily available. I'd be surprised if you can't get at least a handjob without a problem.
The new law is pretty specific, and it prohibits intercourse, oral sex, and handjobs, for example. It doesn't cover lap dances at all, as long as the dancer isn't using her hands on your crotch. It doesn't cover the dancer playing with herself or using toys, as long as she's doing it by herself. And it doesn't stop the customer from jerking off, as long as it's in private.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to talk a dancer into a facial again. There will probably be at least a temporary pullback in any services. It wasn't too hard to talk her into it, though - maybe she was worried about making money after the new law passed. Maybe the younger generation doesn't mind cum on the face as much as girls did when I was younger. Wish I remembered her name, but I guess I had other things on my mind. She was probably mid 20s and Brazilian with dark hair, but not much of an accent, if that helps.
Several years ago there was a dancer at my favorite club that always wore a cape like garment over out fit. It was sheer and you could see through it from close up. I am sure there must be a name for. It definitely comes under the category of lingerie. She would hold up the cape to block other viewers from watching her HANDY work. I busted a nut and shot two feet. Soiling her brand new cape. She was upset. "I thought that it would just ooze out". As many HJ's as she had probably given, she should have known the unpredictability of ejaculations. Then I remembered to zip up.
Don't know any who would let you do that in a club. They spend a lot of time on their makeup and hair. Most will say something like "If you come in my mouth, I'll kill you"
Passed legislature last week. Being signed into law tomorrow. The party's over in Rhode Island, and that's not a joke.
I mean, for years you could walk into some strip clubs in Providence and take your pick of the available dancers. At the Cadillac Lounge, my favorite, you could walk upstairs, pull the curtain in a small booth and get your dick sucked or more, and it was all legal. There were even cops hanging around inside the entrance and they didn't give a shit, because it was indoors and legal.
I don't know exactly what's going to happen now. I guess that the clubs will be more "normal" for a while until people figure out where police will enforce the law. There are pretty hefty penalties for the club owners, so I wouldn't be surprised to see the extras shut down for a while and dance prices to go up to compensate.
I'm glad I had the balls to talk a dancer into letting me cum on her face yesterday, because I don't know when I'll get the chance again. I was surprised she agreed since I figured it would be too messy for her or too nasty or both. Maybe she was just desperate. I might try to go back down this weekend to see how things change.
Strippers are pretty freaky and up for just about anything. ITC they might be worried about messiness, management, but OTC should be just about anything goes.
Apparently the governor is signing the indoor prostitution bill into law in a ceremony at 1:00 today. It will be interesting to see how dead the clubs are tonight in Providence. Maybe enough people are interested in just a dance, but until today customers were expecting more.
FYI, before this past weekend the closest I got to giving a stripper a facial was last year when I was getting a HJ and she let me cum on her tits. I shot higher than we both expected and hit the bottom of her chin where it stuck for a few seconds. She didn't like it but didn't make a huge deal about it.
I did get ripped off at the CL in the summer which was the last time I had the nerve to ask a dancer if I could cum on her face. She actually agreed right away which was probably a tip off. Once in the booth her dance consisted of bending over so her ass was in my face and asking me to finger her. When the song was over she told me to whip it out and started giving me a HJ. Problem was she acted like we had never discussed the face part and completely refused. Of course, I was getting serviced, but was still pretty pissed off. My fault for paying up front.
The issue of paying up front or after the fact is interesting ----- does anyone feel that they get better service either way? Or paying after the fact lets it happen more naturally? Where I am at ---- I have never paid upfront in Michigan ---- in other places I have had to pay a cashier and that makes it feel more businesslike versus paying afterwards for what cums naturally
There is no loophole that allows facials. Any form of genital stimulation, either clothed or unclothed, is considered an act of prostitution. How quickly the law will be enforced in the clubs is up for debate. Most feel that AMPS will be targeted first. Popular informed opinion is that LE will let the club owners know that it's time to clean things up a bit. Contact is not going to disappear but blatant extras will. Places like Cheaters-a brothel masquerading as a strip club-will have the most to worry about since sex is pretty much the only way the "women" in that club can make any money.
Long term there will be a return of better looking dancers who will be able to make a living without sucking and fucking. Short term there will be people trying to see how far they can push the new law.
I think it's all rather comical. Guys have been over-paying in the clubs for years to get things that an escort will gladly do in the comfort and safety of a nice hotel room what is often less money and always a lot more fun.
