Anderson Blooper: A kept man?

Anderson Cooper has been consoling himself over falling ratings by living it up in Jaipur, India, at one of the world's most opulent hotels. The CNN star was spotted Tuesday with his muscular friend, Benjamin Maisani, an owner of East Village bar Eastern Bloc, at the Rambagh Palace, named the best hotel in the world by Conde Nast Traveler. Cooper's $3,200-a-night room features a four-poster mahogany bed and views of the gardens of the former Maharaja palace. Our source said, "Anderson's room has a large round bathtub. On the first night it was filled with bubbles and sprinkled with red rose petals." CNN declined to comment.
last commentOkay....
So does the guy have strippers over? What's the point of posting this thread?
Just checked... dude, you haven't written ONE strip club review. How/why, do you get to post without making single contribution?
Welcome to ignoreland.
Why should we care about this?
O momentary grace of mortal men,
Which we more hunt for than the grace of God!
Who builds his hopes in air of your good looks,
Lives like a drunken sailor on a mast,
Ready, with every nod, to tumble down
Into the fatal bowels of the deep.
He did post one interesting article about a government employee being busted with a platinum plus stripper OTC.
I think it's his way of letting us know that Cooper is reputedly homosexual, which has been a thinly veiled secret for a long time. Cooper was named one of America's most influential homosexuals by The Advocate, a publication geared toward that sexual orientation.
this really adds to my enjoyment of strip clubs...
I think it means not to expect competition from Anderson Cooper or his or his muscular friend, Benjamin Maisani. Way to go, men. :)
"Cooper's $3,200-a-night room "
Only a PL would pay that much for a room...
Being a PL is good especially if one can afford it. I'd love to be able to whip out the plastic and pay $5 grand a night assuming you could see value.
Funny, but it is sorta depressing when you really see what costs millions. Ricky Williams (Dolphins' RB) commented on that when looking at a beachfront condo he was like that is all $3 million buys????????? Yes, Ricky sometimes you pay a lot for pretty much nothing. I was distressed by the quality of workers at many expensive jobs. Here the customer is spending millions and yet the damn workers are poorly trained, or unskilled, or just wants to do a poor job. It amazed me that with the type of money being spent that top quality people weren't hired or weren't available locally.
A customer spent $10,000 on a bottle of wine at lunch . . . heck that customer would have strongly preferred the quality of many a $25 bottle. The $10,000 was just part of the show along with the truly hot hookers.
There was a police officer with a wife to die for. Spend, spend, spend, was all she understood and her husband was an extremely generous man. Funny guy in that he hated to haggle over price----do a fine job first and foremost and don't be afraid to charge a very high price IF the quality is there; he definitely knew quality. Also, don't screw with the price----provide the price and don't keep adding extras and abuse he generosity. The wife really had the personality also. I felt like jumping her right then and there despite her he-man husband. What a lucky man to be able to attain the finer things in life. Not like the man spending $10,000 on a bottle of wine because he was truly at a loss on how to spend all his excess money. The officer was quality right down the line. He surprised me with his intellect and education.
Peasants from South America. WOW!!! They spent lots of money on what most people would consider complete tackiness. No education. No English. Supposedly, they couldn't even read in their native language. Looking at them in their relaxed state you being thinking that they were illegal farm workers. They definitely didn't like expensive women and with that I agreed whole heartily. If you're at the social level of a illiterate street sweeper, then it is unlikely you're going to enjoy an upper class woman no matter how many millions you have. An attractive illerate field hand who seldom bathes probably is a much better match.
Did I come to the wrong site - there seems to be a lot of redneck posturing on this discusion forum that I'd be happy to see find another venue.
So, TomGp, go to the other venues. No one makes you stay here with your five posts, two reviews, and insipid post.
TomGp, I agree that some of these threads are off topic, especially the ones started by mitciv, but I follow the cliche: if you can't beat them, then join them!
If you want to avoid reading off topic discussions then put mitciv on ignore...he is the one starting most of them.
"Did I come to the wrong site - there seems to be a lot of redneck posturing on this discusion forum that I'd be happy to see find another venue."
Maybe it would help to see it as comic relief? :) Or maybe the gayness of Anderson Cooper and his muscular friend, Benjamin Maisani, could be used as ice breaker with a hot stripper?
Something like did you know that Anderson Cooper and his muscular friend, Benjamin Maisani, probably wont be coming to see your totally awesome tits? If she asks why not, then knock that stripper over the head with the clincher----because they're GAY!!! If she doesn't have a sense of humor, then you can explain it was just a stupid vapid attempt at humor and that you love gays especially gay strippers who sleep with humor impaired customers.