I think you're probably right. I'm not sure the clubs will be totally clean, but it won't be anything goes anymore. I'm not sure many of the dancers at the more extreme spots will be able to cut it if they only offer dances. Until now, these were the kind of girls that would introduce themselves and shake your hand, and ten minutes later would be naked and giving you a BJ or bent over for FS. Problem is, the girls that were willing to do that tended to not be nearly as hot as the ones that really danced for a living.
I don't agree about the escorts, though. Walking into a strip club and taking your pick of a dozen women all spreading their legs on stage is a hell of a lot easier than arranging for an escort and hotel room (and safer, from a not being set up standpoint). That's why people do it.
"I don't agree about the escorts, though. Walking into a strip club and taking your pick of a dozen women all spreading their legs on stage is a hell of a lot easier than arranging for an escort and hotel room (and safer, from a not being set up standpoint). That's why people do it."
LOL, If you can walk into a strip club in Providence and find a dozen women who look like the last dozen that I fucked and guaranty me that they are all "willing" then let me know...It was tough enough before the loophole was closed. It's going to be even tougher now.
If you know how to do it arranging for an escort is easy, safe and usually a better deal. Why do you think strippers charge so much? They know that the guys who will pay them and the club hundreds of dollars for a fifteen minute hand job are not going to call an escort...
Give me a break ---- who pays hundreds of dollars for a fifteen minute hand job ------ have never paid more than $50 for one ---- and that will be at the end of two dance set ------- and most places I frequent considr a HJ as a standard - not an extra!
I don't do the escort thing, but if they charge more than a benji, I get FS ITC for as little or less, and don't have to guess who I might be doing it with.
I don't like the escort option either. I prefer to pick my girls. And I do not just pick them for their looks. I have to know them and have a connection with them. I have paid as little as $100 for FS ITC or OTC but normal for me is $150. I have to laugh at the dumb asses that pay BIG bucks just for a HJ.
I wasn't really being serious about facials being a loophole in the new RI law. New law or old law, there will probably always be some dancers willing to go farther than you would expect. Previously in Providence, I've had strippers offer BJs and sex regularly, and willing to take a cum shot on tits, ass, or pussy. So I thought I'd see if I could talk one into taking a shot on the face and I got lucky after a few tries. i didn't think the price was out of line considering how rare it probably is.
For the record, this is the beginning text of the actual new law in Rhode Island, where it defines prohibited acts. Note that it is pretty specific in what it includes and doesn't seem to cover lap dances, no matter how much mileage you get, as long as no one is using their hands on anothers genitals. It's human nature to try and find loopholes in any restriction, and you can bet that dancers will try to be creative in how they can service you without violating the law. I mean, that's why pasties exist in some states - just to comply with the letter of the law.
11-34.1-1. Definitions. -- The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings: (1) "Sexual conduct" means sexual intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, anal intercourse, and digital intrusion or intrusion by any object into the genital opening or anal opening of another person's body, or the stimulation by hand of another's genitals for the purposes of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of either person. (2) “Commercial sexual activity†means any sexual conduct which is performed or promised in return for a fee. (3) “Fee†means any thing of monetary value, including but not limited to money, given as consideration for sexual conduct.
11-34.1-2. Prostitution. -- (a) A person is guilty of prostitution when such person engages or agrees or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee. Any person found guilty under this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or to a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both.
I think the real issue is whether or not mastrubation is defined as sexual conduct. As you read in the above posting - the term another person's appears. In mastrubation one does it to them self. In the second part - "commercial sexual activity" clearly states that it is sexual conduct (which requires two people with one stimulating another's genitals or insertion into another) which is illegal. Lastly the "fee" must be a consideration for "sexual conduct" and if mastrubation is not included in the law, then it must be legal for facials to occur in strip clubs in RI
last commentI accidently gave a dancer a facial during a $5 dance. She started screaming and the whole club came to a screeching halt to total silence with all eyes on us (I think the lights were turned up as well). The music had been so loud the whole club was shaking and yet her screams pierced straight thru.
Oh, I think I ended up giving her an extra $5 to make peace, but maybe not. I had been trying to push her away because she was yanking my dick too fast----yes, unfortunately she thought I wanted to come quick. Her face was covered as well as her hair; clothing and hands; what a mess. :(
We'll see how toned down things get. After all, extras are basically already illegal in every other state, but are usually readily available. I'd be surprised if you can't get at least a handjob without a problem.
The new law is pretty specific, and it prohibits intercourse, oral sex, and handjobs, for example. It doesn't cover lap dances at all, as long as the dancer isn't using her hands on your crotch. It doesn't cover the dancer playing with herself or using toys, as long as she's doing it by herself. And it doesn't stop the customer from jerking off, as long as it's in private.
I'm not sure if I'll be able to talk a dancer into a facial again. There will probably be at least a temporary pullback in any services. It wasn't too hard to talk her into it, though - maybe she was worried about making money after the new law passed. Maybe the younger generation doesn't mind cum on the face as much as girls did when I was younger. Wish I remembered her name, but I guess I had other things on my mind. She was probably mid 20s and Brazilian with dark hair, but not much of an accent, if that helps.
I mean, for years you could walk into some strip clubs in Providence and take your pick of the available dancers. At the Cadillac Lounge, my favorite, you could walk upstairs, pull the curtain in a small booth and get your dick sucked or more, and it was all legal. There were even cops hanging around inside the entrance and they didn't give a shit, because it was indoors and legal.
I don't know exactly what's going to happen now. I guess that the clubs will be more "normal" for a while until people figure out where police will enforce the law. There are pretty hefty penalties for the club owners, so I wouldn't be surprised to see the extras shut down for a while and dance prices to go up to compensate.
I'm glad I had the balls to talk a dancer into letting me cum on her face yesterday, because I don't know when I'll get the chance again. I was surprised she agreed since I figured it would be too messy for her or too nasty or both. Maybe she was just desperate. I might try to go back down this weekend to see how things change.
FYI, before this past weekend the closest I got to giving a stripper a facial was last year when I was getting a HJ and she let me cum on her tits. I shot higher than we both expected and hit the bottom of her chin where it stuck for a few seconds. She didn't like it but didn't make a huge deal about it.
I did get ripped off at the CL in the summer which was the last time I had the nerve to ask a dancer if I could cum on her face. She actually agreed right away which was probably a tip off. Once in the booth her dance consisted of bending over so her ass was in my face and asking me to finger her. When the song was over she told me to whip it out and started giving me a HJ. Problem was she acted like we had never discussed the face part and completely refused. Of course, I was getting serviced, but was still pretty pissed off. My fault for paying up front.
Long term there will be a return of better looking dancers who will be able to make a living without sucking and fucking. Short term there will be people trying to see how far they can push the new law.
I think it's all rather comical. Guys have been over-paying in the clubs for years to get things that an escort will gladly do in the comfort and safety of a nice hotel room what is often less money and always a lot more fun.
I don't agree about the escorts, though. Walking into a strip club and taking your pick of a dozen women all spreading their legs on stage is a hell of a lot easier than arranging for an escort and hotel room (and safer, from a not being set up standpoint). That's why people do it.
LOL, If you can walk into a strip club in Providence and find a dozen women who look like the last dozen that I fucked and guaranty me that they are all "willing" then let me know...It was tough enough before the loophole was closed. It's going to be even tougher now.
If you know how to do it arranging for an escort is easy, safe and usually a better deal. Why do you think strippers charge so much? They know that the guys who will pay them and the club hundreds of dollars for a fifteen minute hand job are not going to call an escort...
Ummm, I doubt sounds like a sex act in exchange for out now. BTW, $200 for you to jerk your own dick?? No way man...
"isn't indoor prostitution legal in RI?"
"I think prostitution is legal in Rhode Island, but not for street walkers."
No, they recently changed the law...see here:…
"I wonder if "Cheaters" club will close or just remodel."
Remodel?? They should just burn that place down to kill all the
For the record, this is the beginning text of the actual new law in Rhode Island, where it defines prohibited acts. Note that it is pretty specific in what it includes and doesn't seem to cover lap dances, no matter how much mileage you get, as long as no one is using their hands on anothers genitals. It's human nature to try and find loopholes in any restriction, and you can bet that dancers will try to be creative in how they can service you without violating the law. I mean, that's why pasties exist in some states - just to comply with the letter of the law.
11-34.1-1. Definitions. -- The following words and phrases, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings:
(1) "Sexual conduct" means sexual intercourse, cunnilingus, fellatio, anal intercourse, and digital intrusion or intrusion by any object into the genital opening or anal opening of another person's body, or the stimulation by hand of another's genitals for the purposes of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of either person.
(2) “Commercial sexual activity†means any sexual conduct which is performed or promised in return for a fee.
(3) “Fee†means any thing of monetary value, including but not limited to money, given as consideration for sexual conduct.
11-34.1-2. Prostitution. -- (a) A person is guilty of prostitution when such person engages or agrees or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee.
Any person found guilty under this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be subject to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or to a fine of not less than two hundred fifty dollars ($250) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or both.